35 research outputs found

    Analytical properties of solutions of the Schrödinger equation and quantization of charge

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    The Schwinger--DeWitt expansion for the evolution operator kernel is used to investigate analytical properties of the Schr\"odinger equation solution in time variable. It is shown, that this expansion, which is in general asymptotic, converges for a number of potentials (widely used, in particular, in one-dimensional many-body problems), and besides, the convergence takes place only for definite discrete values of the coupling constant. For other values of charge the divergent expansion determines the functions having essential singularity at origin (beyond usual \delta-function). This does not permit one to fulfil the initial condition. So, the function obtained from the Schr\"odinger equation cannot be the evolution operator kernel. The latter, rigorously speaking, does not exist in this case. Thus, the kernel exists only for definite potentials, and moreover, at the considered examples the charge may have only quantized values

    Asymptotics of Expansion of the Evolution Operator Kernel in Powers of Time Interval Δt\Delta t

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    The upper bound for asymptotic behavior of the coefficients of expansion of the evolution operator kernel in powers of the time interval \Dt was obtained. It is found that for the nonpolynomial potentials the coefficients may increase as n!n!. But increasing may be more slow if the contributions with opposite signs cancel each other. Particularly, it is not excluded that for number of the potentials the expansion is convergent. For the polynomial potentials \Dt-expansion is certainly asymptotic one. The coefficients increase in this case as Γ(nL2L+2)\Gamma(n \frac{L-2}{L+2}), where LL is the order of the polynom. It means that the point \Dt=0 is singular point of the kernel.Comment: 12 pp., LaTe


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    Nursing staff plays a key role in the organization of palliative care. The nurse has great opportunities to establish psychological contacts with the patient, which will promote adequate and organized care.Nursing care, as one of the components of hospice care, helps to detect depression and control it in time.Сестринський персонал відіграє ключову роль в організації паліативної допомоги. Медична сестра має великі можливості налагодити психологічний контакт із пацієнтом, що сприятиме адекватному і організованому догляду. Медсестринський догляд, як один із складових хоспісної допомоги, допомагає виявити депресивні стани та вчасно контролювати їх. Когнітивно-поведінкову психотерапію вважають пріоритетним способом, який полягає в навчанні хворого вміння контролювати власні емоції, мислення, поведінку

    Peculiarities of the epidemic process of viral hepatitis B in the city of Yekaterinburg (2011-2021)

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the trend of the epidemic process of viral hepatitis B in the city of Yekaterinburg in the long–term dynamics.Цель исследования – оценить тенденцию эпидемического процесса вирусного гепатита В в городе Екатеринбурге в многолетней динамике

    Толерантность к социальным неравенствам в эпоху неопределенности в России: важна ли субъективная мобильность?

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    Based on the data of all-Russian representative studies conducted within the framework of the international ISSP program in 1992-2019, as well as the 2020 study of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the article examines the perception of social inequality by the population, its dynamics, and the role of social mobility as a factor in its differentiation. The authors show that, in terms of the perception of income inequality by the population, the situation resembles the one seen in the 1990s, during a completely different stage of the country's development. The overwhelming majority of Russians today consider income inequality to be unnecessarily high and unfair. Such perceptions and the associated high demand for redistribution do not differ across socio-demographic and socio-economic groups. The experience of social mobility also does not lead to significant differentiation in this respect, and the expected mobility in the medium term is characterized by a weak influence. Only short-term expectations work relatively noticeably in this regard: if they are positive, they reduce the negative perception of income inequality and the demand for redistribution. As for the perception of non-monetary inequalities, normative ideas about their minimization aimed at achieving social justice turn out to be similar in groups with different directions of expected or already completed mobility. Thereby, the perception of both monetary and non-monetary inequalities, as well as requests for their reduction, are formed to a greater extent on the basis of normative ideas about the "proper" structure of society and an assessment of its compliance with the observed reality than on the characteristics of an individual situation, including expected or actual mobility


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    Nursing staff play a key role in the organization of palliative care for people living with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Palliative care is a holistic approach, consisting of a medical, social, psychological and spiritual component. A nurse is the key person in the environment of the patient who provides proper medical care, qualified assessment and psychological support to palliative patients.Сестринський персонал відіграє ключову роль в організації паліативної допомоги хворим на ВІЛ/СНІД та туберкульоз. Паліативна допомога є цілісним підходом, що складається з медичного, соціального, психологічного та духовного компонентів. Медсестра – ключова особа в оточенні пацієнта, яка забезпечує належну медичну допомогу, кваліфікований догляд та психологічну підтримку паліативним пацієнтам

    The incidence of maternity and newborn infections associated with the provision of medical care in obstetric hospitals in Yekaterinburg

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the incidence, structure and etiology of infections associated with medical care in obstetric hospitals in Yekaterinburg.Цель исследования – оценить заболеваемость, структуру и этиологию инфекций, связанных с оказанием медицинской помощи, в акушерских стационарах г. Екатеринбурга