198 research outputs found

    Wellness and Multiple Sclerosis: The National MS Society Establishes a Wellness Research Working Group and Research Priorities

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    Background: People with multiple sclerosis (MS) have identified “wellness” and associated behaviors as a high priority based on “social media listening” undertaken by the National MS Society (i.e. the Society). Objective: The Society recently convened a group that consisted of researchers with experience in MS and wellness-related research, Society staff members, and an individual with MS for developing recommendations regarding a wellness research agenda. Method: The members of the group engaged in focal reviews and discussions involving the state of science within three approaches for promoting wellness in MS, namely diet, exercise, and emotional wellness. Results: That process informed a group-mediated activity for developing and prioritizing research goals for wellness in MS. This served as a background for articulating the mission and objectives of the Society’s Wellness Research Working Group. Conclusion: The primary mission of the Wellness Research Working Group is the provision of scientific evidence supporting the application of lifestyle, behavioral, and psychosocial approaches for promoting optimal health of mind, body, and spirit (i.e. wellness) in people with MS as well as managing the disease and its consequences

    The envelope protein of Usutu virus attenuates West Nile virus virulence in immunocompetent mice

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    West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) are the two most widespread mosquito-borne flaviviruses in Europe causing severe neuroinvasive disease in humans. Here, following standardization of the murine model with wild type (wt) viruses, we engineered WNV and USUV genome by reverse genetics. A recombinant virus carrying the 5′ UTR of WNV within the USUV genome backbone (r-USUV5′-UTR WNV) was rescued; when administered to mice this virus did not cause signs or disease as wt USUV suggesting that 5′ UTR of a marked neurotropic parental WNV was not per se a virulence factor. Interestingly, a chimeric virus carrying the envelope (E) protein of USUV in the WNV genome backbone (r-WNVE-USUV) showed an attenuated profile in mice compared to wt WNV but significantly more virulent than wt USUV. Moreover, except when tested against serum samples originating from a live WNV infection, r-WNVE-USUV showed an identical antigenic profile to wt USUV confirming that E is also the major immunodominant protein of USUV

    dp53 Restrains Ectopic Neural Stem Cell Formation in the Drosophila Brain in a Non-Apoptotic Mechanism Involving Archipelago and Cyclin E

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that tumor-initiating stem cells or cancer stem cells (CSCs) possibly originating from normal stem cells may be the root cause of certain malignancies. How stem cell homeostasis is impaired in tumor tissues is not well understood, although certain tumor suppressors have been implicated. In this study, we use the Drosophila neural stem cells (NSCs) called neuroblasts as a model to study this process. Loss-of-function of Numb, a key cell fate determinant with well-conserved mammalian counterparts, leads to the formation of ectopic neuroblasts and a tumor phenotype in the larval brain. Overexpression of the Drosophila tumor suppressor p53 (dp53) was able to suppress ectopic neuroblast formation caused by numb loss-of-function. This occurred in a non-apoptotic manner and was independent of Dacapo, the fly counterpart of the well-characterized mammalian p53 target p21 involved in cellular senescence. The observation that dp53 affected Edu incorporation into neuroblasts led us to test the hypothesis that dp53 acts through regulation of factors involved in cell cycle progression. Our results show that the inhibitory effect of dp53 on ectopic neuroblast formation was mediated largely through its regulation of Cyclin E (Cyc E). Overexpression of Cyc E was able to abrogate dp53′s ability to rescue numb loss-of-function phenotypes. Increasing Cyc E levels by attenuating Archipelago (Ago), a recently identified transcriptional target of dp53 and a negative regulator of Cyc E, had similar effects. Conversely, reducing Cyc E activity by overexpressing Ago blocked ectopic neuroblast formation in numb mutant. Our results reveal an intimate connection between cell cycle progression and NSC self-renewal vs. differentiation control, and indicate that p53-mediated regulation of ectopic NSC self-renewal through the Ago/Cyc E axis becomes particularly important when NSC homeostasis is perturbed as in numb loss-of-function condition. This has important clinical implications

    Accelerated turnover of taste bud cells in mice deficient for the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1

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    Background: Mammalian taste buds contain several specialized cell types that coordinately respond to tastants and communicate with sensory nerves. While it has long been appreciated that these cells undergo continual turnover, little is known concerning how adequate numbers of cells are generated and maintained. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 has been shown to influence cell number in several developing tissues, by coordinating cell cycle exit during cell differentiation. Here, we investigated its involvement in the control of taste cell replacement by examining adult mice with targeted ablation of the p27Kip1 gene.Results: Histological and morphometric analyses of fungiform and circumvallate taste buds reveal no structural differences between wild-type and p27Kip1-null mice. However, when examined in functional assays, mutants show substantial proliferative changes. In BrdU incorporation experiments, more S-phase-labeled precursors appear within circumvallate taste buds at 1 day post-injection, the earliest time point examined. After 1 week, twice as many labeled intragemmal cells are present, but numbers return to wild-type levels by 2 weeks. Mutant taste buds also contain more TUNEL-labeled cells and 50% more apoptotic bodies than wild-type controls. In normal mice, p27 Kip1 is evident in a subset of receptor and presynaptic taste cells beginning about 3 days post-injection, correlating with the onset of taste cell maturation. Loss of gene function, however, does not alter the proportions of distinct immunohistochemically-identified cell types.Conclusions: p27Kip1 participates in taste cell replacement by regulating the number of precursor cells available for entry into taste buds. This is consistent with a role for the protein in timing cell cycle withdrawal in progenitor cells. The equivalence of mutant and wild-type taste buds with regard to cell number, cell types and general structure contrasts with the hyperplasia and tissue disruption seen in certain developing p27Kip1-null sensory organs, and may reflect a compensatory capability inherent in the regenerative taste system

    Laparoscopic versus open splenectomy for nontraumatic diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) is the standard procedure for normal size or moderately enlarged spleens; open splenectomy (OS) is preferred in cases of splenomegaly. In this study, indications for and complications of open and laparoscopic splenectomy were analyzed, with the aim to identify patients who will benefit from either technique. METHOD: A consecutive series of 52 patients undergoing elective open or laparoscopic splenectomy between January 2001 and December 2006 was analyzed. Spleen volume was calculated as length x width x depth from the pathologist's measurements. RESULTS: LS was performed in 25 patients with a median age of 41 years (range = 24-65). OS was performed in 27 patients with a median age of 60 years (range = 24-86) (p < 0.001). Conversion to OS was necessary in two patients (8%). Operation time was significantly shorter in LS (p < 0.05). Spleen volume was significantly greater in patients who underwent open (median = 2520 ml, range = 150-16,800 ml) versus laparoscopic (median = 648 ml, range = 150-4860 ml) splenectomy (p = 0.001). In 36% of all laparoscopic procedures, spleen volume exceeded 1000 ml. The underlying disease was mainly immunothrombocytopenia in LS patients and lymphoma and osteomyelofibrosis in OS patients. Five patients died after OS. Significantly more patients were hospitalized longer than 7 days following OS than following LS (p < 0.05). Overall complication rate was higher after OS (LS, 8; OS, 13 patients; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: LS was preferred in younger patients with moderate splenomegaly, while massive splenomegaly mostly led to OS. In view of the absence of technique-related differences, LS can primarily be attempted in all patients
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