67 research outputs found


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    The onboard orientation system for videospectral equipment has developed. The structure of automatic orientation system & constructive building of steering platform has described. Different versions of constructive building has considered.Разработана бортовая система автоматической ориентации видеоспектральной аппаратуры. Описан состав системы автоматической ориентации. Рассмотрены различные варианты конструктивного построения.

    The obesity epidemic in 32,936 youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the German/Austrian DPV and US T1D Exchange (T1DX) registries

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    Objective To examine the current extent of the obesity problem in 2 large pediatric clinical registries in the US and Europe and to examine the hypotheses that increased body mass index (BMI) z-scores (BMIz) are associated with greater hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and increased frequency of severe hypoglycemia in youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Study design International (World Health Organization) and national (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents) BMI references were used to calculate BMIz in participants (age 2-<18 years and ≥1 year duration of T1D) enrolled in the T1D Exchange (n = 11 435) and the Diabetes Prospective Follow-up (n = 21 501). Associations between BMIz and HbA1c and severe hypoglycemia were assessed. Results Participants in both registries had median BMI values that were greater than international and their respective national reference values. BMIz was significantly greater in the T1D Exchange vs the Diabetes Prospective Follow-up (P < .001). After stratification by age-group, no differences in BMI between registries existed for children 2-5 years, but differences were confirmed for 6- to 9-, 10- to 13-, and 14- to 17-year age groups (all P < .001). Greater BMIz were significantly related to greater HbA1c levels and more frequent occurrence of severe hypoglycemia across the registries, although these associations may not be clinically relevant. Conclusions Excessive weight is a common problem in children with T1D in Germany and Austria and, especially, in the US. Our data suggest that obesity contributes to the challenges in achieving optimal glycemic control in children and adolescents with T1D

    Time to Peak Glucose and Peak C-Peptide During the Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Trial and TrialNet Cohorts

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    Objective: To assess the progression of type 1 diabetes using time to peak glucose or C-peptide during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) in autoantibody positive (Ab+) relatives of people with type 1 diabetes. Methods: We examined 2-hour OGTTs of participants in the Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1 (DPT-1) and TrialNet Pathway to Prevention (PTP) studies. We included 706 DPT-1 participants (Mean±SD age: 13.84±9.53 years; BMI-Z-Score: 0.33±1.07; 56.1% male) and 3,720 PTP participants (age: 16.01±12.33 Years, BMI-Z-Score 0.66±1.3; 49.7% male). Log-rank testing and Cox regression analyses with adjustments (age, sex, race, BMI-Z-Score and peak Glucose/Cpeptide levels, respectively) were performed. Results: In each of DPT-1 and PTP, higher 5-year risk of diabetes development was seen in those with time to peak glucose >30 min and time to peak C-peptide >60 min (p<0.001 for all groups), before and after adjustments. In models examining strength of association with diabetes development, associations were greater for time to peak C-peptide versus peak C-peptide value (DPT-1: X2 = 25.76 vs. X2 = 8.62 and PTP: X2 = 149.19 vs. X2 = 79.98; all p<0.001). Changes in the percentage of individuals with delayed glucose and/or C-peptide peaks were noted over time. Conclusions: In two independent at risk populations, we show that those with delayed OGTT peak times for glucose or C-peptide are at higher risk of diabetes development within 5 years, independent of peak levels. Moreover, time to peak C-peptide appears more predictive than the peak level, suggesting its potential use as a specific biomarker for diabetes progression

    IL-1α Mediated Chorioamnionitis Induces Depletion of FoxP3+ Cells and Ileal Inflammation in the Ovine Fetal Gut

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    Endotoxin induced chorioamnionitis increases IL-1 and provokes an inflammatory response in the fetal ileum that interferes with intestinal maturation. In the present study, we tested in an ovine chorioamnionitis model whether IL-1 is a major cytokine driving the inflammatory response in the fetal ileum.Sheep bearing singleton fetuses received a single intraamniotic injection of recombinant ovine IL-1α at 7, 3 or 1 d before caesarian delivery at 125 days gestational age (term = 150 days).3 and 7 d after IL-1α administration, intestinal mRNA levels for IL-4, IL-10, IFN-γ and TNF-α were strongly elevated. Numbers of CD3+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes and myeloidperoxidase+ cells were increased whereas FoxP3+ T-cells were detected at low frequency. This increased proinflammatory state was associated with ileal mucosal barrier loss as demonstrated by decreased levels of the intestinal fatty acid binding protein and disruption of the tight junctional protein ZO-1.Intraamniotic IL-1α causes an acute detrimental inflammatory response in the ileum, suggesting that induction of IL-1 is a critical element in the pathophysiological effects of endotoxin induced chorioamnionitis. A disturbed balance between T-effector and FoxP3+ cells may contribute to this process

    RAGE Expression in Human T Cells: A Link between Environmental Factors and Adaptive Immune Responses

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    The Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts (RAGE) is a scavenger ligand that binds glycated endproducts as well as molecules released during cell death such as S100b and HMGB1. RAGE is expressed on antigen presenting cells where it may participate in activation of innate immune responses but its role in adaptive human immune responses has not been described. We have found that RAGE is expressed intracellularly in human T cells following TCR activation but constitutively on T cells from patients with diabetes. The levels of RAGE on T cells from patients with diabetes are not related to the level of glucose control. It co-localizes to the endosomes. Its expression increases in activated T cells from healthy control subjects but bystander cells also express RAGE after stimulation of the antigen specific T cells. RAGE ligands enhance RAGE expression. In patients with T1D, the level of RAGE expression decreases with T cell activation. RAGE+ T cells express higher levels of IL-17A, CD107a, and IL-5 than RAGE− cells from the same individual with T1D. Our studies have identified the expression of RAGE on adaptive immune cells and a role for this receptor and its ligands in modulating human immune responses

    Type 1 diabetes: translating mechanistic observations into effective clinical outcomes

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    Type 1 diabetes remains an important health problem, particularly in Western countries where the incidence has been increasing in younger children(1). In 1986, Eisenbarth described Type 1 diabetes as a chronic autoimmune disease. Work over the past 3 ½ decades has identified many of the genetic, immunologic, and environmental factors that are involved in the disease and have led to hypotheses concerning its pathogenesis. Based on these findings, clinical trials have been conducted to test these hypotheses but have had mixed results. In this review, we discuss the findings that have led to current concepts of the disease mechanisms, how this understanding has prompted clinical studies, and the results of these studies. The findings from preclinical and clinical studies support the original proposed model for how type 1 diabetes develops, but have also suggested that this disease is more complex than originally thought and will require broader treatment approaches

    Możliwość wykorzystania lotniczego systemu „AVIS” w celu zdalnego monitorowania sytuacji nadzwyczajnych

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    Objective. The article describes general structure, main characteristics and the software of a new model of the aviation spectra-zone system called “AVIS”. The system was created in The Republic of Belarus. It is characterized by high spatial and spectral resolution and automatic adaptive control system. The article also presents some flight tests results. Introduction: The aviation high spatial and spectral resolution spectra-zone system “AVIS” with automatic adaptive control is an integral part of the Multilevel aerospace territory monitoring system of the Republic of Belarus, created in the framework of realization of the State Scientific and Technical Programme “Space systems and technologies” of the National Programme for the exploration and using of outer space for peaceful purposes. The calibration methods, measuring techniques of different objects and environments, as well as the software for the system management were developed. The main purpose of “AVIS” consists in the registration of spectra-zone and thermal images of the Earth surface. The “AVIS” system is designed for the operation on the AN-2 plane of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus equipped with a special illuminator. This system is installed on the gyroscopic platform in order to reduce the instability of the plane’s flight. The system consists of the block of optical sensors (BOS), workstation (W) and a set of visual positioning (SoVP). A special complex of programmes with the features of the hardware interface was developed with the purpose of registration and control of the data received by BOS modules. Five modules are included in this software. Conclusions. The flight tests of an experimental model (EM) “AVIS” on the board of AN-2 of the Vitebsk branch of the SOE “Bellesavia” of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus were successfully conducted in June 2012. The modules and blocks of the “AVIS” system were installed on the board of the aircraft at the airfield. The survey was conducted at the heights of 1000, 700, 600 and 300 m. The aerial survey was conducted as a result of a flight along parallel paths – method called “parallel upwind sailing”, at the height of 1000 m. The flight took 1 hour and 50 minutes. The EM “AVIS” showed resistance to the impacts of mechanical loads during takeoff and landing of AN-2 at the soil airfield. On the basis of processing and analysis of these pictures, trace (linear) and areal mosaics of the examined territory were prepared. What is more, hard copies of spectra-zone and thermal images of the examined area were obtained. The researchers estimated the accuracy of the determination of areas in the visible and IR range. Implications for practice. In the context of the activity of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, the developed system “AVIS” allows: to provide executive construction of the schematic maps of the thermal fields of forest and peat fires in heavy smoke; to determine the scale and leaks from oil and product pipelines; to evaluate their consequences; to construct the schematic maps of the flooded areas and damage from hurricanes; to construct profiles of thermal fields of product pipelines, thermal paths of residential areas and industrial facilities; to evaluate the damage to crops by natural factors (frost, drought, flooding, etc.).Cel: W artykule opisano ogólną konstrukcję, budowę, główne cechy i oprogramowanie komputerowe opracowanego w Republice Białorusi nowego modelu systemu „AVIS” o dużej rozdzielczości przestrzennej i spektralnej, wykorzystującego układ sterowania automatycznego. Co więcej w artykule opisano część wyników uzyskanych z przeprowadzonych badań lotniczych. Wprowadzenie: W ramach realizacji państwowego naukowo-technicznego programu „Systemy i technologie kosmiczne” krajowego programu badań i wykorzystania przestrzeni kosmicznej w celach pokojowych opracowano system fotografii lotniczej „AVIS” o dużej rozdzielczości przestrzennej i spektralnej, wykorzystujący adaptacyjny układ sterowania automatycznego. System stanowi integralną część wielopoziomowego lotniczo-kosmicznego systemu monitorowania terytorium Republiki Białorusi. Opracowane zostały metody jego kalibrowania, metody pomiarowe parametrów różnych obiektów i środowisk, a także programy sterowania pracą systemu. Podstawowym przeznaczeniem „AVIS” jest rejestrowanie spektralnych i termowizyjnych obrazów powierzchni Ziemi. System „AVIS” przewidziany jest do użytkowania na pokładzie samolotu AN-2 Ministerstwa Sytuacji Nadzwyczajnych Republiki Białorusi, wyposażonego w specjalny iluminator. System umieszczany jest na żyroskopowej platformie, aby zrównoważyć niestabilność lotu nośnika. Składa się z bloku czujek optycznych, stacji roboczej i systemu pozycjonowania optycznego. Aby zarządzać danymi przekazywanymi z modułów czujników i je rejestrować, opracowano specjalny kompleks programowy uwzględniający specyfikę interfejsu aparatury. W skład danego oprogramowania wchodzi pięć modułów. Wnioski: W czerwcu 2012 roku z powodzeniem przeprowadzono badania lotnicze modelu eksperymentalnego „AVIS” na pokładzie samolotu AN-2 Oddziału w Vitebsku Organizacji państwowej „Bellesavia” Ministerstwa sytuacji nadzwyczajnych Republiki Białorusi. Montaż modułów i bloków systemu „AVIS” na pokładzie samolotu przeprowadzono na lotnisku polowym. Zdjęcia były wykonywane na wysokości 1000, 700, 600 i 300 metrów. Zdjęciaterenowe zrobiono w czasie lotu po równoległych trasach metodą „halsowania równoległego” z wysokości 1000 metrów. Czas lotu wyniósł godzinę 50 minut. W rezultacie badań lotniczych „AVIS” wykazał odporność na oddziaływanie obciążenia mechanicznego przy starcie i lądowaniu samolotu AN-2 z lotniska gruntowego. Na podstawie wyników obróbki i analizy danych zdjęć opracowano liniowe i obszarowe mozaiki rejonów zdjęć. Otrzymano wydrukowane kopie spektralnych i termowizyjnych (cieplnych) obrazów z rejonu zdjęć oraz przeprowadzono ocenę dokładności opisania badanej powierzchni w zakresie widzialnym i podczerwieni. Znaczenie dla praktyki: W efekcie działalności Ministerstwa ds. sytuacji nadzwyczajnych Republiki Białorusi, opracowany system „AVIS” pozwala na: zapewnienie w celach operacyjnych generowania schematów map obszarów cieplnych pożarów lasów i torfowisk w warunkach znacznego zadymienia; określanie skali wycieków z rurociągów ropy i innych, ocenianie ich skutków; generowanie schematów map zatopionych obszarów i uszkodzeń od huraganów; generowanie profilów obszarów cieplnych rurociągów, tras cieplnych na terenach mieszkalnych i obiektach przemysłowych, ocenianie strat w uprawach rolniczych wywołanych czynnikami natury (przymrozki, susze, powodzie itp.)