45 research outputs found

    Preparation of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia

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    The basic components of the diagnostic test systems are antigens and specific antibodies. The main objective of developing express tests for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is to obtain a virus antigen drug, which is very time-consuming to prepare. This problem can be solved by producing anti-idiotype antibodies that have a chemical structure identical to that of the viral antigen and does not require large expenditures to manufacture [1, 2]

    Preparation of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia

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    The basic components of the diagnostic test systems are antigens and specific antibodies. The main objective of developing express tests for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is to obtain a virus antigen drug, which is very time-consuming to prepare. This problem can be solved by producing anti-idiotype antibodies that have a chemical structure identical to that of the viral antigen and does not require large expenditures to manufacture [1, 2]

    Наблюдение перфорации матки во время беременности при выполнении лапароскопии

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    RELEVANCE Pregnant uterus perforation during laparoscopy is a rare complication, accompanied by a higher risk of infection and miscarriage. Clinical management of pregnancy and its outcome have practical interest and need discussion.AIM To provide a clinical case of pregnant uterus perforation during laparoscopy.MATERIAL AND METHODS  Patient L., 34 years old, with a tumor of the right ovary and 21–22 weeks of pregnancy. Result The article describes a clinical case of independent childbirth on time after pregnant uterus perforation during laparoscopy with removing a significant volume of amniotic fluid in a 21–22 weeks pregnant woman.CONCLUSION The prolongation of pregnancy and independent childbirth on time after uterus perforation with a gestation period of 21 or 22 weeks is possible in case of timely diagnosis of the complication, careful restoration of uterine integrity and rational management of the postoperative period.АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Повреждение беременной матки при выполнении оперативной лапароскопии является редким осложнением, сопровождается высоким риском инфицирования и невынашивания беременности. Тактика ведения беременности и ее исход представляет практический интерес и требует обсуждения.ЦЕЛЬ Представить клиническое наблюдение перфорации матки во время беременности при выполнении операционной лапароскопии.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Пациентка Л., 34 лет с опухолью правого яичника и беременностью 21–22 недели.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ В статье описано клиническое наблюдение самостоятельных срочных родов после перфорации матки при выполнении операционной лапароскопии с удалением значительного объема околоплодных вод у беременной женщины в сроке 21–22 недели.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Пролонгирование беременности и самостоятельные роды после перфорации матки в сроке беременности 21–22 недели возможно при своевременной диагностике осложнения, бережном восстановлении целостности матки и рациональном ведении послеоперационного периода


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    Purpose. The aim of the review is to analyze the modern data on the molecular mechanisms of stomach and intestinal carcinogenesis, which can be the basis for managing of malignant stomach and intestine neoplasms mortality risks’ reduction. Materials and methods. The review includes data from foreign and domestic studies published in the electronic bibliographic databases PubMed, Cyberleninka, Elibrary over the past 10 years. Results. It is given the analysis of Wnt and β-catenin gene family role in the pathogenesis of stomach and colon malignant tumors and the carcinogenic potential of Helicobacter pylori in gastric cancer, as well as the driver bacteria contributing to the development of colon cancer. Conclusion. Stomach cancer and colon cancer are heterogeneous diseases with diverse molecular and histological subtypes, having both similarities and differences in the patterns of cancer promotion. Progress in transparency genesis of these diseases is associated with an understanding of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation mechanisms


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    Pathogenetic mechanisms of uterine leiomyoma, adenomyosis and their combination are complicated and poorly understood, a differential diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma of the uterus is difficult. Our study aimed for a comparative analysis of the serum contents of α2-MG, PAG, some cytokines, sex steroids and the expression of steroid receptor genes in the patients with different variants of uterine proliferative diseases, in order to determine their pathological role, diagnostic and prognostic value. Expression of estrogen receptor genes adenomyosis nodes was 1.5 to 2-fold higher than in leiomyoma, the combined pathology showed intermediate values, and expression of ER and PGR genes in leiomyosarcoma was minimal. In cellular leiomyoma, expression of ER receptor genes in the surrounding myometrium was 2 to 3-fold higher than in cases of simple leiomyomas. At the same time, concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood is comparable between the groups and control groups. All the patients have a deficiency of immunomodulatory α2-MG (12-13% for leiomyomas, 20% for adenomyosis, and 23% for malignant pathology). The concentration of immunosuppressive PAG is increased in combined conditions and leiomyosarcoma. In addition, the contents of IL-6 and TNFα increase, the VEGF levels exceed normal values 4 to 4.5-fold, in leiomyoma, 5.5-fold, in combined pathology, 6.5, in adenomyosis, and 10-fold, in leiomyosarcoma.The obtained results confirm that immunomodulatory proteins, cytokines and cell-targeting sex hormones exert an interdependent influence upon each other in the studied diseases, and their significant changes may be used in diagnostics and prognosis

    Oxidative and antioxidant changes in blood of young people with premature coronary artery disease and abdominal obesity

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    Aim. To study the oxidative and antioxidant blood profile in young people with premature coronary artery disease (CAD) and abdominal obesity (AO).Material and methods. The study included 169 people. The main group consisted of 47 patients diagnosed with premature (<45 years of age) CAD, while 22 of them with AO and 25 without AO. The control group included 122 people without CAD, comparable with the main group in sex, age and body mass index. Among them, there are 67 people with AO and 55 people without AO. In all examined patients, the blood levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, MDA-modified oxidized high-density lipoprotein, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase 1, and whole blood total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined. Statistical processing was carried out in the SPSS 13.0 program.Results. The blood TAC was 2,3 times lower in persons with CAD than in those without CAD, and amounted to 1,58 mmol of trolox. The blood level of SOD in patients with CAD was 1,16 times higher than in the group of people without CAD. The relative odds of premature CAD were associated with decreased TAC (B=-2,855; Exp(B)=0,058; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0,008-0,392; p=0,004) and increased level of SOD (B=0,105; Exp(B)=1,076; 95% CI, 1,031-1,196; p=0,006), regardless of sex, age, risk factors. Conclusion. Thus, an increased SOD and reduced TAC can be potential biomarkers for premature CAD in people under 45 years of age


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    Electrical power scheme of rectifier unit of actuation based on thyristors has been unchangeable for more than 45 years. Analysis of electric locomotives’ operation under the regenerative braking has shown that the use of thyristors in the arms of rectifier units of actuation, as well as the adopted methods of control are one of the causes of reduction of capacity factor of locomotives, using recuperative braking (till not more than 0,65 during operation). The article suggests changing of power circuit of rectifier unit of actuation, using new circuitry and control technique, which will allow to raise power factor of AC electric locomotive at recuperative braking by 5%.Электрическая принципиальная силовая схема выпрямительной установки возбуждения (ВУВ) на базе тиристоров остаётся неизменной уже более 45 лет. Анализ работы электровозов в режиме рекуперативного торможения показал, что использование тиристоров в плечах ВУВ, а также принятые сегодня методы управления стали одной из причин снижения коэффициента мощности локомотивов при рекуперативном торможении (не более 0,65 в эксплуатации). Статья предлагает изменение силовой цепи выпрямительной установки возбуждения с использованием новой элементной базы и способа управления, которые позволяют повысить энергетические показатели электровоза переменного тока в режиме рекуперативного торможения примерно на 5%.

    Диагностическое значение некоторых острофазных белков при гнойно-воспалительных заболеваниях придатков матки

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    We investigated concentrations of acute-phase proteins a-2-macroglobulin (MG) and lactoferrin (LF) in blood serum of 78 women with various types of uterine appendages inflammatory processes. Coefficient MG/LF was used as an additional diagnostic criterum of purulent-necrotic destruction of organs and tissues and allowed us to choose proper treatment options. MG values were assessed by method of rocket immune electroforesis using monospecific antiserum to the given protein, LF level was assessed by enzyme linked immunoassay based method (ELISA). Standard was performed when coefficient MG/LF was greater than 1, and if value of coefficient MG/LF was less than 1, we performed surgical treatment. Using coefficient MG/LF as a diagnostic criterion of existence of organic destruction in uterine appendages allowed us to optimize the selection of treatment program.Проведено исследование концентрации белков острой фазы a-2-макроглобулина (МГ) и лактоферрина (ЛФ) в сыворотке крови 78 женщин с различными формами воспалительных процессов придатков матки. Коэффициент МГ/ЛФ рассматривался как дополнительный критерий наличия гнойно-некротической деструкции тканей и выбора тактики лечения при воспалительных процессах придатков матки. Содержание МГ определялось методом ракетного иммунофореза с использованием моноспецифической антисыворотки к данному белку, содержание ЛФ — методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Консервативная терапия проводились при значении коэффициента МГ/ЛФ более единицы. При значении данного коэффициента менее единицы выполнялось оперативное лечение. Использование коэффициента МГ/ЛФ в качестве диагностического критерия наличия деструкции в придатках матки при воспалительных процессах позволило оптимизировать выбор лечебной программы

    Особенности острофазного ответа при различных вариантах воспалительных процессов придатков матки

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    Concentrations of some acute phase proteins (alpha-1-antitrypsin or AT; alpha-2-macroglobulin or MG; pregnancy associated alpha-2-glycoprotein or PAG) and lactoferrin (Lf) were studied in blood serum of 82 women with various types of uterine append-ages inflammation. The data obtained have been compared with conventional and commonly used laboratory indices of inflammato-ry response such as fibrinogen (Fbg) and leukocyte intoxication index. Our findings confirmed significant role of macroglobulin family proteins in the development of acute phase inflammation. Associated tendencies in changes of acute phase proteins concen-trations in various types of uterine appendages inflammation have been identified and recommended to be employed in clinical prac-tice for making differential diagnosis and for selection of optimal therapeutic approach.Исследованы концентрации некоторых белков острой фазы воспаления: α-1-антитрипсин, α-2-макроглобулин, ассоциированный с беременностью α-2-гликопротеин, а также лактоферрин в сыворотке крови 82 женщин с различными вариантами воспалительных процессов придатков матки. Полученные данные сопоставлены с общепризнанными и широко применяемыми лабораторными показателями воспалительной реакции, такими как фибриноген и лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации. Результаты исследования подтвердили существенную роль белков семейства макроглобулинов в развитии воспалительной реакции. Выявлены закономерности в изменениях концентраций белков острой фазы воспаления при различных вариантах воспалительных процессов придатков матки, которые целесообразно использовать в клинической практике для дифференциальной диагностики и выбора оптимальной тактики лечения