975 research outputs found

    Orbital order and ferrimagnetic properties of the new compound Sr8CaRe3Cu4O24Sr_8 Ca Re_3 Cu_4 O_{24}

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    By means of the LSDA+U method and the Green function method, we investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of the new material of Sr8_8CaRe3_3Cu4_4O24_{24}. Our LSDA+U calculation shows that this system is an insulator with a net magnetic moment of 1.01 μB\mu_{\rm B}/f.u., which is in good agreement with the experiment. Magnetic moments are mainly located at Cu atoms, and the magnetic moments of neighboring Cu sites align anti-parallel. It is the non-magnetic Re atoms that induce an orbital order of dd electrons of Cu atoms, which is responsible for the strong exchange interaction and the high magnetic transition temperature. Based on the LSDA+U results, we introduce an effective model for the spin degrees of freedom, and investigate the finite-temperature properties by the Green function method. The obtained results are consistent with the experimental results, indicating that the spin-alternating Heisenberg model is suitable for this compound.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figur

    A central extension of \cD Y_{\hbar}(\gtgl_2) and its vertex representations

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    A central extension of \cD Y_{\hbar}(\gtgl_2) is proposed. The bosonization of level 11 module and vertex operators are also given.Comment: 10 pages, AmsLatex, to appear in Lett. in Math. Phy


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    The practical significance of heparin low-molecular fractions as inhibitors of inflammation and antithrombin III consumption reduction were studied. That is most critical in acute hepatic failure. The study was performed using the low-molecular-weight heparin (Nadroparin calcium) in low (prophylactic) doses of 2000 anti-factor Xa units daily per 1 meter squared in the form of continuous intravenous infusion. The cohort study proved the nadroparin positive effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism in children with acute poisoning by hepatotoxic poisons, The significant decrease in the quantitative assessment of disseminated intravascular coagulation relative to the comparison group has been revealed, and the decrease in 28-day mortality from 42 to 13 % has been found in children receiving nadroparin. Conclusions are drawn on the feasibility of introducing low molecular weight heparins into the intensive care regimen of liver failure

    Fusion products, Kostka polynomials, and fermionic characters of su(r+1)_k

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    Using a form factor approach, we define and compute the character of the fusion product of rectangular representations of \hat{su}(r+1). This character decomposes into a sum of characters of irreducible representations, but with q-dependent coefficients. We identify these coefficients as (generalized) Kostka polynomials. Using this result, we obtain a formula for the characters of arbitrary integrable highest-weight representations of \hat{su}(r+1) in terms of the fermionic characters of the rectangular highest weight representations.Comment: 21 pages; minor changes, typos correcte

    Permanent current from non-commutative spin algebra

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    We show that a spontaneous electric current is induced in a nano-scale conducting ring just by putting three ferromagnets. The current is a direct consequence of the non-commutativity of the spin algebra, and is proportional to the non-coplanarity (chirality) of the magnetization vectors. The spontaneous current gives a natural explanation to the chirality-driven anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures on separate pag

    On Bohr-Sommerfeld bases

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    This paper combines algebraic and Lagrangian geometry to construct a special basis in every space of conformal blocks, the Bohr-Sommerfeld (BS) basis. We use the method of [D. Borthwick, T. Paul and A. Uribe, Legendrian distributions with applications to the non-vanishing of Poincar\'e series of large weight, Invent. math, 122 (1995), 359-402, preprint hep-th/9406036], whereby every vector of a BS basis is defined by some half-weighted Legendrian distribution coming from a Bohr-Sommerfeld fibre of a real polarization of the underlying symplectic manifold. The advantage of BS bases (compared to bases of theta functions in [A. Tyurin, Quantization and ``theta functions'', Jussieu preprint 216 (Apr 1999), e-print math.AG/9904046, 32pp.]) is that we can use information from the skillful analysis of the asymptotics of quantum states. This gives that Bohr-Sommerfeld bases are unitary quasi-classically. Thus we can apply these bases to compare the Hitchin connection with the KZ connection defined by the monodromy of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation in combinatorial theory (see, for example, [T. Kohno, Topological invariants for 3-manifolds using representations of mapping class group I, Topology 31 (1992), 203-230; II, Contemp. math 175} (1994), 193-217]).Comment: 43 pages, uses: latex2e with amsmath,amsfonts,theore

    Coherent long-range transfer of angular momentum between magnon Kittel modes by phonons

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    We report ferromagnetic resonance in the normal configuration of an electrically insulating magnetic bilayer consisting of two yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films epitaxially grown on both sides of a 0.5-mm-thick nonmagnetic gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) slab. An interference pattern is observed and it is explained as the strong coupling of the magnetization dynamics of the two YIG layers either in phase or out of phase by the standing transverse sound waves, which are excited through a magnetoelastic interaction. This coherent mediation of angular momentum by circularly polarized phonons through a nonmagnetic material over macroscopic distances can be useful for future information technologies

    First Detection of 12CO (1--0) Emission from Two Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    In order to investigate how the growth of galactic bulges progresses with the growth of central black holes (BHs), we observed molecular gas (fuel for the coming star formation) in possibly young active galaxies, narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s). We present the results of radio observations of 12CO(1--0) using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array (with 2--4 kpc spatial resolution) for two FIR-bright NLS1s, yielding the first detection of their CO emission. Corresponding molecular--gas masses M(H2) of (1-3) X 109 Msun are the 2nd and 4th largest ones among NLS1s. By estimating dynamical masses and bulge masses M(bulge) for these two NLS1s using CO channel map and CO line widths, we found M(H2) amount to 0.13--0.35 of these masses. Taking account the star formation efficiency (~ 0.1), the increase in M(bulge) in those NLS1s in the near future (~< 10^{7.5} yr) is expected not to be a huge fraction (1--5% of the preexisting stars). Bulge growth may have finished before BH growth, or bulge--BH coevolution may proceed with many, occasional discrete events, where one coevolution event produces only a small amount of mass growth of BHs and of bulges. We also discuss the ratios of star-formation rate--to--gas accretion rate onto BHs, finding that two NLS1s have very small ratios (~ 1) compared with the M(bulge)/M(BH) ratios found in active and inactive galaxies (~ 700). This huge difference suggests either the non-overlapped coevolution, long star formation duration or temporarily high accretion rate during NLS1 phase.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Localization of N=4 Superconformal Field Theory on S^1 x S^3 and Index

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    We provide the geometrical meaning of the N=4{\cal N}=4 superconformal index. With this interpretation, the N=4{\cal N}=4 superconformal index can be realized as the partition function on a Scherk-Schwarz deformed background. We apply the localization method in TQFT to compute the deformed partition function since the deformed action can be written as a δϵ\delta_\epsilon-exact form. The critical points of the deformed action turn out to be the space of flat connections which are, in fact, zero modes of the gauge field. The one-loop evaluation over the space of flat connections reduces to the matrix integral by which the N=4{\cal N}=4 superconformal index is expressed.Comment: 42+1 pages, 2 figures, JHEP style: v1.2.3 minor corrections, v4 major revision, conclusions essentially unchanged, v5 published versio

    Stochastic series expansion method with operator-loop update

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    A cluster update (the ``operator-loop'') is developed within the framework of a numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo method based on the power series expansion of exp(-BH) (stochastic series expansion). The method is generally applicable to a wide class of lattice Hamiltonians for which the expansion is positive definite. For some important models the operator-loop algorithm is more efficient than loop updates previously developed for ``worldline'' simulations. The method is here tested on a two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure