356 research outputs found

    Elastic oscillations of water column in the 2003 Tokachi-oki tsunami source: in-situ measurements and 3-D numerical modelling

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    International audienceDuring the 2003 Tokachi-Oki tsunamigenic earthquake the real-time JAMSTEC observatory obtained records which provided a unique opportunity to have a look deep inside the tsunami source. Considering water column as a compressible medium we processed the bottom pressure records in order to estimate amplitude, duration and velocity of bottom displacement. Spectral analysis of the records revealed a clear manifestation of the low-frequency elastic oscillations of water column. We also presented 3-D finite-difference numerical model developed in the framework of linear potential theory of ideal compressible fluid to better understand dynamical processes in the tsunami source. The model reproduces position of the main spectral maximum rather correctly. However, due to neglecting of crust elasticity and to lack of exact knowledge of spatiotemporal laws of bottom motion, there is an essential difference between in-situ observed and computed spectra

    Contribution of nonlinearity in tsunami generated by submarine earthquake

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    International audienceRapid co-seismic bottom displacements during strong submarine earthquake give rise to intensive low-frequency elastic oscillations of water layer. Nonlinear energy transfer from the elastic oscillations to long gravitational waves may provide an additional contribution to tsunami. The nonlinear tsunami generation mechanism is examined analytically. Finiteness of bottom elasticity is taken into account. General parameters responsible for amplitude and energy of the nonlinear contribution to tsunami wave are revealed

    Використання інформаційних технологій для встановлення факту перебування підозрюваних осіб на місці події

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    Черновол В. С. Використання інформаційних технологій для встановлення факту перебування підозрюваних осіб на місці події / В. С. Черновол, В. В. Носов // Актуальні питання протидії кіберзлочинності та торгівлі людьми : зб. матеріалів Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 15 листоп. 2017 р.) / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ; Координатор проектів ОБСЄ в Україні. – Харків : ХНУВС, 2017. – С. 108 - 109.Наголошено на необхідності вивчення електронних слідів як явища об’єктивної дійсності й розроблення криміналістичних рекомендацій щодо найбільш ефективного їх виявлення, дослідження, фіксації, вилучення й використання у діяльності з розслідування й попередження злочинів. Тому що на сьогодні потенціал використання електронних слідів у діяльності органів кримінальної юстиції з розшуку та ідентифікації осіб, запобігання правопорушенням тощо, залишається на неприпустимо низькому рівні.The necessity of studying electronic traces as a phenomenon of objective reality and developing forensic recommendations for their most effective detection, research, fixation, seizure and use in the investigation and prevention of crimes is noted. Because today the potential of using electronic traces in the activities of criminal justice bodies to search for and identify persons, prevent offenses, etc., remains at an unacceptably low level.Отмечена необходимость изучения электронных следов как явления объективной действительности и разработки криминалистических рекомендаций по наиболее эффективному их выявлению, исследованию, фиксации, изъятию и использованию в деятельности по расследованию и предупреждению преступлений. Потому что на сегодняшний день потенциал использования электронных следов в деятельности органов уголовной юстиции по розыску и идентификации лиц, предотвращению правонарушений и т.п., остается на недопустимо низком уровне

    Nitric Oxide Has a Concentration-Dependent Effect on the Cell Cycle Acting via EIN2 in Arabidopsis thaliana Cultured Cells

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    Ethylene is known to influence the cell cycle (CC) via poorly characterized roles whilst nitric oxide (NO) has well-established roles in the animal CC but analogous role(s) have not been reported for plants. As NO and ethylene signaling events often interact we examined their role in CC in cultured cells derived from Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type (Col-0) plants and from ethylene-insensitive mutant ein2-1 plants. Both NO and ethylene were produced mainly during the first 5 days of the sub-cultivation period corresponding to the period of active cell division. However, in ein2-1 cells, ethylene generation was significantly reduced while NO levels were increased. With application of a range of concentrations of the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (between 20 and 500 μM) ethylene production was significantly diminished in Col-0 but unchanged in ein2-1 cells. Flow cytometry assays showed that in Col-0 cells treatments with 5 and 10 μM SNP concentrations led to an increase in S-phase cell number indicating the stimulation of G1/S transition. However, at ≥20 μM SNP CC progression was restrained at G1/S transition. In the mutant ein2-1 strain, the index of S-phase cells was not altered at 5–10 μM SNP but decreased dramatically at higher SNP concentrations. Concomitantly, 5 μM SNP induced transcription of genes encoding CDKA;1 and CYCD3;1 in Col-0 cells whereas transcription of CDKs and CYCs were not significantly altered in ein2-1 cells at any SNP concentrations examined. Hence, it is appears that EIN2 is required for full responses at each SNP concentration. In ein2-1 cells, greater amounts of NO, reactive oxygen species, and the tyrosine-nitrating peroxynitrite radical were detected, possibly indicating NO-dependent post-translational protein modifications which could stop CC. Thus, we suggest that in Arabidopsis cultured cells NO affects CC progression as a concentration-dependent modulator with a dependency on EIN2 for both ethylene production and a NO/ethylene regulatory function

    Шляхи і канали витоку інформації з типового об’єкта інформатизації

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    Ємельянов С. Л. Шляхи і канали витоку інформації з типового об’єкта інформатизації / С. Л. Ємельянов, В. В. Носов // Право і Безпека. - 2009. - № 1. - С. 273-279У статті зазначена відсутність єдиного термінологічного тлумачення можливих шляхів і каналів витоку інформації. Зроблено системний аналіз можливих шляхів і каналів витоку інформації стосовно типового об’єкта інформації. Наведено висновки та рекомендації щодо визначення та трактування термінів «шляхи і канали витоку інформації». В статье отмечено отсутствие единого терминологического толкования возможных путей и каналов утечки информации. Проведен системный анализ возможных путей и каналов утечки информации относительно типового объекта информатизации. Приведены выводы и рекомендации относительно определения и трактовки терминов «пути и каналы утечки информации с типового объекта информации». Absence of single terminology interpretation of possible ways and channels of information leakage is marked. The analysis of possible ways and channels of information leakage is conducted on the standard object of informatization. Conclusions and recommendations are resulted in relation to determination and interpretation of terms: ways and channels of information leakage from the standard object of informatization

    Comparison of the effectiveness of solid nutrient medium in the in vitro cultivation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates

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    Background. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a facultatively anaerobic microorganism which is extremely demanding to the composition of a nutrient media and cultivation conditions. In a situation of the increasing shortage and cost of foreign components for the preparation of solid nutrient media, it is important to study the possibility of growing hard-to-cultivate microorganisms on domestically produced nutrient media.The aim of the study. To evaluate the growth of gonococcus colonies on two types of solid nutrient media – chocolate agar with growth and selective additives prepared using imported reagents and chocolate agar with growth additives manufactured by “Gem LTD” (Moscow, Russian Federation).Materials and methods. А reference strain of N. gonorrhoeae NCTC 12700/ ATCC 49226 and two types of chocolate agar (the first one – prepared in the State Scientific Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology using imported components and the other one – from the domestic manufacturer “Gem LTD”) were used in the research.Results. The equivalence of the growth properties of both studied types of nutrient media when cultivating pure gonococcus was revealed.Conclusions. Ready-to-use chocolate agar with growth additives produced by “Gem LTD” can be successfully used in the laboratory for the cultivation of N. gonorrhoeae pure culture. Primary isolation of N. gonorrhoeae strains from clinical material is more appropriate to carry out on a medium that suppresses the growth of foreign microflora due to the inclusion of antibiotic additive. The organization of production of domestic bacteriological media for microorganisms with high nutrient requirements reduces the dependence of domestic microbiology on import and ensures their rapid delivery to laboratories

    Renewable energy-based plant remote monitoring complex using Wi-Fi channels and elements of artificial vision

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    This paper presents an analysis of the renewable energy-based plant operation using special systems designed for monitoring the plant operation parameters and for performing the atmospheric parameters control. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen


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    Sports industry is presented like the partof entertainment industry. The authorsemphasize the main income items ofSnowsports unions in Russia and abroad.This paper presents the analysis of development of commercial successful productby foreign federations. The article gives new ways of raising the attractiveness and profitability of the Russian sport.В данной статье спортивная отрасль рассматривается как составная часть индустрии развлечения. Выделяются основные статьи доходов федераций позимнимвидамспортазарубежомив РоссийскойФедерации. Анализируется опытсозданияуспешногокоммерческого продукта на примере деятельности иностранныхфедераций. Предлагаютсявозможныепутирешенияпроблемы повышения привлекательности и доходности российского спорта