81 research outputs found

    The simulation model of the computer cluster

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    Simulation is often used in cases when it is impossible to carry out experiments with real complex objects. The article represents the description of the computer cluster simulation model. Parameters, which affect the cluster performance, were selected, a simulation model was designed, and experiments were conducted. The obtained model allowed finding the optimal variant of the cluster performance, which consists of five computers

    The specifics of innovation in tourism in the new normal

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    Continuous data update on current trends and development perspectives, consumer preferences and innovative solutions in Travel & Tourism requires flexibility and a complex integrity-based approach using Agile and simultaneous development of the content and its verbal component, and compact packaging of new knowledge. The choice of precedent sources of professional and thematic aspect of linguistic knowledge is subject to the principles of integration teaching and functional conditionality for further realisation of activity-communicative needs of future specialists in international hotel-tourism business. The research findings in changing tourism business models and terminology are packed in a cumulative matrix of impact factors, newly formed customer segments and emerging business models


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    The rapid digitalization of the economy since the early 2010s thanks to the rapid development of the mobile Internet and artificial intelligence was accelerated by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, which caused catastrophic losses in international tourism in 2020. This article considers the perception of the tourist region by the young generation of the era of smartphones and social networks and sets objectives of adapting tourism in the world of VUCA – a world of instability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. The priority strategies of tourism development in the regions: the introduction of the unseen tourism management technologies and creation of the online platform of youth leisure, development of concepts modern use of historic buildings while preserving their historical authenticity and romantic atmosphere, organization of public spaces for the exchange of experiences between generations on the basis of mutuall interest and encouragement of projects engaging young people with disabilities. There is a need for long-term planning and the formation of a global system of universal values and human understanding of their place in the “new reality”. This vector of development will lead to a new level of humanity in the future 5–10 years

    Features of value orientations teachers of preschool education

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    The article presents the results of studying the features of value orientations among teachers of preschool educationВ статье представлены результаты изучения особенностей ценностных ориентаций у педагогов дошкольных образовательных организаци

    Perspectives on retro-tram in tourism

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    Actualization of cultural heritage based on the nostalgic feeling of the good old days is one of the prospective trends in tourism development in times of crisis. Slowing down the pace of life and time perception are in strong demand due to the overall informatization, growing constraints and risk of uncertainty in the world. The study reveals the factors to manage time perception, describes the concept of the retro style and gives assessment to retro-tram in tourism basing on local and international practices. As a result of the research, the study suggests the concept of the sightseeing retro-tram from the perspectives of the human physiological perception and cultural studies while the results of the cross-case study analysis are summarized as a matrix of managerial recommendations so that to involve it in the tourism industry activities

    Cross-cultural features of tour groups service from Sri Lanka

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    An important component of the tourist image of the region is the monitoring of area customer's satisfaction with the level and volume of services provided. There are certain special requirements to anticipate needs of guests from any of the countries, at the same time the most apparent differences concern welcoming guests from Asian countries. The theoretical material of cross-cultural approach to social and business communications has been summarized in the article, the challenges have been revealed and areas for improving quality of tourist services for mass tourism and incentive tour package groups from Sri Lanka have been considered


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    This article discusses the cleaning system of I circuit sodium of IV unit of the Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant.В данной статье рассматривается система очистки натрия I контура IV энергоблока Белоярской атомной станции


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    The report examines the design and basic specifications of chamber electric resistance EOS 6,3. The operation of the furnace, it identified the main shortcomings, offered effective measures for modernization and reducing energy consumption.В докладе рассмотрены конструкция и основные технические характеристики камерной электропечи сопротивления СНЗ 6,3. Проанализирована работа печи, выявлены основные ее недостатки, предложены эффективные мероприятия для технического и снижения потребления энергии

    Estimation of social network user's influence in a given area of expertise

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    Nowadays social networks are frequently used to express personal opinion on a topic of interest. Some users' opinion has more informational influence than others do. These users are called influential users. There are services that allow evaluating how popular and influential users are; however, any information on evaluation methods is proprietary and represents know-how of such software services. Furthermore, most services could not provide extensive data on the influential users within the specified area of knowledge. This article proposes the method of evaluating a user influence index within a social network in a given area of expertise