410 research outputs found

    Identification and characterisation of fisheries management units

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    This is a discussion paper on the identification of Fisheries Management Units (FMU) in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. The choice of fisheries management units or FMUs depends on many factors like fisheries resource configuration, structure of the fisheries, availability of information, institutional aspects and the scale or level at which one can make a significant contribution to the management goals and objectives. Six possible FMU were identified based on various groupings such as fish resources, gear based, fleet based, geographical, harvesters and subsectors, and combinations of these as the seventh FMU. The prospects of each type of FMU in the TN & P context are discussed in detail in this paper

    Fisheries Management Options for Tamil Nadu & Puducherry

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    The specific aim or output of the work package on fisheries management is to “define a new fisheries management system” for Tamil Nadu & Puducherry (TN & PC) since it is an essential tool for achieving the long term development goal of the project. The approach was a mixture of (i) expert consultations with fishery biologists, fishery statisticians, academics, fisheries NGOs, fisheries officials, (ii) review of fisheries management with available current information, (iii) a detailed analysis of catch data species wise, district wise and sector wise (mechanised, motorised and non-motorised) and (iv) an exercise to identify potential Fisheries Management Units (FMUs) and to develop a detailed characterization of them. Based on the above, fisheries management options for TN & PC have been worked out and presented in a state level multi-stakeholder workshop and subsequently refined. This report is the outcome of this process

    Supplementary Papers on Fisheries Management

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    There are myriad laws and regulations that have some impact on marine fishing in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. Obviously, the most important is the MFRA. Increasingly, environmental laws are having a significant impact as are regulations by seafood importing nations and trade related instruments brought in by the WTO. A major central law is also in the making. The plethoras of laws (and agencies implementing them) also mean that there is considerable overlap and lack of coherence. There is no mechanism at the moment to ensure that they all converge towards a common understanding and vision for fisheries management. An important factor that cannot be ignored is that the large traditional fishing community has its own laws and independent system of management that has a huge influence on how constitutional laws get implemented

    Perhitungan, Pemungutan dan Penyetoran Pajak Penghasilan (PPH) Pasal 22 Atas Belanja Barang pada Korem 131 Santiago Manado

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    Pajak merupakan sumber utama penerimaan negara. Tanpa pajak, sebagian besar kegiatan negara sulit untuk dapat dilaksanakan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui mekanisme perhitungan, pemungutan dan penyetoran Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22 atas belanja barang pada Korem 131/Santiago Manado sesuai dengan aturan tata cara perpajakan yang berlaku yaitu Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) No. 107/PMK.010/2015 Tentang Perubahan Keempat atas PMK No. 154/PMK.03/2010. PPh Pasal 22 merupakan pajak yang dipungut oleh bendaharawan pemerintah baik Pemerintah Pusat maupun Daerah. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil penelitian atas pembelian barang yang dananya dari belanja Negara atau belanja daerah dikenakan pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 sebesar 1,5% dari harga pembelian yang telah memiliki NPWP, Pembayaran atas belanja barangnya kepada Koperasi dengan bukti kwitansi pembayaran dari Bendahara Pemerintah ke pihak Rekanan selaku penjual, penyetoran dilakukan ke bank persepsi. Berdasarkan PMK telah dilakukan sesuai ketentuan, namun dalam setiap proses kegiatan perpajakan suatu instansi terkadang masih terdapat kekurangan. Oleh karenanya diperlukan peran pemerintah diantaranya Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk terus membimbing dan mengingatkan akan pentingnya Perpajakan tersebut khususnya dalam pembangunan Negara dalam hal pembiayaan Negara. Kata kunci : perhitungan, pemungutan, penyetoran, PPh, belanja baran

    Marine Fish Production in Tamil Nadu & Puducherry. A Report based on a detailed analysis of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Data

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    Continuous growth in TN marine fisheries is observed in the form of introduction of new fishing vessels, fishing methods, new fishing gears and development of different infrastructure since 1950 leading to a five-fold increase in catch and three-fold increase in active fishers. There is a continuous expansion of fishing operation to deeper and distant waters. There has been a continuous discovery of new fishing grounds, new fishery resources and new fishing methods. The entire shelf area off Tamil Nadu (TN) coast is covered by TN fishing fleet and there is no scope for additional catch from the shelf area. The landings grew continuously till 1997, witnessed a sharp fall during 1998-2004 and then a sharp increase in the following years 2006-09 hitting the new peak of 5.39 lakh tonnes well beyond the potential yield estimate of 4.25 lakh tonnes by CMFRI. A section of the TN fishing fleet depend heavily on fishing in neighbouring waters and nearly 20% of the catch comes from South Andhra and Sri Lankan waters. Deep sea fishing is already in vogue in TN as Kanyakumari’s Thoothoor fishers with a fleet of approximately 500 long-liners cum gillnetters reigning all over the west coast and landing their catch at Kochi. Chennai gillnetters and a tiny fleet of long-liners in Puducherry have already started fishing beyond the shelf on the east coast

    Tuberculous meningitis masquerading as acute ischemic stroke in young adult

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    Tubercular meningitis (TBM) constitute 5% of all cases of extra pulmonary tuberculosis but a presentation leading to an ischemic stroke in a young adult is a rare clinical entity. In a case of TB vasculopathy, vasculitis, venous thrombosis and aneurysm may be the underlying events leading to a stroke. Stroke in TBM is seen in the tubercular zone which encompasses internal capsule, thalamus and caudate nucleus. Inflammatory mediators like TNF alpha, Interferon gamma and vascular endothelial growth factor have been implicated in the pathogenesis of arteritis. Imaging modalities like MRI show lesions which are usually bilateral in the territory of the perforating vessels. We report a case of 24 year old Asian male who presented with complaints of headache, projectile vomiting and altered sensorium. On examination his Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was 10/15, with left oculomotor and left facial nerve palsy, and hypotonia of all 4 limbs with bilateral plantar reflexes being mute. Contrast MRI of brain showed acute infarct, meningeal enhancement and basal exudates. He was started on Anti-tubercular therapy and steroids, but had a poor clinical outcome, due to his late presentation

    Adoption of Biosecurity Measures by Layer Smallholders

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    It was indicated that layer smallholders awareness of biosecurity was low. This paper aimed todetermine the level of adoption within the South Sulawesi layer smallholders of a range of standardbiosecurity measures. Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) regency was chosen as a location of the research,because it was famous as a central of layer smallholders. Total sample was 60 respondents. The samplewas chosen through random sampling from two districts which were the most populous of layersmallholders, namely Baranti and Maritengae. Data were collected using structured questionnaires anddepth-interview. The data were tabulated and analysed using a simple method of scoring with regard totheir biosecurity status. The status of biosecurity was used to know the level of biosecurity adoption.Biosecurity status was obtained based on the adoption of biosecurity measures which consisted of 9stages: farm inputs, traffic onto farms, distance from sources of pathogens to shed, exposure of farm,biosecurity at farm boundary, biosecurity between farm boundary and shed, biosecurity at the shed door,traffic into the shed and susceptibility of the flock. Using adoption index, this research revealed thatbiosecurity adoption of layer smallholders in South Sulawesi was classified into a “partial adopter”