10,161 research outputs found

    Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST approach to topologically coupled abelian forms

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    An irreducible Hamiltonian BRST approach to topologically coupled p- and (p+1)-forms is developed. The irreducible setting is enforced by means of constructing an irreducible Hamiltonian first-class model that is equivalent from the BRST point of view to the original redundant theory. The irreducible path integral can be brought to a manifestly Lorentz covariant form.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    New Leptoquark Mechanism of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    A new mechanism for neutrinoless double beta (\znbb) decay based on leptoquark exchange is discussed. Due to the specific helicity structure of the effective four-fermion interaction this contribution is strongly enhanced compared to the well-known mass mechanism of \znbb decay. As a result the corresponding leptoquark parameters are severely constrained from non-observation of \znbb-decay. These constraints are more stringent than those derived from other experiments.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 1 figur

    Light Lepton Number Violating Sneutrinos and the Baryon Number of the Universe

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    Recent results of neutrino oscillation experiments point to a nonvanishing neutrino mass. Neutrino mass models favour Majorana-type neutrinos. In such circumstances it is natural that the supersymmetric counterpart of the neutrino, the sneutrino, bears also lepton number violating properties. On the other hand, the fact that the universe exhibits an asymmetry in the baryon and antibaryon numbers poses constraints on the extent of lepton number violation in the light sneutrino sector if the electroweak phase transition is second or weak first order. From the requirement that the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe should not be washed out by sneutrino induced lepton number violating interactions and sphalerons below the critical temperature of the electroweak phase transition we find that the mass splitting of the light sneutrino mass states is compatible with the sneutrino Cold Dark Matter hypothesis only for heavy gauginos and opposite sign gaugino mass parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductivity from Undressing

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    Photoemission experiments in high TcT_c cuprates indicate that quasiparticles are heavily 'dressed' in the normal state, particularly in the low doping regime. Furthermore these experiments show that a gradual undressing occurs both in the normal state as the system is doped and the carrier concentration increases, as well as at fixed carrier concentration as the temperature is lowered and the system becomes superconducting. A similar picture can be inferred from optical experiments. It is argued that these experiments can be simply understood with the single assumption that the quasiparticle dressing is a function of the local carrier concentration. Microscopic Hamiltonians describing this physics are discussed. The undressing process manifests itself in both the one-particle and two-particle Green's functions, hence leads to observable consequences in photoemission and optical experiments respectively. An essential consequence of this phenomenology is that the microscopic Hamiltonians describing it break electron-hole symmetry: these Hamiltonians predict that superconductivity will only occur for carriers with hole-like character, as proposed in the theory of hole superconductivity

    A Note on "Irreducible" p-Form Gauge Theories with Stueckelberg Coupling

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    p-form gauge theories with Stueckelberg coupling are quantized in an irreducible antifield-BRST way. As a consequence, neither the ghosts of ghosts nor their antifields appear. Some irreducible gauge conditions are inferred naturally within our formalism. In the end we briefly discuss the interacting case.Comment: 10 pag, latex 2.09, no figure

    Phenomenology of the minimal supersymmetric U(1)BL×U(1)RU(1)_{B-L}\times U(1)_R extension of the standard model

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    We discuss the minimal supersymmetric U(1)BL×U(1)RU(1)_{B-L}\times U(1)_R extension of the standard model. Gauge couplings unify as in the MSSM, even if the scale of U(1)BL×U(1)RU(1)_{B-L}\times U(1)_R breaking is as low as order TeV and the model can be embedded into an SO(10) grand unified theory. The phenomenology of the model differs in some important aspects from the MSSM, leading potentially to rich phenomenology at the LHC. It predicts more light Higgs states and the mostly left CP-even Higgs has a mass reaching easily 125 GeV, with no constraints on the SUSY spectrum. Right sneutrinos can be the lightest supersymmetric particle, changing all dark matter constraints on SUSY parameter space. The model has seven neutralinos and squark/gluino decay chains involve more complicated cascades than in the MSSM. We also discuss briefly low-energy and accelerator constraints on the model, where the most important limits come from recent ZZ' searches at the LHC and upper limits on lepton flavour violation.Comment: 46 pages, 11 figure

    R-parity Conserving Supersymmetry, Neutrino Mass and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    We consider contributions of R-parity conserving softly broken supersymmetry (SUSY) to neutrinoless double beta (\znbb) decay via the (B-L)-violating sneutrino mass term. The latter is a generic ingredient of any weak-scale SUSY model with a Majorana neutrino mass. The new R-parity conserving SUSY contributions to \znbb are realized at the level of box diagrams. We derive the effective Lagrangian describing the SUSY-box mechanism of \znbb-decay and the corresponding nuclear matrix elements. The 1-loop sneutrino contribution to the Majorana neutrino mass is also derived. Given the data on the \znbb-decay half-life of 76^{76}Ge and the neutrino mass we obtain constraints on the (B-L)-violating sneutrino mass. These constraints leave room for accelerator searches for certain manifestations of the 2nd and 3rd generation (B-L)-violating sneutrino mass term, but are most probably too tight for first generation (B-L)-violating sneutrino masses to be searched for directly.Comment: LATEX, 29 pages + 4 (uuencoded) figures appende

    Determining R-parity violating parameters from neutrino and LHC data

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    In supersymmetric models neutrino data can be explained by R-parity violating operators which violate lepton number by one unit. The so called bilinear model can account for the observed neutrino data and predicts at the same time several decay properties of the lightest supersymmetric particle. In this paper we discuss the expected precision to determine these parameters by combining neutrino and LHC data and discuss the most important observables. We show that one can expect a rather accurate determination of the underlying R-parity parameters assuming mSUGRA relations between the R-parity conserving ones and discuss briefly also the general MSSM as well as the expected accuracies in case of a prospective e+ e- linear collider. An important observation is that several parameters can only be determined up to relative signs or more generally relative phases.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Superconductivity from Undressing. II. Single Particle Green's Function and Photoemission in Cuprates

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    Experimental evidence indicates that the superconducting transition in high TcT_c cuprates is an 'undressing' transition. Microscopic mechanisms giving rise to this physics were discussed in the first paper of this series. Here we discuss the calculation of the single particle Green's function and spectral function for Hamiltonians describing undressing transitions in the normal and superconducting states. A single parameter, Υ\Upsilon, describes the strength of the undressing process and drives the transition to superconductivity. In the normal state, the spectral function evolves from predominantly incoherent to partly coherent as the hole concentration increases. In the superconducting state, the 'normal' Green's function acquires a contribution from the anomalous Green's function when Υ \Upsilon is non-zero; the resulting contribution to the spectral function is positivepositive for hole extraction and negativenegative for hole injection. It is proposed that these results explain the observation of sharp quasiparticle states in the superconducting state of cuprates along the (π,0)(\pi,0) direction and their absence along the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) direction.Comment: figures have been condensed in fewer pages for easier readin