1,258 research outputs found

    Towards a Maximal Mass Model

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    We investigate the possibility to construct a generalization of the Standard Model, which we call the Maximal Mass Model because it contains a limiting mass MM for its fundamental constituents. The parameter MM is considered as a new universal physical constant of Nature and therefore is called the fundamental mass. It is introduced in a purely geometrical way, like the velocity of light as a maximal velocity in the special relativity. If one chooses the Euclidean formulation of quantum field theory, the adequate realization of the limiting mass hypothesis is reduced to the choice of the de Sitter geometry as the geometry of the 4-momentum space. All fields, defined in de Sitter p-space in configurational space obey five dimensional Klein-Gordon type equation with fundamental mass MM as a mass parameter. The role of dynamical field variables is played by the Cauchy initial conditions given at x5=0x_5 = 0, guarantying the locality and gauge invariance principles. The corresponding to the geometrical requirements formulation of the theory of scalar, vector and spinor fields is considered in some detail. On a simple example it is demonstrated that the spontaneously symmetry breaking mechanism leads to renormalization of the fundamental mass MM. A new geometrical concept of the chirality of the fermion fields is introduced. It would be responsible for new measurable effects at high energies E≥ME \geq M. Interaction terms of a new type, due to the existence of the Higgs boson are revealed. The most intriguing prediction of the new approach is the possible existence of exotic fermions with no analogues in the SM, which may be candidate for dark matter constituents.Comment: 28 page

    Effects of Vacuum Polarization in Strong Magnetic Fields with an Allowance Made for the Anomalous Magnetic Moments of Particles

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    Given the anomalous magnetic moments of electrons and positrons in the one-loop approximation, we calculate the exact Lagrangian of an intense constant magnetic field that replaces the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian in traditional quantum electrodynamics (QED). We have established that the derived generalization of the Lagrangian is real for arbitrary magnetic fields. In a weak field, the calculated Lagrangian matches the standard Heisenberg-Euler formula. In extremely strong fields, the field dependence of the Lagrangian completely disappears, and the Lagrangian tends to a constant determined by the anomalous magnetic moments of the particles.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Towards a Geometric Approach to the Formulation of the Standard Model

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    A geometric interpretation of the spontaneous symmetry breaking effect, which plays a key role in the Standard Model, is developed. The advocated approach is related to the effective use of the momentum 4-spaces of the constant curvature, de Sitter and anti de Sitter, in the apparatus of quantum field theory.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Scalar and Spinor Particles with Low Binding Energy in the Strong Stationary Magnetic Field Studied by Means of Two-and Three-Dimensional Models

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    On the basis of analytic solutions of Schrodinger and Pauli equations for a uniform magnetic field and a single attractive δ(r)\delta({\bf r})-potential the equations for the bound one-active electron states are discussed. It is vary important that ground electron states in the magnetic field essentially different from the analog state of spin-0 particles that binding energy has been intensively studied at more then forty years ago. We show that binding energy equations for spin-1/2 particles can be obtained without using of a well-known language of boundary conditions in the model of δ\delta-potential that has been developed in pioneering works. Obtained equations are used for the analytically calculation of the energy level displacements, which demonstrate nonlinear dependencies on field intensities. It is shown that in a case of the weak intensity a magnetic field indeed plays a stabilizing role in considering systems. However the strong magnetic field shows the opposite action. We are expected that these properties can be of importance for real quantum mechanical fermionic systems in two- and three-dimensional cases.Comment: 18 page

    Superhyperfine interactions in Ce3+ doped LiYF4 crystal: ENDOR measurements

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    The first observation of the resolved Mims electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra from the nearby and remote nuclei of 19F and 7Li nuclei on impurity Ce3+ ions in LiYF4 crystal is reported. It shows that LiYF4:Ce3+ system can be exploited as a convenient matrix for performing spin manipulations and adjusting quantum computation protocols while ENDOR technique could be used for the investigation of electron-nuclear interaction with all the nuclei of the system and exploited for the electron-nuclear spin manipulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 Table. Reported on Theor-2017 (Kazan, Russia) Conferenc

    Fe-Bearing Phases Identified by the Moessbauer Spectrometers on the Mars Exploration Rovers: An Overview

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    The twin Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity have explored the martian surface at Gusev Crater (GC) and Meridiani Planum (MP), respectively, for about two Earth years. The Moessbauer (MB) spectrometers on both rovers have analyzed an aggregate of ~200 surface targets and have returned to Earth information on the oxidation state of iron, the mineralogical composition of Febearing phases, and the distribution of Fe among oxidation states and phases at the two landing sites [1-7]. To date, 15 component subspectra (10 doublets and 5 sextets) have been identified and most have been assigned to mineralogical compositions. Two subspectra are assigned to phases (jarosite and goethite) that are marker minerals for aqueous processes because they contain hydroxide anion in their structures. In this paper, we give an overview of the Febearing phases identified and their distributions at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum

    The Energy Level Shifts, Wave Functions and the Probability Current Distributions for the Bound Scalar and Spinor Particles Moving in a Uniform Magnetic Field

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    We discuss the equations for the bound one-active electron states based on the analytic solutions of the Schrodinger and Pauli equations for a uniform magnetic field and a single attractive δ(r)\delta({\bf r})-potential. It is vary important that ground electron states in the magnetic field differ essentially from the analogous state of spin-0 particles, whose binding energy was intensively studied more than forty years ago. We show that binding energy equations for spin-1/2 particles can be obtained without using the language of boundary conditions in the δ\delta-potential model developed in pioneering works. We use the obtained equations to calculate the energy level displacements analytically and demonstrate nonlinear dependencies on field intensity. We show that the magnetic field indeed plays a stabilizing role in considered systems in a case of the weak intensity, but the opposite occurs in the case of strong intensity. These properties may be important for real quantum mechanical fermionic systems in two and three dimensions. We also analyze the exact solution of the Pauli equation for an electron moving in the potential field determined by the three-dimensional δ\delta-well in the presence of a strong magnetic field. We obtain asymptotic expressions for this solution for different values of the problem parameters. In addition, we consider electron probability currents and their dependence on the magnetic field. We show that including the spin in the framework of the nonrelativistic approach allows correctly taking the effect of the magnetic field on the electric current into account. The obtained dependencies of the current distribution, which is an experimentally observable quantity, can be manifested directly in scattering processes, for example.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure
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