434 research outputs found

    Fast Implementation of Transmit Beamforming for Colocated MIMO Radar

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    Multiple-input Multiple-output (MIMO) radars benefit from spatial and waveform diversities to improve the performance potential. Phased array radars transmit scaled versions of a single waveform thereby limiting the transmit degrees of freedom to one. However MIMO radars transmit diverse waveforms from different transmit array elements thereby increasing the degrees of freedom to form flexible transmit beampatterns. The transmit beampattern of a colocated MIMO radar depends on the zero-lag correlation matrix of different transmit waveforms. Many solutions have been developed for designing the signal correlation matrix to achieve a desired transmit beampattern based on optimization algorithms in the literature. In this paper, a fast algorithm for designing the correlation matrix of the transmit waveforms is developed that allows the next generation radars to form flexible beampatterns in real-time. An efficient method for sidelobe control with negligible increase in mainlobe width is also presented

    Comparison Of Modified Dual Ternary Indexing And Multi-Key Hashing Algorithms For Music Information Retrieval

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    In this work we have compared two indexing algorithms that have been used to index and retrieve Carnatic music songs. We have compared a modified algorithm of the Dual ternary indexing algorithm for music indexing and retrieval with the multi-key hashing indexing algorithm proposed by us. The modification in the dual ternary algorithm was essential to handle variable length query phrase and to accommodate features specific to Carnatic music. The dual ternary indexing algorithm is adapted for Carnatic music by segmenting using the segmentation technique for Carnatic music. The dual ternary algorithm is compared with the multi-key hashing algorithm designed by us for indexing and retrieval in which features like MFCC, spectral flux, melody string and spectral centroid are used as features for indexing data into a hash table. The way in which collision resolution was handled by this hash table is different than the normal hash table approaches. It was observed that multi-key hashing based retrieval had a lesser time complexity than dual-ternary based indexing The algorithms were also compared for their precision and recall in which multi-key hashing had a better recall than modified dual ternary indexing for the sample data considered.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Combining ability and heterosis analysis for drought tolerant traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Rice is the most important staple food for more than half of the world’s population and also for most of the countries. A Line x Tester analysis was undertaken to study the nature of gene action for yield and drought tolerant traits. The ratio of SCA and GCA was less than unity for all the characters which revealed that the preponderance of non- additive gene action governing the traits concerned. The lines viz., ADT 43, ADT (R) 49, CO (R) 50 and the testers viz., PMK (R) 3, Chandikar and Anna (R) 4 were adjudged as the best general combiners for drought tolerant traits. The cross combinations viz., ADT 39 x Vellaichitraikar had exhibited significant values for dry root weight (9.66), root/shoot ratio (0.31), root length (3.82), number of roots per plant (37.08), root thickness (0.11), root volume (4.27) and root length density (0.03) ADT (R) 49 x Chandikar for 70 percent relative water content (8.85), dry root weight (18.03), dry shoot weight (40.55), root length (3.10), number of roots per plant (140.16) root thickness (0.38) and root volume (23.14) were found to be specific combiners for most of the drought tolerant traits. The cross combinations, viz., ADT 43 x Anna (R) 4, ADT (R) 49 x Chandikar and ADT 43 x PMK (R) 3 had highly significant standard heterosis. Breeding for drought tolerance in rice would be of immense value to the farmers economic health, family well-being and harmony in the society

    Disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis-diagnostic dilemma in an acute presentation-a case report

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    Diffuse peritoneal leiomyomatosis is a rare benign condition which has a multifactorial origin with genetic or hormonal component leading to metaplasia of peritoneal mesenchymal cells. Thus, a combination of radiology with clinical correlation is an ideal approach for diagnosis. Though benign, radiologically it could give a picture of malignancy. In our case, patient came with an acute presentation resembling torsion ovary which usually needs emergency detorsion. In this scenario, multiple radiology component directed the case towards malignancy while ultimately a history, clinical correlation and biopsy revealed its benign nature. Reviewing the reported cases of disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis (DPL) incidence has slightly increased in recent years and is more common in patients with a past history of unconfined laparoscopic myomectomy wherein spillage of the myoma content into the abdominal cavity can trigger DPL as these are hormone sensitive tissues. The indolent course of the disease usually suggests a borderline disease, but only histological and immunohistochemical studies can confirm DPL, showing smooth muscle cells without nuclear atypia, strongly expressing estrogen and progesterone receptors. Mainstay of treatment targets in curbing the hormone influence on DPL and surgical management

    Challenges and Opportunities in 4D Printing -An Application Perspective

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    Over the last ten years, 3D printing technology has played a pivotal role in transforming the manufacturing industry. A recent advancement within the realm of 3D printing has introduced time as a fourth dimension, enabling the creation of 4D printing components. While a 3D-printed design remains static, a 4D-printed design has the remarkable ability to change its shape in response to environmental conditions. This paper also examines various applications of 4D printing across diverse fields such as electronics, renewable energy, aerospace, food, healthcare, and fashion. The review addresses research gaps, the current obstacles in 4D printing, and the future prospects of this technology

    Feature Selection in Ischemic Heart Disease Identification using Feed Forward Neural Networks

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    AbstractFeature Selection in Data Mining refers to an art of minimizing the number of inputs under evaluation. An artificial neural network is the simulation of a human brain which learns with experience. Efficiency of a model or a system in terms of cost, time and accuracy will greatly improve if proper features of a system are selected. This proposed method uses Artificial Neural Network for selecting the interesting or important features from the input layer of the network. A Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Network is used for selection of interesting features from a Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) data base with 712 patients. Initially the number of attributes was 17 and after feature selection the number of attributes was reduced to 12. All combination of features are attempted as inputs of a Neural Network. When the input features is 12 the predicted accuracy during training is high as 89.4% and during testing is high as 82.2%. Further removal of features lowers the accuracy and hence the interesting features selected for prediction is concluded to be as 12 for this IHD data set


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    Objective: B.subtilis and B.licheniformis have been reported as one of the potential protease producer. Hence, an attempt has been made to optimize and compare the enzyme production by entrapment and fermentor conditions. Methods: Growth profile of both the strains has been studied. Optimization of culture conditions with respect to pH, temperature, agitation, carbon, nitrogen sources and metals has also been analyzed. Immobilization studies have been conducted for the strains. Enzyme production ability in fermentor has been premeditated. Results: Growth profile for both the strains was found to be similar. Strains were optimized for maximal enzyme production. Fermentation has yielded higher production of enzyme (8080 U/ml) compared to immobilization (850 U/ml). Conclusion: B.subtilis was more stable in enzyme production with immobilization and fermentation when compared to B.licheniformis.Keywords: B.subtilis, B.licheniformis, Immobilization, Fermentatio

    Application studies of the halotolerant protease from a newly isolated Virgibacillus dokdonensis VIT P14

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    Protease extracted from halotolerant bacterium - was tested for possible industrial applications. This enzyme was able to dissolve blood clot and coagulated egg within 30 min. The enzyme exhibited substantial keratinolytic activity. It was compatible with all the tested commercial detergents like Rin, Surfexcel, Henko, Tide, Ariel and Technobright and was found to be effective in the removal of blood strains from cotton fabric in the presence of these detergents. The enzyme was compatible with the organic solvents like xylene, toluene, hexane and ethanol and the maximum activity was observed in the presence of ethanol. The enzyme was tested for antimicrobial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and it was found that it possesses good inhibition capability against Escherichia coli, Streptococcus eqiuns, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica. The present report indicates that this halotolerant  protease has a wide range of properties and the conditions could be optimized to suit any particular industrial application