25 research outputs found

    Intoxication with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid accompanied by a state of coma in an elderly patient

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    Prikazanje tijek bolesti 80-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je zabunom popio 1 dl 40%-tne otopine 2,4-diklorfenoksioctene kiseline (Deherban A) i primljen je u stanje duboke kome (III. stupnja) uz početnu pneumoniju bazalna lijevo. Proveden je postupak ekstrakorporalne hemodijalize u kombinaciji s hemoperfuzijom jantarnom smolom, koma je postala plića, a za 8 sati bolesnik je postao posve kontaktibilan. Pri dolasku koncentracija 2,4-D u serumu iznosila je 177 mg/100 ml, nakon 3 sata postupka iznosila je 77,3 mg/100 ml, a klirens je iznosio 56,3 ml/min. Bolesnik je otpušten 23. dana nakon prijema, u zadovoljavajućem kliničkom stanju.The paper deals with the course of illness in a 80-year-old man who drank, by accident, 1 dl of 40 per cent 2,4- dichloropenoxyacetic acid (Deherban A). The patient was admitted to hospital in a state of deep coma (III degree), with a left sided pneumonia. He was treated with the methods of extracorporeal haemodialysis and resin haemoperfusion. At the end of treatment coma was of the zero degree. The patient regained consciousness eight hours after the treatment. Serum 2,4-D concentration was 177 mg/100 ml at admittance, and 77.3 mg/100 ml at the end of active treatment. The 2,4-D clearance was 56.3 ml/min. The patient was dismissed from hospital on the 23th day from admittance

    Poisoning with ethylene glycol treated by haemodialysis

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    Prikazan je tijek bolesti 56-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je poto nepoznatu količinu alkoholnog pića i zabunom je usto popio 150 ml 95%-tne otopine etilen glikola. Primljen je u Kliniku 28 sati nakon incidenta, a izmjerena koncentracija etilen glikola iznosila je 14 mg/100 ml seruma. Relativno spora eliminacija etilen glikola tijekom 28 sati prije početka hemodijalize možda se može objasniti zaštitnim djelovanjem etilnog alkohola koji je bolesnik popio prije etilen glikola. Nakon prijema, proveden je postupak izvantjelesne hemodijalize u trajanju od četiri sata, s protokom krvi u aparatu od 200 ml/min i s površinom membrane za dijalizu od 1,3 m2. Klirens etilen glikola i njegovih metabolita iznosio je 110- 150 ml/min. Ukupna izlučena količina etilen glikola tijekom 4-satne hemodijalize iznosila je oko 5 g, s time da je između prvog i drugog sata hemodijalize iznosila 1,5 g. Zbog razvoja akutnog zatajenja bubrega u još dva navrata preveden je postupak hemodijalize. Bolesnik je otpušten kući 13 dana nakon prijema, u zadovoljavajućem kliničkom stanju u fazi oporavka bubrežne funkcije.The paper deals with the course of illness in a patient aged 56 years who had ingested accidentally an unknown amount of alcoholic drink followed by 150 ml of 95 percent solution of ethylene glycol. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit 28 hours after the accident. The serum ethylene glycol concentration reached 14 mg/100 ml. The slow elimination of ethylene glycol during 28 hours before haemodialysis could be explained by the protective effect of ethanol which the patient had consumed before ethylene glycol. The method of extracorporeal haemodialysis was applied for four hours; the membrane surface was 1.3 m2 and blood velocity 200 ml/min. The rate of clearance of ethylene glycol and its metabolites was 110-150 ml/min. The total amount of ethylene glycol eliminated during four hours of haemodialysis came to about 5 g. Four hours from the beginning of the treatment the serum ethylene glycol concentration was not measurable. As the patient developed signs of acute renal failure the haemodialysis method was applied two more times. The patient was dismissed from hospital in good clinical condition, with normal diuresis and repaired renal function on the 13th day from admission

    Combined use of haemodialysis and haemoperfusion in the treatment of organophosphate poisoning

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    Prikazan je tijek bolesti trojice bolesnika otrovanih inhibitorima acetilkolinesteraze. Sva trojica bila su u stanju kome, a jedan je umjetno respiriran. Sva su trojica podvrgnuta postupku hemodijalize i hemoperfuzije jantarnom smolom istodobno i klinička se slika za kratko vrijeme poboljšala. Trombociti su nakon postupka iznosili prosječno 41% od ishodnih vrijednosti. Raspravlja se o nekim aspektima tih otrovanja.The paper deals with three cases of poisoning with cholinesterase inhibitors. All the three patients were in a comatous state. Simultaneous treatment with haemodialysis and XAD-4 haemoperfusion gave good results. The impairment of the coagulation mechanism poses the greatest disadvantage of this method which in some cases, however, is indispensable to save life

    Ethanol intoxication treated by haemodialysis

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    Prikazan je tijek bolesti 68-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je u suicidalnoj namjeri popio 1,5 litara žestokog alkoholnog pića (570 mL etanola). Primljen je u komi III. stupnja, s koncentracijom etanola u serumu 5,09 g/L. Primijenjen je postupak ekstrakorporalne hemodijalize, tijekom kojega je postao kontaktibilan. Koncentracija etanola u serumu snizila se na 3,46 g/L nakon 2 sata, a nakon iduća 2 sata na 0,82 g/L. Klirens etanola iznosio je 260 mL/min. Bolesnik je otpušten kući četvrtog dana nakon prijema.The paper deals with the course of illness in a 68-year-old man who attempted to commit suicide by drinking 1.5 L of a concentrated alcoholic drink (570 ml of ethanol). He was admitted to hospital in a state of the III degree coma, with a serum ethanol concentration of 5.09 g/L. He was treated by the method of extracorporeal haemodialysis for four hours. At the end of two hours ethanol concentration in the serum decreased to 3.46 g/L and at the end of the treatment it was 0.82 g/L. The rate of ethanol clearance reached 260 ml/min. The patients was dismissed from hospital on the fourth day of admittance

    Salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone copper complexes: impact of hybridization with estrone on cytotoxicity, solution stability and redox activity

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    An estrone–salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone hybrid (estrone–TSC) containing integrated domains was designed and synthesized with excellent yield via the condensation reaction of thiosemicarbazide and 2-formyl-estrone under optimized microwave reaction conditions. A structurally related bicyclic derivative (thn-TSC) starting from 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydro-1-naphtol (th-1-n) was also prepared in addition to their copper(II) complexes. The ligands have somewhat higher pKa values determined for the deprotonation of the hydroxyl group by UV-visible spectrophotometric and fluorometric titrations than the reference compound salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (STSC), and are neutral at physiological pH. The novel conjugates are more lipophilic and possess higher membrane permeability than STSC based on the n-octanol/water partitioning and the parallel artificial membrane permeability assays, respectively. The isolated [Cu(estrone–TSCH−2)] and [Cu(thn-TSCH−2)] complexes were characterized by ESI-MS, UV-visible and EPR spectroscopy and a detailed solution study was performed to reveal their stoichiometry, stability and reduction by glutathione. The crystal structure of the ligand thn-TSC and its complex [Cu(thn-TSCH−1)Cl] was studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The complexes are fairly stable at pH 7.4, the observed stability order is STSC < thn-TSC < estrone–TSC, and are able to oxidize glutathione readily. The novel ligands thn-TSC and estrone–TSC were found to be only moderately cytotoxic against several human cancer cell lines ; however rather low IC50 values were measured in the hormone-responsive MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines (thn-TSC: 3.7 μM, estrone–TSC: 6.4 μM). The copper(II) complexes exhibited high cytotoxicity (IC50 < 0.3–2 μM) and were considerably more cytotoxic than the respective ligands. Low level of reactive oxygen species was measured and a weak GSH depletion was observed for the complexes of thn-TSC and estrone–TSC in SUM159 breast cancer cells, thus their mechanism of action might be related to the induction of oxidative stress

    Solution equilibrium, structural and cytotoxicity studies on Ru(η6-p-cymene) and copper complexes of pyrazolyl thiosemicarbazones

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    Solution chemical properties of two bidentate pyrazolyl thiosemicarbazones 2-((3-methyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazinecarbothioamide (Me-pyrTSC), 2-((1, 3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazinecarbothioamide (Ph-pyrTSC), stability of their Cu(II) and Ru(η6-p-cymene) complexes were characterized in aqueous solution (with 30% DMSO) by the combined use of UV–visible spectrophotometry, 1H NMR spectroscopy and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in addition to their solid phase isolation. The solid phase structures of Me-pyrTSC∙H2O, [Ru(η6-p-cymene)(Me-pyrTSC)Cl]Cl and [Cu(Ph-pyrTSCH−1)2] were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. High stability mononuclear Ru(η6-p-cymene) complexes with (N, S) coordination mode are formed in the acidic pH range, and increasing the pH the predominating dinuclear [(Ru(η6-p-cymene))2(L)2]2+ complex with μ2-bridging sulphur donor atoms is formed (where L− is the deprotonated thiosemicarbazone). [CuL]+ and [CuL2] complexes show much higher stability compared to that of complexes of the reference compound benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone. [CuL2] complexes predominate at neutral pH. Me-pyrTSC and Ph-pyrTSC exhibited moderate cytotoxicity against human colonic adenocarcinoma cell lines (IC50 = 33–76 μM), while their complexation with Ru(η6-p-cymene) (IC50 = 11–24 μM) and especially Cu(II) (IC50 = 3–6 μM) resulted in higher cytotoxicity. Cu(II) complexes of the tested thiosemicarbazones were also cytotoxic in three breast cancer and in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. No reactive oxygen species production was detected and the relatively high catalase activity of SUM159 breast cancer cells was decreased upon addition of the ligands and the complexes. In the latter cell line the tested compounds interfered with the glutathione synthesis as they decreased the concentration of this cellular reductant

    Activity to Breast Cancer Cell Lines of Different Malignancy and Predicted Interaction with Protein Kinase C Isoforms of Royleanones

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    Plants have been used for centuries to treat several illnesses. The Plectranthus genus has a vast variety of species that has allowed the isolation of cytotoxic compounds with notable activities. The abietane diterpenes 6, 7-dehydroroyleanone (DeRoy, 1), 7α-acetoxy-6β-hydroxyroyleanone (Roy, 2), and Parvifloron D (ParvD, 3) were obtained from Plectranthus spp. and showed promising biological activities, such as cytotoxicity. The inhibitory effects of the different natural abietanes (1-3) were compared in MFC7, SkBr3, and SUM159 cell lines, as well as SUM159 grown in cancer stem cell-inducing conditions. Based on the royleanones’ bioactivity, the derivatives RoyBz (4), RoyBzCl (5), RoyPr2 (6), and DihydroxyRoy (7), previously obtained from 2, were selected for further studies. Protein kinases C (PKCs) are involved in several carcinogenic processes. Thus, PKCs are potential targets for cancer therapy. To date, the portfolio of available PKC modulators remains very limited due to the difficulty of designing isozyme-selective PKC modulators. As such, molecular docking was used to evaluate royleanones 1-6 as predicted isozyme-selective PKC binders. Subtle changes in the binding site of each PKC isoform change the predicted interaction profiles of the ligands. Subtle changes in royleanone substitution patterns, such as a double substitution only with non-substituted phenyls, or hydroxybenzoate at position four that flips the binding mode of ParvD (3), can increase the predicted interactions in certain PKC subtype