131 research outputs found

    Síntesis de un revestimiento nanocompuesto basado en TiO2/ZnAl hidróxidos dobles en capas

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    The aim of this investigation was the synthesis of nanocomposite coatings based on Zn-Al layered double hydroxides (Zn-Al LDH) and TiO2. The Zn-Al LDH material, which acted as the catalyst support of the active TiO2 component (in the content of 3 and 10 wt. %), was synthesized by a low super saturation co-precipitation method. The interaction between the Zn-Al LDH and the active TiO2 component was accomplished by using vacuum evaporation prior to the mechanical activation and only by mechanical activation. The final suspension based on Zn-Al LDH and 10wt. % TiO2, impregnated only by mechanical activation, showed the optimal characteristics from the aspect of particle size distribution and XRD analysis. These properties had a positive effect on the functional properties of the coatings (photocatalytic activity and self-cleaning efficiency) after the water rinsing procedure.El objetivo de esta investigaci.n fue la preparaci.n de recubrimientos de nanocompuestos basados en Zn-Al hidr.xidos dobles en capas (Zn-Al LDH) y TiO2. El material de LDH Zn-Al, que actuaba como catalizador del componente activo TiO2 (en el contenido de 3 y 10 en peso.%), se sintetiz. por un m.todo de co-precipitaci.n con baja sobresaturaci.n. La interacci.n entre el Zn-Al LDH y el componente activo TiO2 se llev. a cabo mediante el uso de la evaporaci.n al vac.o antes de la activaci.n mec.nica y s.lo por activaci.n mec.nica. La suspensi.n final basada en Zn-Al LDH y 10wt. % TiO2, impregnada solamente por la activaci.n mec.nica, mostr. las caracter.sticas .ptimas desde el aspecto de la distribuci.n de tama.o de part.cula y an.lisis de XRD. Estas propiedades ten.an un efecto positivo sobre las propiedades funcionales de los revestimientos (actividad fotocatal.tica y eficiencia de auto-limpieza) despu.s del procedimiento de aclarado de agua

    The evolution of the eutrophication of the Palić Lake (Serbia)

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    Eutrophication is a world-wide environmental issue. The Palic Lake is a shallow lake typical for the Pannonian plain. The Lake itself was in a very bad condition during the late sixties of the last century; polluted and hypertrophic. Due to inadequate water quality, it was dried out in 1971 and re-established in 1977 and since then its trophicity has been worsening. The lake has recreational purposes but it is also a collector for treated municipal waste waters coming from the lagoons for active sludge water treatment. The sewage discharges from rapidly developing towns in the watershed and the growing use of fertilizers in agriculture increased the nutrient load to the Lake in the last decades. A steady increase of phosphorus loading is the most important factor of the lake  eutrophication. The result of the accelerated eutrophication is the enormous amount of sediment at the bottom of the Palic Lake. Therefore, in the lake that covers an area of 565 ha and volume of 10 million m3, there was 1.900.160 m3 of sediment. The sediment thickness varied from 0.3 to 1.2 m. In summer 2010, the recreational part of the lake (sector IV) was 1.311.356 m3 of sediment, characterized with concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) of 2885 mg/kg, 4300 mg/kg total nitrogen (TN) and 39000 mg/kg total organic carbon TOC. The sediment of the Palic Lake was not loaded with high concentrations of heavy metals. Everything mentioned supports the fact that the restoration of this aquatic system is necessary and applied measures have to be grounded on the principles of ecoremediation technologies.Key words: Eutrophication, Palic Lake, sediment, total N, total P

    The efficacy of the treatment with 0,5% BioR solution in age related macular degeneration

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    Catedra oftalmologie, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Institutul de Microbiologie si Biotehnologie a ASM, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Primul Congres Naţional al Societăţii Endocrinologilor cu participare internaţională dedicat jubileului de 50 ani de la fondarea serviciului endocrinologic din Republica Moldova 9-11 octombrie 2014Scopul: Aprecierea eficacității soluție BioR 0,5% parabulbar în tratamentul degenerescenței maculare legate de vârstă. Metoda: În studiu au fost incluși 67 pacienți (134 ochi) cu DMLV internați, diagnosticați și tratați în Clinica oftalmologie nr.2 a USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”. Pacienții au fost divizați în 2 loturi: de bază ce a inclus 37 pacienți (64 ochi) și de control 30 pacienți (60 ochi) cu vârsta medie 72±2 ani. Diagnosticul s-a efectuat până și după tratament: AV cu și fără corecție, Test Amsler, oftalmoscopia cu lentil Volk, TCO, foto retinei, perimetria coputerizată la 10°. Cei 37 pacienți din lotul martor au urmat tratamentul cu soluție BioR 0,5% parabulbar timp de 10 zile. Rezultate: Complicații nu sau determinat. S-a urmărit o creștere a AV în 64% la ziua a 14 după tratament de la 0,03-0,08, la ziua a 28-a AV s-a majorat de la 0,09-0,16. În 36% AV a rămas nemdificată. În 60% am determinat diminuarea scotomei central, în 40% a rămas nesschimbată. La examenul repetat a TCO am determinat o diminuare a grosimiei retinei în 63% cazuri de la 250±10mkm la 210±30mkm. În lotul ce au urmaat tratamentul traditional nu sau determinat modificări a retinei la TCO. Concluzie Acest studiu a determinat o eficacitate înaltă în lotul ce a urmat tratament cu soluție BioR 0,5% față de lotul ce a urmat tratament traditional.Purpose: The efficacy appreciation of the 0,5% BioR in the treatment of ARMD. Methods: The study included 67 patients (134 affected eyes) affected by ARMD, surveyed and treated in the Ophthalmology Clinic Nr.2 of SUMPh “Nicolae Testemitanu”. The patients were divided in 2 groups: basic group 37 patients (64 affected eyes) and witness group 30 patients (60 affected eyes), medium age 72±2 years. The examination was performed before and after the treatment: VA – with and without correction; Amsler’s test; Sleet lamp examination of all eye’s segments in maximal midriasis, including Volk lens examination; macular photography; OCT; computer perimetria for 10°. The 37 patients (64 affected eyes) from the basic lot were treated by parabulbar injection of BioR 0,5%: from 10 day. Results: During BioR injection, no complications were noted. Sol. BioR 0,5% application was evaluated by repeated examinations. VA with correction, increased in 64% of the cases from 0,03- 0.08, a 14 days after the injection, up to 0,09-0,16 in 28 days after the injection. In 36% of the cases, visual acuity rested unchanged. Central scotoma surface diminished in 60% of the cases and rested unchanged in 40% at a 28 days after the first injection. At OCT examination of the macula it has been determined a significant diminishment of Macula Edema (ME) adjustment of the detached neuroepithelium and retinal pigmented epithelium, diminution of the vascular complex and general thickness of the macular zone: from 250±10mkm to 210±30mkm in 63%.Traditional treated patients had no visual acuity rise and no ME diminution (OCT data used). Conclusions: Effectuating this study we established that the use of BioR 0,5% in the treatment of ARMD is effective, comparatively with the traditional treatment

    The role of the immunocorrective activity of the medicine BioR in the patients after a failed anti-tuberculosis treatment

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    Department of Pneumophthisiology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaTuberculosis is a multi-pathogenetic disease, its treatment response is influenced by the degree immune disturbances. An acute progressive evolution with extensive destruction and dissemination provokes the lowest treatment results, which in most cases are influenced by a heterogeneous immune response. The immunological data obtained before and after the treatment of 54 new pulmonary TB cases have been compared with the data of 50 healthy individuals. By a blind selection 27 TB patients have been included in the control study group and have been treated with the standard antituberculosis treatment and immunocorrecting medicine BioR. The immune indices of 27 cases treated only with standard antituberculosis treatment have been compared with the control group. The associated antituberculosis treatment have reduced the severity of the immune defficiency, reduced the increased immune globulin level, increased the organism’s sensibilisation to bacteriological and micobacteriological antigens, reduced the intoxication indices. Despite the immuno-regulatory activity of the medicine BioR, the comprehensive TB treatment in general has not improved the treatment results, as one course of treatment is insufficient for a complete immune rehabilitation and the involvement of other factors, influencing the treatment outcomes is required

    Tamiflu and BioR in treatment of patients with H1N1 influenza

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase FECMF, Catedra Microbiologie, virusologie şi imunologie FM, USMF '' Nicolae Testimiţeanu '', IMSP, SCBI „ T. Ciorbă ”A comparative study of combined Tamiflu and Bior treatment was performed in 22 patients with H1N1 influenza (an experimental lot ) and 17 patients ( control lot) in which Tamiflu was administered only. The diagnosis of A (H1N1) influenza was confirmed by PCR. The Tamiflu and BioR combined treatment apposite the monotherapy with Tamiflu contributed to the decreasing of clinical symptomatology length, the admission length of patients with A (H1N1) influenza and the decreasing of hospitalization length of patients with brochopneumonia. Key word: A (H1N1) influenza, Tamiflu, BioR, treatment. A fost studiată eficienţa tratamentului combinat Tamiflu şi BioR la 22 pacienţi cu Gripă A (H1N1), lotul experimental şi 17 pacienţi, cu acelaşi diagnostic, care au primit tratament numai cu Tamiflu, lotul martor. Diagnosticul de gripă A (H1N1) a fost stabilit prin metoda molecular biologică (PCR). Tratamentul combinat Tamiflu şi BioR în comparaţie cu tratamentul efectuat numai cu Tamiflu a condus la diminuarea mai rapidă a simptomatologiei şi micşorarea duratei de spitalizare a pacienţilor cu gripă şi a pacienţilor cu bronhopneumonie

    In vitro action of the BioR and BioRZn preparations on the clinical and functional activity of T lymphocytes in patients with adverse reactions to anti-tuberculosis preparations

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    The purpose of our research is to study the in vitro action of the drugs BioR and BioRZn (a complex of essential bioactive zinc components in spirulina) on the clinical picture and full functional activity of T-lymphocytes, depending on the adverse effects of antituberculosis drugs. For processing the materials the operating methods of statistical estimation, including the Student’s criterion, Windows 2007 software, etc. have been used. The study has included 110 patients of both sexes with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Depending on the reaction to anti-tuberculosis preparations, the patients were divided into three groups: 1) allergic reaction (AR) – 37 patients, 2) toxic-allergic reactions (TAR) – 49 patients and 3) the patients with toxic reaction (TR) – 24 people. To characterize the state of proliferation activity of T lymphocytes the reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes with phytohaemaglutinin has been used. The patients with allergic, toxic-allergic and toxic reactions on antituberculosis preparations have demonstrated clinical and laboratory differences, that confirm the severe disease progression in the patients with toxic reactions and less severe disease progression in the patients with allergic reactions. BioR preparations and, especially, BioRZn present the immunomodulatory action of T lymphocytes ”in vitro”. The lower the level of proliferation activity of T lymphocytes in patients is, the higher the immunomodulatory activity of preparations BioR and, in particular, BioRZn in the process of proliferation of T lymphocytes and vice versa is

    Комбинированное лечение Тамифлу и БиоР у больных гриппом А (H1N1)

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    A comparative study of combined Tamiflu and BioR treatment has been performed in 22 patients with (H1N1) influenza A (the experimental lot) and 17 patients (the control lot) in which only the Tamiflu was administered. The diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) was confirmed using PCR. The clinical symptomatology varied amongst patients, but the most frequent symptoms were fever, throat pains asthenia, myalgias, hyperemia of the pharyngeal isthmus, dry cough, harsh respiration, chills, and nasal congestion. Tamiflu was administered in a dose of 75 mg orally twice a day, in the morning and in the evening; the average length of treatment was 5 days. BioR was administered to 16 patients as 5.0 mg orally, twice a day, and to 6 patients as1 mg IM, twice a day; average length of treatment was 5 days for all groups. The control group received Tamiflu only, the same dosage as the study group. The average length of treatment was 6.0 days. Comparing the length of the symptoms in the experimental group to that in the control group, we found that duration of symptoms reflecting the influence of the central nervous system in the experimental group was on average 5.0 days as compared to 6.6 days in the control group. Similarly, duration of symptoms affecting the respiratory system in the experimental group was 3.8 days and in the control group 5.3 days. We conclude that the Tamiflu and BioR treatment in patients with influenza A (H1N1) was beneficial and contributed to the decrease of symptom duration as compared to the group of patients treated with Tamiflu alone.Было изучено эффективность комбинированного лечения Тамифлу и БиoРом у 22 больных гриппoм А (H1N1), экспериментальная группа, и 17 больных, контрольная группа, которые получали только Тамифлу. Диагноз гриппа А (H1N1) был установлен биомолекулярным методом (ПЦР). Клиническая симптоматология была многообразная, но самые частые симптомы, которые встречались у обеих групп, были: лихорадка, боли в горле, слабость, боли в мышцах, гиперемия зева, сухой кашель, ознобы и гиперемия лица. Тамифлу был назначен в дозе 75 мг 2 раза в день утром и вечером, длительность лечения в среднем составляло 5,0 дней. БиoР был назначен в дозе 5 мг 2 раза в день перорально у 16 больных, и по 1,0 мг в/м 2 раза в день у 6 больных. Длительность лечения составила 5 дней. В контрольной группе был назначен только Тамифлу в такой же дозировке как в первой группе. Длительность лечения составила 6 дней. При сравнении длительности симптомов в экспериментальной и контрольной группе было отмечено, что симптомы характерные для поражения нервной системы сохранялись в среднем 5,0 дней, а в контрольной группе 6,6 дней, а симптомы поражения верхних дыхательных путей соотвественно – 3,8 и 5,3 дней. Комбинированное лечение Тамифлу и БиоРом в сравнении с лечением только Тамифлу привело к сокращению длительности клинической симптоматики и к уменьшению периода госпитализации больных гриппом и больных бронхопневмонией

    Citochinele pro- și antiinflamatoare la pacienți cu hepatitele cronice virale la tratament cu BioR

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    State Medicine and Pharmaceutics University “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaSummary. Introduction: T-cell immunoregulatory cytokines influence the persistenceof hepatitis C and B virus (HCV, HBV) chronic infection and the extent of liver damage. Th1 cytokines positively correlate with hepatic inflammation in HBV and HCV chronic infection. The proinflammatory cytokines are involved inviral clearance and in metabolic and viral hepatic diseases,respectively. The aim of this study is to evaluate the biochemical, haematological parameters and profileof Th1/Th2 cytokines in HCV and HBV hepatitis before and after treatment with BioR. Methods: The study included 42 patients with chronic viral hepatitis. Following the aim the establishment of the viral hepatitis aetiology it was decided to define the markers of the viral hepatitis, the antibodies antiHCV total, antiHCV IgM, HbsAg, antiHBs, antiHBcor total and IgM, as well as to identify the alcohol consumption through use of different questionnaires. Along with the evaluation of the liver status also the abdominal ecography and the hepatic gamma-scintigraphy or scanning of the liver has been performed. The immunoenzymatic assay has been used to study the interleukins 1, 10 and TNF-alpha. Patients included in the study have been administered the injection solution of BioR, 1.0 ml intramuscular, daily, during 10 days. Results: Our study has indicated that BioR causes a number of haematological actions in case of patients with HCV. Thus, patients with HCV show a real amelioration of haemoglobin (p<0.05), and of lymphocyte levels (p<0.05) compared to patients with HBV. In result of the application of a therapy with BioR an evident diminution of cytolysis (ALT, AST) takes place both in patients with HBV (p<0.05) and in the ones with HCV (p<0.05). This indicates the fact that BioR plays the role of a hepatic protector. It has been also proven that BioR reduces gamma GTP in patients with HCV (p0.05), indicating to the occurrence of a disintoxication. This study has shown that a treatment with BioR brings about the stimulation of production of IL 10, TNF alpha in patients with HCV and HBV. We consider this action a key mechanism of this preparate with antiviral effect, and we recommend it for treatment of persons with viral hepatitis. Conclusions: This study indicates that the use of the BioR preparate in chronic viral B and C hepatitis is justified, given the fact that it acts as a hepatic protector, causes haematological regulation and has the disintoxication and immune-modulation effects


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    Uiniversitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “N. Testemiţanu”, Catedra Microbiologie, Virusologie şi Imunologie; Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Catedra Chimie anorganică.Rezumat Studiul dat se referă la obţinerea unui grup de compuşi coordinativi noi de cupru (II) care conţin 4-feniltiosemicarbazona 2-formilpiridinei şi sulfanilamide şi care manifestă activitate antibacteriană pronunţată faţă de bacteriile din genul Bacillus cereus. Proprietăţile stabilite ale compuşilor nominalizaţi asupra altor tipuri de bacterii gram-pozitive şi gramnegative prezintă oportunitate de utilizare în practica medicală din punctul de vedere al extinderii arsenalului de remedii antimicrobiene, iar complecşii respectivi pot fi utilizaţi şi în cazul altor tulpini de microorganisme rezistente la medicamentele tradiţionale. This paper describes a new group of copper (II) coordinative compounds, containing 4-phenyl thiosemi-carbazone 2-formylpyridine and sulfanilamides with a pronounced antibacterial activity against bacteria of the genus Bacillus cereus and other gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, which represents new directions in the development of antibacterial products. Были получены новые координационные соединения меди (II) содержащие 4- фенилтиoсемикарбазон 2-формилпиридина и сульфаниламиды с выраженной антибактериальной активностью по отношению к бактериям рода Bacillus сеreus, а также к другим грамположительным и грамотрицательным микроорганизмам. Выявленные антимикробные свойства позволяют рекомендовать соответствующие комплексы меди (II) с 4- фенилтисемикарбазоном 2-формилпиридина и сульфаниламидами для применения в медицинской практике против резистентных штаммов микроорганизмов

    Microtest system for rapid microbiological diagnosis of candidal vulvovaginitis

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    Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Opportunistic infections of mycotic etiology are included in the group of new infectious diseases, and their proportion is higher in the framework of infectious diseases, especially, in the context of the misuse of antibiotics synthesis. Material and methods: 72 samples, collected from women with various gynecological diseases have been examined. In 41 cases the fungi with Candida spp. have been detected. Results: The nutrient, which allows a rapid detection of fungus Candida spp. has been developed. For the first time has been developed a nutrient medium of a new culture in the form of a micro film for isolation, multiplication and a rapid identification of yeast form fungi of Candida species, which allows to detect the microbes beginning from the time of 4-5 hours to 9-24 hours depending on their initial concentration in 1 ml; individual cells need more than 9-24 hours and the concentrations of 103 -104 c.m./ml are detected within 4-5 hours of the incubation period at the temperature of 370 C and higher. The medium MDC-Cand has a selectivity, mainly for yeast form fungi of Candida species. Conclusion: This nutrient medium is sensitive, economical and simple for the usage in microbiological laboratories of various levels. The period of storage of the medium is 2 years