126 research outputs found
Tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja (2004. i 2005. godine) obavljeno je istraživanje o visini prinosa i ekonomskoj isplativosti proizvodnje tri rane sorte soje (Dubravka 0, Marija 00 i Danica 000) različitih grupa dozrijevanja. Pokusi su postavljeni po split-plot shemi na poljima Zavoda za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo iz Osijeka, Kutjevo d.d. i PPK Nova Gradiška uz primjenu standardne agrotehnike za soju.
Jaz koji nastaje porastom broja stanovnika i istovremenim smanjenjem poljoprivrednih površina iz godine u godinu sve je veći, a soja zbog velikog postotka bjelančevina (od 35-50%) i ulja (od 18-24%) preuzima vodeće mjesto u proizvodnji i ishrani čovječanstva. Soja zbog naknadne i postrne sjetve postaje zanimljiva poljoprivrednim proizvođačima diljem svijeta. Uzimajući u obzir agrotehničke mjere koje se koriste, uz pomoć tablica i grafikona dana je analiza čimbenika i usporedba isplativosti proizvodnje pojedine sorte soje u Hrvatskoj na površini preko tri hektara, kako bi se odredila najpogodnija sorta za domaću poljoprivrednu proizvodnju.During the two vegetation years (2004 and 2005) an examination was conducted on influence of three early breeds of soybean (Dubravka 0, Marija 00 and Danica 000) belonging to different groups of ripening in terms of level of crop yield and cost effectiveness. The tests were undertaken by split-plot scheme on the crop fields originated from Institution for seed and seedlings Osijek, Kutjevo d.d. and PPK Nova Gradiška using standardized agro measures valid for soybean in The Republic of Croatia.
The difference between increase of the number of inhabitants and decrease in the crop fields area has risen significantly. Soybean, because of its high percentage of proteins (35-50%) and oil (18-24%), slightly for sure overtakes the first position in agricultural production and nutrition of mankind. Soybean is becoming more and more interesting to producers worldwide because of its rich seeding capability. Taking into account the agricultural measures used the analysis and comparison of production effectiveness between each breed of soybean in Croatian on the area more than three ha are presented in tables and graphs. In this way the best breed can be ultimately determined for domestic farm production
The influence of genotype and plant density on morphological properties and maize yield
У двогодишњем периоду (2011-2012. године) изведена су истраживања утицаја хибрида
различите дужине вегетационог периода (FAO grupa 400 - ZP 434, NS 4030, Kitty; FAO grupa 500 -
ZP 505, NS 5043, Luce; FAO grupa 600 - ZP 684, NS 6010, Kermess) и густине усева (75.188, 71.429
и 68.027 биљака по хектару - FАО 400; 68.027, 64.935 и 62.112 биљака по хектару - FАО 500;
62.112, 59.524 и 57.143 биљака по хектару - FАО 600) на морфолошке особине, компоненте
приноса и принос зрна.
Највећи принос зрна на земљишту тип чернозем, у просеку имали су хибриди ZP 684 (9.823
kg ha-1), NS 5043 (9.810 kg ha-1) и хибрид Luce (9.717 kg ha-1), док су на земљишту тип ритска
црница највећи принос, у просеку, имали је хибриди NS 5043 (8.590 kg ha-1), ZP 505 (8.515 kg ha-
1), NS 6010 (8.501 kg ha-1) и хибрид Luce (8.405 kg ha-1). Принос зрна кукуруза повећавао се са
повећањем густине сетве за 1,8% до 8,2% на земљишту тип ритска црница, док се на земљишту
тип чернозем принос зрна повећавао за 1,7% до 5,9%.
Истраживања су показала да су и морфолошке особине, као и компоненте приноса кукуруза,
зависиле од генотипа, односно дужине вегетационог периода хибрида, затим типа земљишта и
густине сетве. Повећањем ФАО групе зрења хибрида, висина биљке у фази метличења се
повећавала за 6,8% до 9,1%, на земљишту тип ритска црница, док се на земљишту тип чернозем
висина повећавала 7,1% до 11,2%. Са повећањем густине сетве, повећавала се и висина стабла у
фази метличења за 1,4% до 2,3% у оквиру групе зрења. Исти резултати добијени су мерењем
висине биљака у фази воштане зрелости.
Повећањем ФАО групе зрења хибрида, обухваћених истраживањима, маса клипа се
повећавала за 15,8% до 23,7%, на земљишту тип ритска црница, док се на земљишту тип
чернозем висина повећавала 21,6% до 32,9%. Са повећањем густине сетве, повећавала се и маса
клипа за 11,5% до 19,8% у оквиру групе зрења. Од свих испитиваних хибрида, највећу масу
клипа имао је хибрид NS 6010 (252,1 g) при средњој густини сетве (59.524 биљака по ха) на
земљишту тип ритска црница, док је на земљишту тип чернозем највећу масу клипа имао хибрид
ZP 684 (292,0 g) при највећој густини сетве (62.112 биљака по ха).In the two-year period (2011-2012) performed studies on the effects of hybrids of different length
of vegetation period (FAO group 400 - ZP 434, NS 4030 , Kitty ; FAO group 500 - ZP 505, NS 5043 ,
Lucе; FAO group 600 - ZP 684 , NS 6010, Kermess) and plant density (75,188, 71,429 and 68,027
plants per hectare - FAO 400; 68,027 , 64,935 and 62,112 plants per hectare - FAO 500 ; 62,112 ,
59,524 and 57,143 plants per hectare - FAO 600) on morphological characteristics, yield components
and grain yield.
The highest yield on chernozem soil type, on average, were hybrids ZP 684 ( 9,823 kg ha-1) , NS
5043 ( 9,810 kg ha-1) and hybrid Luce ( 9,717 kg ha-1 ), while the soil type humogley highest yield, on
average, had by NS 5043 (8,590 kg ha-1), ZP 505 ( 8,515 kg ha-1) , NS 6010 ( 8,501 kg ha-1) and hybrid
Luce ( 8,405 kg ha-1). Grain yield increased with increasing densities of 1.8 to 8.2% of the soil type of
black soil, while the soil type chernozem grain yield increased by 1.7 % to 5.9%.
Studies have shown that the components of corn yield and morphological characteristics
dependent on the genotype or the length of the growing season hybrids, then soil types and densities.
The soil type chernozem, the average yield was increased by 1,320 kg ha-1 or 15.9% compared to the
marsh soil. Increasing FAO hybrids, plant height at tasseling stage was increased by 6.8 to 9.1 %, the
soil type black soil, while the soil type chernozem height increased 7.1% to 11.2%. With increasing
densities, and increased the height of the tree in the tasseling stage by 1.4 % to 2.3% in the maturity
group. The same results were obtained by measuring the height of plants at the stage of wax ripeness.
Increasing FAO hybrids surveyed sample mass was increased by 15.8 % to 23.7%, and the site
type black soil, while the soil type chernozem height increased 21.6 % to 32.9%. With increasing
densities, and increased piston mass by 11.5 % to 19.8% in the maturity group. Of all the hybrids, the
maximum mass sample was produced by NS 6010 (252.1 g) at intermediate densities (59 524 plants per
ha) on soil type black soil, while the soil type chernozem heaviest had piston ZP 684 (292,0 g) at the
highest densities (62,112 plants per ha)
Integration of Solar Power Plant in Distribution Network
This paper presents the integration of the solar power plant SE Gumiimpex, rated power of 1 MW in Croatian distribution network. Basic data of solar power plant are presented as well as the analysis of its impact on the distribution network. Power quality measurements, seven days before and seven days after the connection of PV plant to the grid are performed and obtained power quality indices are compared to those stated in the power quality standard HRN EN 50160/2012 and Croatian grid code. There are also presented results of the simulation of protection relays selection and coordinatio
Axial light emission and Ar metastable densities in a parallel plate dc micro discharge in steady state and transient regimes
Axial emission profiles in a parallel plate dc micro discharge (feedgas:
argon; discharge gap d=1mm; pressure p=10Torr) were studied by means of time
resolved imaging with a fast ICCD camera. Additionally, volt-ampere (V-A)
characteristics were recorded and Ar* metastable densities were measured by
tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). Axial emission profiles in
the steady state regime are similar to corresponding profiles in standard size
discharges (d=1cm, p=1Torr). For some discharge conditions relaxation
oscillations are present when the micro discharge switches periodically between
low current Townsend-like mode and normal glow. At the same time the axial
emission profile shows transient behavior, starting with peak distribution at
the anode, which gradually moves towards the cathode during the normal glow.
The development of argon metastable densities highly correlates with the
oscillating discharge current. Gas temperatures in the low current
Townsend-like mode (T= 320-400K) and the high current glow mode (T=469-526K)
were determined by the broadening of the recorded spectral profiles as a
function of the discharge current.Comment: submitted to Plasma Sources Sci. Techno
A locally signed-distance preserving level set method (SDPLS) for moving interfaces
It is well-known that the standard level set advection equation does not
preserve the signed distance property, which is a desirable property for the
level set function representing a moving interface. Therefore, reinitialization
or redistancing methods are frequently applied to restore the signed distance
property while keeping the zero-contour fixed. As an alternative approach to
these methods, we introduce a novel level set advection equation that
intrinsically preserves the norm of the gradient at the interface, i.e. the
local signed distance property. Mathematically, this is achieved by introducing
a source term that is proportional to the local rate of interfacial area
generation. The introduction of the source term turns the problem into a
non-linear one. However, we show that by discretizing the source term
explicitly in time, it is sufficient to solve a linear equation in each time
step. Notably, without adjustment, the method works naturally in the case of a
moving contact line. This is a major advantage since redistancing is known to
be an issue when contact lines are involved (see, e.g., Della Rocca and
Blanquart, 2014). We provide a first implementation of the method in a simple
first-order upwind scheme.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure
Advanced hardware control for seven DOFs robotic arm-neuro arm
In this paper we will implement new hardware control for 7 DOFs (Degrees of freedom) advanced robotic arm research platform (NeuroArm) equipped with various sensors. New hardware platform consists of Nano Pi platform which is used as a PC platform for standard PLC (programmable logic controller's) unit and will replace old system that consists of 7 16-bit ATmega processors. The goal of new PLC which is based on Linux operating system (Debian distribution) that is patched by Xenomai real time system for reducing control response time and better entire system control. Robotic arm is powered by 7 DC motors which are controlled by two PWM4 (Pulse Width Modulation) modules. Position data is acquired from 1kΩ resistive sensors using RI8 (Resistive module) module and from optical quadrature encoders using one DI16 (Digital Input) module. Also other modules PWM4, RI8 and DI16 communicate with PikoAtlas CPU module by I2C bus
Advanced hardware control for seven DOFs robotic arm-neuro arm
In this paper we will implement new hardware control for 7 DOFs (Degrees of freedom) advanced robotic arm research platform (NeuroArm) equipped with various sensors. New hardware platform consists of Nano Pi platform which is used as a PC platform for standard PLC (programmable logic controller's) unit and will replace old system that consists of 7 16-bit ATmega processors. The goal of new PLC which is based on Linux operating system (Debian distribution) that is patched by Xenomai real time system for reducing control response time and better entire system control. Robotic arm is powered by 7 DC motors which are controlled by two PWM4 (Pulse Width Modulation) modules. Position data is acquired from 1kΩ resistive sensors using RI8 (Resistive module) module and from optical quadrature encoders using one DI16 (Digital Input) module. Also other modules PWM4, RI8 and DI16 communicate with PikoAtlas CPU module by I2C bus
Playing with fire: Exploring ceramic pyrotechnology in the Late Neolithic Balkans through an archaeometric and experimental approach
Addressing ceramic pyrotechnology plays a key role in understanding a wide range of cultural and social behaviours associated to pottery production. Firing is the process which transforms clay into ceramic, which is one of the most frequently preserved materials in the majority of Neolithic and later archaeological sites.
Though firing temperatures and the functions of various pyrotechnological installations have been extensively investigated in archaeology, both have often been addressed separately. Most of our knowledge on firing structures and procedures in the Neolithic are still largely based on ethnoarchaeological evidence. To move forward, we need to consider all aspects involved in ancient pyrotechnology, together with use of additional investigative tools. This study aims to address Neolithic pottery firing from a diverse perspective that merges archaeometric analyses and experimental archaeology. To demonstrate the potential of this approach, we combined an archaeometric case study of pottery from the late Neolithic (5200–4800 BCE) from the site of Gradište-Iđjoš (Serbia) with experimental pit firings, likely one of the mostly frequently employed firing techniques used in prehistoric periods.
Scientific analyses include X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and ceramic petrography. These methods were run on both archaeological materials and experimental reproductions. Additionally, a detailed program of firing temperature monitoring, integrated observations on atmospheric conditions, soaking time, and duration were recorded to contribute to the study. The experiments enabled us to collect results useful for our understanding of the pyrotechnological knowledge of Neolithic potters from a technological and social point of view. In addition, they demonstrated the potential of a dedicated methodological framework for studying pottery firing that can be applied to other chronological and cultural contexts
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