2,235 research outputs found

    Positrons vs electrons channeling in silicon crystal: energy levels, wave functions and quantum chaos manifestations

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    The motion of fast electrons through the crystal during axial channeling could be regular and chaotic. The dynamical chaos in quantum systems manifests itself in both statistical properties of energy spectra and morphology of wave functions of the individual stationary states. In this report, we investigate the axial channeling of high and low energy electrons and positrons near direction of a silicon crysta


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    The actual questions of remote space estimation of forest-pathological state of forests are substantiated, since today it is the least developed section of forest decoding. The preliminary analysis of materials of the space scanning of forests of Zhytomyr region for the purpose of drying out of pathological action of pests and diseases was carried out.The subject of the work is the material of the geoinformation scanning of the forests of the Zhytomyr Oblast Department of Forestry and Hunting for the monitoring of the forest-pathological condition, as well as their comparison with the aerial photographs. This is due to the unstable manifestation and diagnostics on the materials of aerospace shooting of signs of decoding trees and plantations of varying degrees of weakening and drying. The purpose of the work is to study and systematize materials of satellite scanning of forests on the subject of forest-pathological monitoring in the conditions of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting. It has been established that satellite monitoring of forest-pathological condition on the example of Zhytomyr Regional Forestry and Hunting Management Department is the most effective measure for monitoring and forecasting the condition of forests of Zhytomyr region.The basic methods of carrying out works are the calculation and analytical for gathering and processing of the results of geoinformation scanning of forest ecosystems of Zhytomyr Polissya as a result of satellite scanning, as well as monitoring of forest-pathological changes in the forest areas of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting. According to the results of the work, it has been established that satellite scanning of forests of Zhytomyr region gives fairly accurate and true information about the actual condition of forests and their forest-pathological characteristics. This is especially true for arrays affected by the disease with apical bark, six caudal bark, vascular mycosis and are in a semi-dry state. As a result of the conducted research, it was discovered that satellite monitoring of forest-pathological conditions in the Zhytomyr Oblast Department of Forestry and Hunting is the most informative and less costly compared to conducting aerial photographic monitoring with the subsequent decoding of aerial photographs. This will enable detailed forest-pathological forecasting of forest conditions in the conditions of Zhytomyr regional forestry and hunting management.The field of application of research results is the forest enterprises of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting for the forest-pathological forecast of the possibilities of occurrence of various kinds of pathologies in forest soils in order to preserve and protect forest plantations from pests and diseases.The findings of the research are that forest decoding of aerospace surveys is a process of recognition of forest objects depicted on them and the establishment of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Forest decryption can be visual (dimensional, analytical), measuring, automatic (computer), as well as complex - analytical-measuring or automated (interactive). In visual decoding, the object under investigation is characterized by signs of decoding its image on an aerial photograph or a space photograph (on a paper carrier or computer screen) with an unarmed eye or with magnifying or stereoscopic devices. In other words, aerospace image information is read and analyzed using the visual and logical devices of the decoder. Its objectivity depends on the experience of the decoders. In the measurement decoding, all or some of the parameters and characteristics of the decoding objects are measured on the pictures by means of mechanical, optical-mechanical, opto-electronic and other measuring instruments, devices, devices and systems. In analytical-measuring decoding combines a visual-logical analysis of the image with the measurement of various parameters of decoding objects. Automatic decryption is based on the recognition of the spectral and morphometric characteristics of the decoding objects, their quantitative and qualitative indicators. In this case, the decryption process is performed with the help of technical means of image processing. The role of the satellite monitoring operator is to create a system, define a specific task and process the captured information through the corresponding programs, as well as support the normal functioning of the satellite system. Automated (interactive) decryption combines the elements of analytical-measuring, executed by the decoder on the image on the computer screen, with automatic decryption. In this case, the information collected is analyzed and processed using technical means of image processing. Depending on the location, the decryption can be field, office (laboratory), aerial or combined. Field decryption is carried out directly on the ground by comparing the image on aerial or space images with nature. The field decoding method is the simplest and most accurate, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Cameral decoding is conducted in laboratory conditions, while the costs of labor of engineering personnel are reduced, there is acceleration of work and a significant reduction in their value. Cameral decryption is always performed with the use of additional mapping, reference and other stock materials. Aerivisional decryption is carried out by comparing the images of the identified objects on aerial or space photographs with the terrain when flying on airplanes or helicopters. The analysis of the informativeness of the satellite and aerial photography of the forest areas of the Zhytomyr Oblast Department of Forestry and Hunting shows that their practical application is possible, as a rule, on the basis of a rational combination of methods of terrestrial and remote non-informative observations.Key words: drying of plantations, forest-pathological monitoring, satellite scanning, survey materials, Zhytomyr Polissya

    Myasthenia Gravis Diagnosis with Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    Modern medicine aims to diagnose diseases at early stages which constitutes a relevant task of biomedical research. The present investigation focuses on myasthenia, a disease that takes the third place in terms of frequency worldwide, has complex symptoms and is difficult to treat. It is early diagnostics that allows for providing competent medical assistance and, sometimes, curing the patient. To detect the cause of the disease, the Raman spectroscopy was used to study blood serum samples covered with quartz glass with gold clusters embedded. The Raman cross-section has been amplified with the gold nanoparticles which made it possible to detect Botulotoxin-A in blood serum of patients suffering from myastheni

    Validity of abundances derived from spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey

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    We measured the emission lines in the spaxel spectra of MaNGA galaxies in order to determine the abundance distributions therein. It has been suggested that the strength of the low-ionization lines, R_2, N_2, and S_2 may be increased (relative to Balmer lines) in (some) spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey due to a contribution of the radiation of the diffuse ionized gas. Consequently, the abundances derived from the spaxel spectra through strong-line methods may suffer from large errors. We examined this expectation by comparing the behaviour of the line intensities and the abundances estimated through different calibrations for slit spectra of HII regions in nearby galaxies, for fibre spectra from the SDSS, and for spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey. We found that the S_2 strength is increased significantly in the fibre and spaxel spectra. The mean enhancement changes with metallicity and can be as large as a factor of 2. The mean distortion of R_2 and N_2 is less than a factor of 1.3. This suggests that Kaufmann et al.'s demarcation line between AGNs and HII regions in the BPT diagram is a useful criterion to reject spectra with significantly distorted strengths of the N_2 and R_2 lines. We find that the three-dimensional R calibration, which uses the N_2 and R_2 lines, produces reliable abundances in the MaNGA galaxies. The one-dimensional N2 calibration produces either reliable or wrong abundances depending on whether excitation and N/O abundance ratio in the target region (spaxel) are close to or differ from those parameters in the calibrating points located close to the calibration relation. We then determined abundance distributions within the optical radii in the discs of 47 MaNGA galaxies. The optical radii of the galaxies were estimated from the surface brightness profiles constructed based on the MaNGA observations.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Електронний підручник як засіб оптимізації післядипломної підготовки спеціалістів охорони здоров’я

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    Aim. To determine the scientific and methodological approaches to elaboration of electronic textbooks.Materials and methods. The methods of analysis and generalization were used in the study.Results. The study gave a possibility to assess domestic regulatory support for elaboration and implementation of electronic textbooks, define their types, basic characteristics and basic principles of development. The authorial definition of an “electronic textbook” and an algorithm to create electronic textbooks are presented.Conclusions. The algorithm for electronic textbook elaboration created in the study has been used to develop an electronic textbook of the second type “Pharmaceutical and biomedical aspects of medicines” for postgraduate training of healthcare professionals.Цель: определение научно-методических подходов к созданию электронного учебника.Материалы и методы. В работе были использованы методы анализа и обобщения.Результаты исследования. Изучено отечественное нормативное обеспечение создания и внедрения электронных учебников с обозначением их типов, базовых характеристик и основных принципов разработки. Представлены авторское определение понятия «электронный учебник» и алгоритм его создания.Выводы. Отработан алгоритм создания электронного учебника, на основании которого создан электронный учебник второго типа для системы последипломного образования специалистов охраны здоровья «Фармацевтические и медико-биологические аспекты лекарств».Мета: окреслення науково-методичних підходів до створення електронного підручника.Матеріали та методи. У роботі були використані методи аналізу та узагальнення.Результати дослідження. Вивчено вітчизняне нормативне забезпечення створення та упровадження електронних підручників із визначенням їх типів, базових характеристик та основних принципів розробки. Наведено авторське визначення поняття «електронний підручник» та алгоритм його створення.Висновки. Опрацьовано алгоритм створення електронного підручника, на основі якого розроблено електронний підручник другого типу для системи післядипломної освіти фахівців охорони здоров’я «Фармацевтичні та медико-біологічні аспекти ліків»