582 research outputs found

    Perturbations of the optical properties of mineral dust particles by mixing with black carbon: A numerical simulation study

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    Field observations show that individual aerosol particles are a complex mixture of a wide variety of species, reflecting different sources and physico-chemical transformations. The impacts of individual aerosol morphology and mixing characteristics on the Earth system are not yet fully understood. Here we present a sensitivity study on climate-relevant aerosols optical properties to various approximations. Based on aerosol samples collected in various geographical locations, we have observationally constrained size, morphology and mixing, and accordingly simulated, using the discrete dipole approximation model (DDSCAT), optical properties of three aerosols types: (1) bare black carbon (BC) aggregates, (2) bare mineral dust, and (3) an internal mixture of a BC aggregate laying on top of a mineral dust particle, also referred to as polluted dust. DDSCAT predicts optical properties and their spectral dependence consistently with observations for all the studied cases. Predicted values of mass absorption, scattering and extinction coefficients (MAC, MSC, MEC) for bare BC show a weak dependence on the BC aggregate size, while the asymmetry parameter (g) shows the opposite behavior. The simulated optical properties of bare mineral dust present a large variability depending on the modeled dust shape, confirming the limited range of applicability of spheroids over different types and size of mineral dust aerosols, in agreement with previous modeling studies. The polluted dust cases show a strong decrease in MAC values with the increase in dust particle size (for the same BC size) and an increase of the single scattering albedo (SSA). Furthermore, particles with a radius between 180 and 300 nm are characterized by a decrease in SSA values compared to bare dust, in agreement with field observations. This paper demonstrates that observationally constrained DDSCAT simulations allow one to better understand the variability of the measured aerosol optical properties in ambient air and to define benchmark biases due to different approximations in aerosol parametrization

    Durability tests on lime-based mortars from the historic built heritage of Catania (Eastern Sicily, Italy): An experimental study

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.108137Mortars, like any other natural and artificial stone materials, are subject to atmospheric weathering agents which affect their durability according to the intrinsic characteristics of the material, such as mineralogical composition, texture and pore structure. This paper aims to investigate the physical-chemical durability of lime-based mortars made with two different volcanic aggregates, locally known as azolo and ghiara, peculiar of the historic built heritage of Catania (Eastern Sicily, Italy). An experimental approach has been used, based on the reproduction in laboratory of historic mortars by using ancient recipes. The experimental samples have been characterized from a physical point of view and then subject to accelerated aging tests. Specifically, the samples have undergone: i) mineralogical investigations through X-ray diffraction (XRD); ii) thin section analysis by polarized optical microscopy; iii) pore structure analysis through mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP); iii) water absorption by capillarity; iii) water vapor permeability test; iv) accelerated aging test by salt crystallization; v) decay by sulfur dioxide. Results obtained highlight that the higher microporosity which characterizes the ghiara mortars is certainly responsible for their greater water absorption by capillarity as well as for their lower resistance to salt crystallization and exposure to sulfur dioxide, with respect to azolo-based ones.PNRR project PE5 “CHANGES - Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society” – Spoke 5 (CUP E63C22001960006)EU-funded PON REACT project (CUP E65F21002200005)RNM 179 of the Junta de Andalucía (Spain


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    This paper is aimed to study the petrographic characters of the Boeothian Flysch, an Early Cretaceous turbidite deposit which marks the boundary between the External/Internal Hellenides in central-southern Greece, in order to define a preliminary palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Pindos segment of the Alpine Tethys. The Boeothian Flysch is mainly made up by basal conglomerates and arenaceous-pelitic lithofacies, locally interlayered with Calpionellid micrite limestones. This formation is here supposed to belong to the Early Cretaceous flysch family, which marks the contact between the internal and external areas along all the western and central European Alpine Chains for more than 7,000 km, from the Gibraltar Arc to the Balkans via the Calabria-Peloritani Arc. Provenance of these flysch is commonly connected to internal areas, mainly made up by Hercynian crystalline basements and, locally, by ophiolitic complexes. The petrographic data obtained from representative sandstones of the Boeothian Flysch suggest a provenance from internal sources, formed by a Jurassic carbonate platform, metamorphic basements and by ophiolitic complexes, which can be identified with the Pelagonian Terranes (Auct.). An Early Cretaceous uplift and rejuvenation processes, probably related to the late Cretaceous tectogenesis, widely recorded in almost all the central-western Alpine Tethis, affected these internal domains with consequent production of abundant detrital supply in the innermost sector of the Pindos Ocean, whose external margin was bounded by the Parnassos microcontinent

    Self-attraction effect and correction on three absolute gravimeters

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    The perturbations of the gravitational field due to the mass distribution of an absolute gravimeter have been studied. The so called Self Attraction Effect (SAE) is crucial for the measurement accuracy, especially for the International Comparisons, and for the uncertainty budget evaluation. Three instruments have been analysed: MPG-2, FG5-238 and IMPG-02. The SAE has been calculated using a numerical method based on FEM simulation. The observed effect has been treated as an additional vertical gravity gradient. The correction (SAC) to be applied to the computed g value has been associated with the specific height level, where the measurement result is typically reported. The magnitude of the obtained corrections is of order 1E-8 m/s2.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Metrologi

    Light absorption by polar and non-polar aerosol compounds from laboratory biomass combustion

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    Fresh and atmospherically aged biomass-burning (BB) aerosol mass is mostly comprised of strongly light-absorbing black carbon (BC) and of organic carbon (OC) with its light-absorbing fraction – brown carbon (BrC). There is a lack of data on the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric BB aerosols, leading to high uncertainties in estimates of the BB impact on air quality and climate, especially for BrC. The polarity of chemical compounds influences their fate in the atmosphere including wet/dry deposition and chemical and physical processing. So far, most of the attention has been given to the water-soluble (polar) fraction of BrC, while the non-polar BrC fraction has been largely ignored. In the present study, the light absorption properties of polar and non-polar fractions of fresh and aged BB emissions were examined to estimate the contribution of different-polarity organic compounds to the light absorption properties of BB aerosols. In our experiments, four globally and regionally important fuels were burned under flaming and smoldering conditions in the Desert Research Institute (DRI) combustion chamber. To mimic atmospheric oxidation processes (5–7 days), BB emissions were aged using an oxidation flow reactor (OFR). Fresh and OFR-aged BB aerosols were collected on filters and extracted with water and hexane to study absorption properties of polar and non-polar organic species. Results of spectrophotometric measurements (absorption weighted by the solar spectrum and normalized to mass of fuel consumed) over the 190 to 900nm wavelength range showed that the non-polar (hexane-soluble) fraction is 2–3 times more absorbing than the polar (water-soluble) fraction. However, for emissions from fuels that undergo flaming combustion, an increased absorbance was observed for the water extracts of oxidized/aged emissions while the absorption of the hexane extracts was lower for the aged emissions for the same type of fuels. Absorption Ångström exponent (AAE) values, computed based on absorbance values from spectrophotometer measurements, were changed with aging and the nature of this change was fuel dependent. The light absorption by humic-like substances (HULIS) was found to be higher in fuels characteristic of the southwestern USA. The absorption of the HULIS fraction was lower for OFR-aged BB emissions. Comparison of the light absorption properties of different-polarity extracts (water, hexane, HULIS) provides insight into the chemical nature of BB BrC and its transformation during oxidation processes

    Determination by UPLC/MS-MS of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in Plasma of Healthy Volunteers before and after Oral Intake of Food Supplements Containing CoQ10

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    To evaluate CoQ10 concentration a UPLC/MS-MS method for its analysis in plasma samples was developed. Before validation, the choice of the anticoagulant, of the Internal Standard (CoQ9; IS) and the stability of CoQ10 in plasma were evaluated. These determinations were necessary to assess the effect of the oral intake of CoQ10 in nine healthy volunteers after 10 days of treatment with a food supplement containing it. The basal levels of CoQ10 were determined and the analyses were repeated after four days to take into account the variability of endogenous substances. After oral intake, the increase in plasma concentration of CoQ10 resulted statistically significant (P<0.05), indicating that the assumption of food supplements containing this ubiquinone could be of help to increase its concentration, thus exploiting the its beneficial properties

    Joint modelling of bivariate longitudinal data : Application to the recovery of sexual function and urinary continence

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    (E0871) The following methodological issues occur in the context of the longitudinal study of sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: (i) high dropout rate due to the extremely sensitive nature of the investigated outcomes; (ii) correlation between the two outcomes; (iii) non-linearity of the recovery trajectories. To address all these issues, we propose the use of a joint modelling approach, including a bivariate linear mixed model with splines for the two outcomes and a proportional hazards model for the time to dropout. We applied the model to data from consecutive patients underwent robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy at European institute of oncology from May 2015 to July 2016. Preand post-surgical sexual and urinary functional conditions were evaluated using the expanded prostate cancer index composite questionnaire. Six hundred forty three patients were included in the analysis. At one year after surgery, only 55% of patients returned the questionnaire. Parameters estimation was based on the maximisation of the likelihood function achieved through the implementation of an EM algorithm. A Gauss Hermite approximation was also used for some of the integrals involved. To assess the effect of nonrandom dropout mechanisms on the parameter estimates, we calculated the index of local sensitivity to non-ignorability

    Dynamics of an Inelastic Gravitational Billiard with Rotation

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    The seminal physical model for investigating formulations of nonlinear dynamics is the billiard. Gravitational billiards provide an experimentally accessible arena for their investigation. We present a mathematical model that captures the essential dynamics required for describing the motion of a realistic billiard for arbitrary boundaries, where we include rotational effects and additional forms of energy dissipation. Simulations of the model are applied to parabolic, wedge and hyperbolic billiards that are driven sinusoidally. The simulations demonstrate that the parabola has stable, periodic motion, while the wedge and hyperbola (at high driving frequencies) appear chaotic. The hyperbola, at low driving frequencies, behaves similarly to the parabola; i.e., has regular motion. Direct comparisons are made between the model's predictions and previously published experimental data. The value of the coefficient of restitution employed in the model resulted in good agreement with the experimental data for all boundary shapes investigated. It is shown that the data can be successfully modeled with a simple set of parameters without an assumption of exotic energy dependence.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1103.443
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