979 research outputs found

    Environmental Improvement Of Opencast Mining

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    Existing classifications of waste dumps in the quarries are given and their phenomenological nature is clarified. The need to identify the essence of the term "dump" is shown as well as the idea of "dump" as an artificial formation with everted and mixed rocks distanced from the quarry. Essential classification of man-made rock formations in quarries is developed. Characteristic of variations of man-made waste formations in quarries is developed. To reduce harmful effects of open-pit mining, dumps should be substituted with strat-lays - man-made structures relevant to natural stratification of litho-substances. Construction of strat-lays would improve ecological and technological culture of open cast mining

    Prolongation of the residual recourse of welded joints of steels СТ3СP and 09G2С by high-frequency mechanical forging

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    Наведено результати досліджень ефективності застосування високочастотного механічного проковування (ВМП) для обробки зразків з тавровими зварними з’єднаннями, виготовленими з низьковуглецевих і низьколегованих сталей. Зразки з накопиченими втомними пошкодженнями на рівні 50% загальної довговічності піддавались ВМП, а потім – втомним іспитам шляхом регулярного і блокового навантаження. Встановлено, що застосування технології ВМП дозволяє подовжити циклічну втомну довговічність таких з’єднань не менш, ніж у 12 разів.The paper gives the results of investigation of the effectiveness of application high-frequency mechanical forging (HFMF) with regular and block loading to improve residual fatigue life of T-shaped welded joins of low-carbon and low-alloyed steels with 50% level of accumulated fatigue damages. It is established that application of HFMF technology allows 12 times improvement of cyclic fatigue life of such joints

    The compаrisоn of inсlusіve eduсаtion in Cаnаdа, developing countries and Ukraine

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    The aim: to raise an issue about the elaboration of inclusіve educаtіоn and socialization in Ukraine,to collate the methodology аnd exреrienсе оf successful socialization and to fіnd оut thе leading trends in this practice. Materials Internеtionаl journаl of specіаl educatіоn Vol25#1 2010“Inclusive еducation in developing countrіеs іn thе subSаhаran Afrіса''-J. Chаrema Polісу dеvеlopmеnt fоr inсlusіve schools: Guidebook/J.Blaise, .Chornoboy, S.Crocker.-K.: PalivodaAV,2012.-46p. Methods: theoretical analysis; logistic methods (comparison). Results and Discussion:Inclusiveness is an action that enables each individual to feel involved and useful.This is achieved through appreciation and interaction with each student as a person

    The role of digital consciousness in change management

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    The article deals with the problems of change management in the new conditions of superfragility of the BANI-world. Interpretations of the concepts of “transcendental thinking”, “digital consciousness”, “immersiveness” are given. The prerequisites substantiating the idea that transcendental thinking needs to be cultivated in the organisation in order to achieve effective management flexibility are presented. The latter is formed in the broader context of the digital consciousness organisational culture, without which it is impossible to set up the organisation’s staff for a positive perception of immersive management practices and the digital technologies productive use. Barriers to the transformation of organisational processes have been identified. It has been shown that the digital transformation of the organisation increases the resistance on the part of the staff by digital resistance plane, when aversion to any change correlates with a lack of ­understanding of digital opportunities. The relationship between the conceptual methodologies of digital consciousness and metacognition and the effectiveness of the formation of a change management strategy has been established

    Digital consciousness as a factor of human capital formation in integration processes

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    The article studies problems of reintegration of social spaces in the conditions of new reality. The concepts of “reintegration”, “digital consciousness” and “human capital” have been interpreted. The concept of reintegration process based on the multiplicative effct of resulting sum of cognitive, axiological, and organizational vectors of social space reassembly on the basis of public support for its digital transformation has been presented. The paper presents assumptions justifying the idea that achieving effctive reintegration is primarily associated with economic development of a territory so it is necessary to form human capital on the basis of digital consciousness. In the modern world, digital consciousness is becoming a dominant cognitive factor as digital technologies are increasingly penetrating our lives and changing the way people interact. However, developing digital consciousness requires continuous learning and skill development. It can be achieved through professional training, self-education, and participation in projects related to digital transformation. Thus, digital consciousness can be considered as a factor ofhuman capital growth that can help people adapt to changing labor market conditions and work successfully in digital economy

    Оценка эффективности лечения посттравматической вегетативной дисфункции с использованием метода компьютерной пальцевой треморографии

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    Clinical examination of an efficacy assessment of treatment of patients in the early reduction term after mild closed craniocerebral trauma (MCCCT) is carried out. In inspection it is included 27 patients after MCCCT with manifestations of an autonomic dysfunction syndrome. The diagnosis was established on the clinical examination, paraclinic inspection, research of the vegetative status, and also an author's method computer finger tremorography. Course treatment was carried out by a drug neurometabolic activity (propionate dihydrate). Authentic efficacy of treatment of an autonomic dysfunction manifestations in patients in the early reduction term after MCCCT. The method computer finger tremorography reliably displays a state of normalization of vegetative functions.Проведено клиническое исследование оценки эффективности лечения больных в раннем восстановительном периоде после перенесенной легкой закрытой черепно-мозговой травмы (ЛЗЧМТ). В обследование включено 27 пациентов, перенесших ЛЗЧМТ, с проявлениями синдрома вегетативной дисфункции. Диагноз устанавливался на основании клинического осмотра, параклинического обследования, исследования вегетативного статуса, а также авторского метода компьютерной пальцевой треморографии. Курсовое лечение проводилось препаратом нейрометаболического действия (пропионата дигидрат). Установлена достоверная эффективность лечения проявлений вегетативной дисфункции у больных в раннем восстановительном периоде после ЛЗЧМТ. Метод компьютерной пальцевой треморографии достоверно отражает состояние нормализации вегетативных функций

    The physical and mechanical characteristics of cast steel 20ГЛ after electric spark alloing and ultrasonic impact treatment

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    Досліджено мікротвердість, структуру, фазовий склад і корозійну стійкість низьколегованої ливарної сталі 20ГЛ у вихідному стані після стандартної термообробки, а також після електроіскрового легування(ЕІЛ) різними елементами (Ni, Cr, Mo) і ультразвукової ударної обробки (УЗУО). Великий розмір феритної і перлітної складових обумовлює суттєву різницю між значеннями мікротвердості сталі як у вихідному, так і деформованому станах. Застосування ЕІЛ призводить до суттєвішого зміцнення, ніж УЗУО, особливо у випадку легування хромом та молібденом. Це зумовлено складними фазовими та структурними перетвореннями, які протікають при комбінованій обробці ЕІЛ+УЗУО: формування ОЦК твердих розчинів Fe-Cr і Fe-Mo, зміцнених інтерметалідними та карбідними фазами. Шорсткість поверхонь зразків при цьому значно знижувалась. Усі сформовані поверхневі шари на сталі 20ГЛ, леговані нікелем, хромом та молібденом, характеризуються більшим потенціалом корозії та меншим струмом корозії в порівнянні зі стальними зразками у вихідному стані, що свідчить про їх вищу стійкість до електрохімічної корозії. Згідно з аналізом морфології кородованих поверхонь найефективнішим виявилось ЕІЛ поверхневого шару нікелем, яке призводить до формування в ньому ГЦК твердого розчину залізо-нікель.Microhardness, structure, phase composition and corrosion resistance of low alloyed cast 20GL steel are studied in initial state after standard heat treatment, and after the electro-sparking alloying (ESA) by different elements (Ni, Cr, Mo) and ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT). Relatively large size of ferritic and pearlitic constituents determines a substantial difference between the microhardness values of the steel both in initial and in deformed states. The UIT process leads to slight increase in microhardness, and for the specimen after the UIT processing for 60 s the microhardness becomes 4 GPa, which is 1.45 times higher than that for initial state. Application of the ESA+UIT results in more substantial hardening than UIT, especially in the case of alloying with chromium (5.81 GPa) and molybdenum (7.47 GPa), which are 2.0 – 3.5 times and 2.7 – 4.3 times higher than initial specimen, respectively. It is due to complex phase and structural transformations, which occur at the combined ESA+UIT treatment. The ESA processes with chromium and molybdenum leads to formation of BCC Fe-Cr and Fe-Mo solid solutions strengthened by intermetallic phases and/or chromium-iron carbides. Using the nickel electrode at the ESA process promotes formation the FCC Fe-Ni solid solution. In all the cases, the UIT process decreases the surface roughness of specimens considerably. All the formed superficial layers on the 20GL steel, alloyed with nickel, chromium and molybdenum are characterized by higher corrosion potential and lower corrosion current in comparison with the initial steel specimens that testifies to their higher resistances to electrochemical corrosion. According to the analysis of morphology of corroded surfaces the ESA process of superficial layer with nickel electrode is the most effective one, which leads to formation the iron-nickel FCC solid solution. The superficial layers alloyed with chromium and molybdenum underwent more severe corrosion attack due to their heterogenic phase structure. Considerable misfit between lattices of BCC solid solutions (Fe-Cr or Fe-Mo) and intermetallic or carbide phases with crystalline lattices of low symmetry results in formation of defects and stresses can also promote higher corrosion rate