2,457 research outputs found

    International food patterns for space food

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    The purpose of this research was to obtain basic data on ethnic foods by studying dietary patterns and multicultural foods, and to determine nutritional status of multicultural space explorers by evaluating dietary, clinical, biochemical, and socioeconomic factors. The study will plan a significant role in providing nutritional research for space explorers of different ethnic backgrounds. It will provide scientific background information by bringing together cross cultural dietary and nutritional from different ethnic groups. Results will also help the health care personnel including physicians, dietitians, and nutritionists to better understand and assist patients from other cultures illness. Also, the results will provide data which will help in the development of future food plans for long duration flights involving manned exploration to Mars and lunar base colonies

    Co-accelerated particles in the C-metric

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    With appropriately chosen parameters, the C-metric represents two uniformly accelerated black holes moving in the opposite directions on the axis of the axial symmetry (the z-axis). The acceleration is caused by nodal singularities located on the z-axis. In the~present paper, geodesics in the~C-metric are examined. In general there exist three types of timelike or null geodesics in the C-metric: geodesics describing particles 1) falling under the black hole horizon; 2)crossing the acceleration horizon; and 3) orbiting around the z-axis and co-accelerating with the black holes. Using an effective potential, it can be shown that there exist stable timelike geodesics of the third type if the product of the parameters of the C-metric, mA, is smaller than a certain critical value. Null geodesics of the third type are always unstable. Special timelike and null geodesics of the third type are also found in an analytical form.Comment: 10 pages, 12 EPS figures, changes mainly in abstract & introductio

    Letter from Frank V. Cornish to John Muir, 1905 Feb 28.

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    [letterhead]Feb 28, 1905My dear Dr. Muir,-I have received the January Bulletin of the Sierra Club with the November Appalachian and believe I am indebted to you for this remembrance. I thank you for this and shall be glad to have you or Miss Helen present my name for membership in the Club if you have not already done so.Father and Mother are well and ask to be remembered. They often speak of the pleasant day spent with you. Father has had a few stereographs of the Grand Canyon sent you which he begs you to receipt in token of friendship.Yours cordially,Frank V. Cornish That the flooding of the Tuol by a [illegible] would not hurt the Yo Nat Park is monstrously untrue. The Tuol & Merced are twin rivers watering all the park & the Yo Val & H H Val are twin YosDam the Tuol Yo for any other reason than because it would be easily dammed the damnation of this mercenary scheme should be made sure honeycombed with private interest s. The only [inch?] of a roof. The only spot to collect wate

    Cosmic Crystallography with a Pullback

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    We present a modified version of the cosmic crystallography method, especially useful for testing closed models of negative spatial curvature. The images of clusters of galaxies in simulated catalogs are ``pulled back'' to the fundamental domain before the set of distances is calculated.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Darwin Meets Einstein: LISA Data Analysis Using Genetic Algorithms

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    This work presents the first application of the method of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to data analysis for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). In the low frequency regime of the LISA band there are expected to be tens of thousands galactic binary systems that will be emitting gravitational waves detectable by LISA. The challenge of parameter extraction of such a large number of sources in the LISA data stream requires a search method that can efficiently explore the large parameter spaces involved. As signals of many of these sources will overlap, a global search method is desired. GAs represent such a global search method for parameter extraction of multiple overlapping sources in the LISA data stream. We find that GAs are able to correctly extract source parameters for overlapping sources. Several optimizations of a basic GA are presented with results derived from applications of the GA searches to simulated LISA data.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Copper cable theft: revisiting the price–theft hypothesis

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    Objectives: To test the commonly espoused but little examined hypothesis that fluctuations in the price of metal are associated with changes in the volume of metal theft. Specifically, we analyze the relationship between the price of copper and the number of police recorded 'live’ copper cable thefts from the British railway network (2006 to 2012)

    Ringing the eigenmodes from compact manifolds

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    We present a method for finding the eigenmodes of the Laplace operator acting on any compact manifold. The procedure can be used to simulate cosmic microwave background fluctuations in multi-connected cosmological models. Other applications include studies of chaotic mixing and quantum chaos.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, IOP format. To be published in the proceedings of the Cleveland Cosmology and Topology Workshop 17-19 Oct 1997. Submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    A survey of spinning test particle orbits in Kerr spacetime

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    We investigate the dynamics of the Papapetrou equations in Kerr spacetime. These equations provide a model for the motion of a relativistic spinning test particle orbiting a rotating (Kerr) black hole. We perform a thorough parameter space search for signs of chaotic dynamics by calculating the Lyapunov exponents for a large variety of initial conditions. We find that the Papapetrou equations admit many chaotic solutions, with the strongest chaos occurring in the case of eccentric orbits with pericenters close to the limit of stability against plunge into a maximally spinning Kerr black hole. Despite the presence of these chaotic solutions, we show that physically realistic solutions to the Papapetrou equations are not chaotic; in all cases, the chaotic solutions either do not correspond to realistic astrophysical systems, or involve a breakdown of the test-particle approximation leading to the Papapetrou equations (or both). As a result, the gravitational radiation from bodies spiraling into much more massive black holes (as detectable, for example, by LISA, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) should not exhibit any signs of chaos.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Follow-up to gr-qc/0210042. Figures are low-resolution in order to satisfy archive size constraints; a high-resolution version is available at http://www.michaelhartl.com/papers

    Chaotic Scattering and Capture of Strings by Black Hole

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    We consider scattering and capture of circular cosmic strings by a Schwarzschild black hole. Although being a priori a very simple axially symmetric two-body problem, it shows all the features of chaotic scattering. In particular, it contains a fractal set of unstable periodic solutions; a so-called strange repellor. We study the different types of trajectories and obtain the fractal dimension of the basin-boundary separating the space of initial conditions according to the different asymptotic outcomes. We also consider the fractal dimension as a function of energy, and discuss the transition from order to chaos.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Stochastic theory of large-scale enzyme-reaction networks: Finite copy number corrections to rate equation models

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    Chemical reactions inside cells occur in compartment volumes in the range of atto- to femtolitres. Physiological concentrations realized in such small volumes imply low copy numbers of interacting molecules with the consequence of considerable fluctuations in the concentrations. In contrast, rate equation models are based on the implicit assumption of infinitely large numbers of interacting molecules, or equivalently, that reactions occur in infinite volumes at constant macroscopic concentrations. In this article we compute the finite-volume corrections (or equivalently the finite copy number corrections) to the solutions of the rate equations for chemical reaction networks composed of arbitrarily large numbers of enzyme-catalyzed reactions which are confined inside a small sub-cellular compartment. This is achieved by applying a mesoscopic version of the quasi-steady state assumption to the exact Fokker-Planck equation associated with the Poisson Representation of the chemical master equation. The procedure yields impressively simple and compact expressions for the finite-volume corrections. We prove that the predictions of the rate equations will always underestimate the actual steady-state substrate concentrations for an enzyme-reaction network confined in a small volume. In particular we show that the finite-volume corrections increase with decreasing sub-cellular volume, decreasing Michaelis-Menten constants and increasing enzyme saturation. The magnitude of the corrections depends sensitively on the topology of the network. The predictions of the theory are shown to be in excellent agreement with stochastic simulations for two types of networks typically associated with protein methylation and metabolism.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; published in The Journal of Chemical Physic
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