2,406 research outputs found

    On the possibility to supercool molecular hydrogen down to superfluid transition

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    Recent calculations by Vorobev and Malyshenko (JETP Letters, 71, 39, 2000) show that molecular hydrogen may stay liquid and superfluid in strong electric fields of the order of 4×107V/cm4\times 10^7 V/cm. I demonstrate that strong local electric fields of similar magnitude exist beneath a two-dimensional layer of electrons localized in the image potential above the surface of solid hydrogen. Even stronger local fields exist around charged particles (ions or electrons) if surface or bulk of a solid hydrogen crystal is statically charged. Measurements of the frequency shift of the 121 \to 2 photoresonance transition in the spectrum of two-dimensional layer of electrons above positively or negatively charged solid hydrogen surface performed in the temperature range 7 - 13.8 K support the prediction of electric field induced surface melting. The range of surface charge density necessary to stabilize the liquid phase of molecular hydrogen at the temperature of superfluid transition is estimated.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Probability of local bifurcation type from a fixed point: A random matrix perspective

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    Results regarding probable bifurcations from fixed points are presented in the context of general dynamical systems (real, random matrices), time-delay dynamical systems (companion matrices), and a set of mappings known for their properties as universal approximators (neural networks). The eigenvalue spectra is considered both numerically and analytically using previous work of Edelman et. al. Based upon the numerical evidence, various conjectures are presented. The conclusion is that in many circumstances, most bifurcations from fixed points of large dynamical systems will be due to complex eigenvalues. Nevertheless, surprising situations are presented for which the aforementioned conclusion is not general, e.g. real random matrices with Gaussian elements with a large positive mean and finite variance.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    On the relation between the intensity of the south-west monsoon and the oil-sardine fishery of India

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    The problem of fluctuations of marine fish populations and commercial stocks is a great concern of the marine fishery industries. The fluctuations depend upon the biological features of the individual species and the environmental factors. It is not possible to solve the problem without understanding both the aspects. The abundance of fish depends mainly upon the feeding conditions especially in larval and juvenile stages. And the feeding conditions depend upon the primary production which conditionally depends on the available nutrient salts in the sea. The availability of nutrients will much depend upon the vertical and horizontal circulations in the sea. The circulation of the sea in turn depends upon the atmospheric conditions due to the air-sea interaction. Thus the studies of the atmospheric conditions over the sea throw light upon the total influence of the various factors on the fishery. Dr. Izhevskii (1961) made an extensive analysis of the physical and biological marine processes and established the principal patterns governing the changes in marine environmental factors on which the changes in the biological productivity of the sea primarily depend. His principal methods are inspirations to the authors in their present work

    Optical response of a cold-electron bolometer array

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    A multielement bolometric receiver system has been developed to measure the power and polarization of radiation at a calculated frequency of 345 GHz. Arrays of ten series-parallel connected cold-electron bolometers have been pairwise integrated into orthogonal ports of a cross-slot antenna. Arrays are connected in parallel in the high-frequency input signal and in series in the output signal, which is measured at a low frequency, and in a dc bias. Such an array makes it possible to increase the output resistance by two orders of magnitude as compared to an individual bolometer under the same conditions of high-frequency matching and to optimize the matching with the JFET amplifier impedance up to dozens of megohms. Parallel connection ensures matching of the input signal to the cross-slot antenna with an impedance of 30 Omega on a massive silicon dielectric lens. At a temperature of 100 mK, a response to the thermal radiation of a thermal radiation source with an emissivity of 0.3, which covers the input aperture of the antenna and is heated to 3 K, is 25 mu V/K. Taking into account real noise, the optical fluctuation dc sensitivity is 5 mK, the estimated sensitivity corresponding to the noise of the amplifier is about 10(-4) K/Hz(1/2), and the noise-equivalent power is about (1-5) x 10(-17) W/Hz(1/2)

    Chaotic and pseudochaotic attractors of perturbed fractional oscillator

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    We consider a nonlinear oscillator with fractional derivative of the order alpha. Perturbed by a periodic force, the system exhibits chaotic motion called fractional chaotic attractor (FCA). The FCA is compared to the ``regular'' chaotic attractor. The properties of the FCA are discussed and the ``pseudochaotic'' case is demonstrated.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Schubert Polynomials for the affine Grassmannian of the symplectic group

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    We study the Schubert calculus of the affine Grassmannian Gr of the symplectic group. The integral homology and cohomology rings of Gr are identified with dual Hopf algebras of symmetric functions, defined in terms of Schur's P and Q-functions. An explicit combinatorial description is obtained for the Schubert basis of the cohomology of Gr, and this is extended to a definition of the affine type C Stanley symmetric functions. A homology Pieri rule is also given for the product of a special Schubert class with an arbitrary one.Comment: 45 page

    Non-Thermal Absorption and Quantum Efficiency of SINIS Bolometer

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    We study mechanisms of absorption in two essentially different types of superconductor-insulator-normal metal-insulator-superconductor (SINIS) bolometers with absorber directly placed on Si wafer and with absorber suspended above the substrate. The figure of merit for quantum photon absorption is quantum efficiency equal to the number of detected electrons for one photon. The efficiency of absorption is dramatically dependent on phonon losses to substrate and electrodes, and electron energy losses to electrodes through tunnel junctions. The maximum quantum efficiency can approach n = hf/kT = 160 at f = 350 GHz T = 0.1 K, and current responsivity dI/dP = e/kT in quantum gain bolometer case, contrary to photon counter mode with quantum efficiency of n = 1 and responsivity dI/dP = e/hf. In experiments, we approach intrinsic quantum efficiency up to n = 80 electrons per photon in bolometer with suspended absorber, contrary to quantum efficiency of about one for absorber on the substrate. In the case of suspended Cu and Pd absorber, Kapitsa resistance protect from power leak to Al electrodes

    Statistics of S-matrix poles for chaotic systems with broken time reversal invariance: a conjecture

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    In the framework of a random matrix description of chaotic quantum scattering the positions of SS-matrix poles are given by complex eigenvalues ZiZ_i of an effective non-Hermitian random-matrix Hamiltonian. We put forward a conjecture on statistics of ZiZ_i for systems with broken time-reversal invariance and verify that it allows to reproduce statistical characteristics of Wigner time delays known from independent calculations. We analyze the ensuing two-point statistical measures as e.g. spectral form factor and the number variance. In addition we find the density of complex eigenvalues of real asymmetric matrices generalizing the recent result by Efetov\cite{Efnh}.Comment: 4 page