5,078 research outputs found

    Casimir force for a sphere in front of a plane beyond Proximity Force Approximation

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    For the configuration of a sphere in front of a plane we calculate the first two terms of the asymptotic expansion for small separation of the Casimir force. We consider both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.Comment: 11 page

    Foliations on modular curves

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    It is proved, that a foliation on a modular curve given by the vertical trajectories of holomorphic differential corresponding to the Hecke eigenform is either the Strebel foliation or the pseudo-Anosov foliation.Comment: to appear Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Serie

    Spin dependence of the antinucleon-nucleon interaction

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    The status of our present knowledge on the antinucleon-nucleon interaction at low and medium energies is discussed. Special emphasis is put on aspects related to its spin dependence which are relevant for experiments planned by the PAX collaboration. Predictions for the spin-dependent antiproton-proton cross sections sigma_1 and sigma_2 are presented, utilizing antinucleon-nucleon potential models developed by the Juelich group, and compared to results based on the amplitudes of the Nijmegen partial-wave analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 19th International Spin Physics Symposium, September 27 - October 2, 2010, Juelich, German

    The BFKL-Regge factorization and F2bF_2^b, F2cF_2^c, FLF_L at HERA: physics implications of nodal properties of the BFKL eigenfunctions

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    The asymptotic freedom is known to split the leading-log\log BFKL pomeron into a series of isolated poles in the complex angular momentum plane. One of our earlier findings was that the subleading hard BFKL exchanges decouple from such experimentally important observables as small-xx charm, F2cF_2^c, and the longitudinal, FLF_L, structure functions of the proton at moderately large Q2Q^2. For instance, we predicted precocious BFKL asymptotics of F2c(x,Q2)F_2^c(x,Q^2) with intercept of the rightmost BFKL pole \alpha_{\Pom}(0)-1=\Delta_{\Pom}\approx 0.4. On the other hand, the small-xx open beauty photo- and electro-production probes the vacuum exchange for much smaller color dipoles which entails significant subleading vacuum pole corrections to the small-xx behavior. In view of the accumulation of the experimental data on small-xx F2cF_{2}^{c}, F2bF_{2}^{b} and FLF_{L} we extend our early predictions to the kinematical domain covered by new HERA measurements. Our parameter-free results agree well with the determination of F2cF_2^c, FLF_L and published H1 results on F2bF_2^b but slightly overshoot the very recent (2008, preliminary) H1 results on F2bF_2^b.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, JETP Letters, Fig.5 remove

    Generating a dictionary of control models for event extraction

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    A subordination dictionary is important in a number of text processing applications. We present a method for generating such dictionary for Russian verbs using Google Books Ngram data. An intended purpose of the dictionary is an event extraction system for Russian that uses the dictionary to define extraction patterns

    Endoscopic biliary stenting for post-cholecystectomy bile leaks

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    This paper deals analyzes the treatment experience of 15 patients with bile leakage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. All patients have undergone endoscopic transpapillary interventions in the bile ducts, including a retrograde cholangiography, papillotomy, biliary stenting, either individually or in combination with traditional surger

    Endoscopic Drainage of the Pancreatic Pseudocyst through the Stomach or Duodenal Wall

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    In the article we have presented early outcome and long-term outcome of the usage of various methods of endoscopic drainage of the pancreatic pseudocyst through the stomach or duodenal wall in 56 patient

    Bile a-Amylase and Lipase - Possible Predictors of Acute Pancreatitis in Case of Bile Duct Stone Impacted at the Major Duodenal Papilla

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    The results of diagnostics and treatment of 102 patients with bile duct stone impacted at the major duodenal papilla were subject to analysis. The obtained results demonstrate that the level of bile α-amylase and lipase may serve as a predictor of acute biliary pancreatitis progressio