14 research outputs found

    Social adaptation and quality of life in reproductive-aged women with epilepsy

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    The quality-of-life indicators are integral characteristics of treatment and diagnostic measures in modern epileptology.Objective: to assess the social adaptation and quality of life in reproductive-aged women with epilepsy.Subjects and methods. A sociological survey using the Quality of Life Satisfaction questionnaire and the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) was carried out in 352 women living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.Results. At the time of the study, 21.3% of the patients were unemployed. Disability related to epilepsy was in 13.1% of women, mainly in those with cryptogenic (22.3%) and symptomatic (14.4%) epilepsy. Most of the women were unsatisfied with their job activity (55.1%), financial status (64.6%), and physical health (65.3%). Mainly the patients with symptomatic epilepsy reported dissatisfaction with their psychological status. The patients had employment problems (12.5%), inability to work in their specialty (12.5%) and to get the desired specialty (10.3%), and labor maladaptation (8.8%). There was a preponderance of women with higher education (40.3%) and 21.3% continued their studies. Warm family relations and help from relatives and friends (65.4%), hope for their recovery (50.7%), contacts with their friends (30.1%), and plans for future (34.6%) were important for the women to control the disease.Conclusions. The findings suggest that family, personal, maternity problems are more important causes of social maladaptation in epileptic women

    Вакцинация при системной красной волчанке: современное состояние проблемы

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    Vaccination plays an important role in the prevention of infectious diseases in patients with immunoinflammatory diseases. When vaccinating patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), as with other immunoinflammatory rheumatic diseases, its safety is of great importance, including mitigating the risks of the primary disease or the development of new autoimmune phenomena. Many practitioners continue to consider autoimmune diseases as a contraindication for vaccination due to the perceived possibility of their exacerbation and reduced vaccine effectiveness during active immunosuppressive therapy.The lecture presents current data on the immunogenicity, efficacy and safety of vaccines against a number of infections caused by influenza viruses, hepatitis B, Herpes zoster, human papilloma viruses, COVID-19 and pneumococcus in patients with SLE. It has been shown that the benefits of vaccination in patients with SLE significantly outweigh the risk of adverse events or exacerbations of the disease. At the same time, it was noted that the problem of vaccination of such patients requires further study.Вакцинация играет важную роль в профилактике инфекций у пациентов с иммуновоспалительными заболеваниями. При вакцинации пациентов с системной красной волчанкой (СКВ), как и с другими иммуновоспалительными ревматическими заболеваниями, большое значение придается ее безопасности, включая нивелирование рисков основного заболевания или развития новых аутоиммунных феноменов. Многие практикующие врачи продолжают считать аутоиммунные заболевания противопоказанием для вакцинации из-за предполагаемой возможности их обострения и снижения эффективности вакцины на фоне активной иммуносупрессивной терапии.В лекции представлены современные данные об иммуногенности, эффективности и безопасности вакцин против ряда инфекций, вызываемых вирусами гриппа, гепатита В, Herpes zoster, папилломы человека, COVID-19 и пневмококком, у больных СКВ.Показано, что преимущества вакцинации у больных СКВ существенно превосходят риск нежелательных явлений или обострений заболевания. В то же время отмечено, что проблема вакцинации таких пациентов требует дальнейшего изучения

    Стандартный образец тилозина тартрата

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    To date, antibiotics are often used in the treatment of infectious diseases in medicine and veterinary medicine, as well as growth promoters in animal husbandry. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to antibiotic residues in food products that are easily transmitted to humans through food chains. Due to these undesirable effects, as well as in connection with the circulation of substandard and counterfeit medicinal products, it is necessary to control the quality of medicinal products, as well as monitor the food safety of animal products by determining the content of drug residues using reference materials (RMs).The aim of this research was to develop a CRM for the composition of tylosin tartrate.In the course of the research, a method for preparing the initial RM was tested and successfully implemented, a critical analysis of methods for measuring the content of tylosin tartrate was carried out, and the choice of the HPLC method as the main method for quantitative determination of the certified value of the measured quantity (mass fraction of tylosin) was justified. The disadvantages of the microbiological method and the titrimetry method as alternative methods were shown. In accordance with RMG 93–2015 and GOST ISO Guide 35–2015, the standard uncertainty of the RM certified value from the characterization method, heterogeneity and instability of the material was estimated. The expanded uncertainty of the certified value was calculated. The result of the work performed was the approval of a new type of the CRM for the composition of tylosin tartrate GSO 11632 2020.Normalized metrological characteristics: the mass fraction of tylosin is 800–1100 µg/mg, the relative expanded uncertainty at k = 2, P= 0.95 is 6%. The CRM is stored in sealed ampoules separately from food and feed in a dry and dark place at a temperature from plus 4 °C to minus 18 °C, the shelf life of the CRM is 4 years.The practical significance of the results obtained makes it possible to expand the possibility of certification of measurement methods and control of the accuracy of the measurement results of the mass fraction of tylosin in veterinary medicinal products, food and food raw materials, animal feed, and environmental objects. The CRM can also be used to identify tylosin in medicinal products and to determine the susceptibility of pathogens to tylosin.Достаточно часто в современном мире применяют антибиотики для лечения инфекционных заболеваний в медицине и ветеринарии, а также в качестве стимуляторов роста в животноводстве. Бесконтрольное применение антибиотиков приводит к появлению остатков антибиотиков в пищевых продуктах, которые легко передаются человеку по пищевым цепочкам. Из-за этих нежелательных эффектов и в связи с оборотом недоброкачественных и контрафактных лекарственных препаратов необходимо контролировать качество лекарственных препаратов, а также проводить мониторинг пищевой безопасности продукции животноводства путем определения содержания остатков лекарственных препаратов в ней посредством применения стандартных образцов (СО).Целью настоящего исследования стала разработка СО утвержденного типа состава тилозина тартрата.В ходе выполнения исследования апробирована и успешно реализована методика подготовки исходного материала СО, проведен критический анализ методов измерений содержания тилозина тартрата, обоснован выбор метода ВЭЖХ в качестве основного метода количественного определения аттестованного значения измеряемой величины (массовой доли тилозина). Показаны недостатки микробиологического метода и метода титриметрии, рассмотренных в качестве альтернативных методов. В соответствии с РМГ 93–2015 и ГОСТ ISO Guide 35–2015 оценена стандартная неопределенность аттестованного значения СО от метода характеризации, от неоднородности и от нестабильности материала. Рассчитана расширенная неопределенность аттестованного значения. Результатом выполненных работ явилось утверждение нового типа СО состава тилозина тартрата ГСО 11632–2020.Нормированные метрологические характеристики: массовая доля тилозина 800–1100 мкг/мг, относительная расширенная неопределенность при k = 2, Р= 0,95 равна 6%. СО хранится в запаянных ампулах, отдельно от продуктов питания и кормов, в сухом, защищенном от света месте при температуре от +4 °С до -18 °С, срок годности СО 4 года.Практическая значимость полученных результатов позволяет расширить возможность аттестации методик измерений и контроля точности результатов измерений массовой доли тилозина в лекарственных средствах ветеринарного применения, в продуктах питания и продовольственном сырье, кормах для животных, объектах окружающей среды. СО может также использоваться для определения подлинности тилозина в лекарственных средствах и определения чувствительности патогенных микроорганизмов к тилозину

    Инфекции и системные васкулиты

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    Infections and systemic vasculitis (SV) are characterized by mutual influence, which increases the risk of occurrence, aggravates the course and outcome of the disease. The review considers the issues related to both the trigger role of infections in the development of SV and comorbid infections (CI) that complicate the course of the disease. Recognition of the infectious etiology of SV is of great importance, since it requires a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, early and complete etiotropic treatment. Since SV per se and the use of both induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapy are significant risk factors for secondary CIs, special attention should be paid to the prevention of the latter, including vaccination, primarily against influenza and pneumococcal infections.Инфекции и системные васкулиты (СВ) характеризуются взаимным влиянием, что повышает риск возникновения, усугубляет течение и исход заболевания. В обзоре рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся как триггерной роли инфекций в развитии СВ, так и коморбидных инфекций (КИ), осложняющих течение заболевания. Распознавание инфекционной этиологии СВ имеет большое значение, поскольку требует всестороннего обследования и при необходимости раннего и полноценного этиотропного лечения. Поскольку СВ per se и применение как индукционной, так и поддерживающей иммуносупрессивной терапии являются значимыми факторами риска вторичных КИ, особое внимание необходимо уделять предупреждению последних, включая вакцинопрофилактику, в первую очередь против гриппа и пневмококковой инфекции

    Dopaminergic D1 receptor signalling is necessary, but not sufficient for cued fear memory destabilisation

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    Rationale. Pharmacological targeting of memory reconsolidation is a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of fear memory-related disorders. However, the success of reconsolidation-based approaches depends upon the effective destabilisation of the fear memory by memory reactivation. Objectives. Here, we aimed to determine the functional involvement of dopamine D1 receptors in cued fear memory destabilisation, using systemic drug administration. Results. We observed that direct D1 receptor agonism was not sufficient to stimulate tone fear memory destabilisation to facilitate reconsolidation disruption by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. Instead, administration of the nootropic nefiracetam did facilitate mifepristone-induced amnesia, in a manner that was dependent upon dopamine D1 receptor activation, although. Finally, while the combined treatment with nefiracetam and mifepristone did not confer fear-reducing effects under conditions of extinction learning, there was some evidence that mifepristone reduces fear expression irrespective of memory reactivation parameters. Conclusions. The use of combination pharmacological treatment to stimulate memory destabilisation and impair reconsolidation has potential therapeutic benefits, without risking a maladaptive increase of fear

    Does the uterine microbiota affect the reproductive outcomes in women with recurrent implantation failures?

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    Abstract Background Inefficiency of in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs can be caused by implantation failures. The uterine microbiota can influence the implantation process. However, it still remains unclear whether opportunistic microorganisms detected in the endometrium have a negative impact on the implantation success. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of the uterine microbiota on the embryo implantation success in patients undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. Methods The study included 130 women diagnosed with infertility. The patients were divided into three groups: group I included women with the first IVF attempt (n = 39); group II included patients with recurrent implantation failure following embryo transfer with ovarian stimulation (n = 27); group III consisted of women with recurrent implantation failure following frozen-thawed embryo transfer (n = 64). We performed microbiological examination of the embryo transfer catheter which was removed from the uterine cavity after embryo transfer; cervical discharge of all the patients was studied as well. Thirty patients were selected for metagenomic sequencing. Results The study showed that the uterine cavity is not free of microorganisms. A total of 44 species of microorganisms were detected: 26 species of opportunistic organisms and 18 species of commensals (14 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria). Obligate anaerobic microorganisms and Gardnerella vaginalis were detected more frequently in group I compared to group III (strict anaerobes—15.4 and 1.6%; G. vaginalis—12.8 and 1.6%, respectively) (p < 0.05). However, this fact did not have a negative influence on the pregnancy rate: it was 51.3% in group I, it was 29.6% and 35.9% in women with recurrent implantation failures, respectively. Conclusion Opportunistic microorganisms which were revealed in low or moderate titers (103–105 CFU/ml) in the uterine cavity and cervical canal did not affect the pregnancy rate in the women in the study groups. The microflora of the uterine cavity and cervical canal differed in qualitative composition in 87.9% of patients, therefore, we can suggest that the uterine cavity may form its own microbiota. The microbiota of the uterine cavity is characterized by fewer species diversity compared to the microbiota of the cervical canal