210 research outputs found

    Spectra of explosive glowing of heavy metal azides at initiation by high-current electron beam

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    Glowing spectra of products resulted by heavy metal azides explosive decomposition initiated by high-current electron beam were measured and identified. Intensive emission lines related to atoms of alkali metals were observed in spectra of samples under study. These atoms enter explosives during their preparation. Emission lines of elements being part of a sample holder were also presented in spectra of explosion

    Коммуникативно-культурная память Югры и проблемы её межпоколенческой трансляции в цифровую эпоху: филологический аспект

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    Introduction: the article is one of the first in Russian philology and journalism theory experience of the system analysis of the process of digitalization of communicative and cultural memory as a phenomenon, and problems of its intergenerational translation in the media space of a multi-ethnic region. Objective: to identify and analyze trends in the development of Yugra media sphere in the context of permanent social and technological transformations based on the ethno-cultural specificity of media texts; to identify and describe the resources of productive intergenerational communication. Research materials: the results of the latest research in the field of philological regionalism, cultural studies and communication studies. The empirical basis was a discourse analysis of 212 mass media texts and a survey of 177 respondents. Results and novelty of the research: the result of the research is a conceptual justification of the concept of «model of effective activity of mass media of Yugra», as well as identification of their role and ways of effective functioning in digital reality. For the first time, mass media are considered as the main translators of discursive practices related to the formation and development of communicative and cultural memory in a multi-ethnic region. The article notes that the problems of effective functioning of global media systems of the digital age cannot be systematically analyzed without highlighting the mechanisms of transformation of communicative and cultural memory at the regional level. The pluralistic media environment of Yugra is a unique object of research that allows us to determine the fundamental factors of building of the multicultural community. The research conducted by the authors makes it possible to substantiate approaches that contribute to overcoming digital generational gaps in the society, including a model approach to the problem of mass media performance. The model is defined as an action whose predictive characteristics in digital reality should be based primarily on the identification of emotional and semantic dominants of multimedia texts and the nature of respondents ‘media preferences. © 2020 Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development. All rights reserved.Acknowledgements: the research was carried out with the financial support of the RGNF grant No. 19-18-00264 within the framework of the scientific project «Digitalization of communicative and cultural memory and problems of its intergenerational translation

    Creative Environment as a Factor of Professional Culture Formation of Journalists in the Digital Era

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    The article provides a systematic analysis of the creative environment formation of the leading actors in modern media societies using the example of a specific macro-region. According to the research, in the era of post-literacy and widespread digitalisation, systemic flaws in the organisation of dialogue between the authorities and the wider Russian population have become visible. By updating the tasks of improving media education and “accumulation” of digital capital, the authors offer the essential elements of a model for developing the creative environment for regional journalism.The authors would like to thank their colleagues for their contribution and support to the research. They are also thankful to all the reviewers who gave their valuable inputs to the manuscript and helped in completing the paper.The study was carried out with the financial support of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 19-18-00264 in the framework of the scientific project “Digitalization of communicative-cultural memory and problems of its intergenerational transmission”

    Economic aspects of creating media content

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    In the terms of the economic crisis not only informative, but also financial significance of multimedia approach to the development of the content of the media increases. First, the universalization of journalists helps to save money. Secondly, newspapers, magazines, electronic media in their vast majority, along with the usual channels introducing their product to the real and potential audience, learn the various forms of the Internet as an advertising medium system. Reasons to make the "guided imagery" in the texts is one of the trends of media development which is proved by the author.В условиях экономического кризиса возрастает не только содержательная, но и сугубо финансовая значимость мультимедийного подхода к формированию контента масс-медиа. Во-первых, универсализация журналистов помогает значительно экономить средства. Во-вторых, при этом газеты, журналы, электронные СМИ в своем подавляющем большинстве, наряду с привычными каналами адресации своей продукции реальной и потенциальной аудитории, осваивают в различных формах интернет как системный носитель рекламы. Основания сделать при этом «управляемую визуализацию» в текстах одним из трендов развития СМИ, как доказывает автор, весьма веские

    Sociology of mass communication: modeling as a new direction of development

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    Обосновано использование метода моделирования в социологии массовых коммуникаций.Justified the use of modeling method in Sociology of mass communications

    Professional Culture of a Journalist in the Context of Digital Transformations of the Media

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    The article examines the most urgent problem of adaptation of the media and journalists to work in the digital revolution and the formation of fundamentally new models of information interaction with the mass audience. The author concludes that a full understanding of the priorities of human development and assistance of the efforts of modern journalists can only happen in the conditions of formation and development of the professional culture of the community. In this case, as proved, professional culture within the framework of current practice produces not only different kinds of communication and artifacts, but also the system of values and forms of the spiritual life.В статье анализируется актуальнейшая проблема адаптации СМИ и журналистов к работе в условиях цифровой революции и формирования принципиально новых моделей информационного взаимодействия с массовой аудиторией. Автор делает вывод, что в полной мере осознавать при этом приоритеты гуманитарного развития и содействовать ему своими усилиями современные журналисты могут только в условиях формирования и развития профессиональной культуры сообщества. При этом, как доказывается, профессиональная культура в рамках новейшей практики продуцирует не только различного вида коммуникационные связи и артефакты, но и систему ценностных ориентиров, а также формы духовной жизни

    Convergent journalism as a factor of socio-cultural transformations in the information society

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    Рассматриваются актуальные проблемы конвергентной журналистики.A discussion of current problems of convergent journalism

    The Convergence of Mass Media in the Mirror of Sociology

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    In the conditions of transformation of the majority of social institutions and widespread digitalization of content, a significant factor in preserving the competitive advantages of traditional mass media is the development of their convergent capabilities, the presentation of texts in multimedia formats. Based on the results of the sociological research of the mass media of the Ural region and a survey of journalists, the authors analyze the degree and forms of involvement in this process. As a result, it is concluded that the creative competence of journalists of convergent editions at the same time with good reason can be attributed to the number of system-forming qualities that characterize the factors of development and efficiency of the media as a whole.В условиях трансформации большинства социальных институтов и повсеместной цифровизации контента значимым фактором сохранения конкурентных преимуществ традиционных массмедиа является развитие их конвергентных возможностей, представление текстов в мультимедийных форматах. На основании результатов проведенного социологического исследования массмедиа Уральского региона и опроса журналистов авторы анализируют степень и формы включенности в данный процесс. В результате делается вывод, что творческие компетенции журналистов конвергентных редакций при этом с полным основанием можно отнести к числу системообразующих качеств, характеризующих факторы развития и эффективности массмедиа в целом

    Kinetic parameters of the uranium luminescence in Lif crystals

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    The results of researches with nanosecond time resolution of kinetic characteristics of luminescence buildup and decay in crystals LiF(U)-O at 300 K under action of both laser pulse with energy 3,68 eV and electron pulse with energy 300 keV have been presented. Influence of excite method on kinetic characteristics of uranium luminescence buildup and influence of uranium on kinetic characteristics of oxygen luminescence in crystal were establishe