935 research outputs found

    Distant interaction of rock mass clusters around underground opening

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    Purpose. To experimentally prove the fact of distant interaction between rock clusters during the irreversible displacements of rock mass. Disintegration of the rock mass does not necessarily imply loss in underground working stability. Methods. Telltales were used to monitor rock mass around the underground development working in conditions of intensive rock pressure manifestation. Findings. This experiment has demonstrated that the boundary of the rock mass failure expands asynchronously by spatially and temporally discrete increments. Such mechanism of the rock failure zone development is the consequence of the minimum entropy production principle according to which dissipative structures can occur in open thermodynamic systems. Originality. Distant interaction of rock clusters has been experimentally detected for the first time, which is important for geomechanics because it reveals the mechanism of the rock mass self-organization. Practical implications. The most efficient special technologies have been selected and quantitatively assessed for the control of rock mass state in conditions of severe rock pressure manifestation.Мета. Експериментально довести наявність дальньої взаємодії породних кластерів під час необоротних зрушень масиву гірських порід. Дезінтеграція масиву гірських порід не обов’язково тягне за собою втрату стійкості підземної виробки. Методика. Використовуючи глибинні репери, здійснено моніторинг масиву гірських порід навколо підземної підготовчої виробки в умовах інтенсивного прояву гірського тиску. Результати. Даний експеримент продемонстрував, що границі зруйнованого масиву розширюються асинхронно, прирощуючи зону руйнування окремими порціями у просторі й часі. Такий механізм розвитку зони зруйнованих порід є наслідком закону про мінімум виробництва ентропії, який стверджує, що у відкритих термодинамічних системах можуть виникати дисипативні структури. Наукова новизна. Дальня взаємодія породних кластерів у масиві гірських порід була експериментально зареєстрована вперше, що є важливим у галузі геомеханіки, оскільки було підтверджено механізм самоорганізації масиву гірських порід. Практична значимість. Найбільш ефективні спеціальні технології були виявлені й кількісно оцінені для управління станом масиву гірських порід в умовах інтенсивного прояву гірського тиску.Цель. Экспериментально доказать наличие дальнего взаимодействия породных кластеров во время необратимых сдвижений массива горных пород. Дезинтеграция массива горных пород не обязательно влечет за собой потерю устойчивости подземной выработки. Методика. Используя глубинные реперы, осуществлен мониторинг массива горных пород вокруг подземной подготовительной выработки в условиях интенсивного проявления горного давления. Результаты. Данный эксперимент продемонстрировал, что границы разрушенного массива расширяются асинхронно, приращивая зону разрушения отдельными порциями в пространстве и времени. Такой механизм развития зоны разрушенных пород является следствием закона о минимуме производства энтропии, который утверждает, что в открытых термодинамических системах могут возникать диссипативные структуры. Научная новизна. Дальнее взаимодействие породных кластеров в массиве горных пород было экспериментально зарегистрировано впервые, что является важным в области геомеханики, поскольку было подтверждено механизм самоорганизации массива горных пород. Практическая значимость. Наиболее эффективные специальные технологии были выявлены и количественно оценены для управления состоянием массива горных пород в условиях интенсивного проявления горного давления.This research has been supported by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (grant ІІІ-2-2017)


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    It has been indicated to the differences in the meanings of the concept of “competitiveness of the University” in the context of state educational policy, macroeconomics, international and national education markets and in the context of regional consumer markets. The necessity of taking into account the consumer rating of universities in the regional market for the forecast and formation of demand for educational products of universities has been substantiated. The results of the analysis of the market of higher education in the Ulyanovsk region in the 2018-2019 academic year have been adduced. The assessment of consumer preferences of universities of the Ulyanovsk region has been made, the professional interests of school leavers have been determined. The author’s method of evaluation of competitive positions of universities, based on the coefficients of acceptance, rejection, indifference, has been explained. A discrepancy in consumer assessments of educational institutions among school leavers and their parents has been noticed, which confirms the phenomenon of inertial competitiveness of universities. The regularities of the formation of demand for educational programs of regional universities, the factors and risks of their development in the current socio-economic situation have been specified

    Integration of Immigrants in St. Petersburg amid the Coronavirus Epidemic

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    The article reveals the problems that arise during the integration of migrants in St. Petersburg in the context of the coronavirus epidemic, displays the technologies for their analysis and resolution. Based on the results of surveys and interviews, it was concluded that with a drop in migration growth, along with active changes in the social environment of the city during the year, difficulties in adapting immigrant groups to the realities of emotional tension, work in the city became more attractive for the immigrant population due to the appearance of previously employed vacancies and new models of personal activity

    Anticipation and Mechanisms for Resolving Interethnic Conflicts

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    The formation of a harmonious environment that promotes personal development is a necessary component for each person and for the functioning of the community, regardless of the form of its political structure. Creating a harmonious environment includes, among other things, working to maintain a positive inter-ethnic environment. To do this, it is necessary to conduct constant monitoring and work to support a harmonious inter-ethnic background. The article deals with the peculiarities of the influence of immersion in the interethnic environment and self-determination in the community on the individual, the influence of the communicative connection between representatives of different ethnic groups on the functioning of the community

    HPV-associated cervicitis

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    Cervical inflammatory disease associated with papillomavirus infection is one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and plays a role in developing cervical dysplasia and cancer. Over the past 15 years, Russia has seen an increase in the proportion of neglected cervical cancer cases. Currently, the management and treatment strategy for cervicitis associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical intraepithelial dysplasia ranges from monitoring with HPV testing and cytological control to excision and cervical conization. The immune status determines the course of the papillomavirus infection, which may be transient, latent, or persistent. In most cases (7080%), HPV is eliminated spontaneously. The detection of HPV DNA with clinical and morphological changes indicates a latent course of the disease. The complex use of clinical data and morphological and molecular biological studies results is most promising in identifying early prognostic markers of cervical malignancy. It is the basis for further search for cervical precancer progression pathogenetic markers

    Spin-transfer mechanism of ferromagnetism in polymerized fullerenes: AbinitioAb initio calculations

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    A mechanism of the high temperature ferromagnetism in polymerized fullerenes is suggested. It is assumed that some of the C60_{60} molecules in the crystal become magnetically active due to spin and charge transfer from the paramagnetic impurities (atoms or groups), such as hydrogen, fluorine, hydroxyl group OH, amino group NH2_2, or methyl group CH3_3, dispersed in the fullerene matrix. The exchange interaction between the spins localized on the magnetically active fullerenes is evaluated using \textit{ab initio} calculations. The nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour exchange interaction is found to be in the range 0.1÷0.30.1\div 0.3 eV, that is, high enough to account for the room temperature ferromagnetism.Comment: typos corrected, 8 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Prose of Russian Emigration Writers (V. A. Nikiforov-Volgin, I. A. Bunin, B. K. Zaitsev) in Context of Ivan Ilyin’s Religious-Philosophical Thought

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    The authors of this article aim to contextualize the religious-philosophical ideas of the prominent philosopher of Russian emigration, Ivan Ilyin, with the prose of Ivan Bunin, Boris Zaitsev, and Vladimir Nikiforov-Volgin. The novelty of the research lies in identifying the typological correlation between Ilyin’s ideas about the essential characteristics of national character, manifested in the pursuit of perfection, and the artistic worldview of Russian writers who interpreted life in Russia during periods of social upheaval. The introduction of the insufficiently studied phenomenon of Vladimir Nikiforov-Volgin’s creative work into the field of prose by well-known authors is also an aspect of the novelty of this work. The analysis confirms that the writers perceptively revealed, through various life circumstances, often critical, the ability of people, regardless of their social status or age, to exhibit traits of Christian mercy and selflessness. Equally significant is the ability of individuals to live with a sense of light from Christian faith, despite external circumstances, and to transmit this feeling to others. Actions based on “virtues of the heart and conscience” — these most valuable principles of life according to Ilyin’s thought — are multifacetedly reflected on the pages of the works presented here