11 research outputs found

    Le 'Annotationi' di Piccolomini e la 'Poetica' di Castelvetro a confronto: tecnica argomentativa, vocabolario critico, dispositivi esegetici

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    This essay contrasts Alessandro Piccolomini and Lodovico Castelvetro’s commentaries on Aristotle’s Poetics by analysing the exegetical and rhetorical strategies adopted by Pic- colomini, who regularly rejected Castelvetro’s positions through the technique of allusion. A careful study of the autograph manuscript of the Annotationi (1575) shows that only in the final step of his textual revision did Piccolomini adopt the allusive phrase “alcuni spositori in lingua nostra”, and that, in so doing, he was borrowing from Castelvetro’s Poetica ... vulgarizzata et sposta (1570). Furthermore, this paper demonstrates how Piccolomini also borrowed from Castelvetro a large set of translational choices as well as a specific use of the square brackets, and how he refined their function. A particular focus concerns the use of contrasting commentary forms and different approaches to linguistic issues

    Impacts of double-diffusive processes on the thermohaline circulation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Physical Oceanography (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 150-157).Double-diffusive processes are studied and parameterized, and their impacts on the oceanic thermohaline circulation are investigated by single-hemisphere numerical models and scaling analysis. Scaling analysis on the thermohaline circulation has been done under three types of surface boundary conditions. (a) Under "relaxation" conditions, there is a two-thirds power law dependence of the meridional overturning rate (and the poleward heat transport) on the diapycnal diffusivity. For any given external forcing, there is only one equilibrium state for the thermohaline circulation. (b) Under "flux" boundary conditions, there is a half power law dependence of the meridional overturning rate on the diapycnal diffusivity. Only one mode is possible for given external forcing. (c) Under "mixed" boundary conditions, multiple equilibria become possible. For given thermal forcing, the existence of multiple equilibria depends on the relative contributions of diapycnal diffusivity and the hydrologic forcing. Numerical experiments are implemented to test the above scaling arguments. Consistent results have been obtained under the above three types of boundary conditions. These provide a basis for understanding how the thermohaline circulation depends on the diapycnal diffusivity, which we know is influenced by the double-diffusive processes of "salt fingering" and "diffusive layering" in some parts of the ocean. In order to examine this issue, the double-diffusive processes are parameterized by diapycnal eddy diffusivities for heat and salt that are different and depend on the local density ratio, ... A background diffusivity is applied to represent turbulent mixing in the stratified environment. The implementation of this double-diffusive - parameterization in numerical models has significant impacts on the thermohaline circulation. (a) Under "relaxation" boundary conditions, the meridional overturning rate and the poleward heat transport are reduced, and water mass properties are also changed. Similar results are obtained under "flux" boundary conditions. (b) Under "mixed" boundary conditions, the critical freshwater flux for the existence of the thermal mode becomes smaller with the double-diffusive parameterization. The extent to which the thermohaline circulation is affected by double-diffusive processes depends on the magnitude of the freshwater forcing.by Jubao Zhang.Ph.D

    Doctrinas sagradas que declaran el modo o medio que deven tener los principios para gobernar sus dominios en los tres estados político, militar y económico

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    Letra de finales del siglo XVIII. Encuadernación: Carece de encuadernacion. Deterioradas las primeras hojas y la ultima | Marcas procedencia: Biblioteca Provincial y de la Universidad de SevillaA 331/15

    Perinatal and early life risk factors for cardiometabolic disease in young people

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    The Barker hypothesis and Developmental Origins of Health And Disease highlight the importance of the perinatal and early life stages for shaping health into adolescence and adulthood. Assessing the health of the vasculature in youth can be used to identify those at increased risk of adult cardiovascular disease. This thesis presents research investigating the association between exposure to risk factors during early life and early signs of cardiometabolic disease risk in young people by assessing aortic intima-media thickness (aIMT), pulse wave velocity (PWV) and heart rate variability (HRV). Two systematic reviews investigated early life risk factors and their association with altered vascular health during the first 1,000 days of life. In Chapter 2, outcomes from pregnancy including small for gestational age (SGA), intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia and large for gestational were associated with greater aIMT in youth compared with controls. Chapter 3 found limited evidence that youth exposed to maternal diabetes or born SGA have increased arterial stiffness (PWV) compared to controls. Chapter 4 showed that children aged two to five years of age exposed to intrauterine preeclampsia did not have altered vascular health (aIMT or PWV) compared to normotensive controls. Chapter 5 showed that youth with type 2 diabetes have a higher frequency of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (assessed by HRV) and present with higher rates of severe obesity and more vascular complications including hypertension, peripheral nerve abnormality and albuminuria, compared with youth with type 1 diabetes. The main findings of this thesis are that maternal factors and adverse early life exposures, particularly during pregnancy, may increase risk of CVD in later life. Targeting modifiable risk factors including diet, exercise and weight, in youth with early life exposures may be pertinent to reduce the future risk of cardiovascular disease

    Contemporary tombak playing in Iran : an ethnographic experience of practice, interaction and music making

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    The aim of this work is to highlight the growth and establishment of tombak playing within the domain of Iranian music over the last century, a period which stimulated tombak players to advance and elaborate their playing techniques, to enrich their rhythmic patterns, to formulate, expand and diffuse the notation for the tombak, and to originate new types and genres of tombak playing: the tombak solo, duet and group tombak. I emphasize the role of tombak players, equally important to other musicians and yet neglected,in the history and the aesthetic development of Iranian music. I examine the traditional role of the tombak as an accompaniment instrument from the late Qajar period until the present day, and explore how the new genres fit in contemporary Iranian music, and in particular, the dynamic development of the tombak solo, as a genre in search for its own "independent" identity. Developing this theme, my intention is to relate the dual nature of the tombak, as both an accompaniment and a solo instrument, to the identity of the contemporary tombak player. In this frame of reference I analyse the music profile of the urban professional tombak player, who is depicted as interacting in a wide web of socio-musical relationships which have professional, personal and intimate aspects. In addition, I investigate how the socio-cultural context affected musical creativity and the status of musicians in general, and the tombak player in particular, before and after the Revolution. This ethnography is based on reflexive experience and interpersonal interactions in the course of ethnomusicological field research in Tehran, where the multiple voices of living individuals have ultimate significance in understanding the music culture of the contemporary tombak players in Iran

    A critical analysis of the Scholia Demosthenica on the First Olynthiac

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    The thesis consists of a critical analysis of the scholia Demosthenica on the First Olynthiac. The merits of the scholia are discussed through an examination of the different traditions of scholia on the speech. The thesis also contains a discussion of the value of the prolegomena Ulpiani and its relationship to the scholia proper. It is apparent that the author of the prolegomena was aware of different interpretations of the speech which have, in some cases, been preserved in the scholia. The sources of the scholia are examined and certain individuals have been identified as posible authors. Of particular interest is the possiblity that Menander Rhetor may be the author of a long unified commentary which is found in one codex. The influence of the Alexandrians appears to be less significant than is widely held. A summary of the development of commentaries and the function of scholia within that tradition is also provided. The thesis offers a complement to general works on rhetoric. The comments contained in the scholia and prolegomena are found to be perceptive and provide a fresh approach to the study of Demosthenes' speeches. There are clear indications that the scholia Demosthenica have been undervalued in the past


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    Scrittori italiani di politica, economia e storia- Suite du contract social (1765) #11- Delle leggi civili reali (1766) #111- Note allo spirito delle leggi di Montesquieu (1768) #197- Dalla biblioteca oltremontana (1787-1788) #443- Saggio filosofico intorno alcuni articoli importanti di legislazione civile (1790) #523- Lettere #629- Bibliografia #697- Indice del volume #78

    Placental Features and Newborn Viability in the Thoroughbred Horse

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    This study was aimed to characterize morphological findings of 29 placentas collected immediately after normal, spontaneous foaling and to evaluate newborn development and viability in thoroughbred horses. Morphological evaluation included complete placenta examination, gross lesion characterization and area measurement, and histopathological exam of selected area of placenta (pregnant and non-pregnant horn, cervical star, body and damaged area). According to gross lesion area, characteristics about villi, presence of fibrosis, oedema, inflammation and every other abnormal finding, the placentas were classified in four morphological classes (MC) from the best (class 1) to the worst (class 4). Foal viability was evaluated by APGAR test and by time to stand up and time for suckling record, while foals development was evaluated by body weight. Age of mares, pregnancy length, and characteristics of the early post-partum were also evaluated. Spearman correlation test was used to evaluate relationship among each parameter. Increased MC had a negative influence on APGAR index (p < 0.001), time to stand up of foals (p < 0.05), and with post-partum endometritis occurrence (p < 0.05). Increased allantochorion weight and area had a negative influence on time to stand up of the newborn (p < 0.05). In the same way, aged mare had a negative influence on time to stand up of foals (p < 0.05). The foal body weight was positively correlated with pregnancy length (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, morphological evaluation of placenta provides useful information about both newborn viability and endometritis occurrence in mares

    Online detection of an emotional response of a horse during physical activity

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    The objective of this research was to develop a non-invasive method to detect an emotional response of a horse to novelty during physical activity. Two horses performed 20 trials each, in which the horse's heart rate (HR) and physical activity were continuously measured. The relationship between the horse's physical activity and HR was described by a mathematical model allowing online decomposition of the horse's HR into a physical component and a component containing information about its emotional state. Exposure to the novel object resulted in an increase in the emotional component of HR, which allowed automatic detection of an emotional response of the horse in 33/40 trials. In the remaining seven trials no stable model could be built or data were missing. The results show that model-based decomposition of HR can be a useful tool for quantification of certain aspects of temperament