101 research outputs found

    Aquatic Environment

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    Environment and Development: Basic Principles, Human Activities, and Environmental Implications focuses on the adverse impact that human activities, developments, and economic growth have on both natural and inhabited environments. The book presents the associated problems, along with solutions that can be used to achieve a harmonic, sustainable development that provides for the co-existence of man and natural life

    Aquatic Environment

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    Environment and Development: Basic Principles, Human Activities, and Environmental Implications focuses on the adverse impact that human activities, developments, and economic growth have on both natural and inhabited environments. The book presents the associated problems, along with solutions that can be used to achieve a harmonic, sustainable development that provides for the co-existence of man and natural life

    Proximity effecs and curie temperature enhancement in Co/EuS and Fe/EuS multilayers

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    Two identical Co/EuS and Fe/EuS multilayers of six periods each and with individual layers of about 4 nm thick are grown by e-beam evaporation under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The films show polycrystalline structure with a grain size limited by the individual layer thickness. Both multilayers consist of almost continuous layers with some roughness. The surface peak-to-peak roughness is about 4–5 nm. Magnetization measurements and calculations of the loops based on a Stoner–Wohlfarth-like model allow us to determine the direct antiferromagnetic exchange coupling constant between the 3d metal and EuS at 5 K. Both samples show strong enhancement of the Curie temperature of EuS up to at least 50 K with a EuS magnetization tail, which persists up to about 100 K. The J = 7/2 character of the EuS layers is shown to be responsible for the large Curie temperature enhancement

    Effects of 2-chlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol on an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor

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    In the work, the effect of 2-chlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol on the performance of a sequencing batch reactor operated with suspended municipal recycle activated sludge (RAS) in terms of total carbon and total nitrogen removal is presented. The total carbon removal achieved ranged in 80%–100% and total nitrogen removal in 10%–84%. The results showed that chlorophenols did not inhibit either the activated sludge growth or the total carbon removal significantly. However, inhibition is observed in total nitrogen removal. 2-chlorophenol inhibited the ammonium oxidation (nitrification) while such an effect was not observed in the case of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol indicating that the later inhibits the ammonification step. Moreover, the results indicated that total removal of both chlorophenols was achieved during the first day of the processing

    Treatment of municipal solid waste landfill leachate by use of combined biological, physical and photochemical processes

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    The purpose of this work was to study the treatment of a leachate coming from the municipal solid waste landfill of Astana (Kazakhstan). Physical (striping and adsorption), biological and photochemical processes were applied separately or in combination, and the treatment efficiency was attended in terms of carbon and nitrogen removal. The leachate carbon was by 45%–60% inorganic while nitrogen was almost 100% inorganic in the form of ammonia. The results showed that inorganic carbon and ammonia can be almost entirely removed by air stripping at pH = 7 and pH = 12, respectively. The removal of organic carbon by stripping alone was lower than 4% but combined to adsorption reached 20%, and to biological treatment 30%. The removal of organic carbon by photochemical oxidation alone was 43%. The combination of stripping, adsorption and biological treatment resulted in 37% organic carbon and with the addition of photochemical oxidation step the removal was increased to 59%. In overall, total carbon removal reached 85% and total nitrogen removal almost 100%. The results showed that the decomposition of landfill leachate carbon is a challenging task requiring a combination of processes. On the contrary, as almost all nitrogen is inorganic, air stripping at elevated pH alone can sufficiently eliminate it

    Direct evidence for significant spin-polarization of EuS in Co/EuS multilayers at room temperature

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    The new era of spintronics promises the development of nanodevices, where the electron spin will be used to store information and charge currents will be replaced by spin currents. For this, ferromagnetic semiconductors at room temperature are needed. We report on significant room-temperature spin polarization of EuS in Co/EuS multilayers recorded by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The films were found to contain a mixture of divalent and trivalent europium, but only Eu11 is responsible for the ferromagnetic behavior of EuS. The magnetic XMCD signal of Eu at room temperature could unambiguously be assigned to magnetic ordering of EuS and was found to be only one order of magnitude smaller than that at 2.5 K. The room temperature magnetic moment of EuS is as large as the one of bulk ferromagnetic Ni. Our findings pave the path for fabrication of room–temperature spintronic devices using spin polarized EuS layers

    IL-10 and TGF-β1 gene polymorphisms in Greek patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis

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    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most frequent inflammatory disorders of the oral mucosa. Cytokines, which play an important role in RAS pathogenesis, participate directly or indirectly in normal, immunological and inflammatory processes and are secreted from cells belonging to innate and adaptive immunity as a consequence of microbial and antigenic stimuli. Gene polymorphisms in specific cytokines may predispose to RAS development. The aim of this study was the investigation and association of IL-10 and TGF-β1 gene polymorphisms with RAS

    Layering and temperature-dependent magnetization and anisotropy of naturally produced Ni/NiO multilayers

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    Ni/NiO multilayers were grown by magnetron sputtering at room temperature, with the aid of the natural oxidation procedure. That is, at the end of the deposition of each single Ni layer, air is let to flow into the vacuum chamber through a leak valve. Then, a very thin NiO layer (~1.2nm) is formed. Simulated x-ray reflectivity patterns reveal that layering is excellent for individual Ni-layer thickness larger than 2.5nm, which is attributed to the intercalation of amorphous NiO between the polycrystalline Ni layers. The magnetization of the films, measured at temperatures 5–300K, has almost bulk- like value, whereas the films exhibit a trend to perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) with an unusual significant positive interface anisotropy contribution, which presents a weak temperature dependence. The power-law behavior of the multilayers indicates a non-negligible contribution of higher order anisotropies in the uniaxial anisotropy. Bloch-law fittings for the temperature dependence of the magnetization in the spin-wave regime show that the magnetization in the multilayers decreases faster as a function of temperature than the one of bulk Ni. Finally, when the individual Ni-layer thickness decreases below 2nm, the multilayer stacking vanishes, resulting in a dramatic decrease of the interface magnetic anisotropy and consequently in a decrease of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

    Dipolar interaction between two-dimensional magnetic particles

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    We determine the effective dipolar interaction between single domain two-dimensional ferromagnetic particles (islands or dots), taking into account their finite size. The first correction term decays as 1/D^5, where D is the distance between particles. If the particles are arranged in a regular two-dimensional array and are magnetized in plane, we show that the correction term reinforces the antiferromagnetic character of the ground state in a square lattice, and the ferromagnetic one in a triangular lattice. We also determine the dipolar spin-wave spectrum and evaluate how the Curie temperature of an ensemble of magnetic particles scales with the parameters defining the particle array: height and size of each particle, and interparticle distance. Our results show that dipolar coupling between particles might induce ferromagnetic long range order at experimentally relevant temperatures. However, depending on the size of the particles, such a collective phenomenon may be disguised by superparamagnetism.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure