188 research outputs found

    Economic growth and equality of opportunity

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    In this paper we argue that a better understanding of the relationship between inequality and growth can be obtained by shifting the analisys from the space of final achievements to the space of opportunities. To this end, we introduce the Opportunity Growth Incidence Curve, that can be used to evaluate the income dynamics of specific groups of the population and to infer the role of growth in the evolution of inequality of opportunity over time. By employng a rank dependent social welfare function we provide a rigorous normative justification for the use of the OGIC: we obtain suitable dominance conditions and we show how they can be interpreted in terms of OGIC dominance. We also propose an index that can be used to measure the impact of growth in terms of ooopotunity redistribution. Finally, we provide two empirical illustrations, for Italy and for Brasil, which show the potentials of the tools we have introduced.INCOME INEQUALITY, INEQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY, ECONOMIC GROWTH

    On Preference, Freedom and Diversity

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    We study the problem of ranking sets of options in terms of freedom of choice. We propose a framework in which both the diversity of the options and the preferences of the agent over the options do play a role. We formulate some axioms that re°ect these two aspects of freedom and we study their logical implications. Two di®erent criteria for ranking sets are characterized, which generalize some of the rankings proposed so far in the literature

    Poverty and Social Exclusion in Rural Areas. Final Study Report

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    This study aims at analysing the main and specific features of poverty and social exclusion in rural areas; on the policy side, it analyses those policies, implemented by local, national or EU authorities, that have an impact on rural poverty. After identifying rural areas in the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA),the study concentrates on fifteen countries for the description of the main features of poverty in rural areas. The fifteen countries are selected in order to present a balanced sample of different geographical regions (Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Europe) and social models. one EEA country – Norway

    On multidimensional poverty rankings of binary attributes

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    We address the problem of ranking distributions of attributes in terms of poverty, when the attributes are represented by binary variables. To accomplish this task, we identify a suitable notion of “multidimensional poverty line” and characterize axiomatically the Head-Count and the Attribute-Gap poverty rankings, which are the natural counterparts of the most widely used income poverty indices. Finally, we apply our methodology and compare our empirical results with those obtained with some other well-known poverty measures

    Esiste uguaglianza delle opportunit\ue0 in Italia ?

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    In questo lavoro si fornisce un metodo possibile per misurare la disuguaglianza delle opportunit\ue0 e scomporre la disuguaglianza complessiva dei redditi in una componente \uabinaccettabile\ubb e in una \uabaccettabile\ubb dal punto di vista etico. Viene anche proposta una applicazione di questo metodo alla analisi della disuguaglianza delle opportunit\ue0 in Italia, che risulta essere pari a circa un terzo di quella complessiva dei redditi in Italia, con le regioni del Sud caratterizzate da un pi\uf9 elevato livello di disuguaglianza delle opportunit\ue0 rispetto alle regioni del Nor

    Fair and unfair income inequalities in Europe

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    This paper analyses the extent of income inequality and opportunity inequality in 25 European countries. The present work contributes to understanding the origin of standard income inequality, helping to identify potential institutional setups that are associated to opportunity inequality. We distinguish between ex ante and ex post opportunity inequality. We find that ex ante equality of opportunity exhibits positive correlation with public expenditure in education, whereas ex post equality of opportunity is also positively associated to union presence and to fiscal redistributio

    Income inequality and opportunity inequality in Europe

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    Rapid identification of BCR/ABL1-like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients using a predictive statistical model based on quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction: clinical, prognostic and therapeutic implications.

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    BCR/ABL1-like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is a subgroup of B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia that occurs within cases without recurrent molecular rearrangements. Gene expression profiling (GEP) can identify these cases but it is expensive and not widely available. Using GEP, we identified 10 genes specifically overexpressed by BCR/ABL1-like ALL cases and used their expression values - assessed by quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR) in 26 BCR/ABL1-like and 26 non-BCR/ABL1-like cases to build a statistical "BCR/ABL1-like predictor", for the identification of BCR/ABL1-like cases. By screening 142 B-lineage ALL patients with the "BCR/ABL1-like predictor", we identified 28/142 BCR/ABL1-like patients (19·7%). Overall, BCR/ABL1-like cases were enriched in JAK/STAT mutations (P < 0·001), IKZF1 deletions (P < 0·001) and rearrangements involving cytokine receptors and tyrosine kinases (P = 0·001), thus corroborating the validity of the prediction. Clinically, the BCR/ABL1-like cases identified by the BCR/ABL1-like predictor achieved a lower rate of complete remission (P = 0·014) and a worse event-free survival (P = 0·0009) compared to non-BCR/ABL1-like ALL. Consistently, primary cells from BCR/ABL1-like cases responded in vitro to ponatinib. We propose a simple tool based on Q-RT-PCR and a statistical model that is capable of easily, quickly and reliably identifying BCR/ABL1-like ALL cases at diagnosis

    Complex karyotype in unfit patients with CLL treated with ibrutinib and rituximab: the GIMEMA LLC1114 phase 2 study

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    In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the presence of a complex karyotype, as defined by ≥3 chromosomal abnormalities in the neoplastic clone, has been shown to confer an adverse prognosis in retrospective series of untreated patients and in patients treated with chemoimmunotherap
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