29 research outputs found

    Modern Wars and Military Conflicts: The Essence, Classification, Features, and Impact on the Economy

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    A characteristic feature of the modern confrontation between individual countries is the lack of a common understanding of the signs of the onset of a military conflict and the procedures for the transition to a state of war, which leads to the use of military force without a formal declaration of the beginning of the war, the difficulty of determining the main actors of hostilities. In this regard, the scientific substantiation of the typology and classification of military conflicts and wars acquires fundamental importance and relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the essence, classifications and features of modern wars and military conflicts and their impact on the economies of the countries that are their participants. To achieve this purpose, using the methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction, the interpretation of the concepts of «war», «military conflict», «armed conflict» proposed by various scholars is investigated. Using the comparison method, similar and distinctive features between these concepts are determined. The analysis of theoretical views on the typology and determination of the essence of the modern military conflict and types of wars was carried out, their main classification features were determined, allowing to draw conclusions about the causes of contradictions in the qualification of generally accepted procedures for the transition from armed conflict to a state of war. The proposed classification of military conflicts and modern wars made it possible to better understand the current tendencies in these processes. Carrying out a typology and definition of types of modern wars and military conflicts allowed to examine their impact on the economy. It is determined that the economic consequences of modern military conflicts depend on many factors, in particular, the nature of economic consequences and macroeconomic indicators are influenced by the duration of a military conflict, which can reduce the negative effect in the event of low-intensity clashes, which is not accompanied by significant destruction of infrastructure; the impact on changes in GDP per capita, government spending, public external debt, export and import indicators, and domestic investment may vary from the nature and conditions of armed conflicts (interstate or civil wars)

    Analyzing the State Policy on Development of the Electric Power Industry of Ukraine

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    The article proves that modern energy economy in general and electric power industry in particular is one of the backbone elements of national economies, determining the direct interdependence of the general economic and energy economic tendencies of their development. The article is aimed at analyzing the State policy of Ukraine's electric power industry development and defining the problems and prospects in this sphere. The basic provisions of legislative acts regulating issues of functioning and development of generation, transmission and distribution of electric power in Ukraine are analyzed. It is proved that these documents were developed separately from each other and at different periods of time, therefore not coordinated to each other, and the main reason of contradictions of the official forecasts of development of electric power industry is absence of strategy as to development of the country as a whole. The conclusions, proposals and forecasts developed by the economic entities in the sphere of electric power industry are analyzed. It is determined that the greater need for investment resources in view of limited own resources and limited access to credit resources requires the development of a rational sequence of construction, reconstruction and modernization of generating capacities, first of all thermal power plants

    The Technical and Economic Aspects of Creating a Subsector for the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuels in Ukraine

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    The article proves that today Ukraine finds itself in a situation where it depends solely on imported supplies of light oil products to meet its motor fuel needs, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the country’s energy and national security, and the solution to this problem lies in the plane of organization of motor fuel production from the country’s own natural resources. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the technical and economic foundations for creating a synthetic motor fuel subsector in Ukraine. To achieve this aim, the authors define the classification of alternative motor fuels; provide a comparative description of the energy content and scope of use of different types of motor fuels, and also provides comparative characteristics of synthetic along with the best grades of natural oil; assess the compliance of synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel with the Euro-4 standard; considers the technical-operational advantages of synthetic analogues of oil fuel over other alternatives. Based on the carried out analysis, the article proves that, given the limited resource capabilities of Ukraine’s motor fuel production from oil and natural gas, the production of synthetic liquid motor fuel (SLMF) from coal raw materials should be recommended for development in the country; the raw material base for the production of synthetic liquid fuel is researched. The article also analyzes the peculiarities of methods and specific technologies for producing synthetic liquid motor fuel from coal and determines that the technology of synthesizing synthetic liquid motor fuel using the Fischer-Tropsch method with preliminary production of synthesis gas by steam-oxygen gasification of coal is advisable for development in Ukraine. Taking this into account, the resource and product balance of the full cycle of synthetic liquid fuel production is formed, a general production scheme of the industry subsector of SLF in Ukraine is developed, technical-economic characteristics of the national and regional industrial complexes for the production of SLF are presented, and the structure of the subsector for the production of SLF in the country is proposed

    mRNA expression profile of mouse oligodendrocytes in inflammatory conditions

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.In this study, we performed transcriptome profiling of oligodendrocyte culture of mice treated with the remyelinating therapeutic agent benztropine in the presence and absence of interferon gamma (IFNγ). The results of this work are important for understanding the expression profile of oligodendrocytes under conditions of systemic inflammation in the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis as well as the mechanisms of cellular response to benztropine in light of its possible use for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

    Сравнительная оценка методов анестезии, используемых при реконструктивных операциях на сонных артериях

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    The objective: to assess the impact of total intravenous and combined anesthesia (consisting of regional block and inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane) on higher mental functions, frequency and nature of postoperative complications in carotid endarterectomy.Subjects and methods. A total of 190 patients with ipsilateral carotid stenosis exceeding 70%, or with the unstable atheromatous plaque were examined. CE was performed in 140 (73.6%) patients, while 50 (26.4%) patients underwent plasty with the autovenous patch. 60 patients had total intravenous anesthesia. The other 60 patients had combination anesthesia (cervical plexus block as per A. Yu. Paschuk + non-inhalation anesthesia with thiopental sodium). In 70 patients, low-flow inhalation anesthesia with sevoran and potentiation of the analgesic effect by bolus administration of fentanyl was performed. The parameters of central hemodynamics, cerebral blood flow, markers of cerebral damage, and state of higher mental functions were assessed.Results. Inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane was characterized by decrease of total peripheral resistance index by 20% (p = 0.002) and SBP by 13% (p = 0.004) compared to baseline values. Moderate reduction of afterload was accompanied by normalization of cardiac and stroke indices. Optimization of the central hemodynamic parameters led to high levels of the linear velocity of cerebral blood flow and cerebral perfusion pressure which at the main stages of the operation did not differ from the control values. At the end of the operation, a statistically significant insignificant increase in intracranial pressure was noted (on average, by 4 mm Hg exceeded values at the previous stages, p = 0.014) and levels of markers of ischemic neuronal damage: the levels of antibodies to protein S-100 increased by 14% (p = 0.043), and NSE – by 2.8 μg/L. During inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane, the lowest number of postoperative neurological and cardiac complications was recorded; they developed only in 6 (8.6%) patients and distributed equally. However, more pronounced postoperative cognitive dysfunction was noted when this method of anesthesia was used.Conclusion. Each method of anesthesia provided an unequal level of cerebral protection from ischemic damage which was manifested by a difference in the severity of disorders of higher mental functions, the number and nature of postoperative neurological complications.Цель: оценить влияние тотальной внутривенной и комбинированной (на основе регионарной блокады и ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном) анестезии на состояние высших психических функций, число и характер послеоперационных осложнений при каротидной эндартерэктомии.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 190 пациентов с ипсилатеральным стенозом сонной артерии, большим чем 70%, либо с нестабильной атероматозной бляшкой. КЭ выполнили 140 (73,6%) больным, 50 (26,4%) – пластику сонной артерии с наложением заплаты аутовеной. Провели тотальную внутривенную анестезию 60 пациентам. Еще в 60 случаях операцию выполнили с использованием «комбинированной» анестезии (блокада шейного сплетения по А. Ю. Пащуку + неигаляционная анестезия тиопенталом натрия). У 70 больных проводили низкопоточную ингаляционную анестезию севораном с потенцированием анальгетического эффекта болюсным введением фентанила. Исследовали параметры центральной гемодинамики, мозгового кровотока, маркеры мозгового повреждения, состояние высших психических функций.Результаты. Ингаляционная анестезия севофлураном характеризовалась снижением индекса общего периферического сопротивления на 20% (p = 0,002) и САД на 13% (p = 0,004) по сравнению с исходными значениями. Умеренное снижение постнагрузки сопровождалось нормализацией сердечного и ударного индексов. Оптимизация параметров центральной гемодинамики обусловила высокие уровни линейной скорости мозгового кровотока и церебрального перфузионного давления, которые на основных этапах операции не отличались от контрольных значений. В конце операции отмечали статистически значимое незначительное увеличение внутричерепного давления (в среднем на 4 мм рт. ст. превышало данные предыдущих этапов, p = 0,014) и содержания маркеров ишемического нейронального повреждения: уровни антител к протеину S-100 увеличивались на 14% (p = 0,043), а НСЕ ‒ на 2,8 мкг/л. При ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном регистрировали наименьшее число послеоперационных неврологических и кардиальных осложнений, они развились лишь у 6 (8,6%) больных, распределившись поровну. Однако при этом методе анестезии отмечена более выраженная послеоперационная когнитивная дисфункция.Заключение. Каждый метод анестезии обеспечивал неодинаковый уровень защиты головного мозга от ишемического повреждения, что проявлялось различием в степени выраженности нарушений высших психических функций, числе и характере послеоперационных неврологических осложнений

    International economic relations and sustainable development

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    Монографія присвячена дослідженню теоретичних та практичних аспектів сталого розвитку на сучасному етапі міжнародних економічних відносин. Розглядаються інноваційні методичні підходи та економічні механізми забезпечення сталого розвитку на регіональному, національному та міжнародному рівнях. Наведено науково обгрунтовані рекомендації щодо досягнення економічних, соціальних та екологічних цілей сталого розвитку шляхом зміцнення інтеграційних процесів та міжнародного співробітництва між країнами світу.Монография посвящена исследованию теоретических и практических аспектов устойчивого развития на современном этапе международных экономических отношений. Рассмотрены инновационные методические подходы и экономические механизмы для обеспечения устойчивого развития на региональном, национальном и международном уровнях. Даны научно обоснованные рекомендации по достижению экономических, социальных и экологических целей устойчивого развития посредством укрепления интеграционных процессов и международного сотрудничества между странами мира.Monograph is devoted to the research of theoretical and practical aspects of the sustainable development at the present stage of international economic relations. Innovative methodic approaches and economic mechanisms to provide sustainable development at the regional, national and international levels are considered. Scientifically grounded recommendations to achieve economic, social and ecological aims of the sustainable development through the strengthening of integration processes and international cooperation between countries of the world are given

    Enterprise multi-level energy efficiency management system development

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    Improving the energy efficiency of the economy is a complex problem, the solution of which involves the development and implementation of a number of system solutions, at the level of both a country, a region and separate enterprises. Development of an enterprise multi-level energy efficiency management system is an important tool for improving the energy efficiency of an enterprise. The purpose of the study is to develop and improve models, methods and synthesis of data collection and processing tools of an enterprise multi-level energy efficiency management system with high technical and economic characteristics. The theory of Petri nets and their expansion is used for building functional models of an enterprise multi-level energy efficiency management system, the theory of solving the problems of multi-criteria optimization – for selection of an element base, methods of neural network technologies – for synthesis of intellectual data processing tools, the theory of hardware and software design for synthesis of information technology elements, and the methods of object-oriented approach are used in the process of software development. The method of calculating the signal of postsynaptic excitation of neural elements in artificial neural networks has been improved, which is based on parallel tabular-algorithmic calculation of scalar product with the use of two or more tables and reduces the time of data processing. The results of the synthesis of a basic element consisting of a microcontroller, temperature sensor, heater and communication module are given. 284 alternatives were generated, from which a variant with a higher value of the target function was selected. In conclusion, a simulation model of the system of automated synthesis of elements of the regional energy management system is developed, which uses the free Octave environment and allows to examine and check the operation of the method of selecting the element base and synthesis of components of the enterprise technological process energy efficiency management

    Spin-orbit interaction in dimethylsulfide and dimethyl ether

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