16 research outputs found

    New Algorithm to Determine True Colocalization in Combination with Image Restoration and Time-Lapse Confocal Microscopy to Map Kinases in Mitochondria

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    The subcellular localization and physiological functions of biomolecules are closely related and thus it is crucial to precisely determine the distribution of different molecules inside the intracellular structures. This is frequently accomplished by fluorescence microscopy with well-characterized markers and posterior evaluation of the signal colocalization. Rigorous study of colocalization requires statistical analysis of the data, albeit yet no single technique has been established as a standard method. Indeed, the few methods currently available are only accurate in images with particular characteristics. Here, we introduce a new algorithm to automatically obtain the true colocalization between images that is suitable for a wide variety of biological situations. To proceed, the algorithm contemplates the individual contribution of each pixel's fluorescence intensity in a pair of images to the overall Pearsońs correlation and Manders' overlap coefficients. The accuracy and reliability of the algorithm was validated on both simulated and real images that reflected the characteristics of a range of biological samples. We used this algorithm in combination with image restoration by deconvolution and time-lapse confocal microscopy to address the localization of MEK1 in the mitochondria of different cell lines. Appraising the previously described behavior of Akt1 corroborated the reliability of the combined use of these techniques. Together, the present work provides a novel statistical approach to accurately and reliably determine the colocalization in a variety of biological images

    Cross-talk between PI3K and estrogen in the mouse thyroid predisposes to the development of follicular carcinomas with a higher incidence in females.

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    It is well known that thyroid disease is more frequent in women than in men; however, the molecular basis for this gender-based difference is still poorly understood. The activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), through different mechanisms including loss of the PTEN tumor suppressor, is being increasingly recognized as a major player in the development of thyroid neoplastic lesions. Loss of Pten in the mouse thyroid results in a significant increase in the thyrocyte proliferative index, which is more prominent in the female mice. In this study, we show that 52% of the Pten(-/-) female mice, but only 12% of the males, develop follicular adenomas by 1 year of age. In addition, 50% of female mutants, but only 35% of males older than 1 year of age develop invasive, and often metastatic, follicular carcinomas. Mutant females have a significantly shorter overall survival compared with male mutants. Hormonal manipulation experiments established a direct role of estrogens in controlling the increased thyrocyte proliferation index in mutant females. Furthermore, while genetic ablation of one Cdkn1b allele accelerated the development of neoplastic lesions, it also abolished the gender differences in survival and reduced the difference in neoplastic lesion development rate, underlining a key role of p27 in mediating estrogen action in the thyroid follicular cells. These data, based on a clinically relevant model of thyroid follicular carcinoma, provide, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time in vivo evidence that circulating estrogens are directly responsible for the increased female susceptibility to thyroid disease, at least on activation of the PI3K pathway, and provide new insights into the gender-based differences characterizing thyroid neoplastic disorders