1,708 research outputs found

    Determination of gas temperature in the plasmatron channel according to the known distribution of electronic temperature

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    An analytical method to calculate the temperature distribution of heavy particles in the channel of the plasma torch on the known distribution of the electronic temperature has been proposed. The results can be useful for a number of model calculations in determining the most effective conditions of gas blowing through the plasma torch with the purpose of heating the heavy component. This approach allows us to understand full details about the heating of cold gas, inpouring the plasma, and to estimate correctly the distribution of the gas temperature inside the channel

    Magnetic properties of the non-stoichiometric TbCo2Nix alloys

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    The magnetic and magnetothermal properties of the non-stoichiometric TbCo2Nix (0 ≤ x ≤0.2) alloys were studied. It was found that the concentration dependence of the Curie temperature and magnetic moment of the 3d-sublattice have a maximum at x = 0.025. The obtained experimental magnetic properties of the TbCo2Nix alloys were discussed under assumption that the Co magnetic moment in the compounds changes with increasing x. The magnetic entropy change was determined using the temperature dependences of the magnetization and Maxwell's thermodynamic relation. The obtained results for TbCo2Nix were compared with those for the ErCo2Mnx alloys. © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences.The research was carried out within the state assignment of )$62 of 5Xssia (thePe ³0aJnet´ 1o ȺȺȺȺ-Ⱥ - 118020290129 -5) and supported by project of UB RAS (No. 18-10-2-5)

    Complex research on the interaction of glass with space debris

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    This paper discusses the interactions of barriers with a spherical impactor and the character of possible deformation and fragmentation of barriers and impactors. The destruction of glass is considered as a process of destruction of fragile material without a part of plastic deformation characteristic of the deformation metals. To calculate the elastic-plastic flow a technique was used which was implemented on the tetrahedral cells and based on the combined use of the Wilkins method for calculating the interior points of the body and the Johnson method for calculating contact interactions. Methods for accelerating the flow of fine particles and the individual spherical particles have been developed. A series of experiments for usual glass and glass with coatings has been carried out

    Quantum matter wave dynamics with moving mirrors

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    When a stationary reflecting wall acting as a perfect mirror for an atomic beam with well defined incident velocity is suddenly removed, the density profile develops during the time evolution an oscillatory pattern known as diffraction in time. The interference fringes are suppressed or their visibility is diminished by several effects such as averaging over a distribution of incident velocities, apodization of the aperture function, atom-atom interactions, imperfect reflection or environmental noise. However, when the mirror moves with finite velocity along the direction of propagation of the beam, the visibility of the fringes is enhanced. For mirror velocities below beam velocity, as used for slowing down the beam, the matter wave splits into three regions separated by space-time points with classical analogues. For mirror velocities above beam velocity a visibility enhancement occurs without a classical counterpart. When the velocity of the beam approaches that of the mirror the density oscillations rise by a factor 1.8 over the stationary value.Comment: 5.2 pages, 6 figure

    Tropospheric temperature measurements with the pure rotational Raman lidar technique using nonlinear calibration functions

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    Among lidar techniques, the pure rotational Raman (PRR) technique is the best suited for tropospheric and lower stratospheric temperature measurements. Calibration functions are required for the PRR technique to retrieve temperature profiles from lidar remote sensing data. Both temperature retrieval accuracy and number of calibration coefficients depend on the selected function. The commonly used calibration function (linear in reciprocal temperature 1∕T with two calibration coefficients) ignores all types of broadening of individual PRR lines of atmospheric N2 and O2 molecules. However, the collisional (pressure) broadening dominates over other types of broadening of PRR lines in the troposphere and can differently affect the accuracy of tropospheric temperature measurements depending on the PRR lidar system. We recently derived the calibration function in the general analytical form that takes into account the collisional broadening of all N2 and O2 PRR lines (Gerasimov and Zuev, 2016). This general calibration function represents an infinite series and, therefore, cannot be directly used in the temperature retrieval algorithm. For this reason, its four simplest special cases (calibration functions nonlinear in 1∕T with three calibration coefficients), two of which have not been suggested before, were considered and analyzed. All the special cases take the collisional PRR lines broadening into account in varying degrees and the best function among them was determined via simulation. In this paper, we use the special cases to retrieve tropospheric temperature from real PRR lidar data. The calibration function best suited for tropospheric temperature retrievals is determined from the comparative analysis of temperature uncertainties yielded by using these functions. The absolute and relative statistical uncertainties of temperature retrieval are given in an analytical form assuming Poisson statistics of photon counting. The vertical tropospheric temperature profiles, retrieved from nighttime lidar measurements in Tomsk (56.48° N, 85.05° E; Western Siberia, Russia) on 2 October 2014 and 1 April 2015, are presented as an example of the calibration functions application. The measurements were performed using a PRR lidar designed in the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for tropospheric temperature measurements