1,562 research outputs found

    Current State of Travel Industry in the Republic of Abkhazia

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    Analysis of travel industry activity of the last few years showed that the popularity of Abkhazia as a tourist destination tends to increase, which is indicated by the figures of Abkhazia visits by tourists. Besides, the number of tour routes increase and the service sector develops

    History and philosophy of science course for international PhD students majoiring in engineering

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    PhD students` needs analysis is the starting point for the study in the course History and Philosophy of Science especially when the course is delivered in English. After successful course completion students develop generic skills based on critical thinking. The course content is sophisticated thus students` cultural background and professional aspirations matter for the course successful delivery

    Microplastic pollution in drinking water

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    Nutrition and Iron Status of 1-Year Olds following a Revision in Infant Dietary Recommendations

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    A previous study showed low iron status in 12-month-old Icelandic infants associated most strongly with cow's milk intake and growth. Infant dietary recommendations were revised in 2003. This study investigated nutrition and iron status in a new infant cohort. Subjects/Methods. Randomly selected infants were prospectively investigated for diet, anthropometry, and iron status (n = 110–141). Results. Breastfeeding initiation rate was 98%; 38% of 5-month olds were exclusively and 20% of 12-month olds partially breastfed. Formula was given to 21% of 6-month olds and 64% of 12-month olds, but cow's milk to 2.5% and 54.4% of 6- and 12-month olds, respectively. Iron depletion (serum ferritin < 12 μg/L) affected 5.8%, 1.4% were also iron deficient (MCV < 74 fl), and none were anemic (Hb < 105 g/l). Iron status associated negatively with growth and breastfeeding duration and positively with meat and formula intake at 9–12 months, but not with cow's milk. Conclusion. Improved iron status might be explained by a shift from cow's milk to formula in the diet of Icelandic 6–12-month olds. Dietary changes altered associations between foods and iron status


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    У статті проаналізовано основні соціально-психологічні засади маніпуляції в рекламі, охарактеризовано їхній вплив на споживачі

    X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy of thermochromic phase transition in CuMoO4

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    Thermochromic phase transition was studied in CuMoO4 using the Cu and Mo K-edge x-ray absorption spec-troscopy in the temperature range of 10-300 K. The hysteretic behavior has been evidenced from the tempera-ture dependence of the pre-edge shoulder intensity at the Mo K-edge, indicating that the transition from brown-ish-red γ-CuMoO4 to green α-CuMoO4 occurs in the temperature range of 230-280 K upon heating, whereas the α-to-γ transition occurs between 200 and 120 K upon cooling. Such behavior of the pre-edge shoulder at the Mo K-edge correlates with the change of molybdenum coordination between distorted tetrahedral in α-CuMoO4 and distorted octahedral in γ-CuMoO4. This result has been supported by ab initio full-multiple-scattering x-ray ab-sorption near edge structure (XANES) calculations.Financial support provided by Scientific Research Project for Students and Young Researchers Nr. SJZ/2017/5 realized at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia is greatly acknowledged. The experiment at HASYLAB/DESY was performed within the project I-20160149 EC; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Methyl 4,5-diacet­oxy-1-oxo-2-phenyl­perhydro-4,6-epoxy­cyclo­penta­[c]pyridine-7-carboxyl­ate ethanol solvate

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    The title compound, the product of an acid-catalysed Wagner–Meerwein skeletal rearrangement, crystallizes as an ethanol monosolvate, C20H21NO8·C2H6O. The title mol­ecule comprises a fused tricyclic system containing two five-membered rings (cyclo­pentane and tetra­hydro­furan) in the usual envelope conformations and one six-membered ring (piperidinone) adopting a flattened twist–boat conformation

    Seasonal characteristic of gonadogenesis for the sea cucumber <i>Apostichopus japonicus </i>Selenka

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    Gonads of females and males of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus were collected along Primorye coast of the Japan Sea (bays Kiyevka, Sokolovskaya, Melkovodnaya, Sredniaya, and the area between Cape Genbachev and Cape DeLivron) in different seasons from May to October, 2011. The gonads were fixed in 70 % alcohol and Buena fixing agent, using Isoprep and Histomix, and subjected to histophyisiological analysis. Sex of the animals and condition of their gonads were defined visually and on histological preparations. Their whole bodies, skin and muscular bags, and sexual glands were weighted, gonad-somatic indices were calculated, dynamics of cellular composition was traced for the sex glands, timing of spawning and duration of the rest stage were determined. For the cucumbers from the Kiyevka and Melkovodnaya Bays, diameter of sex tubules varied from 0.2 mm to 1.9 mm, diameter of freely lying oocytes - from 71.4 mm to 167.0 mm, and diameter of wall oocytes - from 47.6 mm to 119.0 mm; they were ready for spawning in late July - early August, and spawned in the first 10-days of August. Plication of the tubule walls internal surface was observed later in the process of mature cells resorption in sex tubules; new generation of the cells appeared, which most likely would undergo to further destruction (small tubules with plication of their walls were observed for a specimen from the Kiyevka Bay in late September, 2011). New gametogenesis was registered both for females (small oocytes) and males (spermatocytes of I and II orders) from the Sredniaya Bay and between Cape Genbachev and Cape DeLivron in early October, simultaneously with continuing process of the tubule walls plication. The rest stage (without forming of new sex tubules) continued 1.0-1.5 months: from early August to middle September, with some variations between the areas