71 research outputs found


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    Palynotaxonomy of Albertinia brasiliensis,Dasyanthina serrata, and species ofCololobus and Cyrtocymura (VernoniinaeCompositae) of southeast Brazil. A pollenstudy of seven species belonging to fourgenera, Albertinia brasiliensis, Cololobus,Cyrtocymura and Dasyanthina serrata wasconducted with the objectives of describingthe pollen characters of these species andevaluating their taxonomic implications.The pollen grains were acetolyzed forobservation and illustration with lightmicroscopy. Further details of pollen surfaceand aperture were revealed through analysisof non-acetolyzed pollen grains by meansof scanning electron microscopy, andsubsequently, electron micrographs. Adichotomous key was constructed toseparate the genera into two groups usingthe size of the polar area and the organization of muri in the apocolpus region. AllCyrtocymura species possessed mediumsized pollen grains and were united in thefirst group. The majority of the species fellinto the second group. Albertiniabrasiliensis and Cololobus hatschbachiiwere the only species with the apocolpusregion having such a central lacuna; theyare segregated by polar area, very smallin the first species and small inC. hatschbachii. Cololobus longiangustatus, Cololobus rupestris andDasyanthina serrata were palynologicallyvery similar, differing only in values of theconfidence interval. We concluded thatisolated pollen characters are not sufficientto define three of the four genera analyzedhere.Se realizó el estudio polínico de sieteespecies distribuidas en cuatro géneros:Albertinia brasiliensis Spreng., CololobusH. Rob., Cyrtocymura H. Rob. yDasyanthina serrata (Less.) H. Rob. quehabitan en el sudeste de Brasil, con elobjetivo de contribuir para la caracterizaciónde los pólenes de estas especies y evaluarsu posición taxonómica. Los granos depolen fueron acetolizados y estudiadoscon auxilio de fotomicrografías bajo elmicroscopio de luz. Para observar losdetalles de la superficie y de las aberturas,los granos de polen no acetolizados fueronanalizados en el microscopio electrónico debarrido (MEB) y de transmisión, tambiénse obtuvieron las electromicrografías. Apartir de los resultados se construyó unallave palinológica dicotómica, en la cual setomaron en consideración los tamaños delgrano de polen y del área polar, así como laorganización de los muros en la región del apocolpo. Dentro del primer grupo sereunieron las especies de Cyrtocymura porposeer granos de polen medios. En elsegundo grupo se establecieron las otrasespecies. Albertinia brasiliensis yCololobus hatschbachii fueron las únicascon la región del apocolpo semejante a unamalla central, alejándose por el área polarmuy pequeña presentada solamente enAlbertinia brasiliensis. En cambio, lasespecies Cololobus longi-angustatus,Cololobus rupestris y Dasyanthina serrata,mostraron un área polar pequeña y semantuvieron, palinológicamente, próximas,diferenciándose apenas por los valoresdel intervalo de confianza. Se puede considerar, después de este estudio, que lascaracterísticas polínicas, por sí solas, no sonsuficientes para definir tres de los cuatrogéneros aquí analizados

    Synthesis of novel Glycoconjugates derived from Alkynyl heterocycles through a click approach

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    Accepted author version posted online: 05 Jun 2012The synthesis of a series of novel 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole compounds bearing a D-glucose derivative and an heteroaromatic system is described. Alkylation of isatin, 3-methyl-carbazole and one tetrahydro-gamma-carboline with propargyl bromide gave their N-propargyl derivatives in good yields. These compounds further reacted with acetylated D-glucose with the azide group in position 1, to give three final products and with peracetylated 6-azido-6-deoxy-alpha-D-methylglucoside giving the corresponding derivative of tetrahydro-gamma-carboline.FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) and FEDE

    Telemedicina: Situação em Portugal

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    Introdução: A telemedicina é hoje reconhecida pela OMS como uma ferramenta para melhorar o acesso e a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde. Apesar das vantagens aparentes é uma tecnologia recente e está longe de constituir uma prática de rotina na vida clínica diária. Objectivo: Conhecer a situação actual em Portugal relativamente à telemedicina, nomeadamente: quais as Unidades de Saúde com instalações de telemedicina e áreas em que se desenvolve esta actividade; número de serviços anuais e evolução; dificuldades e obstáculos dos profissionais e Instituições; perspectivas futuras Metodologia: A recolha dos dados foi efectuado através de: inquérito enviados às ARS do Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve e IGIF; entrevista com algumas instituições relativa aos serviços em funcionamento; pesquisa bibliográfica e na Internet Resultados: Dos 6 inquéritos enviados foram recebidos 5, provenientes da ARS Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Algarve e Alentejo. Foram efectuadas entrevistas: H S. João, CHVila Nova de Gaia, CHVale do Sousa e H Pediátrico de Coimbra. Obtivemos informações relativas aos equipamentos instalados e serviços actualmente em funcionamento, em todo o país, destacando- se o funcionamento nas áreas da cardiologia, imagiologia e dermatologia. Não havia registo do número de teleconsultas e transmissão de exames excepto no que se refere à ARS Alentejo. Das dificuldades e obstáculos encontrados salientamos a falta de adesão dos profissionais e instituições; custos do funcionamento do sistema; ausência de definição funcional dos profissionais envolvidos (falta de remuneração dos actos médicos e acumulação de funções); ausência de uma estratégia nacional. Quanto às perspectivas futuras, de um modo geral, os objectivos das ARS incluem: a ligação dos centros de saúde e hospitais, e petrechamento com um equipamento básico de Telemedicina em conformidade com as actividades e tipos de consulta a realizar; o desenvolvimento de projectos no âmbito do INTERREG III. Comentários: O desafio que as organizações tem que enfrentar é a mudança estrutural provocada pela modernização dos processos e métodos de trabalho, «o hospital virtual», e a diluição das barreiras entre os Cuidados Primários e os Diferenciados. A telemedicina exige novas formas de gestão e de medição de desempenho das instituições; esta actividade deve ser equiparada às outras normalmente desenvolvidas nas unidades de saúde. Introduction: Telemedicine is recognized by the WHO as a tool for improvement of access and the quality of health care. However it is not yet a routine procedure in health services. Objective: to assess the utilization of telemedicine in Portugal, namely: health care services equipped with telemedicine, and services provided; annual services and evolution; difficulties and obstacles from professionals and institutions; future trends Methodology: data was obtained through a questionnaire sent to the five Regional Administrations of Health and the Financial Department of Health, interviews with some of the professionals practising Telemedicine and research in the web Results: We received five questionnaires from the Regional Administrations of Health, and collected data from the following Hospitals: S. João, Vila Nova de Gaia, Vale do Sousa e Coimbra Children’s Hospital. We obtained information of the institutions practising telemedicine, and the type of services. Cardiology, radiology and dermatology were the services more frequently provided. The number of teleconsultations or transmitted studies was not registered, except in Alentejo. The more common difficulties to implement this technology were: clinical and providers acceptance; lack of integration into the health care mainstream (the costs of teleconsultations are not reimbursed); equipment and operational costs; absence of a national strategy. Future trends include the equipment of telemedicine stations in Primary and Hospital care and the development of projects in cooperation with Spain (INTERREG III). Comments: Organizations face the challenge of a structural change due to the new technologies (telemedicine and health informatics) and the disappearance of barriers between primary and hospital care. Institutional, organizational and national policies must face new realities to introduce telemedicine into the mainstream of health, including assessment of health outcomes

    Telemedicina: Situação em Portugal

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    Introdução: A telemedicina é hoje reconhecida pela OMS como uma ferramenta para melhorar o acesso e a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde. Apesar das vantagens aparentes é uma tecnologia recente e está longe de constituir uma prática de rotina na vida clínica diária. Objectivo: Conhecer a situação actual em Portugal relativamente à telemedicina, nomeadamente: quais as Unidades de Saúde com instalações de telemedicina e áreas em que se desenvolve esta actividade; número de serviços anuais e evolução; dificuldades e obstáculos dos profissionais e Instituições; perspectivas futuras Metodologia: A recolha dos dados foi efectuado através de: inquérito enviados às ARS do Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve e IGIF; entrevista com algumas instituições relativa aos serviços em funcionamento; pesquisa bibliográfica e na Internet Resultados: Dos 6 inquéritos enviados foram recebidos 5, provenientes da ARS Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Algarve e Alentejo. Foram efectuadas entrevistas: H S. João, CHVila Nova de Gaia, CHVale do Sousa e H Pediátrico de Coimbra. Obtivemos informações relativas aos equipamentos instalados e serviços actualmente em funcionamento, em todo o país, destacando- se o funcionamento nas áreas da cardiologia, imagiologia e dermatologia. Não havia registo do número de teleconsultas e transmissão de exames excepto no que se refere à ARS Alentejo. Das dificuldades e obstáculos encontrados salientamos a falta de adesão dos profissionais e instituições; custos do funcionamento do sistema; ausência de definição funcional dos profissionais envolvidos (falta de remuneração dos actos médicos e acumulação de funções); ausência de uma estratégia nacional. Quanto às perspectivas futuras, de um modo geral, os objectivos das ARS incluem: a ligação dos centros de saúde e hospitais, e petrechamento com um equipamento básico de Telemedicina em conformidade com as actividades e tipos de consulta a realizar; o desenvolvimento de projectos no âmbito do INTERREG III. Comentários: O desafio que as organizações tem que enfrentar é a mudança estrutural provocada pela modernização dos processos e métodos de trabalho, «o hospital virtual», e a diluição das barreiras entre os Cuidados Primários e os Diferenciados. A telemedicina exige novas formas de gestão e de medição de desempenho das instituições; esta actividade deve ser equiparada às outras normalmente desenvolvidas nas unidades de saúde. Introduction: Telemedicine is recognized by the WHO as a tool for improvement of access and the quality of health care. However it is not yet a routine procedure in health services. Objective: to assess the utilization of telemedicine in Portugal, namely: health care services equipped with telemedicine, and services provided; annual services and evolution; difficulties and obstacles from professionals and institutions; future trends Methodology: data was obtained through a questionnaire sent to the five Regional Administrations of Health and the Financial Department of Health, interviews with some of the professionals practising Telemedicine and research in the web Results: We received five questionnaires from the Regional Administrations of Health, and collected data from the following Hospitals: S. João, Vila Nova de Gaia, Vale do Sousa e Coimbra Children’s Hospital. We obtained information of the institutions practising telemedicine, and the type of services. Cardiology, radiology and dermatology were the services more frequently provided. The number of teleconsultations or transmitted studies was not registered, except in Alentejo. The more common difficulties to implement this technology were: clinical and providers acceptance; lack of integration into the health care mainstream (the costs of teleconsultations are not reimbursed); equipment and operational costs; absence of a national strategy. Future trends include the equipment of telemedicine stations in Primary and Hospital care and the development of projects in cooperation with Spain (INTERREG III). Comments: Organizations face the challenge of a structural change due to the new technologies (telemedicine and health informatics) and the disappearance of barriers between primary and hospital care. Institutional, organizational and national policies must face new realities to introduce telemedicine into the mainstream of health, including assessment of health outcomes

    Physiological and thermographic response to heat stress in zebu cattle

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate the heat tolerance of five zebu breeds using physical, physiological and hematological traits as well as thermographic responses. Forty cows of the Gir, Girolando, Nelore, Sindhi and Indubrasil breeds (eight cows each), approximately three years of age, were evaluated. Body weight, withers and hump heights as well as thoracic circumference were recorded. The density and length of the hair was obtained by collecting one square centimeter in the rump region and skin color using the CIELAB system. Rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates were evaluated during the morning at 4:30h, and in the afternoon, at 14:30h, with six repetitions. Blood samples were collected for hematological evaluation. The surface temperature was obtained using an infrared camera FLIR® T400. Two images were taken from each animal, one laterally of the whole body and the other of the head region. Air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity were obtained from a mobile weather station. The statistics analysis included an analyzes of variance, principal factors, as well as cluster, discriminant and canonical analyzes, logistic regression and calculation of odds ratio. There were significant differences in the rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates between breeds. Gir and Indubrasil breeds had the highest rectal temperatures. Breed was significant for surface temperatures and showed that physical and physiological factors affected breeds in different ways. Eye and brain surface temperatures were the most affected by environmental parameters. Also, environmental parameters affected packed cell volume and red cell number. Odds ratio test showed that the Gir breed was three times more likely to have higher rectal temperature compared with Sindhi as confirmed by the logistic regression. When the black globe temperature approached 35°C, the probability of the Gir animals having rectal temperatures above normal was approximately 70%. Gir was the breed least adapted to climate conditions of the experiment while the Sindhi and Girolando breeds showed the best physiological response to thermal stress

    Palynotaxonomy of Calea sect. Meyeria (Asteraceae: Neurolaeneae).

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    Calea comprises 157 species that occur in the Neotropics. The genus is organized into eight subgenera and 18 sections. Calea sect. Meyeria consists of eight species occurring exclusively in south-central Brazil. In this study, pollen grains from these eight species were sampled from herborized flower buds in pre-anthesis. Pollen samples were acetolyzed, measured, and photographed under a light microscope. Unacetolyzed pollen grains were examined under a scanning electron microscope. The results were used to characterize pollen morphology and construct a palynotaxonomic key for Calea sect. Meyeria. The analyzed pollen grains were monads, isopolar, usually medium-sized, oblate spheroidal, tricolporate, with lalongate endoaperture, the sexine echinate and thicker than the nexine, and six spines in the apocolpium region. The eight species have very similar pollen grains, but some characters are informative for this section, namely pollen size, polar area, sexine ornamentation, and endoaperture characteristics. Despite the similarity of the pollen grains, palynological analysis was able to contribute to the delimitation of Calea species, providing new information for species distinction within Calea sect. Meyeria