49 research outputs found

    The development of winter wheat lines with several genes for resistance to Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici for use in breeding programs in Russia

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    The aim of this research is to develop for the Russian Federation Non-Cher nozem Zone competitive prototypes of winter wheat cul tivars with several genes for resistance to stem rust (in clu ding race Ug99) based on new sources of resistance with the use of molecular markers. The individual plants and then lines of winter common wheat with several effective genes for resistance to race Ug99 of stem rust were selected by means of marker assistant selection out of hybrid combinations from the crossing of new donors of resistance to this dangerous disease. The development of initial material was based on the use of new sources of resistance to race Ug99 of stem rust from VIR and “Arsenal” collections. Three accessions of winter wheat (wheat-aegi lops-rye line 119/4-06rw, cv. Donskaya Polukarlikovaya, line GT 96|90 from Bulgaria) and one accession of spring wheat (line 113/00i-4 with genetic material from Aegilops triuncialis), which supplemented and contrasted each other in such economically valuable features as plant height, number of days before heading, resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust, were selected for hybridization and backcrossing. To accelerate the breeding process, resistant genotypes with Sr genes were selected with the use of molecular markers. As a result the lines of winter common wheat with a set of economically valuable features and the presence of two-four genes for resistance to stem rust in homozygote state were created. The spectrum of the stem rust gene combinations in the created lines differs from the gene combinations in the parental accessions involved in the crossing and is associated with the direction of the selections conducted by the marker assisted selection method. We discovered more than 20 different combinations of the Sr2, Sr22, Sr31, Sr32, Sr36, Sr39, Sr40 and Sr47 genes in winter wheat lines. The combination of Sr22 and Sr32 in homozygote state was most often found. The genotypes with a set of economically valuable features approximating or surpassing the standard cultivar of winter wheat Moskov skaya 39 were selected for further testing in breeding nurseries of the Moscow region. The developed initial material is intended for use in selection of winter wheat cultivars resistant to stem rust in different grain-sowing regions of the Russian Federation. This will serve as a barrier for spread of new races of Puccinia graminis and will raise the resistance of selected cultivars to local populations of stem rust

    The development of initial material of spring common wheat for breeding for resistance to stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici), uncluding race Ug99, in Russia

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    Donors of resistance of common wheat to stem rust race Ug99 (breeding lines GT 96/90, 113/00i-4 and 119/4-06rw) are involved in cross breeding with the use of the step crossing and backcrossing method. While developing hybrids with the spring mode of life, donor of resistance 113/00i-4 (Sr2, Sr36, Sr39, Sr40, Sr44, Sr47) and accession 145/05i, which is resistant to leaf rust under the conditions of the RF Central Region but susceptible to Ug99, were used for backcrossing, 137 individual plants with the homozygotic state of alleles of 2–5 genes of resistance to stem rust were selected from the obtained hybrid families F4–F5 and backcross progeny BC1F3-BC2F2-BC3F2 by means of molecular markers. The progeny of these individual plants was tested in the North Caucasian and West Siberian regions of the RF for natural populations of stem and leaf rust and for powder mildew in the Central Region. The lines resistant to these diseases were estimated as to the other economically valuable features: plant height, number of days before heading, ear productivity, weight of 1,000 grains, protein and gluten content in grain, 71 spring wheat line with multiple resistance to two or three diseases and the development of best agronomic characters were selected for the Central region and 20 lines were selected for West Siberia for further testing of their competitiveness with the best varieties and lines in the breeding nurseries. As a result of the work, original source material was developed with several spring wheat resistance genes to Ug99

    Treatment and outcome of 370 cases with spontaneous or post-laser twin anemia-polycythemia sequence managed in 17 fetal therapy centers.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the antenatal management and outcome in a large international cohort of monochorionic twin pregnancies with spontaneous or post-laser twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS). METHODS: This study analyzed data of monochorionic twin pregnancies diagnosed antenatally with spontaneous or post-laser TAPS in 17 fetal therapy centers, recorded in the TAPS Registry between 2014 and 2019. Antenatal diagnosis of TAPS was based on fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity > 1.5 multiples of the median (MoM) in the TAPS donor and < 1.0 MoM in the TAPS recipient. The following antenatal management groups were defined: expectant management, delivery within 7 days after diagnosis, intrauterine transfusion (IUT) (with or without partial exchange transfusion (PET)), laser surgery and selective feticide. Cases were assigned to the management groups based on the first treatment that was received after diagnosis of TAPS. The primary outcomes were perinatal mortality and severe neonatal morbidity. The secondary outcome was diagnosis-to-birth interval. RESULTS: In total, 370 monochorionic twin pregnancies were diagnosed antenatally with TAPS during the study period and included in the study. Of these, 31% (n = 113) were managed expectantly, 30% (n = 110) with laser surgery, 19% (n = 70) with IUT (± PET), 12% (n = 43) with delivery, 8% (n = 30) with selective feticide and 1% (n = 4) underwent termination of pregnancy. Perinatal mortality occurred in 17% (39/225) of pregnancies in the expectant-management group, 18% (38/215) in the laser group, 18% (25/140) in the IUT (± PET) group, 10% (9/86) in the delivery group and in 7% (2/30) of the cotwins in the selective-feticide group. The incidence of severe neonatal morbidity was 49% (41/84) in the delivery group, 46% (56/122) in the IUT (± PET) group, 31% (60/193) in the expectant-management group, 31% (57/182) in the laser-surgery group and 25% (7/28) in the selective-feticide group. Median diagnosis-to-birth interval was longest after selective feticide (10.5 (interquartile range (IQR), 4.2-14.9) weeks), followed by laser surgery (9.7 (IQR, 6.6-12.7) weeks), expectant management (7.8 (IQR, 3.8-14.4) weeks), IUT (± PET) (4.0 (IQR, 2.0-6.9) weeks) and delivery (0.3 (IQR, 0.0-0.5) weeks). Treatment choice for TAPS varied greatly within and between the 17 fetal therapy centers. CONCLUSIONS: Antenatal treatment for TAPS differs considerably amongst fetal therapy centers. Perinatal mortality and morbidity were high in all management groups. Prolongation of pregnancy was best achieved by expectant management, treatment by laser surgery or selective feticide. © 2020 The Authors. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology


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    Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина : підручник / [Харченко В. Б., Житний О. О., Орлов Ю. В. та ін.] ; за заг. ред. О. М. Литвинова; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2020. – 428 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-097-2.Lytvynov O.M. (ed.), 2020. Criminal Law of Ukraine. General Part [Kryminalne pravo Ukrainy. Zahalna chactyna]. Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav.У підручнику розглянуто основні питання навчальної дисципліни «Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина». У матеріалах курсу під час розгляду основних інститутів і вчень Загальної частини кримінального права України використано актуальні нормативні акти й судову практику. Для курсантів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів юридичного профілю, викладачів, аспірантів та ад’юнктів, науковців і практичних працівників, а також широкого кола читачів, які цікавляться проблематикою протидії злочинності.The textbook examines the main issues of the discipline "Criminal law of Ukraine". In the course materials, when considering the main institutions and teachings of the General Part of the Criminal Law of Ukraine, the current regulations and judicial practice were used. For cadets and students of higher educational institutions of a legal profile, teachers, graduate students and adjuncts, scientific and practical workers, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the problems of combating crime.В учебнике рассмотрены основные вопросы учебной дисциплины «Уголовное право Украины. Общая часть ». В материалах курса при рассмотрении основных институтов и учений Общей части уголовного права Украины использованы актуальные нормативные акты и судебная практика. Для курсантов и студентов высших учебных заведений юридического профиля, преподавателей, аспирантов и адъюнктов, научных и практических работников, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся проблематикой противодействия преступности

    Endoscopic optic coherent tomography in diagnosis of early bladder cancer

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    Our goal was statistical assessment of the in vivo cystoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT) ability to detect early neoplasia in human urinary bladder. We analyzed major reasons of false positive and false negative image recognition results. Optical coherence tomography was performed to image the bladder during cystoscopy. The study enrolled 114 zones with suspicion for bladder cancer. The diagnosis was established by histopathology examination of a biopsied tissue. Each biopsy site was examined by OCT. Two physicians blinded to all clinical data participated in the recognition (malignant, suspicion or benign) of the OCT images. 82% sensitivity and 85% specificity for the OCT recognition of dysplastic/malignant versus benign/reactive conditions of the bladder were demonstrated. The interobserver agreement multi-rater kappa coefficient is 0.56. Good sensitivity and specificity of the OCT method in the diagnostics of bladder neoplasia makes OCT a promising complementary cystoscopic technique for non-invasive evaluation of zones suspicious for early cancer

    Reaction of mercaptans with cyclic acetals

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    Discovery of the First in Class 9-N-Berberine Derivative as Hypoglycemic Agent with Extra-Strong Action

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    Berberine is well known for its ability to reduce the blood glucose level, but its high effective dose and poor bioavailability limits its use. In this work we synthesized a new derivative of berberine, 9-(hexylamino)-2,3-methylenedioxy-10-methoxyprotoberberine chloride (SHE-196), and analyzed the profile of its hypoglycemic effects. Biological tests have shown that the substance has a very pronounced hypoglycemic activity due to increased insulin sensitivity after single and multiple dosing. In obese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) mice, it was characterized by improved glucose tolerance, decreased fasting insulin levels and sensitivity, decreased total body weight and interscapular fat mass, and increased interscapular brown fat activity. All these effects were also confirmed histologically, where a decrease in fatty degeneration of the liver, an improvement in the condition of the islets of Langerhans and a decrease in the size of fat droplets in brown adipose tissue were found. Our results indicate that 9-(hexylamino)-2,3-methylenedioxy-10-methoxyprotoberberine chloride could be the first in a new series of therapeutic agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus