140 research outputs found

    Про формування транскордонного іхтіоекологічного резервату «Верхній Дніпро»

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    Предлагается создание трилатерального ихтиоэкологического резервата, с ядром в Киевском водохранилище, для сохранения генофонда и восстановления рыбопродуктивности аборигенной ихтиофауны речных бассейнов Балтийского и Черного морей, на базе уже существующей заповедной сети (национальных природных парков – Шацкого и Припять–Стоход, Полесского и Ровенского биосферных заповедников), включая прилегающие заповедные территории Республики Беларусь и Польши, водные ресурсы которых создают единый гидроэкологический корридор. Указанная выше речная и озерная сеть станет составляющей и объединяющей частью трилатеральной заповедной территории «Западное Полесье», которая способна обеспечить сохранение, реабилитацию и восстановление природы Полесского края и Западной Европы, в том числе аборигенной ихтиофауны. It is proposed to create trilateral ichthyoecological reservoir, the center of which is in Kyiv storage, for preservation of gene pool and renewing of fish production of vicinal piscifauna river basins of Balfic and Black Sea on the basis of existing conservation net (National Parks Shatskyi, Prypiat – stocking and biospheric reservations – Polissia, Rivne), including reserved areas of Belarus Republik and Poland, water resources of what create unique hydroecological corridor. Запропоновано створення трилатерального іхтіоекологічного резервату, з ядром у Київському водосховищі, для збереження генофонду і відновлення рибопродуктивності аборигенної іхтіофауни річкових басейнів Балтійського та Чорного морів, на базі вже наявної заповідної мережі (національних природних парків – Шацького, Прип’ять–Стохід та Поліського і Рівненського біосферних заповідників), включаючи заповідні території Республіки Білорусь та Польщі, водні ресурси яких створюють єдиний гідроекологічний коридор. Вказана вище річкова та озерна мережа стане складовою та об’єднувальною територією трилатерального заповідника «Західне Полісся». Вона спроможна забезпечити збереження, реабілітацію та відновлення природи Поліського краю і Західної Європи, зокрема й аборигенної іхтіофауни.Работа выполнена на кафедреы водных биоресурсов НУВХ

    Community Structure of Gastropod in Seagrass Beds of Waleo Beach Waters, North Minahasa Regency

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    This study aims to determine the type of Gastropod and the community structure including Species Density, Relative Density, Diversity (H’), and Dominance (C). Based on observation, there is 124 individuals included in 11 species (7 genera) from 7 families (3 orders) obtained. The highest density value is 5,87 Ind/m2 by Euplica borealis, and has 35,48% of relative density. For the diversity, an index is H’ = 1,62 obtained, which is classified as low. This shows that seagrass beds in Waleo beach waters, North Minahasa Regency, there are several species obtained with abundant numbers of individuals compared to the other species, so the diversity index obtained relatively low. As for the range of dominance index is C = 0,36 to 0,44. The lowest value is in the transect number 1 while the highest in the transect number 2. This value shows that seagrass beds in Waleo beach waters, North Minahasa Regency there are no specific species that dominate in the community. Waleo beach waters, North Minahasa Regency has a temperature of about 29,3 °C illustrating the condition of the water temperature is relatively good for Gastropods' life. The salinity is 30 ‰ obtained, which is relatively good for Gastropod growth. pH obtained about 7 which is still relatively good for gastropods life.Keywords: Gastropod, Community Structure, Waleo.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi jenis-jenis Gastropoda serta mengetahui struktur komunitas termasuk: Kepadatan Spesies, Kepadatan Relatif, Keanekaragaman (H’), dan Dominansi (C). Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh 124 individu yang termasuk dalam 11 spesies (7 genera) dari 7 famili (3 ordo). Nilai kepadatan tertinggi sebesar 5,87 Ind/m2 oleh spesies Euplica borealis, dan memiliki kepadatan relatif sebesar 35,48 %. Untuk indeks keanekaragaman diperoleh sebesar H’ = 1,62 yang tergolong rendah. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa daerah padang lamun perairan pantai Waleo, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara terdapat beberapa spesies yang diperoleh dengan jumlah individu yang melimpah dibandingkan jenis lainnya, sehingga indeks keanekaragaman yang diperoleh tergolong relatif rendah. Adapun untuk kisaran indeks dominansi yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar C = 0,36 sampai dengan 0,44. Nilai terrendah terdapat pada transek 1 sedangkan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada transek 2. Nilai tersebut menunjukan bahwa di padang lamun perairan Pantai Waleo, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara tidak terdapat jenis atau spesies tertentu yang mendominasi dalam komunitas tersebut. Wilayah perairan pantai Waleo, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara memiliki suhu 29,3 °C, menggambarkan bahwa kondisi suhu perairan tergolong baik untuk kehidupan Gastropoda. Salintas yang diperoleh sebesar 30 0/00, yang masih dalam kisaran baik untuk pertumbuhan Gastropoda. Derajat keasaman (pH) yang diperoleh yaitu 7 yang masih tergolong baik untuk kehidupan Gastropoda.Kata Kunci : Gastropoda, Struktur Komunitas, Waleo

    Potential of Carbon Absorption Mangrove Forest at Sarawet Village Kuala Batu, East Likupang, North Minahasa Regency

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    Mangrove forest is one of a coastal natural resource with abundant potentials. The rapid coastal development has cost bad effects, such as mangrove forest conversion into dike or tourism. Mangrove forest has a prominent ecological function for coastal area. The purpose of this study was to analyst carbon absorption potency in both natural and restored mangrove forest in Sarawet Village, Kuala Batu, East Likupang. The sampling method in this study was a survey method that is observation and field sampling. The collected data was surface mangrove biomass and sediment, then analyst in Sam Ratulangi Laboratory, Manado. The biomass sampling data using transect line quadrat while and sediment sampling using sediment corer. This study found. That conclude that natural mangrove forest have a higher absorption and restored potential than restored mangrove forest.Keywords :  mangrove, biomass, carbon, sediment AbstrakPotensi sumber daya hutan Indonesia sangat melimpah, dan salah satunya ialah hutan mangrove. Pembangunan pada daerah pesisir yang begitu cepat telah memberi dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan, seperti konversi lahan hutan mangrove menjadi tambak dan kawasan parawisata. Hutan mangrove merupakan salah satu hutan yang memiliki fungsi ekologis sangat penting terutama bagi wilayah pesisir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis potensi penyerapan karbon pada hutan mangrove yang restorasi dan alami di Desa Sarawet Kuala Batu Likupang Timur. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan dalam kegiatan penelitian ini ialah metode survey yakni pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel langsung dilapangan. Data yang diambil ialah data biomassa mangrove bagian atas dan sedimen. Sampel yang diambil di analisis di Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Untuk pengambilan data biomassa dilakukan dengan menggunakan garis transek kuadrat dan pengambilan sampel sedimen menggunakan sediment corer. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, menunjukan bahwa hutan mangrove yang alami memiliki potensi penyerapan dan simpanan karbon yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hutan mangrove yang direstorasi.   Kata kunci :  mangrove, biomassa, karbon, sedime

    Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of adjuvant pegylated interferon α-2b in patients with resected high-risk melanoma

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    PurposeHigh-dose pegylated interferon α-2b (peginterferon α-2b) significantly decreased disease recurrence in patients with resected stage III melanoma in a clinical study. We investigated the pharmacokinetics (PK) and safety of high-dose peginterferon α-2b in patients with high-risk melanoma.MethodsFor PK analysis, 32 patients received peginterferon α-2b 6 μg/(kg week) subcutaneously for 8 weeks (induction) then 3 μg/(kg week) for 4 weeks (maintenance). PK profiles were determined at weeks 1, 8, and 12. Exposure-response relationships between peginterferon α-2b and absolute neutrophil count (ANC) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level were also studied.ResultsPeginterferon α-2b was well-absorbed following SC administration, with a median T (max) of 24 h. Mean half-life estimates ranged from 43 to 51 h. The accumulation factor was 1.69 after induction therapy. PK parameters showed moderate interpatient variability. PK profiles were described by a one-compartmental model with first-order absorption and first-order elimination. Toxicity was profiled and was acceptable; observed side effects were similar to those previously described. Dose reduction produced proportional decreases in exposure and predictable effects on ANC in an Imax model; however, a PK/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationship between peginterferon α-2b and ALT could not be established with high precision.ConclusionsPeginterferon α-2b was well-absorbed and sustained exposure to peginterferon α-2b was achieved with the doses tested. These data confirm and extend previous PK observations of peginterferon α-2b in melanoma and solid tumors. Our PK/PD model of exposure and ANC effect provides useful information for prediction of peginterferon α-2b-related hematologic toxicity

    Melanoma staging: Evidence‐based changes in the American Joint Committee on Cancer eighth edition cancer staging manual

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    Answer questions and earn CME/CNETo update the melanoma staging system of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) a large database was assembled comprising >46,000 patients from 10 centers worldwide with stages I, II, and III melanoma diagnosed since 1998. Based on analyses of this new database, the existing seventh edition AJCC stage IV database, and contemporary clinical trial data, the AJCC Melanoma Expert Panel introduced several important changes to the Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis (TNM) classification and stage grouping criteria. Key changes in the eighth edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual include: 1) tumor thickness measurements to be recorded to the nearest 0.1 mm, not 0.01 mm; 2) definitions of T1a and T1b are revised (T1a, <0.8 mm without ulceration; T1b, 0.8‐1.0 mm with or without ulceration or <0.8 mm with ulceration), with mitotic rate no longer a T category criterion; 3) pathological (but not clinical) stage IA is revised to include T1b N0 M0 (formerly pathologic stage IB); 4) the N category descriptors “microscopic” and “macroscopic” for regional node metastasis are redefined as “clinically occult” and “clinically apparent”; 5) prognostic stage III groupings are based on N category criteria and T category criteria (ie, primary tumor thickness and ulceration) and increased from 3 to 4 subgroups (stages IIIA‐IIID); 6) definitions of N subcategories are revised, with the presence of microsatellites, satellites, or in‐transit metastases now categorized as N1c, N2c, or N3c based on the number of tumor‐involved regional lymph nodes, if any; 7) descriptors are added to each M1 subcategory designation for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level (LDH elevation no longer upstages to M1c); and 8) a new M1d designation is added for central nervous system metastases. This evidence‐based revision of the AJCC melanoma staging system will guide patient treatment, provide better prognostic estimates, and refine stratification of patients entering clinical trials. CA Cancer J Clin 2017;67:472‐492. © 2017 American Cancer Society.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139981/1/caac21409_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139981/2/caac21409-sup-0001-suppinfo01.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139981/3/caac21409.pd

    Phase II trial of sagopilone, a novel epothilone analog in metastatic melanoma

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    BackgroundSagopilone is a novel fully synthetic epothilone with promising preclinical activity and a favourable toxicity profile in phase I testing.MethodsA phase II pharmacokinetic and efficacy trial was conducted in patients with metastatic melanoma. Patients had measurable disease, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0-2, adequate haematological, and organ function, with up to 2 previous chemotherapy and any previous immunotherapy regimens. Sagopilone, 16 mg m⁻², was administered intravenously over 3 h every 21 days until progression or unacceptable toxicity.ResultsThirty-five patients were treated. Sagopilone showed multi-exponential kinetics with a mean terminal half-life of 64 h and a volume of distribution of 4361 l m⁻² indicating extensive tissue/tubulin binding. Only grade 2 or lower toxicity was observed: these included sensory neuropathy (66%), leukopenia (46%), fatigue (34%), and neutropenia (31%). The objective response rate was 11.4% (one confirmed complete response, two confirmed partial responses, and one unconfirmed partial response). Stable disease for at least 12 weeks was seen in an additional eight patients (clinical benefit rate 36.4%).ConclusionSagopilone was well tolerated with mild haematological toxicity and sensory neuropathy. Unlike other epothilones, it shows activity against melanoma even in pretreated patients. Further clinical testing is warranted