1,790 research outputs found

    Density resummation of perturbation series in a pion gas to leading order in chiral perturbation theory

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    The mean field (MF) approximation for the pion matter, being equivalent to the leading ChPT order, involves no dynamical loops and, if self-consistent, produces finite renormalizations only. The weight factor of the Haar measure of the pion fields, entering the path integral, generates an effective Lagrangian δLH\delta \mathcal{L}_{H} which is generally singular in the continuum limit. There exists one parameterization of the pion fields only, for which the weight factor is equal to unity and δLH=0\delta \mathcal{L}_{H}=0, respectively. This unique parameterization ensures selfconsistency of the MF approximation. We use it to calculate thermal Green functions of the pion gas in the MF approximation as a power series over the temperature. The Borel transforms of thermal averages of a function J(χαχα)\mathcal{J}(\chi ^{\alpha}\chi ^{\alpha}) of the pion fields χα\chi ^{\alpha} with respect to the scalar pion density are found to be 2πJ(4t)\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\mathcal{J}(4t). The perturbation series over the scalar pion density for basic characteristics of the pion matter such as the pion propagator, the pion optical potential, the scalar quark condensate , the in-medium pion decay constant F~{\tilde{F}}, and the equation of state of pion matter appear to be asymptotic ones. These series are summed up using the contour-improved Borel resummation method. The quark scalar condensate decreases smoothly until Tmax310T_{max}\simeq 310 MeV. The temperature TmaxT_{max} is the maximum temperature admissible for thermalized non-linear sigma model at zero pion chemical potentials. The estimate of TmaxT_{max} is above the chemical freeze-out temperature T170T\simeq 170 MeV at RHIC and above the phase transition to two-flavor quark matter Tc175T_{c} \simeq 175 MeV, predicted by lattice gauge theories.Comment: Replaced with revised and extended version. Results are compared to lattice gauge theories. 16 pages REVTeX, 13 eps figure

    Confirmation of taxonomic status of black yeast-like fungus by three gene phylogeny

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    Status of black melanin-containing yeast-like fungus Exophiala alcalophila isolated from microorganism complex of hermetic damaged in conditions of indoor high humidity in Kiev, Ukraine is proved by combined phylogenetic analysis based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), the 5.8S gene and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) nrDNA, beta-tubulin gene and translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene. Sequences of the mentioned genes of Ukrainian specimen of E. alcalophila are for the first time submitted to the GenBank

    On the suppression of the nnˉn\bar{n} transitions in medium

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    The new model of nnˉn\bar{n} transitions in the medium based on unitary SS-matrix is considered. The time-dependence and corrections to the model are studied. The lower limit on the free-space nnˉn\bar{n} oscillation time τ\tau is in the range 1016  yr>τ>1.2109  s10^{16}\; {\rm yr}>\tau >1.2\cdot 10^{9}\; {\rm s}Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Current conservation, screening and the magnetic moment of the Δ\Delta resonance. -- 1. Formulation without quark degrees of freedom

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    The pion-nucleon bremsstrahlung π+Nγ+π+N\pi+N\Longrightarrow\gamma'+\pi'+N' is studied in a new form of current conservation. According to this condition, the internal and external particle radiation parts of the πN\pi N radiation amplitude have opposite signs, i.e., they contain terms which must cancel each other. Therefore, one has a screening of the internal and external particle radiation in the πN\pi N bremsstrahlung. In particular, it is shown that the double Δ\Delta exchange diagram with the ΔγΔ\Delta-\gamma' \Delta' vertex cancel against the appropriate longitudinal part of the external particle radiation diagrams. Consequently, a model independent relation between the magnetic dipole moments of the Δ+\Delta^+ and Δ++\Delta^{++} resonances and the anomalous magnetic moment of the proton μp\mu_p is obtained, where μΔ\mu_{\Delta} is expressed by μp\mu_p as μΔ+=MΔmpμp\mu_{\Delta^+}={{M_{\Delta}}\over {m_p}} \mu_p and μΔ++=32μΔ+\mu_{\Delta^{++}}={3\over 2}\mu_{\Delta^+} in agreement with the values extracted from the fit for the experimental cross section of the π+pγπ+p\pi^+ p\to\gamma'\pi^+ p reaction.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures and 1 tabl


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    Purpose: The article conducts the study application of a preliminary (pre-trial) criminal proceedings modeling method. Methodology: We have shown the important role of blended learning in the maintenance and development of the subject-subject model of interaction between students and teachers. The implementation of subject-subject interaction was considered on the example of the discipline "General and professional pedagogy", the electronic course of which is presented on the Moodle platform. Result: In our opinion, the main problem lies in the fact that the investigator constantly has to deal with various kinds of situations that need to be properly perceived, professionally analyzed, and, as quickly as possible, create a complete picture of what happened, however, it is not always possible. For this purpose, the subject of the investigation should use the entire arsenal of available methods, means, and methods that would allow knowing the event that occurred. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of application of a preliminary (pre-trial) criminal proceedings modeling method is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Compton scattering on the nucleon at intermediate energies and polarizabilities in a microscopic model

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    A microscopic calculation of Compton scattering on the nucleon is presented which encompasses the lowest energies -- yielding nucleon polarizabilities -- and extends to energies of the order of 600 MeV. We have used the covariant "Dressed K-Matrix Model" obeying the symmetry properties which are appropriate in the different energy regimes. In particular, crossing symmetry, gauge invariance and unitarity are satisfied. The extent of violation of analyticity (causality) is used as an expansion parameter.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, using REVTeX. Modified version to be published in Phys. Rev. C, more extensive comparison with data for Compton scattering, all results unchange


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    The article presents some information on therapeutic approaches to the management of women with an ectopic pregnancy before, during and after surgery, to improve the efficiency of recovery microbiocenosis lower genital tract that can contribute to improving in general reproductive health of this group of patients.В статье представлена информация про особенности ведения женщин с внематочной беременностью до, во время и после оперативного лечения для повышения эффективности восстановления микробиоценоза нижних отделов половых путей, что в последующем может способствовать улучшению репродуктивного здоровья этой группы пациентов. У статті представлена інформація про особливості ведення жінок з позаматковою вагітністю до, під час і після оперативного лікування для підвищення ефективності відновлення мікробіоценозу нижніх відділів статевих шляхів, що в подальшому може сприяти поліпшенню репродуктивного здоров'я цієї групи пацієнтів

    Pionic atoms probing pi-NN resonances

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    The pion optical potential generated by the hypothetical pi-NN-coupled NN-decoupled dibaryon resonance d'(2065) is calculated to the lowest order in nuclear matter density. The contribution to the pion optical potential is found to be within the empirical errors, so the d'(2065) existence currently does not contradict to the observed properties of the pi-nucleus bound states. Future progress in the pionic X-ray spectroscopy can reveal contributions of pi-NN resonances to energy levels and widths of the pionic atoms.Comment: 3 pages REVTEX, 1 ps figur


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    The aim of the study – to determine the echographic features of the pelvic organs in women of reproductive age with non-atypical hyperproliferative pathology of the endometrium (NHPE). Materials and Methods. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs was performed for 184 patients of reproductive age with NHPE, divided into 3 groups: I – women with non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia (NEH) (n = 60); II – patients with polyps of the uterus (PU) (n = 62); III – patients with combined NHPE (NEH + PU) (n = 62). The control group consisted of 30 women of reproductive age without the presence of gynecological pathology. Results and Discussion. An increase in the size of the uterus was found in most of the examined main groups – in 126 (68.5 %) people. In 143 (77.7 %) patients with NHPE, the ultrasound picture is characterized by pronounced polymorphism. NEH was characterized by an increase in thickness and a change in the echostructure of the endometrium, mismatch of the indicators on the day of the menstrual cycle. With PU, endometrial heterogeneity and the presence of echopositive oval formations with a size (0.2–0.4) cm of a homogeneous structure were observed. Tissue heterogeneity with prevalence of hyperechoic inclusions with a diameter of (0.1–0.3) cm due to foci of fibrosis and calcification of the basal layer of the endometrium, echographically consistent with signs of chronic endometritis was found in 35.3 % of women with NHPE. For clarity, drawings of ultrasound images of various types of NHPE are provided. Conclusions. It is transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women with NGPE that is an affordable, fast and informative diagnostic method in identifying such a gynecological pathology in women of reproductive age.Цель исследования – определить эхографические особенности органов малого таза у женщин репродуктивного возраста с неатипичной гиперпролиферативной патологией эндометрия (НГПЭ). Материалы и методы. Ультразвуковое исследование (УЗИ) органов малого таза проведено 184 пациенткам репродуктивного возраста с НГПЭ, которые были распределены на 3 группы: I – женщины с неатипичной гиперплазией эндометрия (НГЭ) (n=60); II – пациентки с полипами тела матки (ПТМ) (n=62); III – больные с сочетанной НГПЭ (НГЭ+ПТМ) (n=62). Контрольную группу составили 30 женщин репродуктивного возраста без наличия гинекологической патологии. Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. Увеличение размеров тела матки установлено у большинства обследованных основных групп – у 126 (68,5 %) человек. У 143 (77,7 %) больных с НГПЭ ультразвуковая картина характеризуется выраженным полиморфизмом. НГЭ характеризовалась увеличением толщины и изменением эхоструктуры эндометрия, несоответствием показателей дню менструального цикла. При ПТМ наблюдались гетерогенность эндометрия и наличие эхопозитивных образований овальной формы размером 0,2–0,4 см однородной структуры. У 35,3 % женщин с НГПЭ обнаружена неоднородность ткани с преобладанием гиперэхогенных включений диаметром 0,1–0,3 см вследстви очагов фиброза и кальциноза базального слоя эндометрия, эхографически соответствующих признакам хронического эндометрита. Для наглядности предоставлены рисунки ультразвуковых изображений различных видов НГПЭ. Выводы. Именно трансвагинальное УЗИ органов малого таза у женщин с НГПЭ является доступным, быстрым и информативным диагностическим методом в выявлении такой гинекологической патологии у женщин репродуктивного возраста.Мета дослідження – визначити ехографічні особливості органів малого таза у жінок репродуктивного віку з неатиповою гіперпроліферативною патологією ендометрія (НГПЕ). Матеріали та методи – Ультразвукове дослідження (УЗД) органів малого таза проведено 184 пацієнткам репродуктивного віку з НГПЕ, яких було поділено на 3 групи: І – жінки з неатиповою гіперплазією ендометрія (НГЕ) (n=60); ІІ – пацієнтки з поліпами тіла матки (ПТМ) (n=62); ІІІ – хворі з поєднаною НГПЕ (НГЕ+ПТМ) (n=62). Контрольну групу склали 30 жінок репродуктивного віку без наявності гінекологічної патології. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Збільшення розмірів тіла матки встановлено у більшості хворих основних груп – у 126 (68,5 %) осіб. У 143 (77,7 %) хворих із НГПЕ ультразвукова картина характеризувалась вираженим поліморфізмом. НГЕ характеризувалась збільшенням товщини та зміною ехоструктури ендометрія, невідповідністю показників дню менструального циклу. При ПТМ спостерігали гетерогенність ендометрія та наявність ехопозитивних утворів овальної форми розміром 0,2–0,4 см однорідної структури. У 35,3 % жінок із НГПЕ виявлено неоднорідність тканини з переважанням гіперехогенних включень діаметром 0,1–0,3 см внаслідок вогнищ фіброзу і кальцинозу базального шару ендометрія, що є ехографічними ознаками хронічного ендометриту. Для наочності надано рисунки ультразвукових зображень різних видів НГПЕ. Висновки. Саме трансвагінальне УЗД органів малого таза в жінок із НГПЕ є доступним, швидким та інформативним діагностичним методом у виявленні такої гінекологічної патології у жінок репродуктивного віку

    The pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction cross section

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    The one- and two-step mechanisms of the pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction in the range of incident proton kinetic energy 1.13-3.0 GeV have been investigated. A remarkable peculiarity of the two-step mechanism which incorporates subprocesses ppdπ+pp\to d\pi ^+ and π+nK+Λ\pi^+n\to K^+\Lambda is the so called velocity matching providing the presence of all intermediate particles nearly to the on-mass-shell. The differential cross section has been calculated using a realistic model for the hypertritium 3HΛ^3H_\Lambda wave function. The maximum value of the cross section is estimated as \sim 1nb/sr. The contribution of the one-step mechanism with the elementary process pNNKΛpN\to NK\Lambda into the cross section has been found to be two - three orders of magnitude smaller in comparison with the two-step mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figure