1,704 research outputs found

    A Criterion for the Critical Number of Fermions and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Anisotropic QED(2+1)

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    By analyzing the strength of a photon-fermion coupling using basic scattering processes we calculate the effect of a velocity anisotropy on the critical number of fermions at which mass is dynamically generated in planar QED. This gives a quantitative criterion which can be used to locate a quantum critical point at which fermions are gapped and confined out of the physical spectrum in a phase diagram of various condensed matter systems. We also discuss the mechanism of relativity restoration within the symmetric, quantum-critical phase of the theory.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Analysis of Dislocation Mechanism for Melting of Elements: Pressure Dependence

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    In the framework of melting as a dislocation-mediated phase transition we derive an equation for the pressure dependence of the melting temperatures of the elements valid up to pressures of order their ambient bulk moduli. Melting curves are calculated for Al, Mg, Ni, Pb, the iron group (Fe, Ru, Os), the chromium group (Cr, Mo, W), the copper group (Cu, Ag, Au), noble gases (Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn), and six actinides (Am, Cm, Np, Pa, Th, U). These calculated melting curves are in good agreement with existing data. We also discuss the apparent equivalence of our melting relation and the Lindemann criterion, and the lack of the rigorous proof of their equivalence. We show that the would-be mathematical equivalence of both formulas must manifest itself in a new relation between the Gr\"{u}neisen constant, bulk and shear moduli, and the pressure derivative of the shear modulus.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps figure

    Fluid-solid phase transitions in 3D complex plasmas under microgravity conditions

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    Phase behavior of large three-dimensional complex plasma systems under microgravity conditions onboard the International Space Station is investigated. The neutral gas pressure is used as a control parameter to trigger phase changes. Detailed analysis of structural properties and evaluation of three different melting/freezing indicators reveal that complex plasmas can exhibit melting by increasing the gas pressure. Theoretical estimates of complex plasma parameters allow us to identify main factors responsible for the observed behavior. The location of phase states of the investigated systems on a relevant equilibrium phase diagram is estimated. Important differences between the melting process of 3D complex plasmas under microgravity conditions and that of flat 2D complex plasma crystals in ground based experiments are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lindemann Parameters for solid Membranes focused on Carbon Nanotubes

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    Temperature fluctuations in the normal direction of planar crystals such as graphene are quite violent and may be expected to influence strongly their melting properties. In particular, they will modify the Lindemann melting criterium. We calculate this modification in a self-consistent Born approximation. The result is applied to graphene and its wrapped version represented by single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). It is found that the out-of-plane fluctuations dominate over the in-plane fluctuations. This makes strong restrictions to possible Lindemann parameters. Astonishing we find that these large out-of-plane fluctuations have only a small influence upon the melting temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected, version published in PR

    Many-body interactions and melting of colloidal crystals

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    We study the melting behavior of charged colloidal crystals, using a simulation technique that combines a continuous mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann description for the microscopic electrolyte ions with a Brownian-dynamics simulation for the mesoscopic colloids. This technique ensures that many-body interactions between the colloids are fully taken into account, and thus allows us to investigate how many-body interactions affect the solid-liquid phase behavior of charged colloids. Using the Lindemann criterion, we determine the melting line in a phase-diagram spanned by the colloidal charge and the salt concentration. We compare our results to predictions based on the established description of colloidal suspensions in terms of pairwise additive Yukawa potentials, and find good agreement at high-salt, but not at low-salt concentration. Analyzing the effective pair-interaction between two colloids in a crystalline environment, we demonstrate that the difference in the melting behavior observed at low salt is due to many-body interactions

    Instability of insulating states in optical lattices due to collective phonon excitations

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    The role of collective phonon excitations on the properties of cold atoms in optical lattices is investigated. These phonon excitations are collective excitations, whose appearance is caused by intersite atomic interactions correlating the atoms, and they do not arise without such interactions. These collective excitations should not be confused with lattice vibrations produced by an external force. No such a force is assumed. But the considered phonons are purely self-organized collective excitations, characterizing atomic oscillations around lattice sites, due to intersite atomic interactions. It is shown that these excitations can essentially influence the possibility of atoms to be localized. The states that would be insulating in the absence of phonon excitations can become delocalized when these excitations are taken into account. This concerns long-range as well as local atomic interactions. To characterize the region of stability, the Lindemann criterion is used.Comment: Latex file, 27 pages, 1 figur

    Analysis of the temperature-dependent quantum point contact conductance in view of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions

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    The temperature dependence of the conductance of a quantum point contact has been measured. The conductance as a function of the Fermi energy shows temperature-independent fixed points, located at roughly multiple integers of e2/he^{2}/h. Around the first fixed point at e2^{2}/h, the experimental data for different temperatures can been scaled onto a single curve. For pure thermal smearing of the conductance steps, a scaling parameter of one is expected. The measured scaling parameter, however, is significantly larger than 1. The deviations are interpreted as a signature of the potential landscape of the quantum point contact, and of the source-drain bias voltage. We relate our results phenomenologically to the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Grain Size seperation and sediment mixing in Artic Ocean sediments: evidence from the strontium isotope systematic

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    The (87)Rb/(86)Sr and (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios of Laptev Sea sediments, of Arctic Ocean sediments and of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from Siberian rivers (Lena and Khatanga) form 'pseudo-isochrons' due to grain-size separation processes which are referred to as 'Lena Mixing Envelope' (LME) and as 'Flood Basalt Envelope' (FBE). At the land-ocean transition the reduction of the particle velocity causes a deposition of coarser grained material and the contact with saline water enhances a precipitation of finer-grained material. The coarse-grained material is enriched in Sr showing less radiogenic (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios whereas fine grained material is depleted in Sr relative to Rb showing more radiogenic (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios, The experimentally determined spread of the (87)Rb/(86)Sr and (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios as a function of grain size in one sediment sample is on the same order as the natural spread of the (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios observed in all samples from the Arctic Ocean. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) for the Lena river SPM tend to confirm previous observations that chemical alteration is negligible in the Arctic environment. Thus, these 'pseudo-isochrons' reflect an average age and the average isotope composition in the river drainage area. Calculated apparent ages from the FBE reflect the age of the Siberian flood basalt of about 220 Ma and the initial ratio of 0.707(1) reflects their mantle origin. The age calculated from the LME of about 125 Ma reflects accidentally the Jurassic and Cretaceous age of the sediments drained by the Lena river and the initial ratio of 0.714(1) reflects the crustal origin of their source rocks. Comparison of geographical locations reveals that all samples from the eastern Laptev Sea (east of 120 degrees E) fall along the LME whereas all samples from the western Laptev Sea (west of 120 degrees E) fall between LME and FBE. Mixing calculations based on (143)Nd/(144)Nd measurements, not influenced by grain size, show that about 75% of the western Laptev Sea sediments originate from the Lena drainage area whereas about 25% of the sediments are delivered from the Siberian flood basalt province. Sediments from the central Arctic Ocean are isotopically related to the Lena drainage area and the Siberian flood basalt province. However, sediments from the Arctic Ocean margins close to Novaya Semlya, Greenland, the Fram Strait and Svalbard originate from sources not yet identified. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Fluctuations and phase transitions in Larkin-Ovchinnikov liquid crystal states of population-imbalanced resonant Fermi gas

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    Motivated by a realization of imbalanced Feshbach-resonant atomic Fermi gases, we formulate a low-energy theory of the Fulde-Ferrell and the Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LO) states and use it to analyze fluctuations, stability, and phase transitions in these enigmatic finite momentum-paired superfluids. Focusing on the unidirectional LO pair-density wave state, that spontaneously breaks the continuous rotational and translational symmetries, we show that it is characterized by two Goldstone modes, corresponding to a superfluid phase and a smectic phonon. Because of the liquid-crystalline "softness" of the latter, at finite temperature the 3d state is characterized by a vanishing LO order parameter, quasi-Bragg peaks in the structure and momentum distribution functions, and a "charge"-4, paired Cooper-pairs, off-diagonal-long-range order, with a superfluid-stiffness anisotropy that diverges near a transition into a nonsuperfluid state. In addition to conventional integer vortices and dislocations the LO superfluid smectic exhibits composite half-integer vortex-dislocation defects. A proliferation of defects leads to a rich variety of descendant states, such as the "charge"-4 superfluid and Fermi-liquid nematics and topologically ordered nonsuperfluid states, that generically intervene between the LO state and the conventional superfluid and the polarized Fermi-liquid at low and high imbalance, respectively. The fermionic sector of the LO gapless superconductor is also quite unique, exhibiting a Fermi surface of Bogoliubov quasiparticles associated with the Andreev band of states, localized on the array of the LO domain-walls.Comment: 56 pages, 21 figure

    Freezing transition of the vortex liquid in anisotropic superconductors

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    We study the solid-liquid transition of a model of pancake vortices in laminar superconductors using a density functional theory of freezing. The physical properties of the system along the melting line are discussed in detail. We show that there is a very good agreement with experimental data in the shape and position of the first order transition in the phase diagram and in the magnitude and temperature dependence of the magnetic induction jump at the transition. We analyze the validity of the Lindemann melting criterion and the Hansen-Verlet freezing criterion. Both criteria are shown to be good to predict the phase diagram in the region where a first order phase transition is experimentally observed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure
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