5 research outputs found

    Effective magnetization damping for a dynamical spin texture in metallic ferromagnet

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    An additional magnetization damping for an inhomogeneous spin texture in metallic ferromagnets is calculated on the basis of the s–d exchange model. The effect of conduction electrons on the magnetization dynamics is accounted for the case of slowly varying spin texture within adiabatic approximation by using a coordinate transformation to the local quantization axis. The moving magnetic vortex in a circular nanodot made of permalloy is considered as an example. The dependence of the damping on the dot geometrical sizes is obtained. It is found that the additional damping can reach up to 50% of magnitude of the phenomenological Gilbert damping in the Landau–Lifshitz equation of magnetization motion and should be taken into account for any inhomogeneous spin texture dynamics in ferromagnetic metals

    Сучасні досягнення і перспективи розвитку вищої медичної освіти: українські реалії

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    The purpose of the study is to research and highlight modern achievements and prospects for the development of higher medical education in Ukraine. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to achieve the set goal and solve research problems. A modern doctor must perfectly master his professional competence. The main motive for reforming the medical field is the desire of students to master professional skills and practical skills, to deepen the acquired theoretical knowledge and apply it in practice, to develop skills regarding the standards of providing medical care, to gain experience in practical work, which will allow a modern student to successfully work independently in the future. It is also necessary to create a group that would carefully study and propose a number of conceptual priority measures related to changes in legislation and aimed at coordination between universities in order to develop a clear, unified strategy for reforming medical education, to ensure the responsibility of higher education institutions for the quality of education and its guarantee, taking into account the interests of society.Мета дослідження – дослідити та висвітлити сучасні досягнення та перспективи розвитку вищої медичної освіти в Україні. Для досягнення поставленої мети та вирішення завдань дослідження використовувалися теоретичні та емпіричні методи. Сучасний лікар повинен досконало володіти своєю професійною компетенцією. Основним мотивом реформування медичної галузі є бажання студентів оволодіти професійними навичками та практичними навичками, поглибити набуті теоретичні знання та застосувати їх на практиці, розвинути навички щодо стандартів надання медичної допомоги, отримати досвід практичної роботи. , що дозволить сучасному студенту в майбутньому успішно працювати самостійно

    Determination of cross sections of polymer radiation depletion by particular elements from the ion beam analysis data

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    Process of depletion of polymer substance by various elements under external irradiation is considered. For determination of depletion cross sections, an expression is derived in terms of measurable emission yields, generated by an analyzing fast ion beam on the initial and irradiated samples. We discuss application of the obtained expression for two special cases: a) a spatially homogeneous external irradiation fluence within the area of ion beam analysis; b) an inhomogeneous fluence, when the depletion is caused by the same analyzing ion beam. With the spectrometry of elastically scattered protons, cross section of oxygen depletion in polyimide under irradiation by 1.6 MeV protons has been measured


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    A technique for infrared thermometry remote monitoring of temperature of area of a polymer film under ion irradiation is described. Calculation part of the technique takes into account the case when the irradiated area is significantly smaller than the instrument field of view. Temperature measurements were carried out with 20 μm polyimide films irradiated by 1000 to 1600 keV protons, with 1…5 μA/cm2 current density. A model for calculation of temperature depth distribution in the irradiated film is developed. The model is also applicable for the case of ion irradiation in gaseous atmosphere, and takes into account temperature dependence of the polymer substance thermal conductivity, of the emissivity coefficient, and of the convective heat transfer coefficient. The calculated data are compared with the temperature measurements