150 research outputs found

    New records of spiders and insects for NE Fennoscandia (Murmansk Region, Russia)

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    A social portrait of the Russian trainer

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    The purposes of this paper are to survey Russian trainers to create a social portrait of the professional group and to identify features, which could be arranged as a foothold for transforming this group to a new level given the demands of the modern economy. This study integrates the use of quantitative and qualitative social research strategies to obtain, aggregate, and analyze data characterizing the professional group of trainers in the Russian vocational education and training (VET) system. The basic research was provided by questionnaires in all federal districts (as recognized by international law) of the Russian Federation. The quantitative poll of trainers was conducted by representative two-level sampling. A number of tables and charts provide a social portrait of the Russian trainer. The statistical data reveal the current level of trainers’ education as well as their length of service, distribution of vocations, and other significant features. The overall conclusion from these findings indicates that a typical representative of this professional group is a woman of average or slightly advanced age with a family, who has a VET or higher education, has served as a training officer for not less than 10 years, and who has either been recruited as a highly skilled worker or as a specialist. A typical representative feels the need to change something in the life and teaching of the young people that she knows. The research into trainers as a professional group was conducted first because of their uniformity, and secondly, their typicality as a pedagogical group. In many respects, the main characteristics of the social portrait are similar to characteristics of other professional groups in the Russian education system, such as secondary and post-secondary school teachers, and VET teachers. The study is based on one country. It is the first and only survey of its type in the Russian Federation. The paper provides a unique analysis of the situation with trainers in the VET system of the Russian Federation. © 2016 Kopnov et al

    The collection of oat genetic resources held by VIR as a source of information on the history of cultivation and taxonomy of the genus, and breeding trends (a review)

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    Oat is one of the leading cereals cultivated in the world and in Russia; it has an important fodder and nutritional value. To preserve the entire crop agrobiodiversity worldwide, there is a network of genebanks that hold more than 200,000 oat accessions. International and national genebanks are located in all the world’s countries, but one of the largest oat collections is located in Russia.The global collection of the genus Avena L. (Oats) at the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) is one of the largest worldwide and consists of over 13,000 accessions. The collection preserves and maintains live accessions of all cultivated oat species: A. sativa L., A. byzantina K. Koch, A. strigosa Schreb. and A. abyssinica Hochst., landraces, breeding lines, spring and winter forms, covered and naked genotypes, and all geographic diversity of 22 wild Avena spp. from 50 countries. This review provides historical background of the collection of cultivated and wild oat species, and who were the main donors of these holdings. The taxonomic system of the genus is briefly presented, which is used as a tool for efficient work and guaranteed safe preservation of accessions. Most of the cultivars developed in Russia have in their pedigree accessions obtained from the global collection of VIR. The passport database contains detailed information about all accessions of the collection, which makes it possible to improve the work with the oat collection, including safe preservation of accessions and their effective evaluation and use as source material for breeding in the leading breeding centers of Russia.Thus, the global oat collection at VIR has factual and potential value for the sustainable development of environmentally friendly agriculture, efficient processing of agricultural products, and production of safe and high-quality food products, including functional foods

    Diversity of photoperiodic responses in oats

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    The article presents the results of an evaluation of the earliness and photoperiodic response (PPR) in the long-day oat accessions  of various geographic origin. The material for this study were 139 oat accessions  from the global collection of plant genetic resources  maintained by the Vavilov Institute (VIR), which included  landraces, breeding cultivars, and lines. In addition,  the donors  of low sensitivity to photoperiod developed at VIR were tested. A preliminary field study of the oat collection for early maturity and growing plants in the vegetation experiment was carried out according to the VIR Guidelines. The early accessions from VIR’s oat collection identified in the field showed a great diversity of their photoperiodic responses during the vegetation experiment in a photoperiod facility. By origin, most of the accessions described in the vegetation experiment as earliness  and weakly responsive to photoperiod were from Brazil (66 %); others from the USA, Portugal, Turkey, Colombia and Australia. Most of the Russian cultivars studied (77 %) were sensitive to a short  photoperiod. Among donors  with different  photoperiodic responses, Skorospely 1 and  Skorospely 2 were weakly responsive to photoperiod, while Srednespely 1 and  Srednespely 2 showed medium  responses. Many years of field studies  and vegetation experiments with the  oat genetic diversity from the VIR global collection  have resulted in identifying genotypes characterized by earliness and weak photoperiodic responses. These accessions  are of special value for breeders and currently being used to develop new early and productive oat cultivars

    Statistical data on pediatric congenital musculoskeletal anomalies (malformations) in St. Petersburg

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    Introduction A scientifically-based knowledge on the incidence, dynamics of detection and structure of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system (CMMS) has both practical and scientific significance. For many years, the Turner Institute has close scientific and practical ties with the state public health institution "Diagnostic Medical and Genetic Center" of St. Petersburg which carries out a regional monitoring of congenital disorders in St.Petersburg. Our objective was to present regional statistical data on the CMMS detection and structure in newborns and children of the first and second years of life, morbidity and disability in children aged 0-17 years in connection with congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system, to study the proportion of CMMS patients in the orthopedic clinic and their need for surgical, including high-tech, treatment, and dispensary follow-ups in outpatient orthopaedic settings. Material and methods Regional statistics of St. Petersburg on prevalence, dynamics and structure of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in children born in St. Petersburg in 2001–2015 were analyzed. The statistical data on the prevalence of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in children aged 0–17 years in St. Petersburg were studied. Based on the studies conducted at the Turner Institute in 2014–2016, the proportion of patients treated for congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system was revealed as well as their need for surgical treatment. Peculiarities of dispensary follow-ups of CMMS patients at orthopedic consultations of children's clinics of St. Petersburg were analyzed. Results and discussion The prevalence and structure of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in 783,000 children born in St. Petersburg in the period of 2001–2015 are presented in accordance with blocks Q65–Q79 of ICD-10. Diagnostic results of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in newborns (2.70 ‰) and in children of the same group until they reached three years of age (4.21 ‰) were studied in dynamics. Infacnts and children up to 17 years old with congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system are under regular supervision of orthopedic surgeons. Disability due to congenital anomalies and malformations takes the third place among all the diseases detected in patients aged 0-17 years, established by pediatric medical and social expert boards of St. Petersburg. At the clinic of the Turner Institute, the proportion of patients with CMMS among all admitted patients was 38.6 %. Among them, 78 % of patients with CMMS received surgical treatment, of which 80 % of operations were performed using high technologies. Conclusions Statistics on congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in newborns and children under 3 years old and a high level of their disability shows the need in a specialized care for these children, including high-tech surgical treatment

    Опыт применения селективного ингибитора фосфодиэстеразы-4 рофлумиласта (Даксас) у пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких и метаболическим синдромом

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of selective phosphodiesterase"4 inhibitor roflumilast in patients with COPD and metabolic syndrome.Methods. In this prospective study, patients with stage III – IV COPD, frequent exacerbation phenotype (≥ 2 per a year) and metabolic syndrome (n = 42) were treated with roflumilast (Daxas) 500 mg q.d. additionally to the basic therapy for 12 months. Clinical investigation, mMRC scale and CAT questionnaire, pulse oxymetry, spirometry, 6"min walking test, measurement of glucose, lipids and C"reactive protein in blood were used in all patients.Results. Exacerbation rate decreased in patients with COPD treated with roflumilast. FEV1 and quality of life improved in patients treated with roflumilast. Therapy with roflumilast was associated with statistically significant reduction in the waist circumference without significant change in the body weight, waist"to"hip ratio or body mass index.Conclusion. Therapy with roflumilast was associated with improvement in clinical, laboratory and functional parameters and reduction in exacerbation rate in patients with COPD and metabolic syndrome.Цель. Изучение эффективности и безопасности применения препарата рофлумиласт (Даксас) в дозе 500 мг в сутки у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) и метаболическим синдромом (МС) в дополнение к базисной терапии.Материалы и методы. В Городском консультативно-диагностическом центре для больных пульмонологического профиля при ГБУЗ «Областная клиническая больница № 4» (Челябинск) проведено комплексное клинико"функциональное исследование среди пациентов мужского пола (n = 42) с ХОБЛ III–IV степени в сочетании с МС и частыми обострениями ХОБЛ (≥ 2 раз в год).Результаты. Применение рофлумиласта у пациентов с ХОБЛ и МС сопровождается улучшением клинических, лабораторных и функциональных показателей и снижением частоты обострений ХОБЛ