46 research outputs found

    Опредеение дальности распознавания объектов тепловизором с микроболометрической матрицей

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    Запропоновано нову методику визначення максимальної дальності розпізнавання (MRR), заснована на NIIRS. Проведено розрахунок за викладеною методикою та зпівставлено з результатами, отриманими за іншими найбільш розповсюдженими методиками.The new method of determining of the maximal range of recognition (MRR) based on the NIIRS is proposed. The calculation of MRR by the proposed method have been done and was compared with the MRR which were calculated by other most overspread methods.Предложена новая методика определения максимальной дальности распознавания (MRR), основанная на NIIRS. Проведен расчет по представленной методике и результат сопоставлен с результатами, полученными по другим наиболее распространенным методикам

    Пути совершенствования исследования качества жизни пациента в офтальмологии — мировые тенденции и собственный опыт

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       Improving the methodology for assessment of the "quality of life" (QoL) of patients in ophthalmic practice is a regular process aimed at increasing the efficiency of clinical diagnostic examination. An analysis of how the quality of life assessment methodology is being improved in the practice of foreign ophthalmologists reveals two interrelated areas — the introduction of various methods of mathematical analysis in order to confirm the content and constructive validity of the developed questionnaire, as well as the wider distribution of approved questionnaires based on adaptation to a specific state language. The accumulated experience of the authors indicates that the involvement (as experts) of ophthalmologists in the development of a QоL questionnaire, as well as the optimal procedure for scaling patient responses, are effective ways to improve the methodology for assessing QoL, which is confirmed by an assessment of the original QoL questionnaires designed for patients with vitreoretinal pathologies, computer vision syndrome and cataracts.   Совершенствование методики оценки «качества жизни» пациента (КЖ) в офтальмологической практике является закономерным процессом, направленным на повышение эффективности клинико-диагностического обследования пациента. Анализ совершенствования методики оценки КЖ в практике зарубежных офтальмологов указывает на два взаимосвязанных направления: внедрение различных методов математического анализа с целью подтверждения содержательной и конструктивной валидности разработанного опросника и более широкое распространение апробированных опросников на основе адаптации к конкретному государственному языку. Накопленный авторский опыт указывает, что привлечение (в качестве экспертов) врачей-офтальмологов к разработке опросника КЖ, а также оптимальная процедура шкалирования ответов пациента являются эффективными направлениями совершенствования методики оценки КЖ, что подтверждается проведенной оценкой оригинальных опросников КЖ пациента при витреоретинальной патологии, компьютерном зрительном синдроме и катаракте

    Primjena i kompozicija individualiziranih zaštitnih elemenata linijske grafike u projektiranju novčanica

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    Proces stvaranja novčanica je dugotrajan i složen, što rezultira kompleksnim rješenjima koja predstavljaju pravo remek djelo grafike. Novčanice su prožete brojnim detaljima i prenose različite informacije koje se analiziraju u teorijskom dijelu rada. Prvotno se postavljaju kriteriji po kojima se izrađuje detaljna analiza velikog broja zaštitnih i konceptualnih elemenata na primjerima novčanica. Time je prikazan okvirni povijesni pregled razvoja novčanica i utjecaji kojima je bio izložen. Analizira se međuovisnost dizajna o sigurnosnim značajkama, te se ispituje razina informiranosti javnosti o zaštitama na novčanicama. Zaključuje se koje metode zaštite su najučinkovitije, te kako šira javnost najčešće provjerava autentičnost novčanica. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada se na temelju donesenih zaključaka iz teorijskog dijela izrađuje prototip novčanice koja je u najvećoj mjeri prožeta individualiziranim PostScript programskim rješenjima elemenata linijske grafike (rozete, mikrotekst, zaštitne linije, brojevi apoena), a od ostalih zaštita modeliran je individualizirani raster transformacijom matematičkog izraza u PostScript programski kod. Sve ostale zaštite tipične za novčanice simulirane su alatima za rastersku i vektorsku grafiku. U radu se ispituje utjecaj kompozicije zaštitnih elemenata na prepoznavanje autentičnosti novčanica, te efikasnost samih individualiziranih programskih rješenja

    Efficiency of initial presbyopia functional correction in visually intensive work persons

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    Aim: To study the efficacy of functional (physiotherapeutic) stimulation of an eye in visually intensive work patients with the initial symptoms of presbyopia.Methods: 104 visually intensive work patients before and after complex physiotherapy (low-energy laser radiation, magnitotherapy, stimulation of accommodation) were examined.Results: Physiotherapy improved near vision (by 0.16 RU on average) and subjective psychophysiological status (by 11.8 %) and reduced eye strain (by 2.1 times). Additionally, objective accommodography indices improved, brightness sensitivity thresholds decreased by 16.5 %, and psychological status improved by 18.2 %. These positive effects of physiotherapeutic stimulation enabled to delay eyeglasses prescription for 6 months in 76 % of patients and for 9 months in 42 % of patients.Conclusion: Functional (physiotherapeutic) stimulation provides effective correction of initial presbyopia in visually intensive work persons

    Comparative Evaluation of the Different Assessment Methods of Life Quality in Patients with Vitreoretinal Pathology

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    Effectiveness of the patients with the vitreoretinal pathology with different quality of life (QL) comparative evaluation methods. Methods. 129 patients (before and after standard vitrectomy) with the 3 types of the vitreretinal pathology were examined (38 — with intraocular hemorrhage, 43 — proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), 48 — retinal detachment). Complex examination (36 clinical, haemodynamic and electrophysiological indications) were performed before and 1 month after surgery. QL research was based on the QL-25 (Russian type of the VFQ-25), QL-9 (Russian type of VF-14) and authorial QL-20 questionnaire. Results. QL increasing was detected after the surgery (15.8–20.9%) in all cases of the vitreoretinal pathology type. Correlation analysis of the different QL hasshown obvious QL-20 advantages, comparing to QL-9 and mostly QL-25, that was indicated by the statistically significant difference of the middle (all 36 indicators) KK (0,44±0,02; 0,35±0,02; 0,15±0,03) and higher KK relating to prognostic informative vision indicators (0,75–0,84; 0,69–0,74; 0,21–0,70). Conclusion. Results indicate actuality of the QL-20 method adaption in dispensary observation of the patients with different types of vitreoretinal pathology

    Main principles of the development of the life quality evaluation methods in the case of vitreoretinal pathology

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    The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of life in patients with different types of vitreoretinal pathology. The first stage is detection of target group, collection data of diseases, choosing the key features and principles of valuation developed questionnaire. The detailed list of questions, determination the type of questionnaire, method of data collection, as well as developing (if necessary) scaling system (indexation) of answers is made on the second stage. The preliminary version of questionnaire on the base on 2 first stage. At the final stage of development assess the reliability, validity and sensitivity of the method of construction with the possibility of some modification of both the questionnaire and psychometric evaluation of the parameters of the test should be accessed. We conducted a broad survey of 28 experts-ophthalmologists (mean age 42.4 years), with extensive experience as a general clinical practice (average work experience is 20.4 years), and immediate surgical operation in the field of medical and surgical treatment of patients with various types of vitreoretinal pathology. The list of suggested questions for patients (total 37 questions), and the time of occurrence of the symptom criteria for psychometric scale responses was presented to the every expert. The choice of psychometric rating scale is (along with the definition of specific issues) the basic methodological position of developing the questionnaire. The most appropriate time scaling with the month period. Therefore the answers were presented in the the form of «permanent», «once a day», «every week», «every month», «absent». From a practical point of view it is extremely important to the The consideration of a quantitative estimation of the responses is extremely important from the practical point of view

    The theoretical development of the cascade model excimer laser irradiation on the organ of vision

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    Authors analyzed the baseline (Pershin K. B., 2000) and advanced (trubilin V. N Pozharitskii M. D., 2011) theoretical model of the cascade excimer laser effects on eyesight.the analysis indicates a lack of elaboration of issues related to the cascade of «a priori measures» aimed at medical and psycho- logical prediction «quality of life» and post-operative rehabilitation. In theory, authors suggest further improvement of the cascade model of excimer laser irradiation on the organ of vision. the proposed theoretical concepts will provide a practical matter, improvefunctional and subjective results of the excimer laser correction of refractive errors

    Analysis of wet-steam microturbine self-regulation characteristics

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    The paper analyzes the characteristics of a wet-steam microturbine self-regulation with a constant and variable consumption of a wet steam, depending on the rotor speed of the turbine. The characteristics of self-regulation are the electric power, the consumption load and the torque generated on the microturbine blades. The dependence of electric power on the rotation speed for a wet-steam microturbine with a power of 5 kW is constructed

    Analysis of wet-steam microturbine self-regulation characteristics

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    The paper analyzes the characteristics of a wet-steam microturbine self-regulation with a constant and variable consumption of a wet steam, depending on the rotor speed of the turbine. The characteristics of self-regulation are the electric power, the consumption load and the torque generated on the microturbine blades. The dependence of electric power on the rotation speed for a wet-steam microturbine with a power of 5 kW is constructed