7 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling of the process of melting alloys of the Si-Cr-Ni-Fe system in the iron-carbon melt

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    The process of melting of the Si-Cr-Ni-Fe ferroalloys in the iron-carbon melt under static conditions was studied using the method of mathematical modelling. It was found that the melting process takes place in three stages. The effect of silicon concentration and the initial size of a piece of alloy on the duration of each stage of alloy melting is revealed. It was shown that an increase in the silicon content from 6 to 40 % in the complex ferroalloy of the 50 mm fraction containing ∼ 27 % Cr and ∼ 12 % Ni leads to a decrease in the total melting time of the alloys from 67 to 30 seconds at the iron-carbon melt temperature of 1600 °C. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    Objective: to characterize the clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with HIV infection with newly diagnosed Kaposi’s sarcoma.Materials and methods. The analysis of clinical and laboratory data of 25 HIV-infected patients with newly diagnosed Kaposi’s sarcoma who were treated in the in-patient department of St. Petersburg Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases in 2009-2017Results. Ninety-two (n=23) patients were men. The median age at detecting HIV infection is 36 years. The manifestation age of Kaposi’s sarcoma is a median of 37 years. Elements of Kaposi’s sarcoma were located mainly on the skin of the lower and upper extremities, trunk, face and oral mucosa. Manifest CMV infection was registered in one patient, candidiasis of various localizations was found in 19 patients (76%), 2 of them also had one case of tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis. The viral load of HIV in the serum of patients upon admission to the hospital ranged from 26 159 to 2 755,549 copies/ml. The number of CD4 lymphocytes in the serum of patients is from 4 to 674 cells/μl. First-line antiretroviral drugs were prescribed to 20 (80%) patients, while the positive dynamics of sarcoma was observed in 8 patients. Four (16%) patients received antitumor treatment. The duration of hospitalization of patients ranged from 8 to 85 days (median 29). Twenty-one patients were discharged from the hospital, death was registered in 4 patients (16%).Conclusion. Characteristics of patients with HIV infection with newly diagnosed Kaposi’s sarcoma are: the predominance of males aged 30-39 years; skin lesions of the limbs and trunk in the debut of the clinical picture of sarcoma; laboratory signs of pronounced immunodeficiency (in 75% of patients, CD4 lymphocytes in the serum are less than 200 cells/μl); high viral load of HIV in serum (in 88% of patients more than 100 000 copies/ml); frequent combination with other opportunistic diseases.Цель: охарактеризовать клинические и лабораторные показатели больных ВИЧ-инфекцией с впервые выявленной саркомой Капоши.Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ клинико-лабораторных данных 25 больных ВИЧ-инфекцией с впервые выявленной саркомой Капоши, проходивших лечение в стационаре Центра по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями в 2009–2017 гг.Результаты. Мужчины составили 92% (23 чел.) наблюдаемых больных. Медиана возраста выявления ВИЧ- инфекции – 36 лет. Возраст манифестации саркомы Капоши – медиана 37 лет. Элементы саркомы Капоши располагались преимущественно на коже нижних и верх- них конечностей, туловища, лице и слизистой оболочке ротовой полости. Манифестная ЦМВ-инфекция зарегистрирована у 1 больного, кандидоз различных локализаций установлен у 19 пациентов (76%), у 2 из них так- же установлено по одному случаю туберкулеза и токсоплазмоза. Вирусная нагрузка ВИЧ в сыворотке крови больных при поступлении в стационар составила от 26 159 до 2 755 549 коп/мл. Число CD4-лимфоцитов в сыворотке крови больных – от 4 до 674 кл/мкл. Антиретровирусные препараты первой линии были назначены 20 (80%) больным, при этом положительная динамика саркомы отмечена у 8 пациентов. Противоопухолевое лечение получали 4 (16%) пациента. Продолжительность госпитализации больных составила от 8 до 85 койко-дней (медиана 29). Из 25 больных из стационара выписан 21 пациент, у 4 человек (16%) зарегистрирован летальный исход.Выводы. Характеристиками больных ВИЧ- инфекцией с впервые выявленной саркомой Капоши являются: преобладание лиц мужского пола в возрасте 30–39 лет; поражение кожи конечностей и туловища в дебюте клинической картины саркомы; лабораторные признаки выраженного иммунодефицита (у 75% пациентов CD4-лимфоциты в сыворотке крови меньше 200 кл/мкл); высокая вирусная нагрузка ВИЧ в сыворотке крови (у 88% больных более 100 000 коп/мл); частое сочетание с другими оппортунистическими заболеваниями

    Клинико-лабораторные различия у больных с локализованной и генерализованной формами саркомы Капоши

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    The objective: to evaluate clinical and laboratory parameters in local and generalized forms of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) in HIV infected patients to detect predictors of generalized forms of the disease.Subjects and methods. Case histories of 58 HIV infected patients with KS at the age from 28 to 80 years old were respectively analyzed; they all received treatment in National Medical Research Center of Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2018-2020. Cases were divided into 2 groups depending on KS manifestations. LF group (local form of KS, n = 28) included the patients with skin lesions; GF group (generalized form of KS, n = 30) included patients with skin lesions and one or several lesions in the other sites: the mucous membrane of gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane of tracheobronchial tree, and lung parenchyma.Results. Patients with the generalized form of KS had a higher frequency of skin lesions on the body (pχ2 = 0.036), face (pχ2 = 0.033), and multiple sites (pχ2 = 0.018). Patients from both groups had low CD4+ count, but it was more severe in GF group (pχ2 = 0.027) with a significant increase of the viral load (pχ2 = 0.047). The predictors of the generalized form of KS are the following: the presence of specific lesions on the skin of body, face and multiple localizations, CD4 level below 125 cells/mcL, increase in the viral load above 5.3log10 copies/ml, reduction of erythrocytes level below 3.1 × 1012 cells/L. Among 24 patients with KS who had 4-6 predictors, 19 (79.2%) had the generalized form. Among KS patients with not a single predictor, there were no cases of generalized form, as well as there were no cases of local forms among patients who had 5 and 6 predictors.Цель: оценить клинико-лабораторные параметры при локализованной и генерализованной формах саркомы Капоши (СК) у пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекцией для определения предикторов генерализованных форм заболевания.Материалы и методы. Ретроспективно проанализированы истории болезни 58 пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекцией и СК в возрасте от 28 до 80 лет, получавших лечение в ФГБУ «НМИЦ ФПИ» Минздрава России в 2018-2020 гг. Сформированы две группы в зависимости от проявлений СК. В группу ЛФ (локализованная форма СК, n = 28) включены пациенты с поражением кожи, в группу ГФ (генерализованная форма СК, n = 30) ‒ с сочетанием поражений кожи с одним или несколькими поражениями других локализаций: слизистая оболочка желудочно-кишечного тракта, слизистая оболочка трахеобронхиального дерева, паренхима легких.Результаты. У пациентов с генерализованной формой СК отмечалось увеличение частоты поражения кожи на туловище (pχ2 = 0,036), лице (pχ2 = 0,033), а также множественность локализаций (pχ2 = 0,018). Для пациентов обеих групп было характерно снижение уровня CD4+-лим- фоцитов, но более выраженное в группе ГФ (pχ2 = 0,027) при существенном увеличении вирусной нагрузки (pχ2 = 0,047). Предикторами генерализованной формы СК являются: наличие специфических образований на коже туловища, лица и множественных локализаций, снижение уровня CD4 Т-лимфоцитов ниже 125 кл/мкл, повышение вирусной нагрузки выше 5,3 log10 копий/мл, снижение уровня эритроцитов ниже 3,1 × 1012 кл/л. Среди 24 пациентов с СК, имевших 4-6 предикторов, 19 (79,2%) были с генерализованной формой. Среди пациентов с СК, не имевших ни одного предиктора, случаев генерализованной формы не было, также как не было случаев локализованной формы среди пациентов, имевших 5 и 6 предикторов


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    Objective: to characterize the clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with HIV infection with newly diagnosed Kaposi’s sarcoma.Materials and methods. The analysis of clinical and laboratory data of 25 HIV-infected patients with newly diagnosed Kaposi’s sarcoma who were treated in the in-patient department of St. Petersburg Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases in 2009-2017Results. Ninety-two (n=23) patients were men. The median age at detecting HIV infection is 36 years. The manifestation age of Kaposi’s sarcoma is a median of 37 years. Elements of Kaposi’s sarcoma were located mainly on the skin of the lower and upper extremities, trunk, face and oral mucosa. Manifest CMV infection was registered in one patient, candidiasis of various localizations was found in 19 patients (76%), 2 of them also had one case of tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis. The viral load of HIV in the serum of patients upon admission to the hospital ranged from 26 159 to 2 755,549 copies/ml. The number of CD4 lymphocytes in the serum of patients is from 4 to 674 cells/μl. First-line antiretroviral drugs were prescribed to 20 (80%) patients, while the positive dynamics of sarcoma was observed in 8 patients. Four (16%) patients received antitumor treatment. The duration of hospitalization of patients ranged from 8 to 85 days (median 29). Twenty-one patients were discharged from the hospital, death was registered in 4 patients (16%).Conclusion. Characteristics of patients with HIV infection with newly diagnosed Kaposi’s sarcoma are: the predominance of males aged 30-39 years; skin lesions of the limbs and trunk in the debut of the clinical picture of sarcoma; laboratory signs of pronounced immunodeficiency (in 75% of patients, CD4 lymphocytes in the serum are less than 200 cells/μl); high viral load of HIV in serum (in 88% of patients more than 100 000 copies/ml); frequent combination with other opportunistic diseases

    Clinical and laboratory differences in patients with local and generalized forms of Kaposi sarcoma

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    The objective: to evaluate clinical and laboratory parameters in local and generalized forms of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) in HIV infected patients to detect predictors of generalized forms of the disease.Subjects and methods. Case histories of 58 HIV infected patients with KS at the age from 28 to 80 years old were respectively analyzed; they all received treatment in National Medical Research Center of Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2018-2020. Cases were divided into 2 groups depending on KS manifestations. LF group (local form of KS, n = 28) included the patients with skin lesions; GF group (generalized form of KS, n = 30) included patients with skin lesions and one or several lesions in the other sites: the mucous membrane of gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane of tracheobronchial tree, and lung parenchyma.Results. Patients with the generalized form of KS had a higher frequency of skin lesions on the body (pχ2 = 0.036), face (pχ2 = 0.033), and multiple sites (pχ2 = 0.018). Patients from both groups had low CD4+ count, but it was more severe in GF group (pχ2 = 0.027) with a significant increase of the viral load (pχ2 = 0.047). The predictors of the generalized form of KS are the following: the presence of specific lesions on the skin of body, face and multiple localizations, CD4 level below 125 cells/mcL, increase in the viral load above 5.3log10 copies/ml, reduction of erythrocytes level below 3.1 × 1012 cells/L. Among 24 patients with KS who had 4-6 predictors, 19 (79.2%) had the generalized form. Among KS patients with not a single predictor, there were no cases of generalized form, as well as there were no cases of local forms among patients who had 5 and 6 predictors


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    The paper presents the results of studies of the physicochemical characteristics of boron-containing ferroalloys. Their density and melting points were experimentally estimated. The melting time of ferroalloys is calculated and a recommendation is given for the size of a piece for alloying steel.Работа выполнена по госзаданию ИМЕТ УРО РАН