373 research outputs found

    MicroRNA Expression in a Readily Accessible Common Hepatic Artery Lymph Node Predicts Time to Pancreatic Cancer Recurrence Postresection

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    Lymph node involvement in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC) predicts postresection survival, but early lymph node metastasis detection is not easily accomplished. We assessed a panel of microRNAs (miRNAs) in a common hepatic artery lymph node (station 8) that is readily accessible during pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) to determine if increased miRNA levels correlate with postresection recurrence. Station 8 lymph nodes overlying the common hepatic artery collected during PD were assayed for miRNA-10b, miRNA-30c, miRNA-21, and miRNA-155 and cytokeratin-19 (CK19), an epithelial cell marker, using quantitative PCR. Expression was correlated with disease recurrence, recurrence-free survival (RFS), and overall survival (OS). Station 8 lymph nodes from 37 patients (30 periampullary carcinomas (PCs), 2 chronic pancreatitis, 5 other cancers) exhibited increased miRNA-10b levels in 14/30 PCs, and in 10 of these 14 patients, cancer recurred during the study period (2012–2015). High miRNA-10b was also associated with shorter RFS (42.5 vs. 92.4 weeks, p < 0.05) but not OS, whereas miRNA-30c, miRNA-21, and miRNA-155 levels and CK19 mRNA levels in station 8 nodes were variable and did not correlate with RFS or OS. We conclude that elevated miRNA-10b levels in station 8 lymph nodes could be utilized to assess risk for early disease progression in patients with periampullary tumors

    Ожирение – фактор риска развития неуточненной инфекции подкожно-жировой клетчатки

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    Представлено результати дослідження С-пептиду, інсуліну та лептину, а також розраховано індекс маси тіла у хворих з неуточненою інфекцією підшкірної клітковини. У 47,62 % хворих ожиріння I-III ступеня, що збільшує ліпогенез, який провокує гіпертрофію адипоцитів.The results of C-peptide, insulin and leptin exploration are presented; also the body weight index among the ill with the subcutaneous cellular tissue unspecified infection has been calculated. 47,62 % of the ill has adiposity of levels I-III, which increases lipogenesis provoking the adepocites hypertrophy

    Valacyclovir in the treatment of acute retinal necrosis

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    Background: To report the outcome of oral valacyclovir as the sole antiviral therapy for patients with acute retinal necrosis (ARN). Methods: This study reports a retrospective, interventional case series of nine consecutive patients with ten eyes with newly diagnosed ARN treated with oral valacyclovir as the sole antiviral agent. Eight patients received oral valacyclovir 2 g tid (Valtrex, GlaxoSmithKline) and one patient with impaired renal function received oral 1 g tid. The main outcome measures were response to treatment, time to initial response to treatment, time to complete resolution of retinitis, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at final follow-up, retinal detachment and development of recurrent or second eye disease. Results: Retinitis resolved in ten of ten (100%) affected eyes. The median time to initial detectable response was seven days and the median time to complete resolution was 21 days. A final BCVA of 20/40 or better was achieved in 6/10 (60%) of eyes. 3/10 eyes (30%) developed a retinal detachment. No patients developed either disease reactivation or second eye involvement over the course of the study (mean follow up 31 weeks, range 7 to 104 weeks). Conclusions: Treatment with oral valacyclovir as the sole antiviral therapy resulted in complete resolution of retinitis. Final BCVA and retinal detachment rate were comparable with previously reported outcomes for intravenous acyclovi

    Impact of Chronic Lung Disease on Very Low Birth Weight infants: a collaborative study of the Italian Group of Neonatal Pneumology

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    Objective. To evaluate the incidence and risk factors for chronic lung disease in a population of very low birth weight infants. Methods. In a prospective multicentric trial all very low birth weight infants (&lt; 1500 g) accepted in 36 Italian Neonatal Intensive care units were studied from February 89 to January 99. For each patient were recorded maternal history, perinatal events, respiratory disease, infections, patent ductus arteriosus, retinopathy of prematurity, intraventricular haemorrhage and final outcome. Logistic regression analysis was performed in a multivariate assessment of risk factors for chronic lung disease. Results. In the study were included 1634 patients: 1387 infants survived beyond 36 weeks and 6.9% of them still oxygen dependent. The incidence of chronic lung disease was higher among babies with a gestational age of &lt; 28 weeks and weight \ub2 1000 g. The multivariate analysis showed that low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome, persistent ductus arteriosus and sepsis were the main risk factors. Conclusions. In our study the incidence of chronic lung disease was relatively lo

    Testing the Strength and Robustness of the Attraction Effect in Consumer Decision Making

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    We report the results of an original experiment that was designed to test the strength and robustness of the attraction effect. Rather than the usual simple tests for this effect, we consider a conceptually simple consumer purchasing task where alternatives are however difficult to evaluate. For the attraction effect to be observed, the consumer must go through two steps: the first is to find out that two or more options are comparable, which leads him to exclude the dominated alternatives. The second is to favor the dominant option over those that are not comparable. Our experiment allows us to determine whether and how many individuals stop before each of those two steps. The results confirm the existence of an attraction effect in our setting, but the effect is not strong. Indeed, only a minority of subjects perform the second step. The effect is not robust to introducing larger differences in prices among options and to widening the range of options to choose from. We conclude by showing that our subjects would benefit from relying more on performing asymmetric dominance editing rather than on their skills in the purchasing task