62 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic removal of concrement in Bouveret syndrome

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    Laparoscopic removal of concrement in Bouveret syndrom

    Observation of the strangulated internal hernia of Petersen

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    Observation of the strangulated internal hernia of Peterse

    Functional Insights into Genic Neighbourhood Organization of Helitron Transposons in Bos taurus Genomes

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    Transposable elements (TEs) represent well-known factors of genomic variability and evolution. TEs are important providers of regulatory elements that are able to significantly influence the architecture and expression of the host genome. Currently, of a special interest are the DNA transposons helitrons. They are supposed to be involved in horizontal transfer of genetic material between distant taxa and to dramatically impact the host genomes via phenomena of exon-shuffling and gene capture. Thereby, and due to their high level of polymorphism and relatively high frequency in the eukaryotic genomes, helitrons can be used as “anchors” for genome scanning of different breeds of farm animals aimed at revealing their “gene pool standards”. Currently, there are no comprehensive studies dedicated to helitrons and their interaction and impact on host genomic landscape in cattle (Bos taurus). Earlier we showed the possibility of using the 3’-end consensus sequence of Heligloria helitrons for estimation of consolidation of different cattle breeds via multilocus genotyping. In the present study, in order to investigate the context features of the DNA regions flanked by the inverted repeats of Heligloria helitrons fragments in Bos taurus genomes, we pyrosequenced such fragments (of about 550 bp in length) from three cattle breeds and analyzed the functional implications of the identified genes. Thus, here we provide an insight into the functional organization of the genic neighbourhood of helitron transposons in the genomes of different Bos taurus breeds and an attempt to understand possible consequences of such distribution of helitrons on these genome

    Diarylethene-Based Photoswitchable Inhibitors of Serine Proteases

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    A bicyclic peptide scaffold was chemically adapted to generate diarylethene-based photoswitchable inhibitors of serine protease Bos taurus trypsin 1 (T1). Starting from a prototype molecule—sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1)—we obtained light-controllable inhibitors of T1 with Ki in the low nanomolar range, whose activity could be modulated over 20-fold by irradiation. The inhibitory potency as well as resistance to proteolytic degradation were systematically studied on a series of 17 SFTI-1 analogues. The hydrogen bond network that stabilizes the structure of inhibitors and possibly the enzyme–inhibitor binding dynamics were affected by isomerization of the photoswitch. The feasibility of manipulating enzyme activity in time and space was demonstrated by controlled digestion of gelatin-based hydrogel and an antimicrobial peptide BP100-RW. Finally, our design principles of diarylethene photoswitches are shown to apply also for the development of other serine protease inhibitor

    Еластографія зсувної хвилі в оцінці морфологічних змін підшлункової залози при хронічному панкреатиті

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    Мета. Встановити чутливість і специфічність еластографії зсувної хвилі в оцінці морфологічних змін підшлункової залози (ПЗ) при хронічному панкреатиті (ХП). Матеріали і методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз доопераційних результатів еластографії зсувної хвилі з даними морфологічних досліджень біоптатів ПЗ, отриманих у 68 пацієнтів, оперованих з приводу ускладнень ХП (основна група), і 30 пацієнтів без ознак ХП (контрольна група). Результати. Застосування методу еластографії зсувної хвилi в оцінці морфологічних змін ПЗ при ХП дало змогу розробити діагностичну модель високої якості з чутливістю 80,1% і специфічністю 86,4%. За кольоровим патерном та показниками жорсткості паренхіми ПЗ верифіковано морфологічні зміни органа в стадії раннього і пізнього фіброзу на тлі активного та неактивного запалення його паренхіми.Висновки. Виділені найбільш достовірні цифрові показники еластографії зсувної хвилi в неінвазивній оцінці активності запалення та стадії фіброзної трансформації ПЗ при ХП

    Towards in vivo photomediated delivery of anticancer peptides: Insights from pharmacokinetic and -dynamic data

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    An in vivo study of a photoswitchable cytotoxic peptide LMB040 has been undertaken on a chemically induced hepatocellular carcinoma model in immunocompetent rats. We analysed the pharmacokinetic profile of the less toxic photoform (“ring-closed” dithienylethene) of the compound in tumors, plasma, and healthy liver. Accordingly, the peptide can reach a tumor concentration sufficiently high to exert a cytotoxic effect upon photoconversion into the more active (“ring-open”) photoform. Tissue morphology, histology, redox state of the liver, and hepatic biochemical parameters in blood serum were analysed upon treatment with (i) the less active photoform, (ii) the in vivo light-activated alternative photoform, and (iii) compared with a reference chemotherapeutic 5-fluorouracil. We found that application of the less toxic form followed by a delayed in vivo photoconversion into the more toxic ring-open form of LMB040 led to a higher overall survival of the animals, and signs of enhanced immune response were observed compared to the untreated animals