18 research outputs found

    Моделювання та дослідження магнітоелектричного перетворювача для гідро- та пневмоприводів

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    Purpose. Presentation of the results of modeling and practical implementation of a magnetoelectric converter for hydraulics and pneumatics systems of the aerospace industry. Methodology. Calculations of three-dimensional magnetic fields are carried out with the Finite Element Method by JMAG program. The solution of the differential equations connecting the input voltage, current, magnetic flux and torque is performed by numerical integration. Results. As a result of calculations, the converter configuration was obtained. Tests of the prototype model of the converter confirmed the principle workability of the adopted design and design solutions in its development. Practical value. Tests of the converter prototype sample confirmed the fundamental performance of the adopted design and constructive solutions.Наведено результати моделювання та практичної реалізації магнітоелектричного перетворювача для гідро- та пневмоприводів аерокосмічної галузі. На основі серії проектних розрахунків при різноманітній конфігурації магнітної системи перетворювача обрано варіант з чотирма зубцями на полюсі статору і отримані його основні характеристики. Результати розрахунків зіставлені з результатами експерименту на макетному зразку магнітоелектричного перетворювача

    Результаты агротехнологического изучения устойчивых белых винных сортов винограда нового поколения для производства биовин

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    Relevance. Widely used traditional wine varieties of European-Asian grapes are characterized by a low level of resistance to disease and require multiple treatments with pesticides to preserve the crop and plants. Obtaining and introduction of sustainable varieties into production is one of the urgent problems of modern viticulture in the world and in our country, especially in the aspect of the ever wider dissemination of the principles of organic production. This is especially true for vineyards located in the coastal areas of the South of Russia, where the use of methods of chemical protection of vineyards from pests and diseases are limited to the proximity to the sea coast and the status of the resort region.Material and methods. The paper presents the results of the study of white wine grapes of the new generation with a high potential for resistance to environmental conditions and diseases. Purpose: research and development of recommendations on the use of white wine grapes of the new generation, characterized by resistance to adverse environmental conditions.Results. It is revealed that the experimental white wine varieties are characterized by a high level of adaptive capacity. In terms of productivity, new varieties are not inferior to the Sauvignon variety. Wine materials made from new resistant varieties are characterized by a high content of extractive and phenolic compounds. According to the organoleptic characteristics of wine materials from new resistant white grape varieties are at the level of the control variety. It is established that the level of stability of new grape varieties can be excluded from the technology of care of the vineyard measures to protect against major diseases, which significantly reduces the cost of production and allows you to get environmentally safe and organic products.Актуальность. Широко используемые традиционные винные сорта европейско-азиатского винограда характеризуются низким уровнем устойчивости к болезням и требуют многократных обработок пестицидами для сохранения урожая и растений. Получение и внедрение в производство устойчивых сортов является одной из актуальных проблем современного виноградарства в мире и в нашей стране, особенно в аспекте все более широкого распространения принципов органического производства. Это особенно актуально для виноградников, расположенных приморских районах юга России, где применение методов химической защиты виноградников от вредителей и болезней ограничивается близостью к морскому побережью и статусом курортного региона.Материал и методика. В работе представлены результаты изучения винных белых сортов винограда нового поколения, имеющих высокий потенциал устойчивости неблагоприятным условиям среды и болезням. Цель работы: Агробиологическая и технологическая оценка новых комплексноустойчивых сортов винограда и разработка рекомендаций по их использованию.Результаты. Выявлено, что опытные белые винные сорта характеризуются высоким уровень адаптационной способности. По продуктивности новые сорта не уступают сорту Sauvignon. Виноматериалы, приготовленные из новых устойчивых сортов, характеризуются высоким содержанием экстрактивных и фенольных соединений. По органолептическим характеристикам виноматериалы из новых устойчивых белых сортов винограда находятся на уровне контрольного сорта. Установлено, что уровень устойчивости новых сортов винограда позволяет исключить из технологии ухода за виноградником мероприятия по защите от основных болезней мильдью, оидиума и серой гнили, что существенно снижает себестоимость продукции и позволяет получить экологически безопасную и органическую продукцию

    Изучение адаптогенной активности производных тетрагидропиридо[2,1-b][1,3,5]тиадиазина

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    Introduction. In the modern world people are exposed to the influence of adverse psychological and physical factors, escalating in intensity. The search for new pharmacodynamic effects of [1,3,5]-thiadiazine derivatives designated by significant biological activity of these compounds is an essential issue.Aim. To research adaptogenic activity of tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine derivatives using a modified Porsolt Forced Swim Test.Materials and methods. Four substances from the group of 3-R-8-aryl-6-oxo-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2H,6Hpyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine-9-carbonitriles were selected for the research. Rats were divided into a control group, 5 reference groups (amitriptyline, caffeine, thiotriazolin, thiocetam, ginseng) and 4 experimental groups according to the number of the studied original tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5] thiadiazine derivatives.Results. Intragastric injection of substance 2 for 5 days in the modified forced swim test (forced swimming with freight) increased work capacity and endurance of the rats by 103.42% as opposed to the initial results. The detected adaptogenic activity of this tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine derivative six times exceeds adaptogenic activity of ginseng and seven times that of amitriptyline. The rats in the control group were active for a bit longer time. Ginseng raised the time of activity by 17% at day 5. Caffeine essentially reduced work capacity and endurance. Amitriptyline showed adaptogenic activity at day 3 of the research (increase by 10.4%). Thiotriazolin also showed adaptogenic activity on day 3 of the research (increase by 30.17%). Thiocetam increased the time of activity by 78.55%. Substance 4 had adaptogenic activity too; it increased the time of activity in aversive conditions by 58.25%, which three times exceeds this parameter for ginseng and four times for amitriptyline. Введение. Статья посвящена изучению новых биологически активных соединений на основе производных тетрагидропиридо[2,1-b][1,3,5]тиадиазина. Исследуемые образцы обладают выраженным аналептическим и антидепрессантным эффектом.Цель исследования – оценка адаптогенной активности производных тетрагидропиридо[2,1-b][1,3,5] тиадиазина с помощью модификации теста поведенческого отчаяния (беспомощности) по Порсольту.Материалы и методы. Для исследования были отобраны четыре оригинальных соединения, проявившие высокую активность в предыдущих тестах. В качестве препаратов сравнения выступали кофеин-бензоат натрия, женьшень, тиотриазолин, тиоцетам, амитриптилин.Результаты. Внутрижелудочное введение соединения 2 на протяжении 5 сут в модифицированном тесте поведенческого отчаяния по Порсольту (вынужденное плавание с грузом) вызвало увеличение работоспособности и выносливости крыс на 103,42% в сравнении с первоначальными показателями. Выявленная адаптогенная активность этого производного тетрагидропиридо[2,1-b][1,3,5]тиадиазина в 6 раз превосходит таковую у женьшеня и семикратно у амитриптилина. Соединение 4 также обладало адаптогенной активностью, увеличивая время сохранения активности в аверсивной среде на 58,25%, что в 3 раза превышало показатели в группе сравнения с женьшенем и в 4 раза – с амитриптилином.

    Эффективность применения модификаций препарата Суперстим в малых дозах на этапе адаптации микрорастений жимолости (Lonicera L.) подсекции синей (Caeruleae Rehd.) к нестерильным условиям с учетом последействия на этапе доращивания

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    Relevance. In recent years, interest in the edible honeysuckle culture has increased in Russia, the wide distribution of which is hampered by the lack of quality planting material. The technology of clonal micropropagation allows for a short time to obtain a large amount of honeysuckle planting material, more than a thousand regenerated plants per year from one meristematic apex introduced into an in vitro culture. It is hundreds of times more than in traditional methods of vegetative propagation. Adaptation to non-sterile conditions is the final and most crucial stage of clonal micropropagation, the loss of which can be from 50 to 90%. It should be noted that there is practically no research on how the further development of adapted honeysuckle plants takes place during subsequent growing.Methods. Researching of growth regulators of the new generation Superstim 1 and Superstim 2 effect in low and ultra-low doses on the survival rates and development of honeysuckle plants at the stages of adaptation subsequent growing.Results. Superstim 1 is more effective at physiological concentrations – 1 x 10-7 and in the field of ultra-low doses – 1 x 10-14, 1 x 10-15%. At the stage of subsequent growing, a positive after-effect of physiological concentrations – 1x10-3 and 1x10-7 was observed, and an ultra-low dose – 1x10-17%. The growth regulator Superstim 2 at the stages of adaptation and subsequent growing is effectively used only in one concentration – 1x10-16%. The additional foliar treatments at the stage of subsequent growing are not necessary. Актуальность. В последние годы в России увеличивается интерес к культуре жимолости съедобной, широкое распространение которой сдерживается из-за дефицита качественного посадочного материала. Технология клонального микроразмножения позволяет за короткий срок получить большое количество посадочного материала жимолости, более тысячи растений-регенерантов в год из одного введенного в культуру in vitro меристематического апекса, что в сотни раз больше, чем при использовании традиционных методов вегетативного размножения. Адаптация к нестерильным условиям является заключительным и наиболее ответственным этапом клонального микроразмножения, потери на котором могут составлять от 50 до 90% мериклонов. Следует отметить, что практически нет исследований о том, каким образом происходит дальнейшее развитие адаптированных растений жимолости при доращивании.Методика. Проведено изучение влияния препаратов нового поколения Суперстим 1 и Суперстим 2 в малых и сверхмалых дозах на показатели приживаемости и развития растений жимолости на этапах адаптации и доращивания.Результаты. Выявлено, что препарат Суперстим 1 более эффективен в физиологической концентрации – 1x10-7% и в области сверхмалых доз – 1x10-14, 1x10-15%. На этапе доращивания выявлено положительное последействие физиологических концентраций – 1x10-3, 1x10-7%, и сверхмалой дозы – 1x10-17%. Препарат Суперстим 2 на этапах адаптации и доращивания эффективно применять только в одной концентрации – 1x10-16%. В дополнительных некорневых обработках на этапе доращивания нет необходимости.

    Несезонное производство ягодной продукции малины красной в условиях отапливаемых зимних теплиц

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    Relevance. Currently, in many countries of the world, the production of non-season raspberry berry products has become widespread. Recently, interest in this technology has arisen in Russia, which has great prospects for the development of industrial gardening. In our opinion, it is promising to develop elements of technology for the non-seasonal production of red raspberries, propagated by the method of clonal micropropagation with a traditional and remontant type of fruiting in the conditions of winter heated greenhouses.Material and methods. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory of clonal micropropagation of garden plants in the fruit growing laboratory of RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev. The objects of research were varieties of red raspberries with a traditional (variety Volnitsa) and remontant (varieties Orangevoe Chudo and Bryanskoe Divo) type of fruiting. The experimental plants were propagated by the method of clonal micropropagation and grown before distillation in open and protected ground; plants propagated by root offspring served as control. Experimental plants were planted in open ground for growing in mid-May, in mid-October they were transplanted into 10 liter containers and transferred to protected ground conditions. Then put in the refrigerator compartment with a temperature of + 1 ... + 5°C. For distillation, the raspberry repairing plants were exposed in the winter heated greenhouse on January 20, while the shoots of replacing the aboveground system were normalized: without normalization, 3 shoots per plant, complete pruning of the aboveground system. Raspberries with a traditional type of fruiting were exposed in a winter heated greenhouse in three periods on January 20, February 10, March 2. Accounting for the passage of the phenological phases of development and yield was made for 3 months every 5 days.Results. In the conditions of winter heated greenhouses, efficiency has been shown and elements of technology for non-season production of raspberry berries remontant and berries with a traditional type of fruiting, propagated in vitro and grown before open field distillation are developed. It was revealed that it is necessary to normalize the shoots before distillation of raspberry remontant, and the optimal timing for the start of distillation for raspberries with a traditional type of fruiting has been established.Актуальность. В настоящее время во многих странах мира широкое распространение получило производство несезонной ягодной продукции малины. В последнее время интерес к данной технологии возник и в России, что имеет большие перспективы для развития промышленного садоводства. На наш взгляд, перспективно разрабатывать элементы технологии несезонного производства ягод малины красной, размноженной методом клонального микроразмножения с традиционным и ремонтантным типом плодоношения в условиях зимних отапливаемых теплиц.Материал и методика. Опыты проводили в лаборатории клонального микроразмножения садовых растений лаборатории плодоводства РГАУ-МСХА им. К.А. Тимирязева. Объектами исследований служили сорта малины красной с традиционным (сорт Вольница) и ремонтантным (сорта Оранжевое чудо и Брянское диво) типом плодоношения. Опытные растения были размножены методом клонального микроразмножения и выращены перед выгонкой в открытом и защищенном грунте, контролем служили растения, размноженные корневыми отпрысками. В открытый грунт растения были высажены в середине мая, в середине октября их пересадили в контейнеры объемом 10 л и перенесли в условия защищенного грунта. Затем выставили в холодильный отсек с температурой 1…5°C. Для выгонки растения малины ремонтантной выставляли в зимнюю отапливаемую теплицу 20 января, при этом производили нормировку побегов замещения надземной системы: без нормировки, 3 побега на растение, полная обрезка надземной системы. Малину с традиционным типом плодоношения выставляли в зимнюю отапливаемую теплицу в три срока 20 января, 10 февраля, 2 марта. Учеты прохождения фенологических фаз развития и поступления урожая производили в течение 3 месяцев через каждые 5 дней.Результаты. В условиях зимних отапливаемых теплиц показана эффективность и разработаны элементы технологии несезонного производства ягод малины ремонтантной и с традиционным типом плодоношения, размноженных in vitro и выращенных перед выгонкой в открытом грунте. Выявлено, что необходимо провести нормировку побегов перед выгонкой малины ремонтантной и установлены оптимальные сроки начала выгонки для малины с традиционным типом плодоношения

    The results of the study of agricultural technology sustainable white wine grapes for a new generation of biological wines production

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    Relevance. Widely used traditional wine varieties of European-Asian grapes are characterized by a low level of resistance to disease and require multiple treatments with pesticides to preserve the crop and plants. Obtaining and introduction of sustainable varieties into production is one of the urgent problems of modern viticulture in the world and in our country, especially in the aspect of the ever wider dissemination of the principles of organic production. This is especially true for vineyards located in the coastal areas of the South of Russia, where the use of methods of chemical protection of vineyards from pests and diseases are limited to the proximity to the sea coast and the status of the resort region.Material and methods. The paper presents the results of the study of white wine grapes of the new generation with a high potential for resistance to environmental conditions and diseases. Purpose: research and development of recommendations on the use of white wine grapes of the new generation, characterized by resistance to adverse environmental conditions.Results. It is revealed that the experimental white wine varieties are characterized by a high level of adaptive capacity. In terms of productivity, new varieties are not inferior to the Sauvignon variety. Wine materials made from new resistant varieties are characterized by a high content of extractive and phenolic compounds. According to the organoleptic characteristics of wine materials from new resistant white grape varieties are at the level of the control variety. It is established that the level of stability of new grape varieties can be excluded from the technology of care of the vineyard measures to protect against major diseases, which significantly reduces the cost of production and allows you to get environmentally safe and organic products

    Studying the adaptogenic activity of a series of tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b] [1,3,5] thiadiazine derivatives

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    Introduction. In the modern world people are exposed to the influence of adverse psychological and physical factors, escalating in intensity. The search for new pharmacodynamic effects of [1,3,5]-thiadiazine derivatives designated by significant biological activity of these compounds is an essential issue.Aim. To research adaptogenic activity of tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine derivatives using a modified Porsolt Forced Swim Test.Materials and methods. Four substances from the group of 3-R-8-aryl-6-oxo-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2H,6Hpyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine-9-carbonitriles were selected for the research. Rats were divided into a control group, 5 reference groups (amitriptyline, caffeine, thiotriazolin, thiocetam, ginseng) and 4 experimental groups according to the number of the studied original tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5] thiadiazine derivatives.Results. Intragastric injection of substance 2 for 5 days in the modified forced swim test (forced swimming with freight) increased work capacity and endurance of the rats by 103.42% as opposed to the initial results. The detected adaptogenic activity of this tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine derivative six times exceeds adaptogenic activity of ginseng and seven times that of amitriptyline. The rats in the control group were active for a bit longer time. Ginseng raised the time of activity by 17% at day 5. Caffeine essentially reduced work capacity and endurance. Amitriptyline showed adaptogenic activity at day 3 of the research (increase by 10.4%). Thiotriazolin also showed adaptogenic activity on day 3 of the research (increase by 30.17%). Thiocetam increased the time of activity by 78.55%. Substance 4 had adaptogenic activity too; it increased the time of activity in aversive conditions by 58.25%, which three times exceeds this parameter for ginseng and four times for amitriptyline

    Categoricity in Self-Estimation and Estimation of Other People and Situations in High School Students Involved in Drug Use

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    Introduction. Mechanisms and factors for psychoactive substance dependence and also psychological methods for its treatment and prevention have been widely researched. However, early diagnostics and prevention of psychoactive substance dependence among schoolchildren remain important today. The paper presents the results of the study of (a) categoricity in self-estimation and estimation of other people and situations in adolescents using drugs and (b) its relationship with other psychological risk factors for involvement in drug use. Categorical answers indicate the way of thinking when a person makes conclusions before considering all the possible alternatives. Such a way of thinking derives from difficulties in voluntary regulation with insufficient regard for possible solutions and future prospects. The present study is the first attempt to reveal associations among categoricity and psychological risk factors for involvement in drug use. Methods. The participants comprised 112 high school students using drugs, 637 high school students from various regions of Russia, and 540 middle school students. A methodical complex of psychological diagnostics of risk factors for adolescent involvement in drug use was employed in the study. Results. High school students’ categorical estimates indicated the risk of drug use and were associated with difficulties in voluntary regulation with unwillingness to plan the future and consider the alternatives in the clinical group. A defensive strategy of answers manifested itself in the association among categoricalness, overestimation of voluntary self-regulation, and denial of problems. On the contrary, the association between categoricity and accepting difficulties characterized an open strategy of answers when using drugs. High school students in the control groups had no such associations. Discussion. Categorical answers can be a nonspecific criterion for assessing the risk of drug involvement among high school students

    Impact of Tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazines on L-DOPA Effects in the Tail Suspension Test

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    Aim. Evaluation of the impact of tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazine derivatives on L-DOPA effects in the tail suspension test.Materials and methods. Some tetrahydropyrido[2,1-b][1,3,5]thiadiazines exhibit a pronounced antidepressant and adaptogenic activity. We selected compounds that demonstrated the most potent antidepressant effect in the Porsolt’s forced swim test. We chose to combine two approaches in the study: estimation of the antidepressant drug impact on levodopa effects and the tail suspension test. Caffeine sodium benzoate, amitriptyline and fluoxetine were chosen as the reference compounds. Studies of the 1,3,5-thiadiazine effects on levodopa activity were undertaken to ground detailed downstream analyses of associated responses in the dopaminergic neurotransmitter system. We measured the rectal temperature in laboratory rats prior to and after tail suspension and the total active time during 5 min in the test.Results. Administration of levodopa at a dose of 150 mg/kg led to a reduction in rectal temperature and the total time of physical activity in rats in the tail suspension test. The dosage of 500 mg/kg led to a temperature increase of 0.7°C prior to and after the stress and a longer maintenance of physical activity. Rats exhibited exophthalmos and polyuria.Levodopa at a 150 mg/kg dosage in combination with caffeine sodium benzoate did not cause a significant increase in the body temperature and prolonged physical activity by 69% in the test vs. the control group. Amitriptyline in combination with levodopa at a dose of 150 mg/kg triggered a temperature increase of 1.3°C prior to and 1.85°C after tail suspension, thus leading to a prolonged physical activity. Levodopa at a dose of 150 mg/kg in combination with fluoxetine led to elevation of the body temperature by 0.6°C prior to and 0.55°C after the stress. The total active time exhibited a declining trend.The substance TD-0348 reveals an antidepressant activity. Physical active time increased by 32% in the test vs. the control group. Temperature elevation by 1.15°C prior to and 1.25°C after the stress suggests activation of the autonomic nervous system. TD-0470 in combination with levodopa (150 mg/kg) led to a rectal temperature elevation by 0.4°C prior to and 0.7°C after tail suspension. Physical activity was prolonged compared to the levodopa-treated group (150 mg/ kg). TD-0479 led to a temperature elevation by 0.85°C prior to and 0.95°C after the stress and caused polyuria. Treatment with TD-0164 did not provide sufficient data to suggest an impact on dopamine metabolism.Conclusions. The compounds TD-0348, TD-0470 and TD-0479 affect physiological processes in experimental rats in response to treatment with L-DOPA at a dose of 150 mg/kg, which suggests the autonomic nervous system (ANS) activation. TD-0470 exhibits antidepressant properties. Treatment with TD-0164 does not provide sufficient data to evaluate its dopamine-related effects

    Non-season production of raspberry of red berry products in conditions of heated winter greenhouses

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    Relevance. Currently, in many countries of the world, the production of non-season raspberry berry products has become widespread. Recently, interest in this technology has arisen in Russia, which has great prospects for the development of industrial gardening. In our opinion, it is promising to develop elements of technology for the non-seasonal production of red raspberries, propagated by the method of clonal micropropagation with a traditional and remontant type of fruiting in the conditions of winter heated greenhouses.Material and methods. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory of clonal micropropagation of garden plants in the fruit growing laboratory of RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev. The objects of research were varieties of red raspberries with a traditional (variety Volnitsa) and remontant (varieties Orangevoe Chudo and Bryanskoe Divo) type of fruiting. The experimental plants were propagated by the method of clonal micropropagation and grown before distillation in open and protected ground; plants propagated by root offspring served as control. Experimental plants were planted in open ground for growing in mid-May, in mid-October they were transplanted into 10 liter containers and transferred to protected ground conditions. Then put in the refrigerator compartment with a temperature of + 1 ... + 5°C. For distillation, the raspberry repairing plants were exposed in the winter heated greenhouse on January 20, while the shoots of replacing the aboveground system were normalized: without normalization, 3 shoots per plant, complete pruning of the aboveground system. Raspberries with a traditional type of fruiting were exposed in a winter heated greenhouse in three periods on January 20, February 10, March 2. Accounting for the passage of the phenological phases of development and yield was made for 3 months every 5 days.Results. In the conditions of winter heated greenhouses, efficiency has been shown and elements of technology for non-season production of raspberry berries remontant and berries with a traditional type of fruiting, propagated in vitro and grown before open field distillation are developed. It was revealed that it is necessary to normalize the shoots before distillation of raspberry remontant, and the optimal timing for the start of distillation for raspberries with a traditional type of fruiting has been established