138 research outputs found

    Elastic hadron scattering and optical theorem

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    All contemporary phenomenological models of elastic hadronic scattering have been based in principle on the assumption of optical theorem validity that has been overtaken from optics. It will be shown that the given theorem which has not been actually proved in particle physics cannot be applied to short-ranged strong interactions. The analysis of corresponding collision experiments is to be done under new basic assumptions. The actual progress in description of hadronic collision processes might then exist only if the initial states are specified on the basis of impact parameter values of colliding particles and probability dependence on this parameter is established, without limiting corresponding conclusion by optical theorem validity.Comment: 11 pages, improved text to emphasize invalidity of optical theorem in short-ranged hadronic collisions and the necessity of looking for some new description of elastic hadronic scattering which would not be based on this theore

    МЕТОДИЧНІ ВКАЗІВКИ та завдання до практичних занять і самостійної роботи З НАВЧАЛЬНОЇ ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «НАРИСНА ГЕОМЕТРІЯ». ЧАСТИНА 4. ПЕРСПЕКТИВА для здобувачів вищої освіти першого (бакалаврського) рівня за спеціальністю 191 «Архітектура та містобудування» денної форми навчання. METHODICAL GUIDELINES and tasks to a practical training and independent work IN THE DISCIPLINE «DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY». PART 4. PROSPECT for higher education students of the first (bachelor) level in the field of study 191 «Architecture and Urban planning» of full-time education form

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    Methodical guidelines and tasks to a practical training and independent work are developed according to the syllabus of the course for higher education students of the first (bachelor) level in the field of study 191 “Architecture and Urban planning” of full-time education form. The purpose of a practical training is fixing of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of skills of creation of prospect in a vertical picture and also development of spatial imagination by correlation of orthogonal projections of geometrical objects and their perspective images. Methodical guidelines contain questions for independent preparation, two exercises (on 27 tasks), short methodical recommendations about their performance and the list of references. The first exercise is creation of prospect and shadows of composition from parallelepipeds. This exercise has propaedeutic character. The second exercise is the confidant to real architectural objects. Tasks are performed by a pencil in A3 format. The constructed prospects are distinguished with the reinforced line a soft pencil. Auxiliary constructions are shown with a thin line with a firm pencil. Shadows are represented by dot graphics. The results of the completed tasks are used to monitor current progress and admission to examinations

    МЕТОДИЧНІ ВКАЗІВКИ та завдання до практичних занять і самостійної роботи З НАВЧАЛЬНОЇ ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «НАРИСНА ГЕОМЕТРІЯ». ЧАСТИНА 1. ОРТОГОНАЛЬНІ ПРОЕКЦІЇ для здобувачів вищої освіти першого (бакалаврського) рівня за спеціальністю 191 «Архітектура та містобудування» денної форми навчання. Methodical guidelines and tasks to a practical training and independent work in the discipline «Descriptive Geometry» for higher education students of the first (bachelor) level in the field of study 191 «Architecture and Urban planning» of full-time education form

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    Methodical guidelines and tasks to a practical training and independent work are developed according to the syllabus of the course for higher education students of the first (bachelor) level in the field of study 191 “Architecture and Urban planning” of full-time education form. The purpose of practical training is fixing of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of skills of the solution of the various problems of descriptive geometry arising in practice of architectural and construction design and also development of space imagination by correlation of geometrical objects in three-dimensional space with their image on the plane. Each subject consists of questions of independent training, tasks and short methodical guidelines. All tasks are performed by pencil on A3 format. Basic data and results are allocated with the reinforced line. Auxiliary constructions are shown with a thin line with a hard pencil. Results of the carried-out tasks serve for control of the current progress and admission to examinations

    МЕТОДИЧНІ ВКАЗІВКИ та завдання до практичних занять і самостійної роботи З НАВЧАЛЬНОЇ ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «НАРИСНА ГЕОМЕТРІЯ». ЧАСТИНА 2. ТІНІ В ОРТОГОНАЛЬНИХ ПРОЕКЦІЯХ для здобувачів вищої освіти першого (бакалаврського) рівня за спеціальністю 191 «Архітектура та містобудування» денної форми навчання. Methodical guidelines and tasks to a practical training and independent work IN THE DISCIPLINE «DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY». PART 2. SHADOWS IN ORTHOGONAL PROJECTIONS for higher education students of the first (bachelor) level in the field of study 191 «Architecture and Urban planning» of full-time education form

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    Methodical guidelines and tasks to a practical training and independent work are developed according to the syllabus of the course for higher education students of the first (bachelor) level in the field of study 191 “Architecture and Urban planning” of full-time education form. The purpose of practical classes is to consolidate theoretical knowledge, acquire skills in building shadows on architectural forms, as well as develop spatial imagination by comparing geometric objects in three-dimensional space and their images on a plane. Methodical guidelines contain questions for independent training, tasks and exercises and short methodical guidelines. All tasks are performed in pencil on A3 format. Basic data and results are allocated with the reinforced line. Auxiliary constructions show the thin line a firm pencil. Results of the carried-out tasks serve for control of the current progress and admission to examinations