8,665 research outputs found

    Gauging Nonlinear Supersymmetry

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    Coset methods are used to construct the action describing the dynamics associated with the spontaneous breaking of the local supersymmetries. The resulting action is an invariant form of the Einstein-Hilbert action, which in addition to the gravitational vierbein, also includes a massive gravitino field. Invariant interactions with matter and gauge fields are also constructed. The effective Lagrangian describing processes involving the emission or absorption of a single light gravitino is analyzed.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Voltage-controlled Group Velocity of Edge Magnetoplasmon in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    We investigate the group velocity of edge magnetoplasmons (EMPs) in the quantum Hall regime by means of time-of-flight measurement. The EMPs are injected from an Ohmic contact by applying a voltage pulse, and detected at a quantum point contact by applying another voltage pulse to its gate. We find that the group velocity of the EMPs traveling along the edge channel defined by a metallic gate electrode strongly depends on the voltage applied to the gate. The observed variation of the velocity can be understood to reflect the degree of screening caused by the metallic gate, which damps the in-plane electric field and hence reduces the velocity. The degree of screening can be controlled by changing the distance between the gate and the edge channel with the gate voltage.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Total Polarisation Conversion in Two-dimensional Electron System under Cyclotron Resonance Conditions

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    The polarisation conversion of a linear polarised electromagnetic wave incident onto a two-dimensional (2D) electron system at an angle is theoretically studied. We consider the 2D system located at the interface between two dielectric media with different dielectric constants. An external dc magnetic field is assumed to be directed along the normal to the 2D electron layer. In such a configuration the cyclotron-polaritons (CPs) in 2D electron system can be excited with the frequencies in the vicinity of the cyclotron frequency. Under the CPs excitation the resonance polarisation conversion of electromagnetic wave greatly increases in the system. In the absence of the electron scattering in 2D system, the polarisation conversion reaches 100% at a certain value of the angle of incidence which is more than the total reflection angle. Extremely high polarisation conversion takes place in a quite wide range of variation of the angle of incidence. High polarisation conversion efficiency (above 80%) remains when the actual electron scattering in the 2D system on GsAs is taken into account. The considered phenomena may be taken up in polarisation spectroscopy of 2D electron systems.Comment: 7 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    Even and odd symplectic and K\"ahlerian structures on projective superspaces

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    Supergeneralization of \DC P(N) provided by even and odd K\"ahlerian structures from Hamiltonian reduction are construct.Operator Δ \Delta which used in Batalin-- Vilkovisky quantization formalism and mechanics which are bi-Hamiltonian under corresponding even and odd Poisson brackets are considered.Comment: 19 page

    Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons in dense matter

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    Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons which are forbidden in vacuum and can occur in dense baryonic matter due to the explicit violation of Lorentz symmetry are described within a quark model of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type. The temperature and chemical potential dependence of these processes is investigated. It is found that their contribution to the production of photons and leptons in heavy-ion collisions is enhanced near the conditions corresponding to the restoration of chiral symmetry. Moreover, in the case of the a_0 meson and especially the \rho-meson, a resonant behaviour (an additional amplification) is observed due to the degeneration of \rho and a_0 masses when a hot hadron matter is approaching a chirally symmetric phase.Comment: 20 figures, IOP styl

    Superconformal Symmetry, The Supercurrent And Non-BPS Brane Dynamics

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    The Noether currents associated with the non-linearly realized super-Poincare' symmetries of the Green-Schwarz (Nambu-Goto-Akulov-Volkov) action for a non-BPS p=2 brane embedded in a N=1, D=4 target superspace are constructed. The R symmetry current, the supersymmetry currents, the energy-momentum tensor and the scalar central charge current are shown to be components of a world volume supercurrent. The centrally extended superconformal transformations are realized on the Nambu-Goldstone boson and fermion fields of the non-BPS brane. The superconformal currents form supersymmetry multiplets with the world volume conformal central charge current and special conformal current being the primary components of the supersymmetry multiplets containing all the currents. Correspondingly the superconformal symmetry breaking terms form supersymmetry multiplets the components of which are obtainable as supersymmetry transformations of the primary currents' symmetry breaking terms.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, Summary Tables Adde

    AdS-Carroll Branes

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    Coset methods are used to determine the action of a co-dimension one brane (domain wall) embedded in (d+1)-dimensional AdS space in the Carroll limit in which the speed of light goes to zero. The action is invariant under the non-linearly realized symmetries of the AdS-Carroll spacetime. The Nambu-Goldstone field exhibits a static spatial distribution for the brane with a time varying momentum density related to the brane's spatial shape as well as the AdS-C geometry. The AdS-C vector field dual theory is obtained.Comment: 47 page

    Nonlinear Resonance of Superconductor/Normal Metal Structures to Microwaves

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    We study the variation of the differential conductance G=dj/dVG=dj/dV of a normal metal wire in a Superconductor/Normal metal heterostructure with a cross geometry under external microwave radiation applied to the superconducting parts. Our theoretical treatment is based on the quasiclassical Green's functions technique in the diffusive limit. Two limiting cases are considered: first, the limit of a weak proximity effect and low microwave frequency, second, the limit of a short dimension (short normal wire) and small irradiation amplitude.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Nonlinear realization of local symmetries of AdS space

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    Coset methods are used to construct the action describing the dynamics associated with the spontaneous breaking of the local symmetries of AdS_{d+1} space due to the embedding of an AdS_d brane. The resulting action is an SO(2,d) invariant AdS form of the Einstein-Hilbert action, which in addition to the AdS_d gravitational vielbein, also includes a massive vector field localized on the brane. Its long wavelength dynamics is the same as a massive Abelian vector field coupled to gravity in AdS_d space.Comment: 17 page