13,428 research outputs found

    Functions of perturbed operators

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    We prove that if 0<\a<1 and ff is in the H\"older class \L_\a(\R), then for arbitrary self-adjoint operators AA and BB with bounded ABA-B, the operator f(A)f(B)f(A)-f(B) is bounded and \|f(A)-f(B)\|\le\const\|A-B\|^\a. We prove a similar result for functions ff of the Zygmund class \L_1(\R): \|f(A+K)-2f(A)+f(A-K)\|\le\const\|K\|, where AA and KK are self-adjoint operators. Similar results also hold for all H\"older-Zygmund classes \L_\a(\R), \a>0. We also study properties of the operators f(A)f(B)f(A)-f(B) for f\in\L_\a(\R) and self-adjoint operators AA and BB such that ABA-B belongs to the Schatten--von Neumann class \bS_p. We consider the same problem for higher order differences. Similar results also hold for unitary operators and for contractions.Comment: 6 page

    Chasing 'Slow Light'

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    A critical review of experimental studies of the so-called 'slow light' arising due to anomalously high steepness of the refractive index dispersion under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency or coherent population oscillations is presented. It is shown that a considerable amount of experimental evidence for observation of the 'slow light' is not related to the low group velocity of light and can be easily interpreted in terms of a standard model of interaction of light with a saturable absorber.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, to be published in June issue of Phisics: Uspekhi under the title "Notes on Slow Light

    Spin noise of itinerant fermions

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    We develop a theory of spin noise spectroscopy of itinerant, noninteracting, spin-carrying fermions in different regimes of temperature and disorder. We use kinetic equations for the density matrix in spin variables. We find a general result with a clear physical interpretation, and discuss its dependence on temperature, the size of the system, and applied magnetic field. We consider two classes of experimental probes: 1. electron-spin-resonance (ESR)-type measurements, in which the probe response to a uniform magnetization increases linearly with the volume sampled, and 2. optical Kerr/Faraday rotation-type measurements, in which the probe response to a uniform magnetization increases linearly with the length of the light propagation in the sample, but is independent of the cross section of the light beam. Our theory provides a framework for interpreting recent experiments on atomic gases and conduction electrons in semiconductors and provides a baseline for identifying the effects of interactions on spin noise spectroscopy

    An Interesting Class of Operators with unusual Schatten-von Neumann behavior

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    We consider the class of integral operators Q_\f on L2(R+)L^2(\R_+) of the form (Q_\f f)(x)=\int_0^\be\f (\max\{x,y\})f(y)dy. We discuss necessary and sufficient conditions on ϕ\phi to insure that QϕQ_{\phi} is bounded, compact, or in the Schatten-von Neumann class \bS_p, 1<p<1<p<\infty. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for QϕQ_{\phi} to be a finite rank operator. However, there is a kind of cut-off at p=1p=1, and for membership in \bS_{p}, 0<p10<p\leq1, the situation is more complicated. Although we give various necessary conditions and sufficient conditions relating to Q_{\phi}\in\bS_{p} in that range, we do not have necessary and sufficient conditions. In the most important case p=1p=1, we have a necessary condition and a sufficient condition, using L1L^1 and L2L^2 modulus of continuity, respectively, with a rather small gap in between. A second cut-off occurs at p=1/2p=1/2: if \f is sufficiently smooth and decays reasonably fast, then \qf belongs to the weak Schatten-von Neumann class \wS{1/2}, but never to \bS_{1/2} unless \f=0. We also obtain results for related families of operators acting on L2(R)L^2(\R) and 2(Z)\ell^2(\Z). We further study operations acting on bounded linear operators on L2(R+)L^{2}(\R^{+}) related to the class of operators Q_\f. In particular we study Schur multipliers given by functions of the form ϕ(max{x,y})\phi(\max\{x,y\}) and we study properties of the averaging projection (Hilbert-Schmidt projection) onto the operators of the form Q_\f.Comment: 87 page

    Functions of operators under perturbations of class \bS_p

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    This is a continuation of our paper \cite{AP2}. We prove that for functions ff in the H\"older class \L_\a(\R) and 1, the operator f(A)f(B)f(A)-f(B) belongs to \bS_{p/\a}, whenever AA and BB are self-adjoint operators with A-B\in\bS_p. We also obtain sharp estimates for the Schatten--von Neumann norms \big\|f(A)-f(B)\big\|_{\bS_{p/\a}} in terms of \|A-B\|_{\bS_p} and establish similar results for other operator ideals. We also estimate Schatten--von Neumann norms of higher order differences \sum\limits_{j=0}^m(-1)^{m-j}(m\j)f\big(A+jK\big). We prove that analogous results hold for functions on the unit circle and unitary operators and for analytic functions in the unit disk and contractions. Then we find necessary conditions on ff for f(A)f(B)f(A)-f(B) to belong to \bS_q under the assumption that A-B\in\bS_p. We also obtain Schatten--von Neumann estimates for quasicommutators f(A)QQf(B)f(A)Q-Qf(B), and introduce a spectral shift function and find a trace formula for operators of the form f(AK)2f(A)+f(A+K)f(A-K)-2f(A)+f(A+K).Comment: 49 page

    High Bandwidth Atomic Magnetometery with Continuous Quantum Non-demolition Measurements

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    We describe an experimental study of spin-projection noise in a high sensitivity alkali-metal magnetometer. We demonstrate a four-fold improvement in the measurement bandwidth of the magnetometer using continuous quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements. Operating in the scalar mode with a measurement volume of 2 cm^3 we achieve magnetic field sensitivity of 22 fT/Hz^(1/2) and a bandwidth of 1.9 kHz with a spin polarization of only 1%. Our experimental arrangement is naturally back-action evading and can be used to realize sub-fT sensitivity with a highly polarized spin-squeezed atomic vapor.Comment: 4 page