88 research outputs found

    Scientometric portrait of T. S. West

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    T. S. West, the internationally well known analytical chemist has been widely recognised as a very successful scientist. His research productivity and collaboration pattern were analysed by years, papers, authorships, and authorwise productivity. The channels of communications used and distribution of articles among channels were found out. He has 410 papers to his credit. The period 1969-70 when he was 42-43 years age was most productive with 41 papers in 1969 and seven single authorship papers in 1970. Quinquennial collaboration coefficients ranged between 0.57 to 1.00, clearly indicating high collaboration team spirit in his research group. His productivity coefficient was 0.45 indicating rapid publication activity during early period of research career. His most prominent collaborators in number of papers were: R. M. Dagnall (92), G. F. Kirkbright (77), R. Belcher (56), K. C. Thompson (19), J. D. Norris, (13), and J. F. Alder (11). Top ranking journals, with papers, to which he had contributed were: Anal. Chim. Acta (106), Talanta (84), The Analyst (49), Anal. Chem. (23), and J. Chem. Soc. (20). Publication density was 8.54, publication concentration was 6.25, and average Bradford multiplier was 3.9. High frequency keywords in the titles of the articles were: Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (51), Atomic absorption spectroscopy (43), and Atomic absorption spectrometry (31). The results indicate his temporal publication productivity and the nature of the research activities were such that he is eminently qualified to be taken as a 'role model' for the younger generation to emulate

    Informetrics on accidents and trauma

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    MEDLINE database has been analysed for 1995-97 on index Accidents and Trauma. Publications output has been classified year-wise country-wise, journal-wise and other fine structure characteristics have been found. High frequency keywords have been identified. Other valuable data have been compiled. The value of informater for decision-making is brought out by this study and the comprehensive data compilation by MEDLINE is established

    Scientometric dimensions of technical reports from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

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    Technical report is one of the media to record the scientific information generated by scientists and engineers, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) published 554 technical reports during 1990-99 under the categories: External (373) and Internal (181), Engineering and technology generated 207 technical reports followed by chemistry, materials and earth sciences (129), while their interdisciplinary interactions resulted in 31 technical reports, Life and environmental sciences produced 42 technical reports,' followed by Physics (16),' Other aspects of nuclear and non-nuclear energy (6); Isotopes, isotope and radiation applications (4), Technical reports in subjects outside the scope of nuclear science and technology were 69, Scientometric analysis of these reports has been carried Out for physical bibliographic characteristics, authorship collaboration, inter-divisional collaboration, inter-institutional collaboration activities and content analysis, Types of documents referenced in the technical reports indicated first rank for journal articles, followed by books, technical reports, conference papers, standards/codes, personal communications, patents, theses, drawings, and lectures

    Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate S. Chandrasekhar

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    Scientometric analysis of the publications productivity of Nobel Laureate S. Chandrasekhar is documented

    Minimum impact and immediacy of citations to physics open archives of arXiv.org: Science Citation Index based reports

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    The present work has calculated the minimum Open Archive Impact Factors and Open Archive Immediacy Index for the Physics Classes of arXiv.org as calculated for traditional journals in Journal Citation Reports of the Institute of Scientific Information using Science Citation Index without the citation by the classes itself. The calculated Impact Factors reveal that High-Energy Physics classes of arXiv.org (‘hep-th’, ‘hep-lat’, ‘hep-ex’, and ‘hep-ph’) have made more impact on the scientific community than any other classes except ‘nucl-ex’. The Impact Factors for the year 2003 are: ‘hep-th’ (0.999), ‘nucl-ex’ (0.806), ‘hep-lat’ (0.766), ‘hep-ex’ (0.73), ‘hep-ph’ (0.719), ‘nucl-th’ (0.338), ‘quant-ph’ (0.334), ‘cond-mat’ (0.313), ‘astro-ph’ (0.195), ‘math-ph’ (0.162), ‘physics’ (0.061), and ‘gr-qc’ (0.002). If the period for getting the citations to the open archive classes is considered one year as against two years for journal articles, the rank of the classes is the same. The immediacy of citing the Open Archives is also high for the High-Energy Physics classes. The Immediacy Indexes for the year 2003 are: ‘hep-ex’ (0.619), ‘hep-th’ (0.454), ‘hep-ph’ (0.44), ‘hep-lat’ (0.263), ‘nucl-ex’ (0.238), ‘quant-ph’ (0.202), ‘nucl-th’ (0.185), ‘cond-mat’ (0.168), ‘astro-ph’ (0.094), ‘math-ph’ (0.075), ‘physics’ (0.03), and ‘gr-qc’ (0.002). The impact is definitely much higher than what is concluded from the calculated factors because self-citations are not reckoned in the study. Use of web-tools like ‘Citebase’, ‘Citeseer’ etc. may strengthen the above argument

    Scientometric dimensions of technical reports from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

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    Technical report is one of the media to record the scientific information generated by scientists and engineers, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) published 554 technical reports during 1990-99 under the categories: External (373) and Internal (181), Engineering and technology generated 207 technical reports followed by chemistry, materials and earth sciences (129), while their interdisciplinary interactions resulted in 31 technical reports, Life and environmental sciences produced 42 technical reports,' followed by Physics (16),' Other aspects of nuclear and non-nuclear energy (6); Isotopes, isotope and radiation applications (4), Technical reports in subjects outside the scope of nuclear science and technology were 69, Scientometric analysis of these reports has been carried Out for physical bibliographic characteristics, authorship collaboration, inter-divisional collaboration, inter-institutional collaboration activities and content analysis, Types of documents referenced in the technical reports indicated first rank for journal articles, followed by books, technical reports, conference papers, standards/codes, personal communications, patents, theses, drawings, and lectures

    Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate S. Chandrasekhar

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    Scientometric analysis of the publications productivity of Nobel Laureate S. Chandrasekhar is documented

    Librarianship in 2000 AD

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    Librarians are the people having expertise in organisation of universe of knowledge. As long as printed books on library shelves and journals titles in the racks will exist, librarians will continue to exist. You will have books on shelves in 2lst century also because you will still need to possess much of the material you are holding now and because you will need to support the browsing function. Most of your holdings will in fact still be in the form of print on paper, although the process by which it got onto paper will generally have involved a great deal more computer assistance than is the case at present
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