379 research outputs found

    A ferrugem da teca no Amazonas.

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    Objetiva-se relatar a ocorrência da doença no Amazonas. Em pequenos plantios de teca, um situado no parque de exposição agropecuária (Rod. AM 010, Km 13) e outro na estação experimental da Ceplac, (Rod. BR 174, Km 48), ambas em Manaus, observou-se intenso desfolhamento. A doença causa desfolha prematura em todas as fases fenológicas da cultura.Resumo:57-1

    On the calibration of DC resistance ratio bridges

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    Current comparator bridges are employed for the realization of the resistance scale from the quantum Hall effect in several National Metrology Institutes and calibration centers. Quantum resistance standards under development, based on novel materials and tabletop dry cryostats, make the more achievable DC current comparator bridges (DCCs) a viable alternative to the more accurate but more expensive cryogenic current comparator bridges (CCCs). A DCC ratios' calibration against a reference CCC is a straightforward way to improve the DCC's performances and the resistance scale overall accuracy.The paper reports the calibration results of two DCCs on the ratios employed in a 1 omega to 10 k omega resistance scale traceable to a 12.906 k omega quantized Hall resistance, showing a good reproducibility and stability of the DCC readings over the measurement period and supporting the possibility of a DCC errors' correction and of a realization of the primary resistance scale at the 10-8 level

    Post-COVID-19 arthritis: a case report and literature review

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) is the novel pathogen responsible for the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) outbreak. Researchers and clinicians are exploring the pathogenetic mechanisms of the viral-induced damage and growing interest is focusing on the short-term and long-term immune-mediated consequences triggered by the infection. We will focus on post-SARS-CoV2 infection arthritis which may arise as a new pathological condition associated with COVID-19. In this article, we describe a case of acute oligoarthritis occurring 13 days after a SARS-CoV2 severe pneumonia in a middle-aged Caucasian man and we go over a brief review of the current available literature. We hypothesize that molecular mimicry might be the basic immunological mechanism responsible for the onset of COVID-19-related arthritis based on the current knowledge of SARS-CoV2 and on the known pathogenetic mechanism of viral-induced arthritis

    Tebuconazole: novo fungicida para o controle do mal-das-folhas da seringueira.

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    Comparou-se o Tebuconazole em algumas concentracoes com o fungicida Triadimenol e a testemunha sem aplicacao de fungicidas, efetuando-se cinco aplicacoes, a intervalos de sete dias, com pulverizador costal motorizado. Com base nos resultados, Tebuconazole e Triadimenol propiciaram controle total da doenca.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/1978/1/IT_7.pd

    Heartwood formation and durability of the wood of plantation grown tree species of the central Amazon.

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    In this study the heartwood formation and the durability of seven years old plantation grown mogno, andiroba, cedro, cumaru, and jatoba was compared with wood from primary growth, in Manaus-AM (Brasil). The results are discussed with special regard to wood quality of plantation grown trees compared to primary growth

    Breed of cow and herd productivity affect milk nutrient recovery in curd, and cheese yield, efficiency and daily production.

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    Little is known about cheese-making efficiency at the individual cow level, so our objective was to study the effects of herd productivity, individual herd within productivity class and breed of cow within herd by producing, then analyzing, 508 model cheeses from the milk of 508 cows of six different breeds reared in 41 multi-breed herds classified into two productivity classes (high v. low). For each cow we obtained six milk composition traits; four milk nutrient (fat, protein, solids and energy) recovery traits (REC) in curd; three actual % cheese yield traits (%CY); two theoretical %CYs (fresh cheese and cheese solids) calculated from milk composition; two overall cheese-making efficiencies (% ratio of actual to theoretical %CYs); daily milk yield (dMY); and three actual daily cheese yield traits (dCY). The aforementioned phenotypes were analyzed using a mixed model which included the fixed effects of herd productivity, parity, days in milk (DIM) and breed; the random effects were the water bath, vat, herd and residual. Cows reared in high-productivity herds yielded more milk with higher nutrient contents and more cheese per day, had greater theoretical %CY, and lower cheese-making efficiency than low-productivity herds, but there were no differences between them in terms of REC traits. Individual herd within productivity class was an intermediate source of total variation in REC, %CY and efficiency traits (10.0% to 17.2%), and a major source of variation in milk yield and dCY traits (43.1% to 46.3%). Parity of cows was an important source of variation for productivity traits, whereas DIM affected almost all traits. Breed within herd greatly affected all traits. Holsteins produced more milk, but Brown Swiss cows produced milk with higher actual and theoretical %CYs and cheese-making efficiency, so that the two large-framed breeds had the same dCY. Compared with the two large-framed breeds, the small Jersey cows produced much less milk, but with greater actual and theoretical %CYs, similar efficiencies and a slightly lower dCY. Compared with the average of the specialized dairy breeds, the three dual-purpose breeds (Simmental and the local Rendena and Alpine Grey) had, on average, similar dMY, lower actual and theoretical %CY, similar fat and protein REC, and slightly greater cheese-making efficiency

    New diseases caused by virus, fungi and also a bacterium on rubber from Brazil and their impact on international quarantine.

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    More recently, leaf diseases attributable to virus, other fungi and possibly a bacterium were well recorded as a new disase of the rubber tree. In the state of Amazonas, symptoms of a systemic infection caused by virus (being identified), typified by leaf mosaic, little leaf, malformation and tree stunt were confirmed in clonal nurseries and field plantings in several clones at CNPSD. In tests, the symptoms of virus appeared more distinct at temperatures below 22oC. The new fungal leaf pathogens discovered in the nurseries and fields are Corynespora cassiicola, Periconia manihoticola (previously of minor importance), and an Ascomycete (Dothideaceae) in association with Phyllachora huberi yet to be identified. Also discovered were leaf symptoms in the form of tiny lesions, followed by premature leaf yellowing and fall, suggestive of a bacterial infection. These were reproduced in artificial inoculation with a culture of the bacterium repeatedly isolated from fields of clones Fx 3864, PFB 5, IAN 873 and PA 31. Relating these potentially dangerous new diseases to the welll-being of the rubber industry worldwide, international quarantine measures adopted today against Microcyclus ulei alone must now be reviewed. These should include additional measures for the inspection, identification and preventive pre and postquarantine treatment against the virus, bacterium and hitherto unknown fungi

    Metrological assessment of DC current comparator resistance bridges

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    Direct-current comparator bridges (DCC) are the working horses of primary resistance metrology in the intermediate resistance range. Having a ratio accuracy reaching 10^-7 or better, they allow the realization of resistance scales and the calibration of artifact standard resistors for customers. In this paper we compare the performances of three commercial DCC bridges, by performing measurements on resistors in decadal ratios (1 Ω to 10 kΩ) of very high stability in a thermostated environment. The results show that the three bridges give mutually compatible results within the manufacturer’s specifications, therefore mutually validating the bridges; nevertheless, the readings time series show quite different statistical behavior, with internal correlations, making an evaluation of the Type A measurement uncertainty not trivial

    Relatório de acompanhamento de controle fitossanitário "via aérea" em seringal de cultivo.

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    Dificuldades para se realizar o controle fitossanitario em seringais de cultivo na Amazonia super umida. Caracteristicas do seringal escolhido para unidade de observacao. Eficiencia da pulverizacao aerea. Explicacoes para a nao ocorrencia de surtos epidemicos de fungos foliares nos seringais visitados.bitstream/item/199942/1/RELATORIO-DE-ACOMPANHAMENTO-DE-CONTROLE....pd
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