165 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence in innovation research: A systematic review, conceptual framework, and future research directions

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly adopted by organizations to innovate, and this is ever more reflected in scholarly work. To illustrate, assess and map research at the intersection of AI and innovation, we performed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of published work indexed in the Clarivate Web of Science (WOS) and Elsevier Scopus databases (the final sample includes 1448 articles). A bibliometric analysis was deployed to map the focal field in terms of dominant topics and their evolution over time. By deploying keyword co-occurrences, and bibliographic coupling techniques, we generate insights on the literature at the intersection of AI and innovation research. We leverage the SLR findings to provide an updated synopsis of extant scientific work on the focal research area and to develop an interpretive framework which sheds light on the drivers and outcomes of AI adoption for innovation. We identify economic, technological, and social factors of AI adoption in firms willing to innovate. We also uncover firms' economic, competitive and organizational, and innovation factors as key outcomes of AI deployment. We conclude this paper by developing an agenda for future research

    Building an outward-oriented social family legacy: rhetorical history in family business foundations

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    Scholars have recently paid growing attention to the transfer of family legacies across generations, but existing work has been mainly focused on an inward-oriented, intra-family, perspective. In this article, we seek to understand how family firms engage in rhetorical history to transfer their social family legacy to external stakeholders, what we call “outward-oriented social legacy.” By carrying out a 12-months field study in three Italian family business foundations, our findings unveil three distinctive narrative practices—founder foreshadowing, emplacing the legacy within the broader community, and weaving family history with macro—history—that contribute to transferring outward-oriented social legacies

    Face-on galaxies NGC 524 and NGC 6340: chemically decoupled nuclei and inclined circumnuclear disks

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    Central regions of the early-type disk galaxies NGC 524 and NGC 6340 have been investigated with the Multi-Pupil Field Spectrograph at the 6m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I confirm the existence of chemically distinct stellar nuclei in these galaxies which have been claimed earlier. The metallicity differences which are found between the nuclei and the bulges, 0.5 - 1.0 kpc from the centers, reach 0.5 - 0.6 dex. Both nuclei are magnesium overabundant, but the bulges have different magnesium-to-iron ratios: it is solar in NGC 6340 and the same as the nuclear one in NGC 524. The kinematical and morphological analyses reveal the existence of inclined central disks in these galaxies. In NGC 524 the central disk consists of stars, dust, and ionized gas; its extension may be as large as up to R=3 kpc, and it is inclined by more than 20 deg to the global galactic plane. In NGC 6340 only a gaseous polar disk with the radius less than 500 pc is detected.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Astronomical Journal, August2000 issu

    Providing high-quality care remotely to patients with rare bone diseases during COVID-19 pandemic

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    During the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Reference Network on Rare Bone Diseases (ERN BOND) coordination team and Italian rare bone diseases healthcare professionals created the "COVID-19 Helpline for Rare Bone Diseases" in an attempt to provide high-quality information and expertise on rare bone diseases remotely to patients and healthcare professionals. The present position statement describes the key characteristics of the Helpline initiative, along with the main aspects and topics that recurrently emerged as central for rare bone diseases patients and professionals. The main topics highlighted are general recommendations, pulmonary complications, drug treatment, trauma, pregnancy, children and elderly people, and patient associations role. The successful experience of the "COVID-19 Helpline for Rare Bone Diseases" launched in Italy could serve as a primer of gold-standard remote care for rare bone diseases for the other European countries and globally. Furthermore, similar COVID-19 helplines could be considered and applied for other rare diseases in order to implement remote patients' care

    Profilo del dada

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    Tradizione della rottura o rottura della tradizione? Facendo proprio questo interrogativo, Profilo del dada ripercorre l'itinerario che il più radicale movimento della avanguardie storiche tracciò da New York, Barcellona, Zurigo, a Hannover, Berlino, Colonia e Parigi. La ricerca di Valerio Magrelli ricostruisce la parabola di questa avventura letteraria e artistica, per soffermarsi sulla stagione francese. Tra cronaca e teoria, il testo mette in luce il modo in cui, intorno al primo conflitto mondiale, un piccolo gruppo di intellettuali procedette alla riconfigurazione dell'oggetto estetico. La loro rivolta, ironica e nichilista, continua ad apparire ancora oggi il punto più estremo e paradigmatico dello sperimentalismo moderno, e lascia aperta quella stessa domanda già sollevata quarant'anni fa: “Did dada die”? Sostituendo il gesto al manufatto, trasformando la vocazione in provocazione, spostando l’accento dall'opera all'operazione, Dada non poteva sopravvivere che affidandosi a un processo di continua autocancellazione. Per questo la sua lezione resta insuperata, e spiega l’affermazione di George Steiner, secondo cui "sembra ormai probabile che tutta la corrente modernista, fino al giorno d'oggi, alla minimal art e allo happening, ai freaks e alla musica aleatoria, costituisca una semplice nota a piè di pagina, spesso mediocre e di seconda mano, al Dada"
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