18 research outputs found


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    There is represented the analysis of the sickness rate among the children and adolescents on the typical areas of the Irkutsk region during 2003-2011 (by example of the Taishet district). We have established that the sickness rate of the Taishet district is typical for every south-west area, however significantly lower than in industrial centers of the Irkutsk region. Children and adolescents of the whole Irkutsk region as well as the Taishet district distinguish themselves by the increase of the sickness rate of respiratory diseases (the growth rate over the period of the analysis ranges from 18 to 117 %). There are calculated the values of the comparative risk of the priority types of diseases for industrial centers: respiratory diseases (for children RR = 1,4 (р < 0,05), for adolescents RR = 1,22 (р < 0,05)); injuries, poisonings and accidents (1,8 (р < 0,05) for both age groups)

    The influence of fluorine and its compounds on people’s health (literature review)

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    The objective of this article is to analyse fluorine’s toxic effect on the health of children s population and population in general. Here are summarized the up-to-date data about the influence of natural and anthropogenic fluorine and its compounds on the health of different population groups. The researches conducted in zones of placement of aluminum productions in the Russian Federation, showed that priority specific polluting substances in the exhibited territory are compounds of the fluorine which average annual concentration make in atmospheric air of 6,2-1,4 maximum concentration limits, in the soil of 5,9-11 maximum concentration limits. The coefficient of danger of gaseous fluorine made (QH) = 1,1, risk of pathology of bone and muscular system (IH) = 1,9. It is established that compounds of fluorine get through a placenta, collect in an organism of a fruit and have toxic effect during the post-embryonic period, causing blood supply deterioration, braking of cell fission of a plate of growth of bones, easing of functional activity osteoclasts and osteoblasts, result of that is delay of growth of bones both in length, and thickness. The average levels of fluorine in biosubstrata of children living in industrial centers, above the reference sizes offered in documents of WHO. The analysis of joint action of factors of environment (lack of iodine and fluoric pollution) showed that excess intake of fluorine in an organism is one of the reasons of increase in a thyroid gland at children Thus, regardless of ways of receipt and/or influence conditions, fluorine, getting to a human body, makes toxic impact on the whole complex of bodies and systems, including cardiorespiratory, neuroendocrine, bone and muscular systems. Studying of influence of fluorine and its connections on health of the population is the important task, allowing to plan ways of prevention and correction of negative impact. Analysis of new results of researches allowed to reveal the direction of future explorations


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    The surface hardening of laser of powder coat the system Fe-Cr-B-Si to permit lower wear of the coat. The theory of resistence of wear of the laser based an analisis strengthening of interection of atoms complex particles of the powder and detail we showed the influence of the speed of ray and diameter of stain of the laser. The theory and experiments of BNTU (Minsk) showed satisfactorily agreement for the system Fe-Cr-B-Si. This theory is the base of nanotechnology of the laser.The surface hardening of laser of powder coat the system Fe-Cr-B-Si to permit lower wear of the coat. The theory of resistence of wear of the laser based an analisis strengthening of interection of atoms complex particles of the powder and detail we showed the influence of the speed of ray and diameter of stain of the laser. The theory and experiments of BNTU (Minsk) showed satisfactorily agreement for the system Fe-Cr-B-Si. This theory is the base of nanotechnology of the laser

    Haploid biotechnology as a tool for creating a selection material for sugar beets

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    Since the discovery of the phenomenon of haploidy, biotechnology has become an integral part in the successful creation of new varieties and hybrids of various plant species. In particular, these technologies are actively used in agriculture, which is concerned with increasing the volume and improving the quality of products. The integration of haploid production techniques together with other available biotechnological tools such as marker selection (MAS), induced mutagenesis and genetic engineering technologies can significantly accelerate crop breeding. This article shows the main stages in the development of biotechnology since 1921. Now they are successfully used to create doubled haploids to accelerate the selection process of various plants and, in particular, sugar beet, which is the most important sugar crop in regions with a temperate climate. There are several methods for obtaining forms with a single set of chromosomes. For sugar beets, the use of gynogenesis turned out to be expedient, since in this case the other methods turned out to be ineffective in the mass production of haploids. The article considers the stages of obtaining the H and DH lines of Beta vulgaris L., as well as the main stages of biotechnological production of homozygous breeding material of this culture. These stages include selecting parental forms – donor explants, sterilizing buds and introducing non-pollinated ovules in vitro, obtaining haploids, doubling their chromosome set, creating doubled haploids, determining ploidy at different stages, relocating the obtained plants to greenhouses and growing stecklings. A number of advantages that the technology of creating doubled haploids in vitro has in comparison with traditional methods of selection are described. It has been shown that the use of these approaches is relevant when obtaining new highly productive hybrids and varieties of agricultural plants; however, the methods for the production of homozygous forms in sugar beet still require additional research aimed at increasing the efficiency and reproducibility of each stage of the process

    РПД-логия и совершенствование образования в XXI в.

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    The introduction to the article describes the situation that has developed in the system of higher education in Russia after Perestroika and has led to an unambiguous predominance of administration over professionally significant employees.The objective of the article is to arrange a detailed analysis of the reasons for the inversely proportional relationship between the level of creativity and the level of bureaucratization that is emerging in modern conditions. As an example, such an aspect of bureaucratic activity as the development and implementation of standards, represented, in particular, by the work programs of disciplines (WPD) and work programs of practices (WPP), is taken.The main research methodology is a comparative and comparative historical analysis, which allows to identify the features of the activities for the creation of WPD and WPP, which is considered necessary to improve the level of methodological work and the corresponding improvement in the quality of teaching.The result of the study allows us to show that the organization of methodological work is built hierarchically, with methodologists at the upper levels, and all teachers, including professors, at the lower levels. The work of the making of educational programs has turned, on the one hand, into a separate discipline, and, on the other hand, into a process, completely autonomous from educational and scientific activities. It is necessary not for educational activities, but exclusively for passing confirmations from authorities (attestations). In addition, rigid and constantly changing requirements for standards (including changes of the standards themselves) are reinforced by additional requirements for the quality of teaching staff, which are growing according to the awareness of the ineffectiveness of previous measures. This practice is considered in the context of the global trend of transformation of universities from “universities of culture” to the “universities of excellence” (in Bill Readings’ terminology).The authors of the article come to conclusion that as a result of the ongoing educational policy, a situation arises not just of imitation of education, but of imitation of imitation. The heyday of the WPD-logy is an important modern indicator that the real trajectory of development of most universities in modern Russia actually demonstrates a sign ificant decline of the level teaching.Введение. В статье характеризуется ситуация, сложившаяся в системе высшего образования в России после перестройки и приведшая к однозначному преобладанию администрирования над профессионально значимыми сотрудниками. Задачей статьи является детальный анализ причин складывающейся в современных условиях обратно пропорциональной связи между уровнем креативности и уровнем бюрократизации. В качестве примера берется такие аспекты бюрократической деятельности, как разработка и внедрение стандартов, представляемых, в частности, рабочими программами дисциплин (РПД) и практик (РПП).Основной методологией исследования является сравнительный и сравнительно-исторический анализ, позволяющий выявить особенности деятельности по созданию РПД и РПП, которая считается необходимой для повышения уровня методической работы и соответствующего повышения качества преподавания.Результат исследования позволяет показать, что организация методической работы построена иерархически, причем на верхних уровнях оказываются методисты, а на нижних – все преподаватели, включая профессоров. Работа по созданию учебных программ превратилась, с одной стороны, в отдельную дисциплину, а с другой ‒ в совершенно автономный от учебно-научной деятельности процесс, необходимый не для учебной деятельности, а исключительно для прохождения аттестаций. Кроме того, жесткие и постоянно меняющиеся требования к стандартам (включая и изменения самих стандартов) подкрепляются дополнительными требованиями к качеству педагогического состава, растущими по мере осознания неэффективности предшествующих мер. Такая практика рассматривается в контексте общемировой тенденции трансформации университетов от университетов культуры к университетам совершенства (по терминологии Риддингса).Авторы статьи приходят к выводу, что в результате проводимой образовательной политики возникает ситуация не просто имитации образования, но имитации имитации. Расцвет РПД-логии является важным современным индикатором того, что реальная траектория развития большинства университетов современной России фактически демонстрирует существенное снижение уровня преподавания

    Polyformaldehyde as an antifriction material

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    Future prospects for breast cancer immunotherapy

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    Immunotherapy has already become an important component of the standard treatment of patients with advanced cancer. Most treatment methods include monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that block immune checkpoints, in particular, the programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) receptor and its ligand 1 (PD-L1) or are directed against T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4). The future prospects for immuno-oncology will be to determine whether these agents can be more effective if administered in a postoperative adjuvant or in a neoadjuvant regimen prior to surgical treatment. Vaccine therapy has shown promising results, and this therapy is especially attractive due to absence of pronounced toxicity