10,561 research outputs found

    Nucleation and growth of rolling contact failure of 440C bearing steel

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    A 'two-body' elasto-plastic finite element model of 2-dimensional rolling and rolling-plus-sliding was developed to treat the effect of surface irregularities. The model consists of a smooth cylinder in contact with a semi-infinite half-space that is either smooth or fitted with one of 0.4 microns deep or 7 microns deep groove, or a 0.4 microns high ridge-like asperity. The model incorporates elastic-linear-kinematic hardening-plastic (ELKP) and non-linear-kinematic hardening-plastic (NLKP) material constitutive relations appropriate for hardened bearing steel and the 440C grade. The calculated contact pressure distribution is Hertzian for smooth body contact, and it displays intense, stationary, pressure spikes superposed on the Hertzian pressure for contact with the grooved and ridged surface. The results obtained for the 0.4 microns deep groove compare well with those reported by Elsharkawy and Hamrock for an EHD lubricated contact. The effect of translating the counterface on the half space as opposed to indenting the half space with the counter face with no translation is studied. The stress and strain values near the surface are found to be similar for the two cases, whereas they are significantly different in the subsurface. It is seen that when tiny shoulders are introduced at the edge of the groove in the finite element model, the incremental plasticity and residual stresses are significantly higher in the vicinity of the right shoulder (rolling direction is from left to right) than at the left shoulder. This may explain the experimental observation that the spall nucleation occurs at the exit end of the artificially planted indents. Pure rolling calculations are compared with rolling + sliding calculations. For a coefficient of friction, mu = 0.1, the effect of friction is found to be small. Efforts were made to identify the material constitutive relations which best describe the deformation characteristics of the bearing steels in the initial few cycles. Elastic-linear-kinematic hardening-plastic (ELKP) material constitutive relations produce less net plastic deformation in the initial stages for a given stress, than seen in experiments. A new set of constitutive relations: non-linear-kinematic hardening-plastic (NLKP) was used. This material model produces more plasticity than the ELKP model and shows promise for treating the net distortions in the early stages. Techniques for performing experimental measurements that can be compared with the finite element calculations were devised. The measurements are being performed on 9mm-diameter, 440C steel cylindrical rolling elements in contact with 12.5 mm-diameter, 52100 steel balls in a 3-ball-rod fatigue test machine operating at 3600 RPM. Artificial, 7 microns deep, indents were inserted on the running track of the cylindrical rolling elements and profilometer measurements of these indents made, before and after the rolling. These preliminary measurements show that the indents are substantially deformed plastically in the process of rolling. The deformations of the groove calculated with the finite element model are comparable to those measured experimentally

    Stationary Points of Scalar Fields Coupled to Gravity

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    We investigate the dynamics of gravity coupled to a scalar field using a non-canonical form of the kinetic term. It is shown that its singular point represents an attractor for classical solutions and the stationary value of the field may occur distant from the minimum of the potential. In this paper properties of universes with such stationary states are considered. We reveal that such state can be responsible for modern dark energy density.Comment: H. Kroger, invited talk, FFP6, Udine (2004), revised version with corrected author lis

    Gravitational Wave Bursts from Collisions of Primordial Black Holes in Clusters

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    The rate of gravitational wave bursts from the mergers of massive primordial black holes in clusters is calculated. Such clusters of black holes can be formed through phase transitions in the early Universe. The central black holes in clusters can serve as the seeds of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei. The expected burst detection rate by the LISA gravitational wave detector is estimated.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Open Questions in Classical Gravity

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    We discuss some outstanding open questions regarding the validity and uniqueness of the standard second order Newton-Einstein classical gravitational theory. On the observational side we discuss the degree to which the realm of validity of Newton's Law of Gravity can actually be extended to distances much larger than the solar system distance scales on which the law was originally established. On the theoretical side we identify some commonly accepted but actually still open to question assumptions which go into the formulating of the standard second order Einstein theory in the first place. In particular, we show that while the familiar second order Poisson gravitational equation (and accordingly its second order covariant Einstein generalization) may be sufficient to yield Newton's Law of Gravity they are not in fact necessary. The standard theory thus still awaits the identification of some principle which would then make it necessary too. We show that current observational information does not exclusively mandate the standard theory, and that the conformal invariant fourth order theory of gravity considered recently by Mannheim and Kazanas is also able to meet the constraints of data, and in fact to do so without the need for any so far unobserved non-luminous or dark matter.Comment: UCONN-93-1, plain TeX format, 22 pages (plus 7 figures - send requests to [email protected]). To appear in a special issue of Foundations of Physics honoring Professor Fritz Rohrlich on the occasion of his retirement, L. P. Horwitz and A. van der Merwe Editors, Plenum Publishing Company, N.Y., Fall 199

    Mechanisms of rolling contact spalling

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    The results of a study aimed at analyzing the mechanical material interactions responsible for rolling contact spalling of the 440 C steel, high pressure oxygen turbopump bearings are presented. A coupled temperature displacement finite element analysis of the effects of friction heating under the contact is presented. The contact is modelled as a stationary, heat generating, 2 dimensional indent in an elastic perfectly plastic half-space with heat fluxes up to 8.6 x 10000 KW/m sq comparable to those generated in the bearing. Local temperatures in excess of 1000 C are treated. The calculations reveal high levels of residual tension after the contact is unloaded and cools. Efforts to promote Mode 2/Mode 3 fatigue crack growth under cyclic torsion in hardened 440 C steel are described. Spalls produced on 440 C steel by a 3 ball/rod rolling contact testing machine were studied with scanning microscopy. The shapes of the cyclic, stress strain hysteresis loops displayed by hardened 440 C steel in cyclic torsion at room temperature are defined for the plastic strain amplitudes encountered in rolling/sliding contact. Results of these analyses are discussed in detail

    Bar imprints on the inner gas kinematics of M33

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    We present measurements of the stellar and gaseous velocities in the central 5' of the Local Group spiral M33. The data were obtained with the ARC 3.5m telescope. Blue and red spectra with resolutions from 2 to 4\AA covering the principal gaseous emission and stellar absorption lines were obtained along the major and minor axes and six other position angles. The observed radial velocities of the ionized gas along the photometric major axis of M33 remain flat at ~22 km s^{-1} all the way into the center, while the stellar velocities show a gradual rise from zero to 22 km s^{-1} over that same region. The central star cluster is at or very close to the dynamical center, with a velocity that is in accordance with M33's systemic velocity to within our uncertainties. Velocities on the minor axis are non-zero out to about 1' from the center in both the stars and gas. Together with the major axis velocities, they point at significant deviations from circular rotation. The most likely explanation for the bulk of the velocity patterns are streaming motions along a weak inner bar with a PA close to that of the minor axis, as suggested by previously published IR photometric images. The presence of bar imprints in M33 implies that all major Local Group galaxies are barred. The non-circular motions over the inner 200 pc make it difficult to constrain the shape of M33's inner dark matter halo profile. If the non-circular motions we find in this nearby Sc galaxy are present in other more distant late-type galaxies, they might be difficult to recognize.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in pres

    Mechanism for the Suppression of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

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    A model for the formation of supermassive primordial black holes in galactic nuclei with the simultaneous suppression of the formation of intermediate-mass black holes is presented. A bimodal mass function for black holes formed through phase transitions in a model with a "Mexican hat" potential has been found. The classical motion of the phase of a complex scalar field during inflation has been taken into account. Possible observational manifestations of primordial black holes in galaxies and constraints on their number are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Analysis of rolling contact spall life in 440 C steel bearing rims

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    The results of a two year study of the mechanisms of spall failure in the HPOTP bearings are described. The objective was to build a foundation for detailed analyses of the contact life in terms of: cyclic plasticity, contact mechanics, spall nucleation, and spall growth. Since the laboratory rolling contact testing is carried out in the 3 ball/rod contact fatigue testing machine, the analysis of the contacts and contact lives produced in this machine received attention. The results from the experimentally observed growth lives are compared with calculated predictions derived from the fracture mechanics calculations